Lawsuit 373: Ukraine - Russian War

Date: Nov 12th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I 194 Commander-in-Chef has something to say

I just use the on-line protocol to say.

The Chinese Drama has several very important materials to be put in the lawsuit. One of that are Flower Thousand Bone (2015), but there is another one Eternal Love (2017) by the Canadian ABC married to the Tall Circle Circle lady. That was a war beauty name open the gate and becoming a brand new Dynasty. (about 10 Emporor before 1911, it was "Clear Dynastry")

Now I want to list several video and why or how from my side of point, I one person cannot be dead.

Eternal Love 三生三世十里桃花 (3 Lifes 3 Generation 10 Miles Peach Flower or Peach Flower Blossom) : Just look at the trailer how those flowers make an effect.

The first episode, its about the War, there is a strategic saying how the end of that, was a full circle, the winning methods were going behind. I stop that in 2021, the Afrighanstan Youtube, I went to leave a message. North Korea are doing something too, so you all just coming back to American land, going West since all the 90s Robotics Cartoons are trailer opening all going West.

Your 龐配西 also meaning West, meaning us. the WWII interface.

Second video are Allan Walker 2020 

That landing guy is me next by Sariputra this story. No, I change the Youtube Google blogger profile to the new set data. (7:30, 7:45), whichever position next by Sariputra would be that face.

I had 2 website in Europe. One is Poland, one is Spain. I retreat all the people back. Right now you have a W Two world how Prince Harry ends up Nibiru to that Dark Star tale before 2012.

We will soon be 2023. 2021 were the movie Cinderella. That is not 2012

Nancy Pelosi 82 years old. 佩洛西

Did I ever tell you, your 2 names looks a like, her husband just got assault recently?

That Pompeo looks like a name with his profile on that entire Secretary State in America it was Anthony, and a Bar?

There is a Pillar known called Alexandra Milepillar(stone)? 

On the real human world land? During Cleopatra 埃及豔后,you all meaning us a big tale on this China side, how everyone seeing that Cleoptra name in Chinese, meaning she is gorgeous and make up looks like one of those Movie saying Cleopatra in the Past?

Whom is that? I never heard about it your own beauty pageant in Washington D.C, not just assasin issue, or Cesar dead in March 15th 44 B.C, is there anything to do with the Jesus...

How coincident, you didn't follow me everywhere.....the court.

You several indicator, one of the reason I cannot be dead will be I speaking a full English here. I graduate at from UB. 5 Lake Fresh Water resources Lake. Not sea.

Those are salt means. I graduate with the chemistry, B.A.

These will be filed under the Lawsuit 275 - Lawsuit 372 in regard the full account on that Prince Harry. Russian will be the one knowing exactly what it is Nibiru, Red River Manga + that 2 world apart, its Reptilian on the Loving the Silent Tear behind the Dark Lords singing in Russian. ( Its everyone known theory called Planet X, Nibiru story, everyone knows that before 2012)

That is a Binary Dark Star, the video I seen was sign on the Babaji death dates. There is a similar to the Earth existing in that Star System, how your Cinderella ending up a black guy wizard, and worse your OU language in 2014, has the final page line on Virtue Vow Voice?

Voice like Adam Levine, or Voice like Bill my side, he and Dean are 2 different voice, you need on that Frozen video. They both are my 5 Lords guys list inside the NSYNC?

Bill has a deep voice, Dean is small tiny voice. Not Frozen like that.

They are both UB Honor Class student. Bill was a military, coming back watching kids? Exactly like X Man the Past and the Future.


In the Allan Walker 2020, that video the moon guy cannot be on the Moon, he has to be on Earth. If you want to re-sort and moving along that line, you find out before you go ahead. And don't tell me you are notified what is W Two worlds mean. Its a close book end with a word in the end. 

Not at the beach seeing the water (Acid) scene. They do that too very often.

If you end up inside a book, you are line and dot. Steve Jobs were on Disney, how they making a remote tree looking, want to hear about it? 

19:41, its called the rendering technology. 

It will be a lead for you, if you finding it out how long Prince Harry has to be in anywhere...the time span. That is what I can tell you. You all seem to flying all around free will enclose anyway.

If not dead by anything like that, but fallen inside your own home, at least, you know they were told they have no security from England. 

Its better you notify those England Queen death apart for 3 month investigation groups. Things display in Scotland were a real or something be said? There is a Victoria Secret Fall Out Boy, so they always rearrange her schedule? Because in OU language there is GESEP, in Ancient Chinese, the Fall Season are like the Fall Tiger. I got sick very badly too. Its the season where the animal storage fat and the food before the winter comes, to hibernating. 

In the Red River Manga, there is a snow weather plot. There is a kid with an Exotic Travel, Victoria Secret (2 color, Red or Blue), its the drug things like the Matrix, a physical drug usage, or whatever along that we are hilarinating that is a Jem & the Hologram. (2015)

These movies exactly airy date or years are changed. That is how me and Adam ended coming to City of Hope. Ella Enchanted.

Later added, I am looking for that lawsuit I say Ukraine President did.

The sky just saying this.

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