
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

是哪一張照片他要自己認為叫做我看見 ... 他家附近?

這是現實版,我怎麼買,還是他怎麼自己變成綠色? 你們要不要印一疊照片在他死之前,他見過的可能跟這電影叫做遙遠的對望? 他家的樹擋到了啦 ! 他們以前好像也不是住那邊吧 ? 他們的吊燈是車門呀 ! 後面....右邊 ~!他是不是要去一下里長辦公室小小的,他的後門正後面

以前在吃素的地方那一條的哪邊我不記得了,是里長吧 ! 你們知道這兩邊出口,在永大電機現在叫做日立,那是日本的冷氣機,我家冷氣機這台灣以後 40 年就蒸發我告訴妳們,這樓下是有時候有昭告天下,像說保育局就是動物什麼的 ....我有看呀 !

你們有沒叫他去站在哪個高處一下? 不是只是那個 W 兩個世界而已?

如果哈佛那邊同意,意思就是以後我的出口會在他那一條街,他的警衛需要知道嗎 ? 如果繼續叫做,因為這一個 unit 是兩戶打通,你們看過這國家大廈在永大電機的遙遠做了什麼誇張事情?四個 Balcony?~然後這永大電機把他們自己的樓層外面漆成全部白色 ...

你們沒有覺得很誇張嗎 ? 

因為是兩戶打開,這邊開過去的對面,講說鄰居是我哪年開始認識一個一個買下去打開的意思? 那樓上呢?你們現在台北市是不能新建,我想把全部的邊邊給我架那種高高的拄擋人做很誇張的事情 ...有點像

W 兩個世界 跟 那個人的記憶法則 ( Wing? How does this Wing lost forgotton his memory? To become the Radio host? )

這個如果買下來是一個澆花澆樹的一個老人 ...我需要多快叫做認識他人呢? 繳管理費才會認識吧 !

我們不太像認識啦.....他說嗨!  我常常衝出來罵小鳥是白天呀 !  我叫小鳥『小鳥,不要在說了!』

我在看棋靈王 !!! Sai 快消失了~是我們現在嗎 ?( What did you guys do?) 台灣~有時在嘛 ?我在按摩看電視但是,我有事情... ...(哈佛 Harvard University)

你們知道警察最近應該在我這邊吧 ? 我今天才看到那些電影,我的叔叔是機師,這件事情你們知道吧 ? 電影

Good Dinasour

The Age of Adeline (Adenine, ACGT 是 DNA 基本 codes, Codon 是指三個連在一起的)

你們可不可以把 8:00-8:30 這個爺爺奶奶的事情,我弟弟什麼跟棋盤我要消失的翻出來!  這將軍府的人聽說是家眷可以一直在...看過開場的 Good Dinasour 嗎 ? 這 Pinterest 有些東西其實不是我擺出來的! 那個很誇張的樓梯~要鑲東西在講我弟弟變成鬼吧 ? 舍利弗,這我要稱時間,我就算用上觀音法門之後,她變成鬼之後我會跟她自己說的 ! 

觀音法門可以延年益壽! 對~

電影: Good Dinasour

這有一個野小孩是往下面看,這邊要買過去,我暫時五十歲之前沒有要那麼誇張吧 ... 我要跟你們是說我當初阿公是里長,就是我不清楚是哪個冥王星的哪個小小區長還是里長,但是那邊他的鑰使之上面是要變成多兩層,是都市更新嗎 ? 你們看過林更新沒? 我看過『楚喬傳』『不不驚心』

電影: The Age of Adeline

你們有沒有覺得你們常常看到那個蘋果總裁 Steve Jobs 常常出生跟死亡,在出生,這一次你們要不要弄清楚這錢他自己跟自己的長相去跟 ET 談?


我這種東西要做事情,我會去做到,一百年也好兩百年也好 ...你們所謂都市更新還有這將軍府變成 二分之一...我家郵局的旁邊,你們沒有覺得很剛巧,你們有沒有覺得除了叫做我一百年以後從上面往下面看,那個將軍到底是誰?他要變成鬼跑來這邊弄我嗎 ?你們有沒有覺得必要找到他講一聲,怎麼會有隻綠色的??? 恐龍是說烏龜那種 ET Reptilian 他知道世界上有 ET 嗎 ?

我們這邊的里長辦公室其實沒有離他很遠,或是他的家眷? 我以前見過...他們打籃球! 里長的辦公室就是給人去量血壓的 ! 


這邊一整個上面被我拿下會不會很誇張?這將軍以前住哪一層樓以前?他斜前面就是三角形的素食呀!那個正上面 ! 我都是住在這附近~我是知道這附近,他有沒有需要去看好這電影?

這跟他的世界叫做 ET 有關嗎 ?

你們有沒有覺得人是要去賺錢,不是有人說往哪邊買就是不需要看價錢? 你們沒有覺得很誇張? 很多東西不是我擺的耶! 

💝🥪 Are you ever regret you pick that study, for the rest of your life, your direction has to be that?! 💝🥪

You know you have a passion to stick in it no matter what, the whole years, the whole decades pass?

💝 You so sure about that? You want nothing but the math in your soul, your mind, your every peripheral are nothing but math? Did you reason with yourself what you wish for? You are wishing to be me Anna, you mean, no karma pressure from anyone, just one chart....for the rest of my life? I thought I done better than that, really....of many other relevant discoveries I have. I just didn't publish the whole book, I burn down everything through that Iphone?

🥪 You cannot be on the very Top, like the periodic Table, you have to realize, you can only does those everyone does in the University, including that was how Lee started?! You have to enter a real environment to keep researching. Meaning having a thesis starting on your undergraduate to all the way get through all the Ph.D, to Post Doc, to then hoping to get hire somewhere the White community those Professor agreeing with you?

You didn't think I was gambling, I had a no future to start, those things in my room? ITs no matter what, I gonna give up my life for this....you ever think what I actually thought about. Not just my life completely ruin, its no matter what I have no future whatsoever?

Did you determine what you yourself as a a girl can take in life, what put in front of you, in case you pushing it to succeed? What are those preparation you can handle no matter what? Just every theory you then, you imagine you pitch in by others tutoring to you?

Which theory you imagine you can do just that?

Be in inside your hand? By chance?

Mr and Mrs Smith is on my CNN and today right now movie....2 mins?

I was reading what .....A police name Smith!

Your professors are so giant wavey flag looking.....you don't want to write about Planet 1 to 9, what else independent without them, you are studying at?

None of them are NASA major?! 

I gain weight, so now I have an instant noodle, feeling like to eat....maybe a few sip on the chocolate milk. I drink like 3 bottle milks + 3 chocolate yesterday, so I am 65.05 this morning.

I just eat anyway....

This Mahavatar Babaji push me, these birds pushing me, these Indian lieutanent pushing me. What's going on and on?

Have you thought that one weekend Friday night, or Saturday night, you succeed....your next weekend or every weekend after, you have no more week days +weekend? 

You finish your fantasy in Physics? When you choosen that close door, or close book Hunger Game/ Catching Fire....windows to when you just shut off the internet? I don't have to be here Blah on.... WHEN?

I mean when you will be close off your Door to your internal struggle of all things all by yourself....you will always have the internet?

That is the Hunger Game?

How long I have to keep doing this ....

You have a Earth known as the internal heating sources, called Earth Grill, Earth heat as the renewable energy, remember that? Not Russian on Waste heat will always on the formula no matter what, just we will NEVER NEVER NEVER turn those energy, such as the mechanical temperature raise high, those are the waste heat on the machine their body itself...you can NEVER extract those heating ground off the machine, you could pour the water on top to cool it off, but NEVER re-useable them. That is why they are the waste heat, BUT...

They are the part of the equation. As the heating being release in the space.  That is why you have a formula to define all that, you do not waste the numerical data for saying, you cannot SEE or OBSERVE with the barren eye sight, something did happened....it will be your thernamonter on that machine to the waste heat form /formats.

Understand that?

So for saying that, the Earth itself has the internal structure, we are on the surface, like the Apple SKin in the Sailor Venus, I repeat that gazillion time, not just the 5 Lords reviews never stop to end in the painting If Were O U Apple.....put a rectangle themselves, to become a Dream W Two World? How funny.....that is a humor, where everyone will end up in my stomach, I just swallowing it down? Ever think what I say at all?

Can you imagine one day what it really says?





I know what is the Adenine....

There are A (Adenine) C G T, your 4 basic DNA base.





In the Physics, its a world have nothing but math ! Everything is the formula sheet. more and more math skills required. In there, they give you a basic definition of the cylinder, the globe, a 3D structure of several basic formula, not the gravity, just the shape...

In the Pythagoras time, they called the Points of those Universe Big Worlds, the numerology. These points of frameworks like in Chemistry, you will be learning how the strongest bond between the compound, its the 5 or 6 bonds, not 4 bonds. Bones meaning the single Carbon those bond, or the 6 member ring, there is a double bond in it. That results a resonance structure, how they saying this BAZAAR 6 Eyes governmental structure you will never breaking them in the Universe, like the Pink Networks. 

In this points of frames, none of them adding a gravity to spell a planet, for that....most of us don't go in those study, how the gravity revolving a concept those things will forever fallen in that space and time. You throw something in the air, it will vertical drop like that Simon, Loving The Silent Tear background.

You throw something to the horizontal line, it will eventually drop with the curve down, to the ground. Both, you define a formula for that g or a....how g will always be equal on Earth 9.8 m/s2.

That is meter per square second.

Those velocity value define as v.

to that there is V2 or V1, or V0, however you define this value, the initial and the fallen speed, because that is all you can measure on your lab, to make an experiment, to get into the University to acquire a funding through anywhere including the Washington D.C, if their committee board says, "Go head. Make your case." 

(Shut up, don't talk.....you doing this like you having a language, shut up~~~~~~)

The Earth, the Planet itself

Do you understand you cannot live anywhere other than your existing condition right on the Earth, the Earthly mother?! 

They provide you life to breath, to drink, to eat, to nurture, to foster life here with the system you can seeing yourself having a physical body. That definition will not change your human body can liquidize to the Liquid dream. No.

Every Planet in the Solar System

They are defining on the comic book as the inner or the outter senshi.

At least you will get 9 planets, by per weight, per satellites, per size just more like the solid data in your hands will sound like you trying to be a professional, when they hearing you without the details why you have this chart inside your hand, showing up there. 

The Gravity to each Size Matter, including how you understand the Equator of our Earth right here.

Do you know how the definitinon to the sun, difference to the planet?

How the evolution of a sun will evolve to become the eventually? In the modern trending of all the star books, they will telling you those are by the nake eyes on the brightness, to that perceiving color, not infred red, your eyes measurement of the color you can define, yellow, or darken red, if that is what they end up on the Nibiru to sent to the Dark Star.

That is not Dark or they would have been dead in the black hole. Its a dwart they might have categorize, I already forgotton what they say. 

Why don't you just do all that, for now? Re-think? I thought you are all engineer on the mechanic idea, never on the Planet?  When it becomes a hot topics, starting on when I Anna opening up my mouth? How funny....its not every subject line, I open my mouth and talk?

💖💞🍤🥪⭐ I add those details in the Lawsuit 399, lets continue that you all trying to make it patent 9 planets Star World. Its a channel here on us Channel 45 💖💞🍤🥪⭐

You have 9 planets definition used to be Pluto included, and those news or TV, or video, do you understand what they are saying? Ever since 2012, what the real world not the New Age, they are re-define, of all things, so that???!

Its to finding the Planet 9.

Got it? 

Do you understand the news leak, the video, the scientists blah about? Why or how those news becoming huge, not Nibiru 2012, or New Age 2012?  In your real scientific world !!!!!!!!

💖💞🍤🥪⭐ 💖💞🍤🥪⭐💖💞🍤🥪⭐💖💞🍤🥪⭐💖💞🍤🥪⭐


oh ?~



Correct, you need the writing skills like a journalist, not just the height. Literal....



Microwave dumpling so much it’s only 30 NT=1 dollar US

That’s how I get fat with the milk. 

Real love? 真愛

There is no such things in Quan Yin methods, they had a Nordic on the Top, by my records it’s someone very cruel looks like that Indian, whip on Uranus = my brother, I am the Neptune.


將臣 scarf, no, on the back. 


鼎泰豐? Taiwan those famous dim sum places in 101?

I know what you all love to eat by tastes I have no food for you !

Did you draw cartoon 0n the legs part?


You love food inside outside on your mouth, its every utensil you lifting up or down, you just love food. UB those are mortal guys, blind cannot see.

Certain cruel guys especially militants, or commander-in-chef of a whole disappear galaxy like that Indian guy, they knew per mouthful what they see you doing that. Bite snd swallow.  You just love food one to zillion. 



😎😎😎😎 Medical board can you divide 2 side brushing +rinsing (by mouth muscle left and right?)

One of those?!  Like the TV 

I do nothing but soaking which side of my cheek beneath the facet water. I wonder how bugs lives…I wipe the entire counter never stop.


Wash up and nap

Babaji: Go

金玉良緣23 集




Sailor Moon and Saiya

I know whom Dean is, but I don't know whom Saiya supposes to be? oh ~ Tony! He supposes to be the bones, while his dad is lovely?

Lovely Bone




Bye ~~~ Lunch !!!

Babaji: Go


真的~ 你們不能真的到處亂跑那邊,人自己走路就可以死了! 是真的~你們半路要停一下吧 !  以前我跟亞當分手的時候就是在平的路上受傷,我旁邊有人~我去醫院等了很久,但是松德不一樣! 直接滾下去,你們去爬,也是差不多,自己就可以呼吸不了死在那邊!  是真的。

那個叫做『絕對業障』,你們等結束之後再去比較好,不過一兩個禮拜呀 !

為什麼會那樣? 他們是在象山,象山的爬景點不在那邊,但是同一個山脈 ...象山是景點,很多人知道出口不再那個方向....只有警察局跟公車還有松德在頂端的知道在那邊~公車站停駛的所有公車,這種叫做一定是業障你們走不死就右邊看 ...

你們可能會呼吸不夠 ....

你們不是有什麼在野黨跟分隔島? 非常好笑 ...絕對業障,去看呀 !



那如果你們試試看我說的十個男孩子叫做不是上帝 + 同系+旁邊的社團...你們當初的臉書我現在是 16 年,很多可能正在分開,你們覺得你們不在乎的下面 16 年是整整 32 年過去,一個男孩子像他那種東西,乾脆順便也自己丈夫通通滾出去,一個人就最好! 

在 16 年的每一個夏天!!!! (中國小鬼小和尚)




CNN, that is the Elizabeth Holmes !

oh ~ Parents Trap, 11 years on fraud.

Aren't they American Western worlds love these Wild animals things?

Fussbric 智慧型餵鳥器 附相機,AI 識別和鳥類感應,智慧野生餵鳥器,附 APP 連接到 2.4G WiFi ,鳥屋餵鳥器,內建麥克風,綠色



Cedar Wren House, Metal Rustic Proof Nestbox, Water Proof, Longlife Lasting Premium Solid Cedar Wood Bird House, Secure Latch, Vintage Style,Outdoor Decorations


 WILDLIFEGARDEN 多功能紅色小屋鳥屋,從 Nest-Box 切換到餵食器,耐候木材,多種安裝選項,瑞典設計


Bershaker 木製鳥屋,戶外懸掛鳥屋,花園露台裝飾 DIY 鳥巢,適合燕子、麻雀、雀、雀、尖齒、羅賓



Where is Harvard? 哈佛在哪?

The W Two Worlds that Building exit, its at the General Residence...

I think that is where the police ought to be at, because on my side, I am always guarding at. They are from another entrance, right at the General House that way. Do you actually see how we built here? This is called Red Build(ing), so that triangle ends, its the vegetairan/vegan vendor, too old, but they have free lunch if you are homeless, diagonal right to the General Residence.

Funny thing, these parking lot just like that post office parking lot. They waiting their ground work to sunk in? That is how the parking lots becoming.....the future? 

The General Residence they are not like us. They are yard fence around with the guards.

There are every kinds of the food here. They like. 


買一堆我需要的東西,全聯其實有送呀 ~ 一定是送到將軍府說是誰都是免費就順便我家是免費的關係 ...

將軍府其實在他們的正前方 ... 

Taste Nirvana 真正的椰子水 優質椰子水 9.5 盎司(約 269.3 毫升)玻璃瓶 (12 件裝)

x 5

這些東西叫做玻璃 ...



[5 件裝,38 盎司(約 1.0 公升)] 玻璃備餐容器,附終身持久的按扣鎖定蓋玻璃食品容器,氣密午餐容器,微波爐,烤箱,冷凍器和洗碗機(4.5 杯)



This is electric !!!  是在電動的 ! 

BORNKU 電動沙拉旋轉器 3 公升蔬菜清洗機 附碗 USB 電動 生菜清潔劑和烘乾機 - 易於排水系統,小巧收納,不含雙酚 A 且易於使用 


矯形狗床 大型犬床墊 加高床墊 附可拆式可水洗罩 蛋泡沫 防滑底沙發


我其實也不知道到底是什麼東西會在上面 .....

黑色 (第一個) 下面按

動物皮膚老虎印花柔軟毯子超柔軟舒適羊毛毛絨雙面毯子尺寸適用於沙發床沙發旅行露營,適合嬰兒成人沙發沙發(50x40 英吋)


Great Deal 家具流蘇式法國風格奧斯曼長凳


Look at that....0:33




okay, that is that! 就先這樣吧 !

Final that 最後的這些東西變成,該拆的就給我通通拆掉~剩下的就是差不多的感覺!




我其實會買糖、跟鹽巴,但是只要不打開就部會有蟲,我會買一點果汁,做湯的時候甜的或是那種橘子皮,或是橘子的果汁打出來的呀 ! 

我自己一個人的時候不是我媽煮了一大堆的東西 ~~~ 

蔬菜、水果是一批一批買的,我找人呀 ! 所以你們看的那種巨型的... fridge 那是一箱一箱進去的,國外有那種,台灣可能沒有! 我果汁現在是省的喝,叫做一兩瓶,那種小罐的早上...

我如果可以多買,你們其實不知道那些黃瓜在變成果汁之後會,出現 pulp, 那其實最好是拿去敷臉的! 是真的有效 ...我以前在加州 2014 我在搬家之後,就是做那種東西! 


廚房如果沒有櫃子,上面沒有櫃子,就是一個不鏽鋼的桌子! 我不是擺給你們看了嗎 ? 我做麵包也不是給我吃的~一定是什麼我媽的誰他們需要吃東西!


一張桌子鑲進去? 我還沒有見過廚房沒有上面的櫃子的東西,我家是有呀 ! 放小烤箱的地方~ 烤箱是熱食物的關係,她先做好 ! 


我覺得這個不錯個感覺,但是你們真正看到的那個...叫做烤爐的地方要全部拆掉,不是那樣吧 !

可以看到的櫃子要全部拆掉,太高了,男孩子的頭就全部撞在上面,我根本就不需要呀 ! 只會剩下那是一排木頭的那種條條的,正前方~我的身高那種,應該是牆壁長的跟前面類似吧 ! 或是就是粉刷呀 ! 油漆整個房子之前的時候就先做好了,牆壁! 

我其實不知道我的電視到底在哪裡,沙發在前面??! 是說她們擺了兩個電視? 

ET - Telepathy are per second thoughts, as soon as you emit your thought, as soon as fast the first second. Per thought. PER THOUGHT. You want me to keep repeating that? Per thought is the telepathy !!!

If I say kneel, you hesitate, to annoyed, I say cook, you annoyed, you are tired, you are unwilling, your ego got hurt, that one second its in your aura, but everyone can see outside.

Telepathy means how intensive you really meant it = unwilling. You are tired, your physical body are not well, you are feeling very needed to lay down and sit down, or sleep. Including your period, that sharp pain. The guys will never have those sensation on the abdomen, bend all the time required.

Bend required

Bend required all the time 

ET knows exactly what they design, engineered, how or why. Stop eating!!! No salt, no sugar!!! Make sure you hydrate, how about just soak inside the bath tubes.


18:44 Music Degree


If you girls fear, you lean on the guys? ET saying very clearly they are negative? You love bad boy bad boy bad boys??!!!!

They are all male, I think. But the little grey telling you, they are your girls height, without that penis, if you just listening and watching looking clearly, at all.

Are you sure that is what they say?

No clothing?  You mean naked?~

No, you cannot do that. Not separate, you mean One soul in One Ocean, many are wave, like Yogananda books? Shut up~~~ NO! Those are not legal, you cannot identify...you only identify, not soul piecees....You mean the God's particle, that is Tesla theory growing plants!!!

They eat bugs, not particle?

Roaches, the big roach told me. Waiting me outside, including those small lizard, my mother saw, its 4 legs, but one leg missing. I say, do you see tail? She says one leg gone, she is sympathize....they are all on the balcony....

Delivering message. (Shut up, birds)

If the Top cabin is not there? (Kitchen) Its empty, you never seen it, I never seen it neither 如果廚房上方的那種 cabins 不再,就是空的牆壁,你們只是沒有見過,我也沒有見過

Certain human has done their kitchen addition, plus, I fix the wall pipe myself. This urban re-new are not going to get here...whenever so soon.


像說通常 Like normally

廚房旁邊有一種打開的櫥櫃,你們很多韓國的那種 ASMR 堆了一堆食物的地方,我也不知道我為什麼要有一個櫥櫃就是堆這種沒有用到的電磁鍋,我不是買了兩個 + 熱水瓶,所以三個巨型的東西我有要現在要用嗎 ? 熱水對 ...那是因為我現在要用保溫瓶。所以這個櫥櫃的打開式三種巨型很重的東西....我也不知道為什麼我的廚房會長這種樣子 ....

Kitchen has a pantry that open and close, you seen a lot of this Korean ASMR they stack up all the food places, I don't know why my pantry has to be stack up all this....electric pots. I bought 2+Heating water kettle, so there are 3 giant things I am going to use them all now??? The Hot water, yeah...but that is because right now I am using the thermal bottle. So that kinds of Pantry opens you will be seeing 3 huge giant things in there.... I don't know why my kitchen looks like that. ....

你們知道最近我有時候去吃甜的餅乾,昨天我吃了兩個巧可利+昨天一個,我的臉上會有一點東西! 是甜的關係! 我很久沒有吃鹹的東西 ~~~

You know recently I told you I eating those sweet cookie? Yesterday I ate 2 chocolate + yesterday 1, my face has something, that is becasue of the sugar!! For a long time I don't eating the salty stuffs?


 💖🥭🥭🍠🍕🍕🥗🍤🌮💖🥭🥭 💖🥭🥭🍠🍕🍕


I goi to sleep

Babaji: Go

You all love to do



I am so sleep on this massagist chair

Fallen sleep.

Lawsuit 406, 407… It takes forever to delete certain thing

Wait …




You feeling to invent something, or you know it, you got that handle, when you standing in front of the camera Light flashing inside your eyes?

Which categories you are picking in that Science Museum or Barns & Noble?  (Hunger Game, Catching Fire....), are you on rehearsal, or that is England they doing all that? 

Do you want to kneel at ET, which one? Their brain for sure super Clarity at it, every basic rudimentary subjects just from far away, they know your brain its 4 bubble tea?  You wishing them to inspire you....Fairy Tooth? That is American concept. Tooth fairy, sorry.

How is every morning you wake up on your mirror, you find out a pimpo on your faces if last night, or every lunch meal you eat a fried food, or what spicy, or bread, too much at night or late night?

Or those things never goes away, certain pimpo, always cluster at certain area of the faces?





What is about the Jupiter? The core?

You talking about me Anna says, or NASA gives you a correct answer?

How funny, they watching the same TV like my TV says (Shut up, birds)

Do you even figure it out the atm = atmosphere pressure to how deep the ocean goes, how did you have a basic education on beneath the water? So what if the Water disappear? You breathing okay, like hiking? 

Why did they say about the fosil records, meaning Moutain fold, I am still be here? And what is that Lawsuit to do with the Shiva, the Mountain Fold, I am still be here? You didn't understand a word I said. 

That is Eben Pagan's Altitude !!!!! 

Define to me your textbook how deep the ocean goes, with that U-boat, that is not the first invention and saying Russia WWII. German on D day, that is on land.  (Landing on German)


She is from Canadian.


When was it? Which week I starting saying about that Gas giant things? I didn't know what is inside them....I never research on it. Let me tell you something.

1. If its a completely gas giant, you wave away, that is bad enough, Right now I don't know if they really just from external layer to proven the Earth Committee that is a solid core.

2. If one day they proven there is a core, and you drop something, that so sensitive to turning into a second sun , we will all be dead, right there. Because when you saying a Sun, they are nothing but nuclur idea I think. This is 1000 times worse.

Just the gravity you cannot breath on imagining anything with Jupiter at all, whatsoever the cases.You didn't really understand what is a planet basic definition, a study of Atomsphere, what is in English words, what is the cloud, what is a gas, what is melting point, boiling point......I keep saying a lot of identical things, its exactly the same basic ideas.

Let's say the module of an orbiting orbit, no, I don't know, but if you are saying the composition of a planet, I know what those are.

Never liquid gas.....oh my God. 

I think Korea or Japan has this kind of things....these much!


我們這邊有 City Shopper 在遠企,只是 Utensil 就是叉子、 spoon 簡單東西! 你們有看我買了什麼嗎 ?



你們知道前幾年我弟那時候,他們居家是衛服部的人發八寶粥,因為這舍利弗大牌..過了兩個禮拜他躺在我房間到他離開,四個禮拜之後,是我撿垃圾的時候~~這八寶粥就是你們看到花千骨跟冰塊混在一起,還有那種水果 can 開舞會的那種,全部混在一起,你們吃那種朔膠的杯子,美國裝冰淇淋的那種杯子 + root Bear 見過?






全部都是四個,只有那些東西,我一個人而已呀! 我叫我媽把她所有垃圾送給她的未來 ....我不需要那些東西~~~ 


這下面我家烤箱應該就可以放進去了! 我會買這種,這就是焗烤~你們吃起司的東西,通心粉、澳洲那種起司烤出來的東西。

Heartland Home 瓷迷你砂鍋盤 橢圓形焗烤盤 (4 件套)花椰菜焗烤盤 香蕉分體碗 單份砂鍋盤 小型獨立焗烤盤  (長這樣 https://taiwan17go.com/changhuacasserole/)





AIDEA 沙拉碗,木製沙拉碗,附沙拉勺和叉子 12.5 公分


Bico Magnolia 花卉陶瓷 34 盎司(約 992.2 毫升)碗,4 件組,適用於義大利麵、沙拉、穀物、湯和微波爐,可用洗碗機清洗。



這有四組,意思就是每一個人有四套 ....我買一些我自己可以用的,其他有人來...在拿出來好了! 廚房是說有櫥櫃的意思? 堆垃圾的地方....

vancasso Navia 大型沙拉碗 4 盎司(約 1.275.7 毫升),陶瓷義大利麵碗 適用於湯麵穀物,9 英吋(約 1.2 公分)大湯碗 微波爐安全,餐具碗 4 件組,適用於廚房,奶油



ONEMOER 30 盎司(約 850.5 毫升)瓷沙拉義大利麵碗,淺寬碗盤 6 件組,大型陶瓷碗,適用於湯、甜點、披薩、水果。微波爐和洗碗機安全廚房餐具,白色   


ONEMORE 陶瓷碗 - 283.5 盎司(約 283.5 毫升),6 件組 - 烤箱、微波爐和洗碗機安全小碗 - 適用於冰淇淋、甜點、配菜 - 奶油白色



BILL.F 金合歡木砧板,附手柄,小型長木製熟食板槳式奶酪板菜板,適用於廚房肉類、披薩、奶酪、麵包、蔬菜和水果,16 英吋 x 4.7 英吋 x 0.6 英吋


PRISTINE BAMBOO 銀器托盤收納架 – 餐具餐具餐具銀器抽屜架 – 小型超深木製廚房抽屜分隔器 適用於勺子叉刀餐具(6 個槽)


碗盤乾燥架,Romision 2 層碗盤架排水板組,不銹鋼小巧碗盤瀝水器,適用於廚房櫃檯,附餐具刀架,砧板架和3 個可拆卸排水板(銀色)


GeLive 金屬刀架 砧板 砧板 砧板 砧板 乾燥架 廚房收納架 櫃 櫃檯展示架 (白色)


我本身沒有那麼喜歡吃,饒家,是饒邦的爸跟提娜, 很重的味道,饒邦吃很多起司美國歐洲的食物,但是他也喜歡吃亞洲食物



 4 件 7.8 公分麥柄餐盤可用於微波爐和洗碗機,重量輕 BPA 免費沙拉/蛋糕/甜點盤,適合嬰兒兒童、幼兒、防掉漬、無毒 (4 件)



vancasso 星空穀物碗,湯麵碗,208.7 盎司-7.5 英吋(約 708.7 毫升)-7.5 英吋(約 7.5 公分)陶瓷碗,適用於廚房,喬遷禮物,大碗,4 件組,可用於甜點晚餐,洗碗機和微波爐,烤箱,綠色




湯麥片碗 4 件組 HLUKANA 32 盎司(約 947.2 毫升)陶瓷碗組 優質穀物碗 沙拉飯 義大利麵或湯碗 大容量 可微波陶瓷碗 耐熱和冷瓷



 Sanrio 501710 Hello Kitty Face Plate, Set of 3 (Box), 4.7 inches (12 cm)



其實這邊路上很多小小碎碎的東西,其實我想過這種東西旁邊就是,紙盤子 ! 免洗的! 

有那種慶生呀 ! 玩具呀 ~ 好玩的顏色!

Everyday White by Fitz and Floyd 串珠 737 毫升湯麥片碗,一組 4 入




VanEnjoy 3.1 英吋(約 7.9 公分)彩色大理石圖案陶瓷醬料料碗盤上菜 調味盤 - 4 件組


VanEnjoy 3.5 吋大理石瓷器配盤調味料醬料盤 - 一組 4 入,白色帶金邊 


Sweese 123.499 瓷迷你碗 - 4 盎司(約 113.4 毫升),適用於蘸醬,小配菜 - 4 件組,大理石圖案



這其實就是你們客人可以用的東西,剩下就去用紙的,免洗,或是那種蜘蛛人,你們最愛的那種旅行,中國那種 Dollar Store在美國的那些開舞會的東西!



有些東西是我喜歡,不是拿去給你們用的 ! 

準備是說幾個有時候有東西看起來存在的地方 ~ 這上面 Cabin 沒有就是有小烤箱呀 ! 你們沒有看過叫做上面沒有的櫥櫃! 下面就是放一些東西。

鍋子煮湯,那我會有!現在其實有那種慢煮鍋 ~有壓力鍋,其實你們這種需要吃的東西,你們就是噸一隻雞在裡面或是魚湯,然侯一堆蝦子,一整個 container, 我又不吃那種東西,你們誰真的需要吃,這東西就是擺在那邊假設用的! 會有呀 ~ 基本的


Instant Pot Duo 9 合 1 電動壓力鍋,慢燉鍋,電飯煲,蒸鍋,炒鍋,優格機,保溫器和消毒器,8 夸脫(約 7.6 公升),不鏽鋼/黑色


Hamilton Beach 可編程慢燉鍋


Magic Bullet 17 件組 MBR-1701P


King International Topaz Casserole Set, Stainless Steel Pot, hot Pot, Chapati Box, Chapati Container, Serving Pot, (1000, 1500, 2000 ml)



電動熱水鍋和加熱器,熱水分配器,304 不鏽鋼內部(凝結/白色,5.0 公升)BM-50ASD4


Eurolux 電動柑橘榨汁機榨汁機,適用於橙色、檸檬、葡萄柚,160 瓦功率,拉絲不銹鋼


 Hamilton Beach 榨汁機,離心式抽油器大口 3 英吋(約 7.6 公分)進料槽,適用於整個水果和蔬菜,易於清潔,2 種速度,800 瓦,不含雙酚 A ,黑色和銀色 (67750)



Spiralizer 蔬菜切片機(4 合 1 旋轉刀片)重型蔬菜螺旋器附強力吸盤,西葫蘆螺旋麵/麵條/義大利麵/義大利麵製造商 (食譜書和清潔刷)


這是一種生食,那種比較貴的蔬菜叫做 Zucchini 不是黃瓜! 美國的...通常你做一種 Magic Bullet 上面買的那種短短的反過來的醬汁,用堅果類,先泡一個晚上,然侯隔天就打碎,就是一種生食醬汁~ 是美國一種生食的推廣其中一個很多人知道的食譜,我這邊就我一個人吃 ....


可堆疊不鏽鋼種子發芽組,2 層網狀發芽托盤,1 個底座和 1 個蓋子蓋



🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 💖💞🍤💝 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 💖💞🍤💝

 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 💖💞🍤💝 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 💖💞🍤💝


Babaji: Go

我在想一整排的廚房 counter 這一個 counter 因為你們沒有設計過房子,那個是石頭材料 ~~但是因為我做了一個小小的轉彎,其實是說我整的垃圾買回來的東西就是往上面丟!

我的地板是高科技的吸塵器,我沒有太喜歡有中間的東西,繞來繞去,我的吸塵器要常常洗我家地板的,那些東西中國有呀 ! 這種發展我哪一年才會 landing 找就有新的設計等等等!


你們有車子沒? 我以前是在美國生活,有車子跟買東西呀 ! 


廚房的櫥櫃是說 ...到底是誰住在我家? 

我不是說我不吃東西的那一個,那邊就是全部都是空的呀 ~ 上面的 Cabins,那就剩下下面的 Drawer, 你們知道我現在住在哪裡,我跟我媽住,這所有東西全部都是這幾年她自己收集的垃圾,不是我的,你們是覺得我說我不太吃東西,我到底是需要擺什麼東西在下面的巨型 drawer? 就是拉開打開的那種東西叫做 『Drawer』。


很多東西在我的生活裡面是完全不存在的~ 這我講了很久 ...這我媽是要找她的下一半,這全部我家的所有垃圾是她的! 有說我需要嗎 ? 我很在意這些垃圾? 

你一個人,我一個人,我吃一個盤子,一個杯子,其實現在是她拿出來的保溫瓶長的那種東西,一個保溫的開水煮沸的那種高高的東西,我需要熱水,但是這所有東西,不是盤子,這吃東西到底是用了什麼東西,你們要不要問我,我是不是很久沒有見過那種東西? 我的盤子 ?

我知道長什麼樣子,不代表有什麼意義! 我沒有在吃那種東西呀 ! 

你們吃的是三餐~~~~!!!!!! 我到底是吃幾餐 ??!!!! 你們三餐是各式各樣的東西!  我已經很煩了,不要拿這些東西煩我。

有時候我不一定要看法律的東西呀 ! 你們沒有 ...找過誰出現? 叫做個人的 Meeting ?

就你一個人跟那個人講話? 我以前要搬家之前,假設東邊到西邊是開卡車,是一種先進的影印機,是一個人拿過來的資料,但是世界上不會只有『搬家公司』,當初我住的地方在加拿大是尼克的家,他要賣房子也是要有程序的,你們以為是誰來我家,我說『你開始說你來幹嘛 ? 』

通常我以前要去 UB 附近的銀行做一種基本的站在那邊,叫做前櫃。


Business name 要去弄報紙的

Small Business Proposal 在美國資本主義那是基本的一種『文書工作』,中文不知道叫做什麼,意思就是你們要寫出來你們為什麼要開這個事業的,一本流程! 


🌟 中國 that is communism, do you ever seen a movie: Clueless 她的爸爸跟 Josha 寫了一大堆法律 that is when you have a display table, called the eating table. 🌟

他們用的就是吃飯的桌子,所以我選的是專門拿來寫字的! 通常你們回家寫~只是坐在那邊一下子!我沒有說來我家寫法律程序?  有事情才會長大概那個樣子 !

🌟 I am not even sure that is legal in China, what you trying to write a laws...on the movies?

🌟 I might be jailed in any possible way, that is why those are small tiny. I will get a chef, yesterday I found out, when I need them.


你們可能沒有那樣覺得,我寫的手很酸,我寫的手很煩 ...每次寫就是一整個下午在椅子上面 ! 你們一定不知道那是什麼感覺的叫做綁在椅子上面 !! 

有時候要重複寫,就是寫我自己以前講過的,但是每一種電影叫做年份要算日期,這大寫跟斜線,這所有東西都是要校對的,很煩 ~ 思想快不代表寫的夠快,我每一天下午起來就是烏雲密布的去按那個電腦開關,叫做前額都是烏雲的感覺叫做站在那邊,我其實很久沒有去散步叫做減肥 ...我的每一天都是綁在椅子上面,我其實會有感覺,我都沒有離開我的椅子,依過去就是晚上,我又必須出去,我其實想躺著睡覺 ....很煩 ! 

我的一整天就這樣過去 ...一整個白天,一整個下午到六點,那我還出去幹嘛 ,我去睡覺到隔天五點....寫到沒有完!

有些東西一寫就是一直寫下去,沒有辦法就是長那樣! 不是我不想起來,我寫完再說,很累但是先寫完!!! 哪有人做事情做一半的!


💖💞🍤💝 Most people in my IQ, NEVEr NEVER NEVER think a word will ever use on the "Core" Level on ANY planet studies,.... EVER 💖💞🍤💝

I didn't even know what is the Gas giant, just assuming, I roughly know those are Neptune, Uranus in color.....I never think know there is a Core. So I Google, there are.

I didn't understand a thing until someone telling me what those are on the video? Why don't you take out the first time I say about that? Because technially if someone that time telling me, your landing structure its not at the sea, it will be the Core because there is a core, I will tell you, "STOP!"

At least I know that?!



Babaji: Go

What is your major, economic? Never read your own wiki other than your brother are the geology human trying to be geography....right now.

Prince Harry or Harry Potter?

What is your major? He doesn't have a major....He has an uncle andrew ! 

Which sport? Student what? on Polo ....that is a shirt brand. You meaning kinda of like Golf? 

What is Eton college? High school? You graduate Eton College in the year 2000??? 2003?

I graduate UB in 2006, later one year for EF foreigner Exchange Student in Madrigal, the only education I ever get for the singing lesson on this Commander-in-Chef, Music, Title? 

Eton College has a music scholarship? On their Chinese Wiki.

Tell me a definition of a planet means. If A Russian they fail their cell theory in front of hundred human those COP 16, the scientific convention. I think they die....not just exit forever the scientific world in front of the International.

What is the basic definition, you are so good at you paper works jobs. 

It will be my first time like you, watching a planet internal kind of saying. I knew the basic definition of the 9 planets, that doesn't mean I seeing the details.

Everything else were the Classroom in the elementary, or middle school, those time has the geology or geography, or Chinese Dictionary saying the 9 planets, including the children formats of encyclopedia, or a little older than the children's encyclopedia. 

I never seen these video yet. 

I hear certain things like "Core", I did... but those were the moment I feel, "That is weird. they say core?" In English? 

Do you even know what is the English word when they say core means inside your brain and head imagination? I already telling you, I keep hearing something wrong on my hearing, in English or in Chinese, both time. How many times I keep saying that? 

If I think I hear something wrong, until I really go and listening to finding things, I won't know, I only remember I hear the Core, and Gas giant, nothing make a sense to me whatsoever until I first time seeing that video. That will be everything STOP if they ask me about it.