
UB girls, on that limited to Tiny 4.0? What Babaji Says, you think, you thoughts, you feel, you discuss? (We wish)

I already forgot what he says. 

We both wish ....."While the time seems to be difficult to a lot of you, life that don't given up the hopes in the past or the present, its rarely says in the religious sectors or the personel, they are always there to assist to people whom lacking their strength to continue or furthur their goals or the dreams to define the life existence on Earth were not just the conviniences....only.. Its given and taken that compromises...."

Being ascetic, or being hungry when you age, and your sibling abandom you? Your friends dessert you?

Well, I almost just thought every religion sectors will turn you all down. For that one Flower Thousand Bones 2015, crisis, they probably bar down a lot of people using the TV brainwashing power, either in or out of this madness.

I don't care you say yes or no, to your parents, when this is surface in front of my faces. There is no reason to ask your agreement, you understand? That day won't be that long anyway, you imagine.......

When Babaji says things get done, you should just be frank to yourself, why the things in that nature be done only he says way. If I were you.

I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

小鬼小和尚~ 你們是真的摸到看到知道我.....去幹嘛的意思? | You all small monks, actually really touch it, see it, knowing it....where I went about? Means?

有時候尊上我人忙呀 ~~~你們館我去幹嘛 ? 我今天需要丟掉很多東西,一堆四五年前的袋子,壞掉的~~~~聽說 Adam & Hailey 要回來台灣了 ! 

我才在講台北的這種誠品才被炸掉的,什麼吃素的湯湯水水的地方~其實很臭 ...他們被丟到貴婦百貨去了~ 你們可能不知道地圖通常人們在 A8/A9-A11 因為華納威秀嘛~~~ 但是微風又要往101 這邊在走呀走呀走的 !! 

但是其實我有事情找埃本 I actually have something I need to talk to Eben. 

你們現在定位他在哪裡呢? Where do you all calibrating him at right now? 

我還沒有弄我的護照耶~~~那是快要六年前存在的一樣東西~~你們知道為什麼美國大使館被遷到內湖? 台北就一個這麼大的盆地~因為三軍總醫院的分院好像就是在那邊,包括 Costco,方方他爸的不是住在那邊~他們住在汀洲路那邊的分院 ....倆的不一樣的地方,但是 方方的勁敵既做,你知道她饒雅芳唯一的菜色其實叫做 Fallafel, 那是一個中東的一種可以咬下去溫熱的食物,但是她饒雅芳大概不知道她有,競爭對手,我五年前就已經大概聽說知道,因為我也想吃 Fallafel.

我那時候剛回來的時候~~~剛 回 來 ...

我現在每一種食物都忘記了 !! 

🍲🍲🫑🫑 (做果汁~~~忙了很久~東西卡住黏在下面~嘿! 柯南在電視上面 ! ) 🍲🍲🫑🫑

她們是說要學注音符號,喔~台灣的小孩學那種東西,喔! 你們大概是很反感的那種東西叫做往西邊歐洲跑的順見是她媽的生日之後,嗯! 你們自己跟它們說呀 ! 我尊上大人不是跟你們傳話的~她們不在乎你們的存在,大陸吧 ! 

人的生命在一瞬間的熄滅就是....那個我唱歌唱半天也不會有人熟悉的聲音~很久以前曾經...我高中是我二十年前,就是那個 Ella Enchanted, 的前一年有一個高中舞會,我的舞伴其實是德國的交換學生,不是 Adam,那首歌之後的 22 年 ...我準備跟埃本結婚 ...

你們記得幾首歌曲我放上來的? 叫做永遠年輕~有一個男孩子在照片裡面跟 Derrick 他的名字就叫做 Young

在公車上面的照片,這個 Derrick is similar to Eben 位置 ! 他睡了 Keith's 太太就是高中學生的老師~ Keith 是教堂的人! 猜那個太太長的短頭髮像誰?

Annie Lalla 就在 Victoria Secrets 我給妳們看看真相 ...叫做 20 年以後....的今天! 

而 Keith 其實是當年 八零年代很有名的 Full House 一個黑色頭髮的 Danny

意思就是? 所謂金髮尤物或是 "Legally Blonde"你們自己翻譯翻什麼? 

因為真相其實是 Keith 是金髮的! 他不是黑頭髮跟電視那個人一樣 Full House.

Derrick and Eben both are 黑頭髮的,但是 Keith he is a Blondie. 

Maybe I put it on the Pinterest?



🍲🫑🫑 I have bamboo, veg, shred carrots and green beans 🍲🫑🫑

A lot of bamboo. Its very tasty, without the mayonaise of course. It was cooked in the salt and sugar water.....and drain all the water out, this things will have a taste.

I need to do some of these exercise, my routine like yesterday...bye ~ I have to also fix this flesh lights....to the 7-11.

I need to be put in some of this routines, this time I need my weight ...DOWN! Since I write it out? I hate I don't do those things done.

Mega Millions

 There is a dot on the first image.

Here (Screen Shot), a dot.

COVID 19 was Feb 2021, so …29 pounds?

No wonder these birds keep telling me to eat.

Let me check my data last year ….Feb 1st 2021 = 63 kg.

The COVID-19 pandemic changed us inside and out. For many people, those outward changes weren't especially welcome. An APA Stress in America survey conducted in late February 2021 found 42% of U.S. adults reported undesired weight gain since the start of the pandemic, with an average gain of 29 pounds.2021年7月1日

The day before Yesterday were 66.3 the afternoon evening, to when the most heighten weight I had. 

I lost about 1.2 kg=2.7 pounds.

Do I read this like everything else incorrectly, I think it says we begins the COVID 19 at Feb? Ends at July?

My mother looks normal, Pang and Tina looks normal. My father looks dying on hunger …Tim Cook…pink may be different phone holds it. Uh…

That Christmas before 2021, I were 63.4 kg. I just coming down from 74 Kg that 2020 (the winter 2019), my goal was to break at 62kg, so I started the juicing with Eben we kinda first interact on the internet April, May. Or March. I start peeling thousands by now, like cut, peels, waste fold? In the kitchen. 

So the Harvard saying …(shut up, shut up …. shut up !! The birds not supposed to be responsive every single inquery…

15 15 15…45 pounds after the end of the second months? Or saying the next 15 months on pending data to-be?

That’s the second month? No. My mother Chinese New Year rush back. 15/4…4 months

(Birds ~~~~throat )

How fat was I that time? I go all the way to 74kg all those cooking 

These birds have spy, they bite me, I put pain killer patches on right now.

16 years ago

So now, these my Facebook’s to when the Lords becoming the Lords? Just by weights? Oh, I think you need to stop putting the food in your mouth. 

Let me input the weight in the excel sheet.

So many years. 


2020     2021 2021
10/1-10/31 11/1-11/30 12/1-12/31 1/1-1/31 2/1-2/28
61.9 62.2 62.8 63 63
61.7 62 62.8 63 63
61.9 62.1 63.1 63.1 63.1
62.3 61.7 62.9 63.5 63.2
61.7 62.1 62.9 63.4 62.7
62 62.2 63.1 63 62.8
61.3 62.2 62.7 63.4 63
61.9 62.6 62.8 63.8 62.6
62 62.5 62.8 63.6 62.6
61.6 62.8 63 63.2 62.6
61.7 62.4 63.1 63.3 62.5
61.9 62.2 63.1 63.4  
62.1 62.4 63.9 63.5  
61.9 62.2 63 63.2 62.3
62.2 62.4 63.7/63.3 63.5 62.4
62.1 62.6 63.4 63.9 62.5
62.1 62.5 63 63.4 62.3
61.8 62.6 62.9 63.4 62.1
61.9 62.7 62.9 63 61.8
61.5 62.8 63.3 62.8 62.6
62 62.7 63.3 63.5 62.2
62.2 62.5 62.9 63.6  
62.3 62.6 62.5 63.2 62.3
62 62.5 62.9 63.5 62.3
62.2 62.7 63.4 63.7 62.2
62.2 62.8 63.2 63.6 62.4
62 62.9 63.2 63.4 62.4
61.7 62.9 63.3 63.8/63.5 62.7
62 62.6 63.6 63.7  
61.8 62.6 63.1 63.9  
62   63.1 62.9  

I cannot sleep, the rice doesn’t go down.

 I sleep in the early morning. Up to 6 today.

I go lawsuit.

Oh…they have other stuffs to see. Pitch perfect same cast !!


9 years ago?

I think these drinks, or something you see they selling, they contains stuffs in it.

That is I take them for the curiosity of it. You can live on by pop, without food, I almost think that is why.....Keanu marathon on it? I try that in the Valley I think. Those things needs to work out the fat, I am telling you.

I nap

Babaji: Go

💖💝🎀 Becoming a female professor or these nuns, they have to pass the exams just like SMCH, to which how short your IQ really are to Dennis saying? 💖💝🎀

Your IQ or EQ are just about.....demonstrated shorten....as the years goes the high school sweetie talks. Is the guy around to hear about this none sense? You could just live happy about your own life, not to bother somebody else in America, and these guys will know, at least you being decent about, far away from it all, no one knows you exists !

What was I supposed to be doing today? I exercise, I drank the water, juices, clean up the vegetables, used up those, were supposed to for my mother. Becoming my mushroom. I don't really eating mushroom. That was supposed to washed for her parts.

I told her, and now she doesn't eat carbohydrate, but the bread, and she doesn't eat Tofu. Its just about everything she decides she doesn't eat the moment I made it them there.

That was as lot of food today. I ate the mango after that, I left one rice ball. Its too much these salty taste. That is not supposed to be the lunch? Usually the lunch its like 3 or 4 dumpling + vegetables with carrots boiled. So that is a lot you see in the photo. Tonight, I cannot eat stuffs for sure, and tomorrow.... There are things you just knew you shouldn't be eating.

    Like Eggs

    Like Milks, Cheese, bread, cookies, crackers, butters, pop drinks.

I think only water doesn't reflects on the weight scale. If that is the only case, I will be drinking only water right? Yeah !!!! I occasionally taking some milk. But those are very fat, I am telling you. Is there something about the bone they say, or they say not, about the milk? The really drinking down those fresh milk, not the add-on substance inside any process snacks, or food, or cake, or diary, or pasty, I guess....those you mean the sweeties.


I go to eat

Babaji: Go

Maybe you should care about this line above guys somewhat a bit.....really. Legands.....https://youtu.be/FfATUvdeu3w

"Will I miss my Ella Enchanted?" - Those called " D R A Ma"

You mean Derrick sleeps with Keith's wife, whom is a substitute high school teacher, to where Keith its our church associate priest, same day of the Wedn Teaching next by Rebecca, whom they owe me 3000 dollars.....nothing but drama, to say Freaky Friday, Adam....its attractive.

Why don't I say Eben Pagan he is attractive?

If I were you both Karen and Adria, to deliver that 5 Lords Wills might be better.

For example, Patrick, Bill, Silas, they 3 are not drama human. I don't know much about Seth, he is a guard.....body guard starting UB time. Dean...well.

Meaning, The university graduate to say the chances they are being dramatic, you never met my 5 Lords, to say, if Eben Pagan next by, any of them willing to say, Dean getting drunk, one more time? on My phone !

Having a crush, that is called High School, Sweetie? High School/ College Drop out, for the religious practices, Drama, nothing but drama !!! That is all you ever really see, hear, know, pretentious human trying to make a Vola every moment, to when they will grow out of their head, they are using their parents life forces, might just so weak to drop dead in front of everybody.

You have to learn something about the survival. The rate in Wal-mart per hourly, you willing to stand there for which high school guys? If you just trying to be competitive in that American Capitalism worlds, somewhat learning something. No one demands you will be successful, but do you know how much American resources to pulling into those markets, where that freedom was given, to be just about anyone you wish to be successful becoming? Anything.

My mothers lunch + my cooked stuff

 This is the Korean things you see.

With the Kings mushroom.

The one on the very left are my mother made, I heard it’s 蒟落 zero caroles.

"Have I lost my life goal?" You mean the momentum.

... ... I was driven that I have to get the initiation, they have advertise that why, or how, I put down everything to deplete my parents resources, you can say that. I need to hang on that. Then one day, there is a comet on the patent. Then one day, we catch right on the time at 74 ending or beginning of one or another choices, I cannot get online. I try to move the year, if I make that year 2000 to becoming a void....I calculate, "I cannot be that right to be right on it" ....those years.

Then I hold on all the way to 78. That is way too much already. 

You go to church? Your local back-up human, you see compassion in their eyes and souls, and starting at your core values, you knew like Pierre and Meghan those back up things in their minds all the time. You are not alone.

I had no hope, but you have the plenty of the hope, they are whites, not Vietanese. No hope in whatsoever context. Someone drives you, someone you needs other than the Enterprise human, you pay and see them showing up on the phone !!!!

I am not blaming you, you all UB girls not to go for this Russian Tungestra explosion stuffs. Yeah, my email used to be. We have email together?

That time I didn't know, I have Google the keywords in. It was a dream.

You need to have some expectation what you are doing with your own life, okay? Not every step of the way, someone pushing you to get to some degrees of it.

6:00, I woke up again !!


The Ice Skating Book 溜冰天使 | When I was the kingdom garden 我是幼稚園的時候

I had one of those ballet shoes, some ballet shoes has the laces all the way up. 我有一種芭蕾的鞋子,還有一種有蕾絲上去榜上去的鞋子

... ... You see me doing certain things very easily on the jumping all around those things. I started it very young. We were the private school, we have the teacher design the chirography for us, or the clubs. I had joined one of those, every Saturday we had half class, those early time. 我小學的時候是私立的,有老師設計跳舞的舞導動作 ...星期六的以前是有半天的社團活動 !!

You are reading the ending of one of those Dean's ex gf diagram, those.....I started it very young. 

💃💃💃💃💃💃💃 1:20 ~1:25 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️


On Pinterest Weight losing notes (why it’s everyone pin my Dr Pepper)

It’s about 3 am now. Copy and paste times. 

I just add-on


But I am not sure how you can take it off....I am not used to.  On the same page, you can remove it right away.

You girls can try in your room, my tiny room too.


Jumping all around and with the cold water washing my entire face, whatever these Chinese medicinal 7 opening blood dead....scenario, its water rinsing every morning......my jaw, remember to the mode on my arm. I have to mouth washing so many times, and then drink the morning water. Not just drink it. 

I like to wake up early in the morning. I used to do that, long long time ago.



I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

oh ~ It means, they are all saying that is Sugar probably?

See.......only the garbage things I would ever know of. 

If saying 3 witches......I knew how the blank space to be filled at? Those are all the guys presence in front of me, that is a little bit awkward, don't you think? 

Just change the favicon. In a few days you will see your new browser looking.

Powerball May 25th, 2022


Ice things in that juice, I have to put in the lawsuit Flower Thousand Bone 17 Ep.

 oh dear.

I went to 101 and the Bank side, the across side, to show off my new outfit !

That is what it means to walk around !!! That is a 4 block back and forth. 

(Anyone knows in all you ever girls groups, to be useful this time, they fake my photo? To look thin? )

I keep looking at this model, I just believe it, the human figure just should look like Hailey's dad. That kinds of thin. It would be good for the foot, I think. There are times tired of keep doing the same jobs every day. Try a different way, I almost....you know cut deeper and see, the flesh blood. Some people have this urge.....

I gonna do other stuffs, til tomorrow I see my weight again.

Like I come back from the outside walking.

I wash my hands, and I write it down on my diary, the bird does the marvelous things outside. 

Just because you are the State School, you don't think of this City of Hope Crimson Love Letter?

Craig Ballantyne its right at Toronto ETR

He is a fitness coach. You are these UB clubs, fratenity girls, and the Honor Class/ Honor Program parents spoiling rats. I don't even eating 3 meals a day, so I gain weight over this entire COIVD 19 years to when its almost ended? 

Its 3:30, I think I can do another run walking. My foot can feel the weight, really. That is way too much weights I gain. 

Whom doing what? The singing ? Oh ~~ you are not really doing this, you copy Movie format and SING a Song?

(Look at the birds) Did you ever ask a bird ….uh ….anything ? They just didn’t do the Irish dance !!

Bryan high school clubs…X man Bryan movie whom producer name?

The birds say Pee ca Pe (Pokémon ) going out? Wait …one last video.

🥦🥦🥦🍳🫑🥔 Justin, I remember the name, Christine ? One of those passing by names all looking the same !!


Like my notebooks, I went out for walking 20 to 30 mins

You don't want to start the first day of the month, to tell Eben Pagan or Craig ETR, you are on your success to losing weights stories? A lot of people becomes that kinds of spokeman, if they succeed. 

I feel sleepy after I eat .....so I go to nap early today.

I drink something first.

Babaji: Go

Money Goal

I finish Lunch

Babaji: Go

I don't think if the Medical Boards stress that There is a Line right in the middle of the America, that means I don't have to come back

They make everyone a brand new resume, meaning, Eben comes to my places here? He cannot afford here I think. Its when I gonna end up money to do things.

My mother wants to suicide, so I have the family business attire to attend, and apparently my father is a real color blind on the Pitch Perfect 2 Rip off?


我如果減肥成功 | If I lose weight successfully

我應該可以看到更好的吧 ? 說不定呀 ! 

I should be able to see better? Its hard to say !


I rest a bit, later I continue. 

I was walking, I was thinking all you girls losing weight program design. I never really had a program to design for myself, I just keep losing the weight down no matter what. You know when is the last time I had the bagels? 3 or 4 years ago. Mc Donald muffle I had 3 times last one month. 

If you quitting bread, you might start to go to the bathroom better including the white rice? I like the rice, but its on the TV, I should quit ! The eggs are very very fat ~~ The way I eat here its not much, but the any scramble eggs, use more than 1 egg? The 10 NT dollar egg its one full egg, I sometimes don't even eat the entire eggs. Just taste it. 

If I looking at the calendar dates to when I gain weights, its after I change my diet. Although I lose the dizziness, but still I need to slim all these weight down like when I was in high school, I think, that is about 50 or 52 kg. That is about 110 Pounds.

So I go back to the states with Eben and I lose 30 pounds, you don't want to start it now?

(The kid outside cry)

This birds outside still lure me to eat their eggs. Do I want to know why they keep doing that? I have to eat? 

All right, mine would be losing 35 pounds as the goal. If you write it down, those things do help you. I didn't have a heart to determine to do anything. Some of this human, saying I should just get fat, sit there, doing nothing, like a baby. Not jump, flip, bounce.

You need a notebook to write it down? The Dates, the morning, noon, evening? oh ~ If I do that.... I use A4 Sheets. Dean used to do some works to slim down .....

Its like 7:30. I went out by 6 and walking one hour yet? or 40 mins? At least. What is  my weight, I drank some water down.

65.6 Kg, I write in the notebooks. Today's date: May 27th 2022.

I write it down, it started to rain, my mother had some yogi doing, I can do stretching different from Eben's program, or Craig Ballanytne. They say there is security, so I can do the stretching the way I want. Longevity exercise.

There are other more younger instructors, looks like President Xi, all those belly guys chulby looking. They all have something differently. The DVD I used to copy from my aunt.


I run some chores and walking inside the house 8:00 to 8:10

Then I meditate for 20 mins. I never meditate, all right, I start to meditate.

8:00-8:10 Chores and Walking around

8:10-8:30 Meditate

8:30 Juice, walking around, don't know what to do in life.

Instead of biting the chips this time, I biting the vegetable stem last night I made, afternoon.

Washing the vegetables, washing the hands, film it.

Washing the bathroom.

    Tell the birds shut up !!! Front and the back and the Kitchen. The neighbors shut up !!!!

You know how to make it the SMCH 2 and half hours? Its every few interval, 10 mins.

Help my mother carry the vegetable, change the water of the vegetable washing.

I used to do their Cheat Sheet, like 10 - 3, I never bother waking up .....~~~~~~ If you thinking how much per day you lose it, you will just start it at 9.....somehow.

65.6 Kg, the weight comes down.

I have to eat less....its rainning stop?

I go and breath some air.

🎀💖💝🎀💖💝 I was saying that between that 101 next by ....there is a bus technology to Eben 🎀💖💝

 Can I have a life?

That vision tests were that, the 101 next by have many traffic lanes, different direction, but in the middle of that lanes, has a traffic tall lights. That light falls hit me, 101 falls hits me.

The water down there River processing the rain water are the metal bars my bus cards wave at the bus fall in there?

The bus far away, but these people standing in front of that bus boards where there is high tech...they all stands there.

There is a tree, where the hole to push, the bug comes out. 

There is a curve where far from the drawing of the destinate Bus park at, but that curve you gonna fall off as the side road walking by people like me, if my cards away from the underground water. 

我在講台北的公車站牌~ 101 跟街上的登倒下來,

排水管在地下水的那些金屬 bars 我個公車卡揮到掉下去的意思~ 我可以看到的地方是你們一群人回在那個公車站牌我看不到呀 ! 



I go to sleep

Babaji: Go


It’s actually very fresh dishes.

 I am making the fried Zuccini and some vegetable with mushroom she can eat.  Every household a lot of these works you know, that is how each this household survive, through thick and thin, unless absolutely, I ask the people to help in~~~ but this is your family, what you gonna do, to lose them before the Time is up? That is not right. You live under the Will of Gods, to that every Kingdom of Godly rights its bestow upon by the God. I think something very untalented situation makes you believe .....on love, in love, demands, and princess seeing so many Movies now to brain washing you....you change your character as if you can gain something.

You have to get things right, okay? Especially if you are the girls.


This is what I help you one last time? You are on your own? Today its almost June. Eben can wait a few days til June? But ....today you all girls not to think of it.....what helps its always there? Your Principle says.  


I go to take nap

 Babaji: Go

🥦🥦🍲🥟🍅 Have you think, you grown out of your educational friends a little bit, like getting 1000 interviews to see what the world looks like? 🥦🥦🍲🥟🍅

I am sure a lot of you getting a lot of the interviews, after UB 16 years pass. We had a fraternity brothers, they are conducting the interviews, like Rush with us.  Do you ever think of the University positions, where any internal positions, like the UB faulty, or the UB internal janitor, I even done that Steve Jobs' books, on the recycling the water bottle on the New York States recycling programs = only Water bottles... 

I think you are living right close to UB, why not just focus on this State School, Number 1 at that location in any position, you trying hard to accumulate what kinds of that one resume, to get in? Any jobs? 

Like the Contact Movie (1997)

What you will be meeting your own students like Eben Pagan in whichever class, the UB Music Studio, you ever pass by? Remember? And?  I been there, not inside.






I go to lunch

Babaji: Go

I increase the morning, I go out walking like 3 times, see if the Afternoon and the evening I increase too

Tomorrow I gonna see the weights.

I am losing weight right now, back to my own programs. I think the muculess diet to some people, those are too hard on the beginners.

I gradually to know about Dr. John R Christopher. That is so much years later. Like my lunch after that big toast with the butter topping on Top, I think I just have the vegetable + 3 dumplings (with slices of cucomber), all of them going to be boiled.

I found a flyers, Funday Europe American, International English School.

Let me see what was this.....The others one I just walk in interviews. They say that .....Almost neighbors to me 地球村

(Shut up ~~~ birds) Why they are singing so melodious? ~~~~

I see what they say, they mean the layman, ametour, or the professionals  


🫑🫑🍆🫑🫑🍆 This kinds of the Chinese Eggplants are purple, so they need to be water boiled first, but they change the color very very fast to darken black brown,.....🫑🫑🍆🫑🫑🍆

🫑🫑🍆🫑🫑🍆🍅🥘 The sky finally stop keep raining on it, I gonna go and keep walking. 🫑🫑🍆🫑🫑🍆🍅🥘

Babaji: Go

We both wish ....."While the time seems to be difficult to a lot of you, life that don't given up the hopes in the past or the present, its rarely says in the religious sectors or the personel, they are always there to assist to people whom lacking their strength to continue or furthur their goals or the dreams to define the life existence on Earth were not just the conviniences....only.. Its given and taken that compromises...."

I had to eat a bread, a full topping on top. The birds says that one week ago, I collects from the bread shop, 6 bread +1 this slice, I ate one with the rasin last week. I cannot eat that anymore.

What is this 17 Again, I am hungry all the time, means? 

The American Senior Varsity, those are very demanding energy, practices.....Wait til Eben shows up, he can fix something. 

Resentment has to have a good reason after the ending of everything else....exists before. Meaning you had a past. 

How about this, you Karen and Adria getting married one of those days, and all these guys around be the flowers, like one of those diagrams from the Sailor Moons?

You can invent that ! Taiwan, we are now officially that legal for the lesbian. You don't have to get married, you could just sort things out again as the best friends. And drop this guy and his family around, more loosen on the air to breath?

There are certain guys, you cannot push them to the edges, they cry. They have nothing but the tears in their eyes, called the Loving the Silent Tears.

Life when you are outside your family, you have to lower down your head all the time.  You think the way how me talking to the UB guys or Ola they are, we become the big huge family? Melt together? I don't think so.

Maybe I shut down Eben and Simon and ETR them together, to making you feel, they are supportive and friendly on the screen? No.... they are not that friendly guys, I think. You taken that from the screen.

So the most threatening guys is not Eben or Simon, its Dr. Steven Hairfield?

On the Pitch Perfect? 

Is today's birthday, Karen's? May 26th? My weight does not come down. Its 66 Kg. Do I want to know why I keep getting weight up? Today I have to slim all the things down. I have to go out again walking the 2nd time. Yesterday I can feel my weight on my foot, today its not that much, but last night were a lot. 

(Maybe gonna rain)

I cannot upload this video, the bird says. 

You know why some people in the end of their life, like .....very old, they say they live their life fully, up and down. Because they went through several phases in their life, and they cannot quit life, so they die. Some people will tell you, the normal sense of life its to get up again and again. 

You learn something, you get up.  


If you hate that someone, you don't need to be with that person.

Food preparation like 2 or 3 meals lunch boxes, to save the money, to learn about the income and expense. Everything else, you just dragging that person down, that their life has no goal to get anywhere else....not hope, not dream, not daring to imagine anything new horizon would ever becoming. 

They rest properly, not being argumentative on the phone, then you go and see that person in real face time, talk in the sense, why getting back together its worth your time, and his time. Anything that bothers in you, you imagine God doesn't know. 

In your religion sense, you find yourself much happier right now. You just have to admit it, you lost it the guy. That's it.

I don't really think you want him back.
Not any of you short attention span something else

You sure that is what you wish to pray at? Then don't focus on it.

    Taking care of the car

    Meaning knowing something about the car and the car maintainese.

    Able to communicate with anyone without the guys.

    Not gluey.....

    Not lean on the guys. I never do those things.

    Not about your dad your mummy every 2 seconds? 

You have supports.

You know, if this Melinda would be such a horrific human, I don't think why I would even spent time with her as my neighbor near by? You don't just judge by the judgemental belief? Really?

When Tamang left, she was there. She always has some ideas to input in your groups of the girls to get together. I am the one has no clue what you girls are saying about? The fashion, the ideas of this Hollywood?

There are shame parts everyone live at. But when you gonna really think that is really such a big deal things? Really?

Melinda open your mouth, let me see? tile your head right side? You know Erin does this way too often when we're in the nursing home, the assistant living. Slowly at your head skull....

Melinda usually very inward to her own little worlds, she doesn't really going out to give a lot of people's troubles, you know that? And she has a big family, that they together eat at the Chinese New Year? 

Anytime you see the big family, that just means the human exist? You know the eating guy name Neo he is at Sigapore, or one of those South places near the Singapore? I cannot understand his English.


Every place has their own economic values. Me I have to packing in these my family imparied human into this indoor life. Not that I spent the money "I live in an illusion".

(Can you shut up birds? ~~~~)