Lawsuit 383: I will sue the birds, or the animal whom, on all my mother's case. (Per second) 動物界跟鳥

Date: Nov 12th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Its one of those the same Birds alike. (Telepathy per second) 

The sky says will kill them type of things its in the photo.

One day they did worse for that million lotto things? When they get the money, pay me back.

The wild world one time I say

1.They go by number, they win. The true jungle laws all ends at Taiwan. No. 

2. What else I say?

The birds itself has a very very very beautiful name, something like Thyo...the theo...about 3 syllabus. One of them talking persian to me, the birds language none stop. oh my God. The Sailor Moon says the cat talks in the human language. They might.

I seen the birds doing that in English on the video. True.

But they were not speaking in English.

The birds I observe they are the most specie that just love to talk, love to talk, love to talk. There is a psycho hysterical women on the roof, the other night. So the birds one time they did, were really let me hear the ghost worlds. Its they are busy in their own walls living. But it frighten me. Its the tranpassing person on another side of the building. No, not connected, except through the internal. I already called the police.

The air-conditioning keep broken. I didn't know it has to be 1 oclock at night? 1:02 or 1:03 that time I yell in 1:05? I was busy?

That is Ms Congenality Room 103.

The diet hot chocolate.

The birds they just cannot shut up, but they know a lot a lot a lot of things, they are per second telepathy, those movie I seen are real. Its all circle all around. They might be even turn to psycho just like that. Its when you enter in and out of the states, meaning are they concentrating on flying or on vision? You cannot do both. 

So they eating food, or just die in escasy? You have a furthur research to go on. Its in the movies, all circle, or bike, or Circus. Telepathy means by per thought emit. 

They love money. All animal kingdom loves money. Winds will be their greatest harm.

The wild animal that research will show you, if the human civilization raise them, tend to be happy, less worry, worry on food. You need to put the food in the wild, they don't die like that. Or build up some shedding wind. They are not meant to be cut inside the bush. Not really, but that is how they always do.

The scene I seen inside, they eat green. I think it means grass. My mother just throw out 3 perfect I grown green plants. Now that are 3 flowers. The birds start to leaving the poo exactly the similar place.

I have no idea what they say. They don't eat flower? But ancient Chinese has a 鳥語花香

Meaning the Birds language the Flower Fragment.

Meaning the Spring coming. You want to check all the Ancient Chinese.

(Bathroom time)

I found out, its my ok bandage on my foot sole. It glues on the sandle. Is these bugs say or birds says?

I don't breath deep, meaning napping time wakinig up, I am not feeling well. I need to breathing deeper, the breasts are too bulky, I heard that Jolie Hollywood she cut off her front breast on the Victoria Secret to avoiding the breast cancer. Can you find out and write me notes back. I have to consciously breathing deep. The guys don't tend to have that issue.

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