Lawsuit 365: Cinderella (2021)

Date: Nov 4th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Me and my mother's airplane in 2010 Feb, 3 times pilot say

I did tell my mother, something like that.

This is about the Dark Star theory I was aware of in 2012. That time on the Youtube, there is a Feb 14th sign on Babaji death date, "Nibiru 2012".

Describing a race of people, and Nibiru. At those 2012 time, there are a lot of this saying going on, as if everyone knew it. But right now none of that are on the Internet. They are known as the Planet X.

I may even shared on my UB Facebook, a lot of people might have whom extracting that video. 

Dark Star theory are based on that our current sun are a binary system. Meaning he has a twin star, but its found might be Dwarf red or Dark Star however its called it. That Dark star has m any planets around, and one of them in that video are told to be similar to like Earth.

This Cinderalla movie, that black witch figure to be a male dressing in a more silky darken yellow, that will be represent the Dark Star

Fat, Carmilla, curls Blonde

Earth, Nibiru, and That planet (Not the sun)

To that if you listening to the lyrics, its what it says, its invisible.

Earth is a prince, more like Uranus curls blonde hair. If base upon the Sailor Moon story.

Things you need:

Nibiru is 9th planet? Pluto? white house?

OU Language that series

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