Lawsuit 291: Devil

Date: Sep 3rd 

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Volleyball Upper

213 214

Captain = heart chocolate cake
214= short spike
There is a ghost in the bathroom the 7th. 巧茹
 I say Kenshin Himura =….that’s President Xi
巧茹 we didn’t get alone, but then, one day….she gives me sushi, she telling me where. We talked. Very nice sushi. 

Upper in America called “Big”, like the fraternity big.

Big her o 6
The Harry Potter

Where is Black Ops? Hi, do you really neighbor one door next by that ET you say in and out lab, they have a lab. Pane Andov those? Like what’s in the Area 51 next by Dr Steven Hairfield? 
If ET it’s right next door, you cannot open your mouth to knock on the door …to them 
Says …”Those unintended popularity kneel you that kinda?

🦅 Shut up~


I know what it is.

Can someone just head board written we never going back to cloth human Ella Enchanted. It will be high tech, all high tech. 

It will be forever the civilization going upwards, laws, medicine, synthetical, artificial, SHUT UP RAIN!! (4:33am)

No, you don’t need the spell. I think by the TV says, Tro=Reptilian says it’s all human.
They are the fallen …

Never mind.
By technology, by Radar, by airplane, by satellite one of those….the industrial revolution after.
Adam and Lauren, Adam although he used to fix computer….he likes neighbor John Chat. They fallen?
The digital era?

No, all you girls can eat high tech food. They are purchase guarantee FDA, you never gonna be with a guy, hey, but that’s what it will take will rise up in the end.  I mean like 7-11, microwave, frozen session…one of those.

You will never Ella Enchanted nor Iron man nor X man, just stand until it lasts.

It’s technology, the material science it’s one of them. The invention, the inventor, designer.

Like Loving Hut use those Ipad swipe the credit cards, the gadgets, the Convenience in life. The Raw food has this mixer upside down, the juicers….they getting better and better.

Give you a fast pace life a high high high definition.

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