Lawsuit 523: Joe Biden

Date: Dec 12th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: He took a 夾心酥

You need that new location where 里仁

里長 = Not Biden, that is my grandpa

里= sounding like Lee

仁= sounding like 人 = human

Do I say that words are in the Da Vinci Yellow parchment paper painting?

夾 =人 = human, so this word is 人人人 一

Can you see clear?

  人     人



I have a box, it was from last year, I didn't finish it yet. I might just throw it out. Can you shut up birds, that is the police whistle. Its a chocolate, but there is a highlighter green. I hate everything ....those are the poison apple New edition Snow White, on the children' literacy picture book. The top of the apple are that kind of the green, brighter green.

That is a chocolate filling. 

I remember now, one time in Taiwan's real time, were White House this....2 girls behind Biden. Vice and whom?

Is that her husband got assault lady is one of the girl behind, like 82 years old.

You mean Biden took the Cleopatra stuffs, or you mean there is a Pompeo, or Anthony, with a | = was on your wiki, the strangest things I ever seen.

So how does this bar becoming a...historical landmark its flat?

On my neck? That I read about from the wiki was a historical pillar site. That is not a real human location, but that name is a human?!

Your Google Keyword will be combined: 里仁夾心酥

That 2 colors only, the in-store. The first 2.

Why don't you sort your own happy world stuffs, when you finished, you adding in here, that's fine. 

When you were younger, you remember your dad, and your grandpa. One day you are no more kids, for seeing the Star parenting, I don't know how to sound which one is which worse or worsen, really.


公主小妹 (The Youngest Princess)

oh 里長 like the farming land in the middle of Taiwan, that TV news? 公主小妹 I don't really like any of that stuffs. I have a list of the guarantee things to write in the lawsuit as the book series. Did I tell you why that were a list, not just made for the girls to imagine the future impossible? 

I personally don't need a friend, but you all need a friend, especially the girls or the women rich friend.

True Love (Comic book : 白色圓舞曲)

I might be telling you, my True love might be looking like the 亞斯 (白色圓舞曲) his hair without the faces, because in the vision usually there is a reason you cannot see the real faces but only the hair. Roughly looks like him, but I am not sure its 亞斯, meaning these classify materials can presenting a front gate, and then ending up the maid behind. That will be the story like 公主小妹

Correct. I have heard that kind of tale. 

But 亞斯? By now, to when that book being publish, he was a colonel? I see One Star on a uniform inside the book. The Lieutenant, even my grandpa were higher than him. I think...if 亞斯 is the guy presenting that book, technical anything doesn't just slip away from him, that is why he has the ranking, not like your American military type or the White House? 

(Looking at my window, bed) 

I am pretty sure, one of those things add-up doesn't look right. But why don't you imagine you publish a book somewhere else as your military rank to sound very romantic right inside the book to end up a few reality, on Anna's facebook?

Farming, not limited to the Organic Farming

You mean the Taiwan news on making the money, or your entire plan why my Taipei Real Estate investing money were your personal....oh ! You have a free will other than your current possession, you mean your money investment?

I think you born here to start that imagination. I don't know how the across neighbor could purchase and live in there, like a real life for a very long time. 

I know what is around here. Usually ....well even if I acquire the housing 20 years no one living in it because too troublesome, that property will rise. Normally one person their earning will never be one house purchase here full pay, and in 20 years you live on 100 property becoming. 

Your 194 country without the American, you mean? I heard they will accompany ME. Just seeing where their money becoming. That is you asking me as them? 

I am fully aware of whom they are. They just never hear enough whom I am, really. 

Whom care what I do with my freedom. Plus, its not you living here. I live here. I give them a genuine says. The last video those people. They are the minority students. I cannot possibly lie to their sibling or the students. That is what I will say. 

One life no matter how you making a money, it will never be 20 years for the most ordinary people.

I just written that in the lawsuit, you will feel so much better 20 years later.



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