Lawsuit 498: Sariputra = Jason Pang Jao has a friend 2 Meter tall like Thranduil's height name Morgan similar to Lake House (2006)

Date: Dec 9th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I highly doubt Karen gonna do anything on that jobs to the movie: Lake House with Keanu Reeves or these 7 years younger than us age groups. 

Morgan with them, gone to this Florida South somewhere they have a vocational home venture things. They all got hired with a legal high paying jobs as the Russ School, University of Michigan.

I just when needing them coming in, to these 500 lawsuit per degree their tagging words, input these per lawsuit, to wire them into the entire process. They can start 500. 

Keyword tagging: Flower Thousand Bone (2015), 2015, Bone, Boney, Bonnie, Loving the Silent Producer Vincent and Bonnie, Monkey, 如來, Ancient Chinese Legand and Myth, Folktale, Generation after Generation. Ugly Monkey Temple Art Forms, President Xi, Brother-in-Law to the Monk, 白蛇傳, Towel on the Snake, Stone on the Monkey, Pressing Curses, 500 years Da Vinci Painting, Catching Fire Second switch to the Mentor's head band.

Reference: China Welcome You Benji song (His granny, grandmom with that Towel on, including Flower Thousand Bone Illusion scene) 

They don't have to start now.


Last time I heard they have the jobs to work looking like a literate, capable to write with a brain method. I want to see what do you do with this project. Later you can elobrate himself Austim on the TV, to what you all saying you are a bundle program, where you say your brain looks like on the legal documents, how to utter your correct words in the terms and condition with your Legal American Constitutions or Laws. 

You can group efforts in, checking, sign your initial.

And resume. What did you do in life. 

You can elaborate your movie results too.

Pang went to join a singing choir groups. I will tell you I have no idea whom they are. Either he meant he joins, or he meant he tears them apart and switch.  It might be a UM or University of Chicago which groups? 

One is his undergraduate school (UM), and the other is University of Chicago graduate school.

He writes for the Michigan Daily. (A Newspaper), I cannot tell the difference because I just barely to know that Silas Radar, and my facebook broken !!!!!

When you all finish your side of EVERYTHING, you input together at this time slot. The case studies, just all put under here.  I think he is the same either with Nancy Meyer's kid Hallie, or that Nominji Mongolian too.

There are a lot of things only if you are at that age bracket, I won't know a thing.

No, he doesn't have that equip in Ancient Chinese, I think. He gone to a public school, not the private school. I don't even know what he studies. He grew tall, remember from the TV. Slam Dunk.

What is an Ancient Chinese?

... ... Long time ago, you imagine there is ink, calligraphy = their modern pen. How these tools coming into the form of the less population governmental body. They have flood, natural disaster and heavy tax from whichever government they ruling at. All these official you can see, read, and know words passing it down, its when someone capable to acquire an ink, and stays indoor, not freezing to death in the cold snow northern weather China, for saying, he writes it down.

It will nothing like today's or future to be the Digial Era.

Long thousand years ago known will be tribe by the Last name as those are more myth and legand. No one knows for sure how those things just documents within the official books that carried it down, what is the real situation. Those words are short phrases. 

One time what the most scholarly popular era, were the Warring Period of time. That is when the Confucious you heard about, there are a lot of written material passing it down. To that history, the more you write, the more delicate you give in those materials, the furthur history today we say, he exists, his values exist. There is no tapes or records what he is really like in the personality, just the written works. So on that line of thoughts, in China Schooling or the main stream of the philosophy teaching, there is a line of them name, he will be the foremost important. 

With a clear life philosophy in it.

Then, in that Era and Dyansty evolve, there are poems in the grammatically setting, you get it right, its a written format. Its a poem. You have to make it rythm.

That degree of art is by you prepare yourself, you write about, it becoming the history.

To what I used to hear about that 紀曉嵐 one time I am mocking that Hook Taiwan Youtuber. in his life more of the modern way saying, what they really did in his time, the guy in the boat, you get up or you sunk in, that guy....your literacy has to came out when someone asking you in front of your face.

7, 4, 5 align, poem to rythmn

Those are the literacy and confrontation.

Those remains in the books, not really in the history that is what it is, or what it was. I assuming, somewhat you have to have a talent to get hired in the Royal Palace, or later passing it down per degree preparation works to today, how we reading them in a very short format, we will always know, those are the Ancient Chinese writing. Not the modern ways of talking. Its very heavy. A very heavy philosophy or spirituality.

The Sun to East Rise Unhold

The moon to West Fallen Not Tailing 

The Revolving Galaxy makes it Legand

By Center of the Darkness hints the Light Without 'n

Why don't you just focus on a language you meant your money here you go. Just alone that American democracy format....that is endless English Native Older Language ghosty tales? 

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