Lawsuit 363: Reptilian and Greys to Last Lawsuit (This interface location, American Classify)

Date: Nov 2nd, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Before you do anything, can you, would you, could you? 

Just watch this one video again and again? 

To the last lawsuit, this is very very serious! 

I separate from the last lawsuit ending, I just remember later the day, so I separate this entire lawsuit again, on one story board.

In American Classify, there are ET terms

One is Reptilian, one is Grey

This would be 2014

Keanu Reeves, Me and Grey, and Simon Cowell.

I don't actually know why I become each of that, but I have a photo cover art book in the Library Congress, exactly that same photo at the front. 

They are known as the negative ET. They might be separate between the Positive, Neutral and Negative. As I have mentioned somewhere, Purna means in the Cinderella with Menton situation its "Kindness" in Hindi language.

I used the Wiki 10 disciple sequence, I think America makes sure those things right. It looks right to me. In Asia, just too many, I cannot understand it. 

I got poison. Can I get my medical pain killer patch reinburst? Its the movie poisons becoming the Flower Thousand Bones (2015)

Our American Embassy or what do they called it 美國在台協會 its moving away. I didn't update my passport, but I did call them several years ago, saying something and then email them none stop. 

I better not to update my passport, through that last lawsuit situation 362 and this lawsuit, its very very serious in my points of view. I talked about it online 2018-2020 through Twitter. It might be already being investigate it, I just don't know what time this is?

I woke up?!

There are several Idol God's video, their opening trailer, at least that is what people should gather things and information to ensure some of the Classify will get involved, because we have a lot of situation.

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