Lawsuit 515: I Robot (2004) - The investment money that I can influence to say Area and Sector

Date: Dec 11th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Medical, Science, AI, Material Science & Mechanical Science, Technology, Public Health, Laws, Democracy Movement, Women's education and Women's Leadership

Westlife - Amazing

I don't know if that is the court legalized collection of my papers. So I can tell you if there was a Past to my future that time in Taiwan. One of the choice to my 2nd Categories high school major will be the Material Science (Not Medical, Not Laws, Not Music, Not Chemistry).

You had a particular American economic financier came to our Television to do a talk in the 90s. We have nothing but those 3 channel those time? 

Its more of what I was indoctrinated that time, how everyone hear that term and major. Its by your scores to rise in those Forefront college to that one particular major. It will be patent invention gear. Its not the engineering known. Its the Material Science known.  

You can cite some reference to some curiosity to a remote Past. Atlantis, or Leumarian Map called the Mu Continent. I seen their historical sites like the wood align fine. But not metalic. I don't know what those Dolores Cannes material really saying. I did purchase her book in the IPhone. Its a bookstore inside the App with Dr. Steven Hairfield. They were on the Supreme Master Television. For what I used to be doing with this Ancient Chinese History, not the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pant, digging the grave, those are the Cleopatra 埃及豔后, that was my elementary hobby, not really imagining to digging the grave. Expedition, they say it was cursed in the book, on the known facts. My elementary outside the school books.

Your movie has a cobra. That is not a reality, I know that. 

But from my validating to see the historical site, you can say, they exist, you can say you don't know how they mechanically manifest all that, by the labor force, with a ruler, like a measurement equipment to the modern day, you have a metal skills, how you define a metal Era? If not Iron?

Therefore....there are things you mean what Dolores Cannes, a near by Military Family came out the material. Something did exist, what exist?

Taiwan we are at the mouthful jobs at swallowing down, here I am land and born.  Next by the disappearing the Mu Continent! 

With your Internet hearsay those 2004 times I had nothing PCAT but....reading your online garbage everywhere - Leumarian Past. (They meant its the same thing as Atlantean ) 

If I did get the money from where, which court? American Court? Can you tell me how you don't sunk it the land to that OU Language how SMCH your Classify material all these Star War happening in front of my eyes as the painting, as you all reading it at? By the merits or by the reality, to the meditation efforts? I don't meditate anymore, not even a min dare.

I did pladge a 50 millions dollars to your Military, Millitant, Classify 1- 48 (total 50) around the date to this Lawsuit file on my Google Blogger

For one million each to set forward a Science Convention for 25 years, like Pang's High School Olympia. You gonna die if the ET open galaxy and full disclosure didn't begin in 2050. We are in 2023. 

I only say that if we have no more road. Not you will have any road, if you continue don't set things right in terms. You will face the ending that Slam Dunk very very end says. The TV or the comic book...I didn't read the comic book. 

You have an ending.

I already know you end....but I try to make you sound like you exist one time, if that this time were your only hope and chances! 

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