Lawsuit 418: Bank ( Flower Thousand Bone 2015 ending) My 5th Avenue 敦化南路, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

Date: Nov 24th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: My primary bank will be separated. But here are the words I can tell you from I say the TV (Conan) 



Sorry, there is another bank its from Sigapore, I forget which one. Too many doors.   應該是凱基對吧 ? 

有一個叫做 Cathy's Bank 那個叫做國泰醫院還是國泰壽險還是,那是國泰醫院呀 ! 對,你們在 7-11 open points 校對的

Melinda (Devil Wear Prada like Miranda) + 幽若 (Flower Thousand Bone 2015)

The business will be Hank = 元太 = Jonathon Mexico.

They are the fat muslin country. They are the Asian, but they are the muslin, Fat and IT. I seen them group dance in SMCH gathering in France. (Menton)

And Movie: 楊冪 Tiny 4.0 小世代 ( Tiny 4.0, Web 2.0 its a term in the Librarian Science 2007)

I told the National Archive Washington D.C already. The movie, and there are 1 guard visible, but 2 are on the Ms Congeniality Ending. 

In the plot of Tiny 4.0, Melinda collecting her best girlfriends husband, or brother, or whom together....starting from the plot initially, they end up once, and twice, to whom and what they found out the gold money loads.

Right now if you going there, there are a photo to the lawsuit 415 and Lawsuit 416. 

(Taken yesterday)


I can tell you my plans, yeah ... I gonna put some money in the bank. I do what i want with it, the reason why its there, not much money.  Like 20,0000 NT -30,0000 NT. That is not a super big money, but...I starting one bank at a time to filling up? 

I cannot tackle everything at once, so I will figure it out, that is the plan I can tell you.

Technically not you making money. I make money. (Birds Agree)


Not I say ....Its the Knowing says. Probably meant that is the American Medical Board says the True Love Children's Hospital in general = Putting A Hospital while you are a MD to becoming greater wonder race like you finish that Prince Harry's wife Westlife "Home" bound reason, that is the only money they say they are.

See how garbage that is, they say the university so I telling them exactly the things they say on the maps. Its the University Professor, Female. That has a tenure.


On Jobs, and Spiritual Merits

He golden hair, he dyes his hair, has 8 sibling at home, and that is in the blue Comic book (From the Sailor Moon authors)


Youngest Princess 公主小妹 First Episode

Isn't that her best friend position in Green was later that Green girl looking? oh ! I forget, they look about the same. Irene's position

Her parents got sent to Brazil. That is the color looks like Mathew's Wife (Victoria Secret Romance Journey), looks like Mexico.

No, Melinda she is the Asian looking skin color, not the darken tone, not really. I think she is a Christian, not the Muslin.

Irene's parents are the bankers.  That is the Victoria Secret - Set the Tone, Amazon forest at !  Brazil.

Her job on the first episode to save for the tuition its from the breakfast store + distributing the tissue paper portable at 101.

7:36  Irene works in 桃園 ( behind the fly, next to her mother) 

7:53 There is a castle ....

Do you know why I going to the court? I cannot see the photos, small tiny she says the Swallow birds, its on the wall....can I get those copy what they put on the walls here?

She called that 古堡? Ancient Castle.

Wait Harvard. (These paper online before I submit to the Court reviews)

Stop, that is not my grandpa, that is the town he used to be the leadership. That will be the end of that street banking 5th avenue. I know what it is. Its I used to say. 


Its at 東帝士隔壁 wall, there were 2 sides. I was standing at the middle, a guy on the phone looking with a dog keep walking, damn dog whatever he did....he turn right side around my pillar I lean on, sniff my foot, his owner calling him, he continue to the next pillar, so he going around that pillar behind too.

After they left. I went to knock the board.

That is 國泰銀行

The one on the right.  樂

Our first democracy President are 李登輝 he die already. His last name is Lee. Cornell Agriculture. So the grandson (Grand daughter would be?)

What? 20:08 (What is my real family? or that is We're Family?! I know whom you are.)

20:11 - 20:18

南風四爵? This is not about when Lee got in, for this TV, for this Role, for real, or he had other jobs all together, how it becoming....the Real Job = him himself? 

How funny....

( She was lost in 17th years.....)

All right, I don't know how everyone seeing this video (at she came out the car, that is a purple shoe)

I only do things according to the legal methods, how I am just a more realistic, I born here from my parents. I have to make money, and somehow I seeing the TV or the movie exactly how I maneuver the material to where I know or how to live in life. I don't need to report to anyone more why or how. I already told everyone before. These are the repeating things. The TV are currently for saying all this. I agree.

There are 亞洲四小龍, those are the economic term, later in the plot, she has to go through the exam, or tutoring service. Four Asian Small Dragon. That is a known term here.

瑞穗夫人? (瑞穗是不是牛奶廠牌? 澳洲?) Milk branding from Australia?!

Its that King 康熙's son = 乾隆

Between that story I am telling you the Chinese Museum Palace guy 紀曉嵐 the boat you are in the water or you come back to the Palace re-write the whole thing, next by to this guy, its on the TV China. His name is 和珅

He looks like one of the King's favorite spoiled wifes and he is very very very known wealthy. Very wealthy. Its known to me, the reason that King stunning, its him looks like his deceased wife.

"Its legal to aduct children for sale?" Meaning Lee and Me to go and adopt a kid, just like the TV says? From the very beginning?? Is this Human wrote them, or the ET writing them? There is a difference, when the ET didn't come to America, how I end up back here, forever goodbye Area 51? 

I seeing Human so much better, I am telling you. Whatever you think of the American Classify....the last thing I wish to open my door, and seeing the gazillion Reptilian. 2014.

There is a reward?


(Finish watching them, a brand new house? 5 years? Where are the human at???!!!!!!! )

你們是在說美少女戰士我跟 Lee Solomon 去收養一個小孩會有一個未來五年的什麼? GPS 跟我們的一棟房子? 就是從頭開始? 我跟他其實只是同事以前。

That is beside the point in the legal sense. I want to tell you what I think everyone else is doing in the real life with this legal material. I think its better to put in the correct sense, we are the democracy system under that 1789, to that the entire worlds are changing for more better reason of every reason why doing that so. As for the bloodlines near all around, everyone all has to make money, okay? That is the reality, its in their wiki, you all didn't read about.

I wish you all doing the right thing. I will tell the court, I know what they do behind, especially the girls too. That is false. 


Ep 02 03

Ep 04

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