Lawsuit 323: Under Prince Harry or Harry profile (Harry Potter)

Date: Sep 10th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Situation collects in 2018-2020 (repeat)

I will say like the history, like the TV, every road might be out of the System, transpassing situation to put in danger situation like I myself brain too simple.

Prince Harry Article on Sep 10th, 2022: if the worlds are freer, because there are the surveillance people inside the in-line zone ( beyond border of its own Pixie Statues Earth existence here) - you are encouraged to try everything, but I would say, that will probably be the most intuitive, frugal, decency, and capable of the body momentum some scholars will agree with me, I keep saying 4 Stoves

or 4 points frame under all the vocabulary I define:


I can suggest you one thing you can do. It will be the England Kitchen they go to the King, if you come out something real.

I think the world meant its the food taste, not the creativity on look. But the TV format looks like as long as you just need to cook it right.

People always think the cooking its....low. I say 4 Stoves have some merits for saying that. In this world, you don't have a lot of options if my works has to stay still...what you gonna do? Die on the Street? I don't actually know what is the proper road they say you ought to be doing after University, I would say like they say try everything.

My situation its my reading, and validate facts I can see, hear, know...from my simple brain, I will tell you...if the court asking me why I transpassing that System, I will tell you I didn't know there is a System, and the last thing on Earth to my entire life it will never be the Entertainment world or Tina Jojo everyone die on the street for everything she made of.

MD Comment:

When I personally realize the front road its not the road, the back road its not the road

You seeing this Military Orientation Table 

And Lawsuit 271 

You are attempting to break down my psychi, it was very very very very stressful, download information included. Not just getting was too much.


There are a physical situation,  no one should go to California on anything driving. I quit driving now. I stay here, probably all I will ever say to you. I still have a nightmare vision from myself current if flash back those "eyes seen road". oh my God.

No, the emergency I know I can still make it. It just when I reflects, I do those Buddhism says introspect things for real, I sweat. If you really putting me on the road, I know I still can make it. Just the body sensation, I don't want to do anything like that. I used to think I was small tiny dust, I never think of dying, but there are the responsibility in life, ought meant to be jail, just like Legally Blonde, So I lock myself indoor most of time. I exercise. Early morning time.

My vision its 174 臺尺

My room entire length, I cannot go furthur than that, on the clock that wall in my video making, green with the white inside those moving things. If I go outside the glass door, its too bright, but I cover my eye brow, you really wanting me to tell you? I can still see without the eye glasses.

Because this one vision thing one day I realize everyone its blind. I start to remember high school, I sit on the very last row. The teacher write cholk board, all the way my body stretch to where she reach the edge ends. I didn't start to wearing the eye glasses until the university, that is probably correct, or unless I don't remember, they made into the JC Always video.


These are 3 EF exchange family I switch to, to UK, to UB, to all the clubs ends, including the intramural volleyball

UK I had done too, their UK real Team try out.

I work in the bio lab

Youtube Organic Chemistry not Youtuber in 2007, they don't have those, but I gain about 1000 subscribe to that standard in my channel still having a name or a logo on line.

 to 5 Lords Reviews, to one day I return to Taiwan....etc etc...

I didn't die on it, if that will be anything file-ing lawsuit for saying that loud.

I would say DMV needs to comes out. For real. Everything on TV.

But I will simply comment this: The movies or the TV Project Blue Box, it entailed these materials if the Court legally process that as the classify seal, stamp, made of.....through all that gateway, side way, real way....there are some Evolution Years, if you transpassing your own very emotional games, or the personal gains, you see greatly yourself should have done, should have acted up, should have become. A maturity that you ought to be.

I am very sure the legal court today meant that is all right, your feeling get hurt, they find way to baby you, but time will not stop running, and one day that Prime Minister will be younger than you are. Worse than that TV current made to me. Cinderella stories side by side.

For me, I will probably meant if the court give me the cards I can get a drug Pharmacy store I buy anything I like to collect the medicine myself including the American drug company, I see the bottle I feel safe for one of those days, emergency I will take the synthetical drugs.

My background doesn't look like that, well....its better you don't need to be that extreme, but I understand the New Age all the alternative saying. Its not light on the kidney. The label now they say, its 24 hours delivering Andy, outside the body rate. Its on the package. I got it from the Pharmacy store next to the postbox stays there forever near my house.

But I do like certain things incline. I am....

I always like the technology too, like the medical equipment for the skin cares. I have a problem because of that. Ends up in the Victoria Secrets Romance Journey.

All the first aid boxes, open and see, or the doctor uses those cotton for the large amount of iodine in the professional manner. There are certain things naturally draw me on attentions, those are one of them. Might be related to Conan Detective.

I have seen internal too. I did. I was a girl.

So if I would do a genuine comment on this, everyone has a saying.

I will tell you the real world how I happened to step in that Khan Academia Harvard None Profit Organization, its the rudimentary subjects if you memorize your textbook 20 years ago, as if you meant that was your education.

You can ask the Court of this video to be nullify, I sincerely saying that new Prime Minister England she is a girl, she will concur and help you.

As the right label will be "All Position Play" in Slam Dunk, not just the Point guards number 1 in limited seated spot, and you up against, will be the selected MVP, exactly that TV saying every details Trophy Scene.

Slam Dunk

They are before the National, its the Color TV 3D seeing possible like Frozen England Disney Version on Blue ray in the end of the opening trailer.

The real comic book are the black and white 2D flat surface

I didn't just say I transpassing that System if were at the court, when they define a situation real plots in W Two Worlds, in my privacy, I might just don't bother making that statement, but there are in-frame story, so I create it :

MVP Lists of the Selected

If you like what I say on those article above, to the real scene of the movie has a meaning behind. I will say this, to a lot of people might be Sorority or Fratenity in the Student life other than drunk are too good to be true. But there are some people will tell you, they are a circle of itself how the America validating those clubs establishment in Rush, then the brotherhood or the sisterhood in them. 

To how I define that the SA clubs activities, its relevant to the student University life. As long as you can handle your GPA course works. I used to be part of many of them, just never taken a position. Jonathon put me in next to him Chess Club but I was in the retired mode since the elementary school, I prefer to hang out, finding friends, joining that, not to fight against anyone in what? Broken piece arguments to the jobs above.

To these teams they were told to you in this TV series, its one of the very popular story in the 90s, those time there is no internet, so you will use how far reach the statistic the real human on every blocks knows what its the facts on that Slam Dunk.

There is a red hair, his statue quotes, or his motto is he is a genius, and he plays with the Captain's sister. A girl next by. In the real basketball sense, probably not good.

But when I growing up, there are funny things in that TV until I got hit, by Tina and Hank, exactly how you seeing it inside, just how broken my brain blood drained out by that one Tina Jojo, oh my God. It must be Tesla Karma. 

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