
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

You don’t know what’s 5 Lake statues or Black Ops name? Like God

Do you comprehend a word I say? You think I was joking or sarcastic?

You are the military that under the classify, it’s one of the very important bracket. You are the honor class under me or facebook to spread out on maps. That’s stunning !

Not high school drop out Adam Hailey Ella enchanted magic tale happy ending ends at the back seat of the Motocycle one of those days? You are the professional exceeding to the top, you have your own new groups, all professional.

The foundation layout I already display

When you say anyone’s Ella enchanted it’s the guys buys a house he can afford and want, not I Anna wish. Just look at the Art I cannot breath…so I do my own decoration own life buying my own house my own situation…while I will be busy doing what I care about, because no one cares about my life…... Now I still move to the right location me and my mother…it’s when you all UB finish this cat fights with the Black Ops or 5 Lakes. How funny, you dare to fight that Black Ops. Kerry would have known better ….

The public might be restrict, might be open. 

There is a ET lands at my parks. 

I sleep the way I wanted, happy be in my own worlds don’t hear, don’t know, don’t see…

5 years, I every once a while checking, you are too far off, you will be sent to jail on anything ET says.

That’s Black Ops.

Now I will tell you my worlds starting at Ella Enchanted… to me, it’s tragic every Ella Enchanted ends up. Agree?

It’s very daunting that movie. It’s every Ella Enchanted ends on the back seat of the Motocycle?

Babaji did say once that….i am not in a hurry, but it’s proven very very bad look.

Look ! The time it’s 3 hours ago

Just for that one case, I might say forever legally I don’t want Ella Enchanted Happy Ending until you find out. You have to be serious what life family crisis ends at Ella ….

I am not sure when Eben finish his doing. Talking to him it’s not a difficult things, he keeps his money, I keep mine. Working together smoothly don’t require has to be a tragic end on that one Ella Rlla Ella Enchanted ….

You all need to find a way response to your parents so to get to black ops, whether buried 3 generation ago or a decade ago you digging grave you have to finish what they have on files. 

❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️🫠🧊 Ancient Chasez says I should take a day off from a week ❄️❄️❄️❄️❄️🫠🧊

You UB represent blackness +5 Lakes coming out, each shoulder that responsbility? For me?

God can have a wish, never see, never heard, never know.

Don’t know, don’t care, don’t ever have a mercy or pity.

Ask them.

Every world its ready - they know better for 2 cents without me. VS, that’s legal. 

I be happy and solitude. You have teammates, friends, collaboration and experty.

I be happy without any of you.

You fight on the stages, flirts eye sight, twirl each other explaination it’s it’s not. Confrontation and conflict debates to Vola the shows the worlds.

I think the stages are ready. 

You all have a method, an approach, a seductive way even. You insist you have a voice and democratic right. You have prepared, you have an aim and you have a goal.

5 Lakes + Black Ops willing to take over, that’s what I heard.

I state my cases one to one millions, written proven it, url link inserted with all my photo like a signature on it.

The rest it’s you all can prove it! You all meant well you know each other, you all means it’s compassion not pity, you know every words God says not I say. You all secretly has things prepared, you have every reason to believe you do that behind its best for …selfish.

You all deliver you are self made God, meaning you are sincerely the Gods bestow only children of son and daughters. 

Without me.

Prove it.


What will happen to them? You mean you watching Conan those songs?

My parents are disfunctional, so neither them are anything important. We are outbound and I am a blonde. I never go anywhere with this look.

But for the UB, those?

Black things means, they are martial laws containing within that straight upline down line. If those kids they insist they have Friday to Weekend off on those drunken friends, to say flair of the moment how to be happy, it will end....exactly what black means entails.

They don't care.

Do you know what is a martial laws within? Like if Taiwan we have a male soilder serving their years inside the military

Its execution when they break a law. Its lawful.

Wing, you will never make it in Asian military, not to say forever, never American military.

I don't think you understand certain reality, its not the power, its not the jobs, its the Governmental Survillence people they are number 1 jobs, its to get rid of people like??

Skunt humans outside the society, so the remaining of those dummy ass studying the books can cage inside the room, to smell fragment on nose to say water steam...coming out on skin poles?

Like that?

🥗🥗 I am eating the cooked vegetable shredded carrots, brocolli, and 4 season beans, I cut them diagonally. Seedweed sushi mayonaise without the white rice 🥗🥗

I like the white rice, but I didn't exercise today, and this morning I gain back my weight, its when I get out of my apartment. 

🥗🥗 Today is Saturday, any plan? At night, you go to Asian night market, like Friday night, Saturday night for eatting out? That pierre eating 1200 per food.

I don't think so, that is too expensive.

I actually only know Craig Ballantyne or Eben Pagan, or the rest of Nick remaining junks...

You know someone, whom are not either them, you can talk to them?

You can just order every night what they eat?

I have eaten the vegan version of the orange chicken. I don't really like too salty stuffs, it will hurt. Black beans, not too much.

Like 炸醬麵 I still like them the child memory I had in Taiwan, the thick noodles. Its on Pinterest, but I don't eat a lot of those noodle, its not very digesting in my stomach.

🍤🍤 How about this, we do this.....most people practice imagination saying, "How you feel like if you are in a real Royal palace, you Wing?" 🍤🍤

Me Anna, feeling the same, really, except....like whichever Kitchen, I re-done their H2O2. Right now there are hotel using those...cleaning, or inventing of every eco-high tech cleaning methods that was 15 years ago in SMTV, I was a researcher, I learn from TV.

Like if I have an England Kitchen, my main goal would be I cook something for them once a week, its for the staffs. 

I will find a way to wash that rice, or mug beans those skin, I peel them in the drainer standing on the water sink 5 mins each day. Its a work. (No, I would not eating anymore those heavy meals) 

You see my Facebook, American Tasty, those longer recipe....you need the money to doing all that. With the meat, I get the rice wine, or vinegar, I have money, I doing a lot of loads things.

No, I don't eat those things anymore....those are for kids, or staffs, or kitchen human maid. Occassionally they blend some of the energy from me. I have to house that? 

What is that you wish to do, you want to do? Its like Prince William or Prince Harry, they do those public charity work on the mental human? One of those debates, and they take their wife to those events and meeting people?

I don't do those things, I sit in my own pretty Palace, they show up themselves, I give every week public air, I am too tired. 

I still doing my video, my blogs, my offices design? Its the same things like right now. Its on-line?


What would I ask them to prepare to eat?

Mug beans rice cook white rice, cooked together, like I show you those assort rice?

Those snack seedweed + shredded carrots + cucomber + Mayonaise?

That is what I have recently. I grow the mug beans sprouts, so once those skins are taken off, its blending exactly that white color yellowish with the white rice. Its just a rice cooker, you cannot tell me what you don't have in a Royal Palace, I live to 150 old, they make all that stuffs like a maid?

Art Room (DNA)

Those I burn it off in Nick's house, I tell those whom find someone glue them back together, I got 3 in the photo, copy and paste on that 4 by 4, and get Charlie, or you all synthesize, what that 256 lights I tear apart after AGT in the garbage can?

Display all things there, with my DNA book print in color, exactly like the this edition, or that edition....I am not sure which copy I have. I need the data key-in this I-Ching Diagram?

Like right now I don't have a room or IT doing a thing for me, I have a brain only? But if they print it out and hang it.....and printing technology meaning big eye sight, they are blind, there are way to show more like Academia Poster? One of those things to put in one room? How many room can I have?  Its just one Biology Dogma?

Music Room

I need a work station and a temperature don't break my cello 25 years ago, and back up strings? I need a cello teacher. And an music Italian jargon dictionary.

And get some stuffs in Yamaha, near my house, where those kids toy stuffs. As if New Age, you seeing Alyssa those singing what, its a beautiful chime? 

I need the books in there, Now? Like contemporary and music history, I copy paste my brain, so that is per weekly lecture to the public. They learn don't learn....like NEVER learn?

Royal Family its where the money unlimited,

Get all these textbook, can normal human get the medical textbook? Like library, or Kitchen recipe library? One of those?

In one room, the academia textbook.

Sometimes I get some Professor doing a concise lecture, or I can sign up those lecture in the University to be there, once per week? I listen better when I seeing them drawing on the board. Like learning stuffs, its just so no shame, I repeat it out to the public, from the University tuition? 

Get the American Standard exam

I want to see copy of SAT, SAT I and II, GRE, GMAT, ACE, ACT one of those every book Barns & Nobel saying the kids brains' IQ at zero ???


I cannot stop showing off why every human IQ has to insist they keep it in Zero landmarks?

Charity works

You can ...like me Mia, like Aria and George needs to have brand new education, that Tina screw it up everyone's life. Donating money to the Private School, and they show up the correct manner? I have to be there? Like parents conference seeing other kids' parents? When the kids grow up, they need someone to lean on, right there. Be there, next by, close by. Communicating constantly.

I don't do a lot of those, but yeah, for the animal shelters, you give some money, food or water....one of those if they are always governmental regulate them.

None Profit Organization

That is what you are saying? Khan Academia, its a None Profit Organization, I seize that right to the Congress, where is my money?  Everyone can apply the govenmental grant. Its I making money, I show off what I want?

Like ADD conference annually

Or Palace having them show up, once a month? They can dress up, they can social. Observing behavior? Make them happy, some guitar singers, some music playground? Cell or some kinds of the instrumental presentation? 

I cannot do everything, but it is something. 

You can have LGBT clubs, Wing, if you want to walk that road.


I did a lot of plans written on how I import UB facebook this side of the world. Recently I just remember this BTX, oh ~ they can do something about moving themselves with the money !!!!

Its not that difference how Time and Space works now or the future. Its identical....its just faster if you have a Title, a money, and the staffs....American school for their kids education, you know you built up everyone's life, and they do what they used to do best.

Community service.

You land, you finding out, you listen to what they wish to do?

I efface whatever they do, Wing?! What is the Title for...I don't care about the domestic relationship / International relationship, eat eat eat? ....I hate airplane. 

I need my working hours....

💞💞💖 I take Eben, and you Wing take Craig them 3+1 ? 💞💞💖

Like 22 years ago, that is when Craig started, so was Eben Pagan. You know what time it is now? Its 2022. They took over the entire industry themselves. There are people before them, but those they die out. Since 2014, that is 9 years almost passing, to saying 6 years before 9 years 2008, they were already older then?

You know people actually pass away, because they were too old, Wing?

Like you hear that song? The together singing? There is one guy, he is very very sweet? You understand some mandarin? Like he says sweetly "I really like you?" that kinds of things?

You Wing don't know how to charm your way out? Many guys do those things?

You thought about Dumbledore says Happiness be found in????

Wing, there is only one life, it cannot be that difficult. 

Why is Yellow being unplugged off?

Shut up, birds.

Pierre and Meghan has a new video....Like Reno? You didn't skype Dr. Steven Hairfield? You like about this person? He will get to become too old to talk to?

You called him yet? 

We talk about the comics and some Pepsi center? Passing by? UB Alumni, you familiar? 

See how the family together? You don't have any siblings, cousins, family all around? Facebook Friends?

Do you want me to go and pick you up, and send you from ...where are you right now? To Japan? You need to pass by back in Buffalo, UB, seeing something you need?

We pass by Jonathon MD, you feeling more friends around? Whom else near by? Meeting Jonathon's wife, kids, and his dad? He has a brother because right now none of us are talking to each other yet?

Evan, the guitar singer on my facebook black and white, you want to meet him? In the Green shirt of that Resurrection Sunday next by Calvin. I can take you to see the UB 4 blocks, and Bagel J, and all things you get the first hand experience driving all around? Doesn't Wing, you live right there with your parents, you had a BMW pick me up, and you want me to SUV airport cargo you to Jonathon? 

Roswell Jonathon they are probably settle a lot of things, I just have no clue? Pete and Theresa and their family are at the local near that Police park? You get to introducing yourself with them? 

My brother he is in Chicago? Silas and Jonas are near by, the upper forces of that 5 Lakes? Michigan or??? 

Do you want me to go into the TN, we show off some stuffs to your co-workers, whatever you research on the Bill's University in Niko and.....so expensive.... Like we drive around, I tell you what I see, so you feel you done your homeworks, on your eye sight, treasure hunt? Before you leave your Tennessee?

Wing, the birds are looking for you...


You know that SMCH, used to always bragging about her spirituality to that Throne like Kingship in the past memory. Past King or Past Queen. You don't want to spend time in dwelling place of that light to meditate?

You fall off the Black Ops, to the same time dragging all of us down, you feeling welcome to go Vola in a different world? 

That makes you happy, bad mood, dark mood? Lighten mood? 

🥗🥗🥗🥗 Let's say Wing, we continue yesterday I say England Mansion to become.....it is Royal Family throne issues. 🥗🥗🥗🥗

Let's say I continue saying we have 4 hours subjects to the public.

2 hours for Scholar

1 hour for the public

1 hour for the music.

Now the public showing that day, I can cancel it the front gate, to put a gift bags, to several those Jonathon Chess club flyers, or tutor flyers for English. You know those room and board, Microsoft Word making it scissor cut strips, at the buttom, those cheasy looking flyers home & board, to show you "Telephone number, and the Scholar Website", saying

"Today I cancel the meeting, because we have something going on in the scholar on Friday. Here is a gift bag, and you can take that piece of scisoor cut or finger cut paper, with their website information on it. Have a good day. And please visit this new side door, to that mile I calculate you will be walking extra on all your weight issues to be exactly....5 mins. Your iphone has the health indicator on with a number."


I nap.

Babaji: Go

If you want to accumulate some kinds of the subscribers, you have to build up a...channel, like a particular very very popualr niches. Do you define your niches, yet?

Anna 16 years ago, that Organic Chemistry site its not a niche?

Every channel has a description box, and a Channel Name, do you know your company name you put on the Linkedin profile? Do you have a particular interest hobby, you have a passion to do, no matter how far the road you going in?

Something you passion about, art, science, dance, singing?

Love about, so you can carry on keep doing that one niches? 

The System Data - Living alone?....This video? uh...No. (Like having your own business?)

I can tell you what I think it is, I am not sure if they are to be that exact like my stern rules saying the police man, or the fireman you just marrying one of them in better.

Anna I say, Its better there is a guy next by the girl, on a date, on social message, on contacts, on knowing each other, on near by environment.....BECAUSE, most girls situation are not good when they starting having a business, and living alone. Not exactly I Anna, pulling up on my magic ball and telling you that. I will tell you the system probably meant the police or the fireman. I would say, a guy next by as a friend, FRIENDS, because most guys are not as bad as you think....he knows you have some problems that is up, they will go and talk to someone, they think its something strange going on with that TV, with that script, with that problems. They are clear.

So if you don't solitude yourself to only a PC walls, which most girls, if money coming in, they become more superstitious, its the praying Gods at work, they are more humility running deep.

Girls they eat junks, like a pack of Costco box.

Girls they cry at night, for any stupid reason like "They missing their dog, or their parents at home."

Girls will sit there cry if the bookshelf from IKEA cannot be assemble.

One of those many things they....cannot hold themselves.

Most girls are New Age, Shaman, and Humility running Deep

That is what I would tell Dean. That is why....That.

Just a guy assemble a chair like how they use a screw driver, you will feel your table or chair are steady, but you sent the guys all away, all by yourself when you having a your own business. 

See that chair or carts she did? When you using a screw driver, you need a guy's hand holds and turn that very very very tight.  VERY tight. (8:30)

Trust me, when you really starting your own Photo Public Display of your own unique YouTube Channel, or outfit, or furniture display, by the public affection of the viewers commenting on you

You will know what or how girly you really are!!! Everything I say will repeat all by itself, never fail.

Your English Public Speaking, too hard....you have to go out dining.....too much works to do, so you need to be rewarded, one of those kinds?

What is this public speaking, you mean my breaking down points, from that video I make all the way to Video 7, what was told to me?

There is nothing particular told to me, the way you wish to know things. I only generally label the entire UB Honor Class as itself, I present that to you. The rest, you have to go and figure it out with your parents.

That is not what I say on the video???

Do you want to bet on it, that Black Whom, or Black Ops American knows exactly what they put there, and what exactly I meant just exactly what I told you exactly those video title and description to everything they anticipate you to deliver the public speaking, they will give me one hour to draft?

I am not sure Wing goes to China or Japan....or what things or not. If you start learning from your parents cooking, or finding a girl to cook together.

Let's say me and Eben in this house China. Wing they, he and his own facebook, whichever team he built up to gone to Japan, that one house.

I don't really have a social circle yet, but let's say making food from the budgets to one day Eben has friends coming over. If you seeing how I design that kitchen, I am making a food to last 6 months? Fall winter Summer? 

A small budgets between friends or my mother, or my mother's friends, or whichever circle, that is not a small business. It just even out small tiny expense, here or there. 

Sometimes you incorperate those Home Depot sticker printing, to make more professional, "Fall Winter Pumpkin Soup".

You imagine people don't get those near by friends who aunts, or sister making food to bundle together a gathering? You know what I mean? Nick used to have an Italian Big sister, that cooking sauce all the time. So that is their tradition. 

I didn't say you go to the night market to exhasuted yourself in the night or the day hours clock but when just small expense, that you can look after a household, whichever methods you carrying yourself to land...you just assuming every surviving art, they give you a card, and you dining out all the time in Japan?


🥗🥗 I have the sushi morning and lunch 🥗🥗🥗🥗




I finish heating the lunch, you see...when you want to do this Public airing show, you need to care some people's feeling, live as long as you can stretch, you know what I mean?

Not becoming the fame and running away?

There are things you meant are important to deliver. I am resting right now, because I was not going on the public to do the elemental subjects, I go to War in the public domain with ET or your Porsalin Doll says.

But later, I change that format to the industry. I change by what I see and thought about the Hunger Game, I re-formating NSYNC and my UB 5 people if they are behind...on those Joomla Extention add-on or Firefox.

I cannot for sure knowing where its everyone, but I sent out in the air, in case it can be done in their time? 

Now....When I moving with Eben to Shanghai, he may or may not know anyone in that City, but There are the foreign people already in Shanghai, China. So you saying, I stop that business professional attire, Humility running deep cloth, or the home decorating?

I have my side of "Business" or nothing at all.

He has his side of running his side of world.

Do you know what you are doing with your own life, beside your parents in front of you, you cannot wait to get out of their sight, to BREATH a moment, when they are eyeing on you?

Talking mature

Response intelligently

Understand what people asking you

Find out what other people want to hear about?

You blank out! Asking you a thing, wave at your faces, you keep blanking out? Can you do something to polish yourself, not anymore this Humility running deep? 


I go to eat

Babaji: Go

If you are learning your on-line e-commence strategic planning. You greet to Eben's friend, as they having a crisis right now? Stoijack?

You don't open your mouth, small tiny mind....as if you have an exit? You making the friends to say a circle you show off your talents. The things its, you have none!

You have no fashion

You have no literacy

You have no voice

You have no calligraphy

You have no organization

Is English really your First Home Language, are you the Native English speaker at all? So at home, you talking in English or NONE English

There are Ukraine, Polish, Indian, Persian, Hong Kong...I cannot understand which language you are really proficient at. Its not reliable.  Jonathon I think his father he is always speaking in English, so Jonathon and his brother they speaking the fine English? What if I Anna needs the English just definition words back up?

No, its not normal after 16 years you still remember your University or 20 years or 30 years of your middle school textbook, you mean like Climate change or Geography.

Most people cannot do those things. They forget. Most of my classmate they gone to the cram school. I didn't spend that money, first my school were already private middle school.

Second, if let's say US government has an emergency, they find a MD repeating me the entire US medical materials, I can read and listen, and they prononuce the words, like home school. Not a regular school, I can repeat it back to you, everything I understand.

But, if you really asking me to take a Bar Law Exam, or those Medical Exam, I will tell you, I am still very nervous on the English part, your grammar, how you describe a thing, whereas, therefore, thus, some of this are opposite meaning than the Chinese translation.

The simple English I understand. 

When you saying there is a corner of Loving Hut, or O-Town Mail man, not mail man, its the singer man walking pass by.

Toronto loving hut next to the Jewish restaurant, but there is a parking lot, next to it, on my peripheral of the left, but if you saying the direction of the Toronto laws of that every lanes 5 to 7 morning time, cannot park, or they "exclusive" 3 to 5pm,...

I cannot understand what it says.

Which time frames are exclude???

You mean its the outside, of that in-between...we don't have that words.  

Because Toronto lane laws, has parking or the direction of coming in to that Loving Hut, its the next lane, not this lane? You mix up every brain things I see, I hear, I understand. The color of those sign are black or red words, or in the rectangle overall. 

Je Suis anna

None Capisto unglare.


So what was the system things again on the elementary subjects things I Anna say this morning?

Most people after they get out of their university, they don't do the line or square, or they get fat, they don't do the fitness anymore.

To that one category, if your memory didn't fade after fallen in love, too many times, running down your both physical and emotional side of supports, you literally are dead zombies walking on the street.

Most people going to the work, never think the elemental subjects are anything important. They have to stay Vola, so people paying attention to them. Now, the conditioned people, no, they don't do those elemental subjects, not really.

Most scholar are Ph.D, or the Teacher's union, so those people, Professor, University hired, or Military specialists, they have the elemental subjects to back up the situation. Both have different standards. The military has to back up the governmental.

Like when I say Neptune and Uranus issues like me and Lee on the educational side, that is fine.

But in the real those sectors of every affiliate institution research, they fight against the new invention, they have 3 spots. Uranus, Saturn, or Pluto. 

Technically you volunteer your own elemental subjects line, like someone repeat to you something, you list out your textbook? Most people are 3 meals a day human, they don't know their textbook when they vola their schooling all the way to dropping out, keep vola vola vola....its when they will finish vola at all.

Because in every nation, the most back-up forces of human, its the elemental subjects human.  

Like in science and in math. Not the conditioning people, its the real human with a steady IQ, and a constant read out to stay literacy, meaning, they must be able to communicate.

Meaning you know 1+1 = 2, but you can literally use English to speak and say 1 plus 1 is forever equal 2.

When they lightly hinted you the movie: Twlight

Like I told you, you all rather spending your time and money, not to be hinted what the movies says. I am sure American meant you are damaged....legal court always be more humane. Just me no face on it....

If some of you didn't get fire for this event, you will be coming back exactly the same spot, the same place, that very same time, I say. You'll see.

The military, either every military, name including TSA all the way to Black Ops,

Many people believe the dreams and the ability, TRUE. But its best you just knowing how they operate like you born with an intuition how they run that...guessing it the poker, and why you are not the millionaire yet on the slut machine. One of those.

Everyone its God's children
Special and unique....
I can never be more concurred to those line by line statements. Every Shaman words meant it.

No, don't get me wrong, they are doing on the Digital Era side. Because of the public showing, they start to care their skin care, their room display, they start to research more on the internet. Their internet usage its high

They look at their competitior, they constantly looking at different things to expanding that small business opportunity, but its like you are guessing, you waiting most those civilian in-line customers to contact you. Do you see Adam & Hailey, some people contacting them?


But it will never be Military, the Medical Board, or Pixie, or what I used to say....

Research complex affiliated with Hospital

Private research company

Public sector including the academia institutions

Public trade company

Within the Digital Era bracket, you have many phasing out business, they go by the ear-mouth talking. Some don't listen to the music, some don't use Itune, some don't use Itune for movie, not even the ilegal download, some don't learn the PC skill, they listen to the ear-mouth says.

Their character when you look at them long enough, you will see whom are whom, they fallen out of the digital era.

Like you see all these interaction chat room on the Youtube? One message someone talking to you, or you talking to some other, and those people response, liking, or dislike, heart love, or heart dis-love, one of those thumb up, thumb down?

That means there are social interaction. People whom having those in their life, will tend to improve their life more, and listening more of their customers advice, and they improve, they might getting a different business branding logo, or company establishment on the amazon store, when they exploded their options.

So is the System, supporting that kinds of Data?

Its current up-to date, but its an Art, and that is an Asian. Asian most time means they need the money, the last thing you ever wish, its there are problems when people are short of the money.

Most the Western world has a better environment for ensure people's happiness.

You know that....Loving Hut Vancuver, I thought I saw Lucy was volunteering in there, or hired to do things for them. Fanny they lived there, you know what happened, they got theft 2 or 3 times that Loving Hut Carts, its not a restaurant. Its a Cart. Vendor. Someone knock down their key and locks, and they got in, they found out the next day morning.

They happened repeatedly, so they close it. But they were doing very very well. Someone track your facebook. 

System Data - From Pixie, from Police, from the Military, or from the System side

I am not sure how they run the data, really, if they are all separated, and I will tell you how this Pixie might be set up lining, don't look like they know on the first line, until you walk-in monitor, so I cannot tell you specifically thing. 

But I don't travel anymore, so I am in-land most of time.

Pixie (Borders people)

I always think they are very aggressive people, okay? Most of you don't really hearing me saying things, its better you come forward in the public sight, like you make your own video to corresponding to that video whom else producing it from Disney, or from the Movie Producer or the Director.

I lightly hint you, but I am not sure you listen a word I say.  If you keep failing every data in every circle I list, not the Medical Board, I guess you never cared about it....

These things are not big company producing. Its a small business, you have an effect of they earn enough money, they run. They do those things, so the branding can never become bigger than certain size. Those people they die out....too stressful, or too unsure their fitness plans, in the end of some time their mids 40, 50s, they have 20 years missing, just by only doing Art.

Art its not a subject, I saying that.


Do you see what they say? I cannot see!!! WORDS, Ouch~!!!


There are people being absorb to the military side, it will NEVER be them. Every walk of the professional company are earnestly hiring the most expensive talents people. And one of the most aggressive sector, its Military. Most people don't comply to their requirement though.

System Side

Its an Art category, Gaming, or regular Youtuber....Small business proposal.

There are more than 7 video on that recent I notice you, for your parents, in this UB honor class. Get it done yet? Today you have an instant librarian online, if you just get in the Ub library site.

Do you ever use the Instant Librarian, "Hi, what can I do for you?"

One of those?

Have you ever thought....what kinds of regime, to whichever location transfer, if I didn't get those Afriganstan Biden's troops back here so that China bomb me at that Eternal Love....which they cannot see. 

Right now its no more tension if America will be taken, those commander in the Afriganstan? I left them a message.

Look !!! Everyone has their own Work Station....to that every danger might be imposed, sound like, hear about, friends at, Facebook been checking, if they are all UB honor class, or the club friends, to local White.....

What you think those commanders every get the notice called last year, American might be taken?

If the military has to take over my room, its every video they checking where I am about, never changing a room yet? Including the Pinterest? 

I will tell you, when you die that day, you still very much humility running deep just like this lady dressed....

She has a digital Art collection e-commence site. 

What do I think?

You mean every monitor I watching them on the Pixie side, or the Police side, or the System Side?

... ...well, some small tiny minded people they like those things. This is an online store you set-up to build up your audience, your subscriber, you see what Eben does, but he evolved, to the public from behind. He actually started more directly from the public site, with his dating business. Most, more...how you say, certain customer, they need you to come out of the video behind. Too many people lie, and...there are things they hide behind. Some stuffs....

Its probably you buy Apple, Irvine Spectrum Shopping Mall California, or your local those Big Shopping Mall America, or their Outlet branding store, like Coach, like Gucci, or Amazon, or Big branding name most people seeing them. Like Hallo Kitty, or the Disney Cartoon. People see them, they know what those things are. 

Wing, do you confirm with Vanderbelt, when Anna sees 3 things on the floor, one wither leave, 2 normal leave. Right at....Where the front guard apartment, they meant you work your way to Japan when Vanderbelt they consent like CNN also will be notified?

I don't know whom say what, and what the normal thing of the Medical Board doing things, you finding your own money to get there in Japan, like you follow the stream of TV, to move it the correct location like .....by chance, by family connection, by the situation?

Do you analysis the entire BTX, to send them a report finding the correct Chinese line by line or Japanese, so they know the character, with Karen in it??? Whatever that means?

And do you telling them, what its the situation of your underground fighting to do with an invention in UB robotics? Because this BTX, some military human only cares about the "EYES", to that not Line and Dot cartoon being drawn, the future, to say 2D flat, in ....recent ice skating song?

2D, line or dot, that is 1D???

You saying that is what the military wants, or your Vanderbelt hearing that themselves, knowing you don't tell, or do a thing, yet? 

What is line and dots? Like 櫻桃小丸子 you don't like those 1984 on...Tina's classmate cartoon? Investigation how we change the Exam format entering the University, its my year after. Or its you get fired, none of you required to do anything, its Anna says, Anna making a living?

oh ~

💞🍕 It has been 7 months I keep telling you about my juicing, cutting shredded carrots, and cucombers....💞🍕 Do you all do it, and eat at home, plastic containers?

Like being home, having a lot of left over? Medicine, I buy them eat them, public announce the world?

Just too tiny minded, don't want to follow order? Staying indoor? 

Its me near by, so there is nothing to do with you, right? I see. 

Life you don't care about people. Life you sway by your what collection of Facebook Friends.

You don't do things by connections, a business connection. Meaning when you standing in front of some normal human talking normal, you wither and shrink, hiding behind your darkness, dirty, corner or the house.

Like you Wing and Ola has everything to hide, hide hide...anyone tell you, the first impression when they met you?

Babaji says: He wish you get married, and have a kid, you have his blessing too.

Every household, between a decent parent, they sent their kids to school, they educating them at home. They talk to them. They help their friends, they invite their friends activites to say participating the family events, wishing that kid will grow up having some supports. 

And therefore, a society form.

I never met you all so selfish human being just every tiny little mind, don't get up before Noon time.

You are in the middle of this video, and the last video. Wing?

Do you get up before Noon? Do you do your laundry at home, if you are away from your parents? Irene's brother takes his load back from the military, you know what happened to him, super giant Big. Same its Square's brother.


I like the noodles.

Did you read anything I wrote this very very early morning on "Comprehensively to later Communication a Briefing", a Literacy of how you translating your English subjects to a Literally format, how you breaking down points, Wing?

Every Top Jobs, only DO those works. You listen to someone speaking an English, whichever question or problem solving, or hint, you make a lists of the following statements. 16 years ago, I just graduate with the English without University degree, 16 years later, I am still speaking a fine English. You gonna go to Japan, they set you becoming Hank, or, your TN Vanderbelt meant they take over whatever they seen, they hear, they have on their Youtube monitor, so my entire monitor are false? You are going to Japan, China, or staying in TN, or going back to Buffalo jobless? 

You are the Apple of the Eyes...Right there!

If you Wing going to Japan, like Vanderbelt have to wait on ....all this reports.

Do you make friends to that Korea by the way, so we have a straight down all the way to Sigapore, or Malaysia, you all using nothing but Anna's facebook, Anna's friend lists, to where you will be hearing about, are all Anna's friend? 

oh ~ That is the Second entry? You didn't fall on the ice....

This guy its the Japanese Olympia human, he is acting very strange, like drunk.

Is he much younger???

Coco, I think she went back to California, a Medical Student, she is not a red hair though.

Still on Ice Fantasy ....you know there is a word Fatasy, not Fantasy?

I thought in Music? Classic Music.

No, I don't live any art works. I burn things down. 

No I don't like any supplements, there is only one protocol, the American military doctors, he taught you many many many things, and literally Cayce Edgar Annually Database just few degree of literacy in anything in there, that is what American Military side put on New Age materials, that is exactly staying close materials. I already check it. 

Curezone protocol are fine. 

I keep telling you, its the microbiology, you infest yourself, once....careless, you ruin your entire being because those parasitic situation require the modern pharmaceutical medicine, to dominating pressing down those infection. Most of the people whom they say they are New Age, they are very lazy.

When you attempting to ruling God's power = the spiritual power, you better watch out. You mean you have no precepts, you have no moral, you have twikle prinkish lies, you love attention, you cannot shut up, argumentative, you have no methodity, meaning your IQ = Zero.

Right now, I eating salad, like Apple, carrots, cucomber + Mayo.

But I have the mug beans sprouts + the brocolli, carrots those as the boiled vegetable with salt some sugar.

I am not entirely on Raw, but I input more because Babaji nagged at. My body required a week or 2 to adjust. You all have this Vola



You must deliver everything in 2 weeks straight. I delay one year, I don't get anything straight, anything to look perfect.

I don't care about it. This is my life, I know what happened.

So, If I see Ola to Simon, Ola to Prince Charles, yeah, they lost their elementary subjects. When the bankcrupcy comes, they lost everything, that is a lot of people's life. Most time they suicide.

If they maintain their lifestyle, like they shouldn't be bankcrupt?

Zawanna....I am not sure he is teaching them and all a lesson, through what he says, what the TV wife ....their essence of the being I am not sure or he is saying the Prince ideas over all.

But one thing if they live long, it would be saying.... When they were 30 years old, they don't remember when they were 30 years old., not really.

When I was 30 years old, I think they switch the entire entertainment. They did something, as what exactly they did to switch all the back up, that was 9 long years ago. I don't really know what they did.  But they might be just all conditioned people.

You don't know what is your profession, or you don't know many people are conditioned.

I rest a few hour, tired

 Staying in?

I have the banana pancake yesterday, so It is 66.20 kg

In this world only two kinds of jobs, one is intellects on problem solving or labor jobs (no GPA required)

A lot of guys are much in the logic brain working on things, so they rise up quickly in their career. Women more on their emotion side, their short brain short circuit cannot apply the knowledge to the practical use of your life basic necessaty use. You understand your own short coming? Then improve it!

When Anna says what was on her Facebook, we are assort honor class to IT APO, you understand the brain issues or your facebook your own liking muscles trash issues on debts?

Comprehensive and reading ability, writing, math, a bit science so to understand the movies it’s the story board only, you break into main character or the main story chaos life Toy Story?

But kids are happy? You understand what you reading your own data without the color?

They becomes a data entry format of a new way looking at or analyze the set of existing data.