Lawsuit 453: Manner to the last lawsuit 452 and Lawsuit 400 on the rudimentary subjects other than the listing

Date: Dec 1st, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: You know what’s a noble job, you die on the Earth welfare, FDA every ground without a dusty chemical contamination including the nuclear waste, to uncared the human error, you carry your life on the jobs, not romance. 

I gonna give you an example being eco and considerating to your aging parents like your mom. Without your dad helping.

I have a room both Tina and Pang running in and out with their socks they need friends to breath life when they ABC home country to their bad attitude.
Your mother wipe the entire room + my laundry, I only floor mop, bathroom wipe my liking of chemical including the kitchen sometimes the sink, fridge, external, internal or my room opens about 4 marble tiles, big, to the TV side.
She saves so she use the mop.
I go out buy the alcohol wipe, it’s my desk top, keyboard, PC, marble floor, head bed, all desk area including your photo my background those closet. The bathroom I have water tanks or + baking soda.
Or toilet period girls stuffs with the Taiwan local brand for magic !! My room has invisible “guys”, oh my God, I have to be in the water just under the facet, my mouth, my eyes, my arms, with the alkaline water to my two arms currently.
There is nothing I am exaggerating about the public health, the women healthy, the cold the hot water., the diets, the juicing, the shampoo… it’s your never stop WASHING with your 4 limbs indoor.
Don’t bother talking to me until your public health reach right.
Your weather system are latitude higher. You are continent weather, you need scarf, zip it up to your zipper throat. You do not tough 10 fingers at anywhere your eyes, your mouth, your nose.
You will be using that soap 100 times per day + you enter an indoor, you shower and discompose that outfit for the later day afternoon or washing machine.
I hate everything wrong I ever seen.
All of it. 

Manner, when you alcohol wipe I didn’t specify for helping your mother in the kitchen + floor+fridge+external in case my bugs or lizard crawl…..internal juice leaking bottle ice skating. 小巨蛋
My mother didn’t know I was bothered every degree I say thing needs to be wipe so she does her daily chores.
It will be included the extra other times on the doors, locks, my door, her bathroom, my bathroom door, drawer handler, fridge handler, windows, none stop just keep wiping the alcohol wipe. Where both her hands and my hands touched including the shared facet. 

Your metabolism are fat. That Indian Lieutenant I heard it’s just as sicko as me on white clean. You better hear what I say. Not one tiny dusty….the exactly cleaning procedure not every mouthful pretending jobs. 

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