
I have to eat a cookie tonight, don't bother telling Eben about it.

(High Tech, Scan!)

Conan Detective - A Quarter of Silence ending scenes.  

Do we have the telepathy human, communicate like Zawanna those....human, sensitivity beings Earth born 100 years within, this Era. 


Why,....the reasoning, there are many of them always saying they have a calling to come forward, for one of those cause, and then end up in jails. I cannot see on my screen here. Not clear.

Conan Detective, notes taking.....That ending scene are meeting the forest, Yogi Bear, another movies. There is something there, Mahavatar Babaji. I am not sure which forms of this looking, I cannot go forward. I am the kids form? What does that mean? 


(High Tech, are you a free consulting anyway.....)


Can you tell me what are these people saying? You know...those milk, baby face, or what, some human they keep eating, diary, well, karma the diary company, those meat the Truth, blood, well, they eat things down, they become SUPER FAT. If they become like Tina, at least I give them credit for, you eat as much as you want these diary, not to get fat.......do they have nutrition in them at all? What about the bones?

.....meaning my teeth.

... I cannot hear you.

Are they serious? They are? That is the only thing I can hear from you.

I am so tired....

Tonight Conan its A quarter of Silence. You should have seen their TV logo ~~~~!! I don't have time for this..whatever you all deciding behind your successor ....

I am on Pinterest, busy.


You know...I am so used to, I glue on my PC just about my destiny jobs.

清海無上師的繼承者接班人繼續~~~ continue on that successor again !

 Tutor and Tutee 你們說要教學學生? 意思就是天王星海王星~這個男個比 Lee Solomon Tall.

1) Old Granny and grand daughter

2) one girl SMTV + One resident


一個 SMTV 高傲的女的跟一個你們尼姑庵的什麼戴眼鏡的...某種頭髮


 You know everyone has a different reaction of how to see these things on the title...


Geography human, as I have making that yellow stuffs, sunflower revolve the sun when you seeing the nature, or while you are being in the nature to DEEP breathing...the fresh new clean air.

The birds are saying the 白晝 = Day in Ancient Chinese

夜魅 = Night

I don't have any old English to tell you how to professional terms of these......SHUT UP birds.

The Earth is rotating, so you seeing the sun in the sky from the morning line, to the evening (Later afternoon line), you called it the sunrise, or sunset.

That we set, you going on one full years, to travel places, its always the same like the radio, or when the clocks says sunrise, or sunset. Its exactly the same Time you looking at that map.

But the sun does not really revolving us, WE revolving the sun, so there is Night arrives.....the sun goes behind of us. While you relatively speaking looking at the sunflowers physicality, that is the only things real, they follow the sun. But the sun never moves, its the Earth movies. Earth bounds the sunflowers, so that roots of the flowers, are taken the nutrition as the vascular plants they absorb water, like the tree trunk must be.

You have any question?

Any surface of the lands like the moon, if they have the atomsphere to say vaccum design closure houses, the sunflower will staring at the sun too. EVERY lands.





I need to go to nap early today.

Babaji: Go

Something about this Slam Dunk? Too sleepy. Your tempament.....

好像還是在講你們清海無上師、繼承者接班人 ( SMCH successor continue on TV news ch 51)

Cooking lunch boxes, child education, senior care decent heart, you mean Bodhivasta heart? 菩薩心的那種?一定是生出來….

Literal position governmental 文職官員

Meaning IQ 需要有智商

Pizza, car 為什麼你們不說跟人類有關的 samsara 你們都必須要高人一等?意思就是你們要會凝聚人群的意思!



The definition of fat it’s on my faces. I don’t hear what you say.

Rukawa ran off the battery, all positions 流川風全部位置~沒有體力了...

我已經很久沒有吃飯糰,有一天的早上我看到兩個女孩子拿了兩個巨大的便利商店飯糰有一個 加了一個很巨大的500 cc 那種木瓜牛奶的飲料。

I am a long time never eating those rice triangle things, one day in the morning this week, I saw two girls having these 2 biggest regular Convinience store Triangle Rice things, one of them adding that giant 500 cc drinks kinda like my time of the Papaya milk drinks.

你們是不是不喝牛奶? You all don't drink milk?

技術上是說牛奶非常的肥 Technically speaking, the milk are very fatty.


 Babaji: Go

I am making a Chinese video and an English video.


(Broken off connection, my internet its bad) 



I go to sleep

Babaji: Go


I am watching the Harry Potter Playlist | 我在看我自己的 Playlist

你們要求這個女孩子有好幾個女孩子朋友團體,男孩子會有 Family, like Dean or Jonathon got married, one of those. 還有男孩子會有自己的"朋友

These guys having friends.

所以我在看我的哈利波特 Playlist | So I am watching the Harry Potter Playlist.

清海無上師繼承者還是接班人....饒堯邦是 gays Which girls to be his girlfriends, or she becomes like the Sariputra?

Thin and Fat girls, like King & Co movies? She eats, or who cooks? 

Today I saw a lot of things.

In Chinese.



SMCH successor
Towards 101
Fashion cloth, long hair, fashion cloth

New Age, conservative hair, hair pony tails
Small farmers, love to grow garden ( Self sufficient )

News today says so much ... 怎麼不直接說中國企業千金呢?

我從來沒說 jump, flip, bounce 那是 Bible 說,我覺得很誇張,所以我今天回應影片,新聞📰講 D Days
不會還有更誇張,一個人去中國,還女的... 叫做征服天下,我已經聽到非常誇張到不行了


Continuation of successor at the dinner
Next by 2 table
King and Co- 兩個女的 瘦的可以 Carey conversation 鼓勵肥的+煮菜

饒堯邦愛上,跟舍利弗一樣, 嫁給饒堯邦的意思
女孩子的best friend

三個女 groups



💝🎀🍂 I was making jucies and washing the sink .....something bug lives here, really. 💝🎀🍂

I bought a few art and crafts again, but an organization of my A4, remember? You all don't write on the A4, only I write on the A4....so they sell those boxes, not the Eben Pagan's DVD box.

I finally found it the things I need. Its the green stem, and the green wraps.

Today is Friday?

oh ~~~ So....that means, they go to the complimentary school? 星期五的晚上就是去補習班的意思!?

My mother loves that lemon mango cake. It is very very expensive vegan version from the bakery, very very expensive. She loves that. But I need to bake that 20 mins, but she can bake that. 

Its not raining.

Making a lemon / Mango cake

Roughly eye on this recipe. I watched it the video. 

Its a batter I have to keep stirs, but I need let it sit, the flour dissolve. ( Stirring counter clockwise)


Clockwise Its chop stick the regular holding methods, pressing UP 15 degree forward.......wrist....pressing forward.

U need 2 chopsticks to fried zucchini, and baking powder. 

One more mango cake/lemon, the batter taste good, sugar.

🥑🥑🥑 You know what I think....wait. 🥑🥑🥑

There is a comic book name "Far away". You are saying if you are the exotic traveler which he Tamang got stop every traffic light on hitting something on the road from Montana, he is dismiss from the traffic road human into UB.

That is one.

Second...he impaired just like the TV say Dr. Gabriel Medicine 公主小妹片尾曲

Third, if the One in Smallville, in which you listen to the song, what is the band, the broken lights on the freeway, and Smallville story means he can never be with the Lana, because he is so impaired, he is a farm boy?

I think there are forth possibility, he might be an actor. That guy die. I think this is not the case. They didn't know. But if he is the homeless, or some strange reason the police kick him out, he is one of those pre-med student thinking outside the box, like Hank. 


I think someone jump, flips, bounce, and sprain the waist line, one of those things, called impaired human living in the homeless conditions.

Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjFCP57n76I

I tell Dean, I think he Stephen Tamang might still there, really. No internet.

I remember now, I told Dean on LinkedIn

Dean I remember now.

Tamang, I pour Karosin in my car, I asked him for a ride but he is not there. After that, me and Brady seeing him 2 times. One time at a different location of Wegman, the other is Buffalo Wings.

That I vomit, weekend Jonathon called, I arrive seeing him there. There were more people.

But last time might be Tamang drives me to chess club tournament far away from UB

His truck it’s white.

Does Jonathon says he is studying bio chem 205 together with another guy? I met Tamang by Jonathon… 

I actually fall asleep before lunch~~

Somewhat time in bed?

Its 12:35.

Babaji: Go

I am doing my Pinterest.

🍱🍱🍱🍱🥟 登陸? 是說 D day WWII? 國家緊急 housing ? National emergency housing 🍟🍟🍔🍔🍟🍟🧇

Successor 繼承者,接班人

You mean cooking ?


Vaccination ?juicing raw?

疫苗? 喝果汁、吃生食?

Weight program 


Youtuber video making ? Digital Era?

做影片給你們師父看? 資訊世代?

Senior care? Your parents ?

老人照顧? 你們爸媽?

Isn’t this SMTV Ma’am Ching Hai groups you all together young girls and  guys to that “veg-Taruan” Vietsnese combine eggs restaurant were your hang out places not loving hut? My credit card got stolen next by Vietsnese Asajn stores she knows ? Justin sings that “I think she knows?” At the Orange County.

Fruitarian, she didn’t say liquidarian 


Isn’t where she makes herself disappear as the master, you go rule the worlds without her? If I go to Toronto center, I talked to few human to show up a family cooked meal. I have my tiny world, we are not friends but I know whom they were?

她把她自己弄不見,你們其實就可以稱王某個世界沒有她? 如果我回多倫多小中心,我認識幾個人說一餐家人聚會!!我有我的小世界~~~我們不是朋友但是我知道他們是誰?

Meaning isn’t “your master” groups you? SMTV 4 hour humans guys or girls?


I have my own facebook University at Buffalo. I used to have Love of Century on my Facebook too, I lost them from Taiwan video editing teams, composer.

我有我的臉書, 水牛城大雄,我以前有 Love of Century 在我的臉書,我失去台灣那群人,製作影片跟音樂家!

That one video not airing in the Love of Century, happened to looks like your previous Taipei contact person. His mouth too… poison straight.


Do you know what you are saying ?


Teaching little kids?


Not Taiwan independence, its China Hilton Corperation daughters?


You mean Pinterests or you mean England Queen where she lives?

你們是說錢錢💰💰or Pinterest, or 英國皇室住的地方?

No make-up



Babaji: Go

💝🎀 The Medical Board, can I talk to you second about these foot? My left foot knife is rusty, for as long as you heard I started. Today I throw it out. 💝🎀

I only work on my right foot. You know if you see the pink, its a hellish pain. No matter how no bleeding looks to you. Do you ever found out, that scapping, ugly looking, like ameutourl.....however I did, they just die out? In that direction, there are not deeper going down, I can still walk normally without bandage, the foot know it can heal?

No hurting EVERY SINGLE time, there is no blood, but pain like hell.

What did I do?

Today I have a one extra place on my bone under neath, toward the right, when you looking at it. That is a bone, on the top, right below the first toe nail. On that edge, I have some stuffs.

These hard skins, if I just scrap them, like one knife scrap, that hurting it the entire surface, right?

Not pink...I think that is bad practices....not refine enough.

I know you probably mean taken the seed out. I don't have, just the hard skins. And the sole parts its harden, so I took very very small carefully steps. I don't want to feel hurt. Its hurts like pain, just seeing the pink part.

I just talk, I become 65.1, what time is it now?


I do something else outside.

清海無上師的繼承者跟接班人 ....找女的! 我在講 ...她人呢? 她越南小尼姑人呢? Part I and Part II

 Part I 

Part II 

Spirituality 靈修世界

Like I made this rule so much later on....really.

Doing the mature things as the mature person. I didn't change that standard after that. 

So let me re-start again by saying something in the video.





Today is June 3rd? You are just the common household, that mix the worlds with some sunday church, or the Wedn singing choir to sound like you have a choir outfit.

Those money, its everyone works for it.

Me its different case.

Some people a lot of people Ma'am Ching Hail telling you will go to hell like the political those human like Les Brown love to get close, to manipulate power to get the money corruption in the favors or the blacks. A lot of those leadership goes to hell. You don't need to follow her, but you can take some consideration of the teaching others compile and re-examed again and again again, what the things about the human affair worlds, that required ... attentions.


In her teaching, there are those like you looking, going to the small heaven. Temporary Home. Its a temporary heaven. What they define the Both 東方琉璃、西方極樂

or Flower Thousand Bone one of those seeding one of the 6 Realm seeds....

You are irrelevant to anyone's life, really. If you just look at yourself. (Tilted my eyes glass, none glasses) 


People don't care about the hell, its their will to what they wish, or had, or becoming. Its never God's will. You can email SMCH, they have a spiritual desk email in one of those goddirect contract on the left. They answer you the questions. 


🍅🍅🥒🥒 I meditate a little. 🫑🥦🥘🥘🍅🍅🥒🥒

I update the flowers, on the Pinterest, I go to sleep

Babaji: Go. Nice looking. 



You know what I found out? 你們知道我發現什麼?

What is a Digital Era? 什麼是資訊世代 (等於 ....)

= you just memorize out your entire 10 subjects line, or per textbook, starting the grade 1, how you build your characters in your character, you never fail on yourself, that knowledge solidify your characters and tempament. Not hard memorization, its logical process, you really comprehend things, and literally speaking out per word 100%. Both in Chinese or in English.

I think your brain has a problem doing that.

You just need to demonstrate that 10 subjects, what a piece of cake of this 4 points frames, how today the society, all that American human ever ask you, and they are the military number 1. You could just get anything with everything in return, if you just make it, one fake camera, in front of you, called Phone homey, ET phone home.

Do you know why you are getting an initiation? | 你知道為什麼你們要印心?

The way how this Ma'am Ching Hai does things, she doesn't ask a thing when or how or why you even need why or why not, you make an excuse of sickness, she let you through. She gives you a freedom, she does not ask you to promises anything, whatever that is.....

Whatever that is.

You are asking her something in your life, how the future Kalpa, or Eons, you willing to live as long as you shall ever be, to only cultivate one way straight to God, called finding the enlightenment, not quaint the thirst of the soul in finding love, or a medical cures.

You must retain, and against any odds, to mastery a lot a lot a lot of things, including, mind, body, speech, including the action, what you known as the Karma Yoga. Meaning the Action Yoga. To that every path of the retifying your minds, you have the chances to do that SMTV works at the meditation hours to saying service to humanity, at this society, where everyone believing in it...goodness kindness good deed forwards....you have zero challenges to do anything at all, anything at all. Everything looks fake, it is fake, but you are not doing it, believing in a tiny bit, why anything like that are FOREVER, ETERNAL the only THING, you vow forever ever and ever the most important in your life = God.

Not family, not friends, not UB, not bf, not gf. You leave everything. If I have no UB finding me behind like Penguine to makes that cute, I have the transportation or the electric billing Phone company to go and knocking down every brick walls, as the...industrialist, ideas.

這清海無上師做事情,她從來不問妳們任何一件事情為什麼你們要印心,如果你們說要治病,她也說 okay.



You do not care about your father position, your mother great, to make your perfect family like that Square wants as their father divorce her mother, to what the uncle perfect aunty, together family, not she be so ashame to destroy that aunty, to her, and marry or sex out that ideas of the uncles?

You have an assignment, you do not interfere one tiny bit karma, you do not feel a thing about no one, other than Gods. You want to interfere just about anything in life. You believe words in karma, you believe this, you believe that, you believe the sun hurts you, the wind hurts you, the air hurts you, you believe everything bugging you....its everyone targeting you.

You have every degree of liking, hating, disagreement, finding seeking the compromise, to?

God never be compromimse, but only jump, flip, bounce, to make yourself useful, that no one worried about you walking on the street, you might fall, and impaired, and saying the guys seeing it, you are so cute, just like a comic books?

These things called the rubbishing 4 points frames of the books, the movies, the TV, there are nothing but garbage rubbishing stuffs, to make ironic, you willing to give up all, in order to fame on it.....

You so willing at it.


You could understand the literal English, I wonder why you cannot saying out loud, anyway.....

You see, no one understood that Live or Die, Die or Live, Revolution girls.

Pink vs. Dark tone skin, licking jobs, you bet on the guys, or ever be, one more guys, don't hear the legal sense...at all.