Babaji: Go
There is only the lazy human becoming more lazy while I was in UB. That is probably when I was in CADS. Sometimes there is student showing up with the random question.
That was the each day I becoming the lazier....I didn't do that while I was in Taiwan. It was in UB. I pick up my garbage paper and go to sleep? How do you live with that Eternal Truth, really...those days after I upload that one video in Math?
I become the math tutor immediately? Or I was dreaming now I am looking at the Westlife? Lee was in UP, he left that time. You know my Landlord Tony from Wal-Mart, he is UP too. They two don't know each other, but they 2 are alumni to each other in UP. University of Pennsylvania, I read the wiki, that is Ivy League.
You know what was my job? The Math tutor for the UB Alumni Student Althetes, their student numbers are the same like the CADS. They only do those math simple...
You should just memorize that purple....for all the sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc. There is only one way doing that, really. Its the same eternity defined triangle.
Right hand 3rd and the 4th finger with the thumb.
That is your memorized outlet, its still exactly the same 16 years in UB that video I made. You know how that Ms Congenality dropping a sandwitch on the paper? That is why I take that video off, because that piece of paper when I show you, has a stain.
Want to do it? (The piano method)
All Right hand, 3rd finger = middle finger
Sin θ= 4th finger / 3rd finger
Cos θ=thumb / 3rd finger
Tan θ = 4th / thumb
Reverse back
Cot θ= Thumb / 4th
Sec θ= 3rd / Thumb
Csc θ= 3rd / 4th
/ = division, how you say that in Math? You divide something.
Your Sin θ = 4th finger divide to 3rd (Top 分子 / below 分母 )
分子 = numerator
分母 = denominator
I know the word denominator in English. There are a lot of things I learn when I was younger, they are in the formula sense, don't require to speak in the Chinese word coming out of your mouth, but those are Chinese I know how to describe to you.
Birds, do you go to sleep yet?
You have the coordination when you learning about the Math, to that vector you define from the ground it where you toss up, not coming it down. So you saying X or Y in the most intuitive sense, you just assuming everything throwing a trajectory up curving up, and coming down on the horizontal sense. Not the yesterday sense. Those called the "Free Landing", v=gt 自由落體, the Simon's that square boxes behind background represent. That is a known term, a known experiment, a known situation, you should just memorize that entire things never leave that term.
To the most other things when you saying you just intuitively stand there, and start tossing a ball in your hand to another person, similar height. If that guy is not there, your position A to landing at the B, while the big ball, medium Wal-Mart ball touch the ground, because the B person is not there. It will always fallen right at the ground no matter what.
It will never go beneath the ground.
That saying you have the formula in the x you see y here. Below....
I used to telling you the math in that sin, or cos, tan, cot, sec, csc, its the piano hand gesture how it hands up in your memorization
Sin = The straight height over the /
Shut up ! (Wind)
That is called the sin degree, usually you mean that angle were toward the Right ....
Your door on the left, remember? I picking up my ground garbage human, you will be at the left, that is the triangle end.
You guys don't know the Past War, in history, called 10 years war. Guess what....that is AC and DC. That DC already been here several time, meaning walking that street he knows how to go about.
To that bakery street all the way down, its their now new purchase building, their meditation center basement. He is an Italiano, imagine they all meeting for whom meet each other the Past 10 years War. The moment of the Truth, seriously.
I don't think DC degenerate yet, considering the age difference. But when you seeing the moment of the Truth that day....he walks fast, and he finds his way. I told you he had an occupation professionalism, meaning never getting lost !
And one of the Indian guy engineering a cheese European herbs types of the vegan butter. That is for the bread. If they care about the fat, the vegan style might just save their entire work out schedule. That Bank avenue, has the fitness center too.
There is a particular reason these boy band they make their own home here, all by their will power without asking me first.
Technically, you asking your guest only if they are invited as the guests.
If I finish writing the 4 TV square, I think those are your camera angle from your door on the photo left? That is your first floor complex. but you might have a camera? That is strange way...You have a building up world.
These bread are white bread. Simon's Westlife looks like might be Lewis Walsh means British? Above know Menton they selling those smaller ACE bread baguette. Those are the European style. In America are bigger than that. To that Italiano, they eat nothing white there is only Ciabatta bread or ACE bread. We have a bakery selling several kinds of bread, right behind that 家樂福, similar to Costco, they have this a box container, soy sauce marinated chicken. Its warm. I cannot eat that. They have so much germ in it. I swallow the throat medicine with it. Maybe they should go to the real Fried department. But this looks like Costco have other things, like fish dumpling, you boiling them. That is a meal.
You never run an Asharam life, they do nothing but finding a chef or cook.
Maybe they go and pack their own shipping order. They have no toys to play.
I think a Ciabatta bread + Sour Creme + Cheese and cracker, those are the 5 Star Hotel their basement Supermarket selling nothing but Western World every dressing bottle they have. They only use the fridge as their storage methods when they show up.They have a whole meat session to, their entire European style cheese, more than that in American land.
Grapes washed, chopped cheese, cracker, dressing and salad. Some human their jobs are to eating whole day, a FULL WHOLE DAY. If you run an ashram, you know that. Their preparation meals supposed to be 2 meals. But just for that 2 meals, that kitchen are whole day in service, because their Master SMCH has their maid by her mood, she has the food order, one of those.
Spring rolls in the restaurant including the American Chinese restaurant, you require a lot of money for small tiny 2 or 4 spring rolls?
There is a plastic container, you shred the cabbage style. And then you just shred the carrots. Same things. What do you expect inside the spring roll you eat?
They are Western World guys. You create a full container, that spring roll can always freeze at. You just all dump in and all coming out. Next day its full batch going in the oil, coming out of the oil. I don't really know what you mean the food.....they I am not sure they eating the spring rolls.
But sometimes the guys just seeing unlimited food, they feeling welcome, no matter they eat it down or not. Some mentality. The Spring rolls are the only thing they ever known the Chinese culture. Not the Taiwanese culture. That is Cantonese American cuisine saying Chinese cuisine all together.
Look at this ...Its called "The Personal Shield" - I personally don't know which oil they say they going.....
I personally don't know which oil they say they going.....
I personally don't know which oil they say they going.....
I personally don't know which oil they say they going.....
I personally don't know which oil they say they going.....
I personally don't know which oil they say they going.....
Never mind. Did you see this job, don't require your brain to work? Just your 2 hands keep cutting?
You just want the money to pays Not you have an inclination what you gear to do? By destiny .... People think about life, they think inside their brain, about their future, by imagination the utopia world, or their too perfect phisolophy worlds, they live on in that norm.
You happen to all be in, you need the money life world. Guys or the girls? I think its best you finding a niche, like they given you some blue prints, you step by step finding yourself to the end. It came with less degree you keep vola. You finding a skill, a job, a really stable job ...not I picking it up every paper on the ground, my dress are short skirt with a crown, that every jobs are on the ground to pick up junk yard sale. That never pays the bill. And drop in the garbage can.
Again....Physics | Lab and by theory.
Don't you gone to a lab? I went to the UB physics lab. I don't remember UK Lab. You trying to imagine the real thing, or you imagine to be like me, no lab required?
Every Science has to go by a book, and a lab results, that lab results has to be your 5 sense can define what is really seen, and unseen (X ray, infred red)
Those are the chemistry light spectrum.
Do you define first?
What is you supposed to define, which part of the textbook to that Professor you select the university its by which interests that motivate you, you know how much? So now we are in the physic department. To your sequence how you learning that science by definition, you have a chemistry, a physic, and a biology. So overall, what these subject in each of them that motivating your learning curve? There are the math involved in all of them. In all of their lab basic measurement you will not have an error in calculating the result?
By theory meaning by your brain power to show up a concept, let's say you present yourself a thesis, and where is that the end results you will deliver a 100% lab report meaning theoretical value to the experimental real value in the end what you really get? Not by theoretically that is not the reality now? Your reality yielding will be your lab errors or humidity, or you are absent minded?
Math are used in all chemistry, all physics, including the biology real lab by the measurement, not just your stocking department, that is Farima's jobs, or saying Dr. Bing Shen or Lee's incubator growing the e-coil, they just live in the incubator without purchasing?
d = distance
In English you using a word called displacement. In Chinese will be distance.
A basic velocity means how you travel in between the air, how you landing, or flying? Against the have to know if that velocity all by itself a self propel? Alive things? No!
A ball is an object, it didn't increase a speed all by itself. And that speed in the correct term are label as the "velocity", to that acceleration because of the gravity dropping it natural phenomenon, you gonna say its man made, the human efforts? *shut up birds.
(You want to be throw outside the building, see if you landing? )
You didn't talk about anything on the friction? Those are the car tiers on the curves, you imagine the Buffalo Icy snow, their winter budget not just underground the pipe exploded....too cold break?
You know why their car has to go and hit something? That is your experimental results. What happened to the safety measurement, like an air bag? Those are you seen, you hear, you feel when you are inside, or outside, or passing by, by the color?
The consumer wants its one thing, its by the man power, or by the girls' purchasing degree?
So you have a target market research.
You are not going to be a distribution center. You are just a researcher to coming out a material science material, you hope those Realistic company comes to you find this material will be add on to your Car new purchase those tier outside rim shining metallic? That is an add-on price, you seeing your car catalogs, or now that is Volkswagen thing?
You getting a degree, doesn't mean you finding a thesis to stay in the lab, once you get out of the PhD, unless you are so sure about the Post-doc, you know you will stay in, in that career field? And which direction that is? By imagination, or by calculation, or by book, or by theory? Which theory exactly what you reading the textbook forward, that has anything that ends at Prince George New Film?
That past 1921 Bohr's model?
🍤🍤🍤🍤🌟🍕 🍤🍤🍤🍤🌟🍕 🍤🍤🍤🍤🌟🍕
Zawanna says
10,20, 100, 1000, 10000? That is one Lawsuit, after you put how many lawsuit, your future potential to end up on Earth again reborn? Are you serious?
中國有一部份分開沒有,去美國?你們說 ... you say to the Court: Do you have any Classify America can pitch in
意思根據W 兩個世界,美國可不可以拿到一些外星已經在半開星際的狀態,叫做我們不能一直死亡人下去 ! 不管這比例在 COVID 19 叫做人亡根據人口是女孩子多還是男孩子多 !
還有肥胖的問題是真的女孩子還是男孩子比例 !
你們想要知道那種數據,還有人在任何世界不是拿去隨便亂死掉的 ~你們希望有一點支持在這事情,叫做瞬間畫下去的一條線到真的解決,因為這一件事情尊上給出去的 65 + 5 的 points 裡面,這電視一定是所有人的見錢眼開,我們也會,但是我們沒有安排在用紙張還是突然死掉,叫做
異想天開、集集如令令、山海誓盟、惱羞成怒、短性子的意思、不是長遠的夢,是在彼方的友儀叫做詩情畫意 ! 講法律是說站在法官、法院的正前方,叫做所有人規規矩矩坐在哪邊一起等,你有一種突發奇想,在所有事情出現之前,你們會通通突然死掉掉。
尊上說在台灣捷運上面有一個老太太拿的一個長傘~一直對著前面看 !我就坐在她的正隔壁 ~~她身上的衣服有很多規劃 ..我開始懷疑這 中國的 TikTok 只有黑白色,我本身只是看圖樣,我沒有仔細顏色,這顏色有代表意思...尊上說先分開 !!!
To all the girls I will suggest, these UB, including Taiwan Taipei, all related close near by....this incident girls, you have 2 options.
1.. Getting your Ph.D or the Master degree,
While you are in it, you doing your best to invent, to come out a thesis,....You will realize what kind of the support you wish you getting it, because most guys working very very very hard inside the lab for that kind of the jobs, or invention, or something called, "The money never stop running in the Science Department" or the material science.
2. Or you author yourself in several books, polish how overall mass like about you, how you talk, how you present, how you stage, how you worldwide tour, if someone sponsor you, you taken that pressure every step the way. This has nothing to do with the guys. The first one will be. That is where you say, you working very hard on the money. Not the show off vola in the second points.
You are not the type getting hired in the University or the Educational Department. Those training everyone knows starting in the Freshman years.
You will be proclaim by that external world or worse, if that movie has nothing to do with the Earth. Ms Congeniality. Including Anna are working 24 hours if some guys will be telling you like that Dr. Bing Shen, that is how you imagine the money never drop unless you work your way up.
You are brain dead after 35 years old, you are line and square missing after 35 years old, you hit your head often after 35 years old by social interaction that schooling were the safests. You starting this romance how to pocket money after 35 in the gym, in the behind, in the every chance you find your way through, you never succeed, and you are running out of the age.
Those things outside the Earth, will be legalized as how you have on Earth to that one movie by now the Earth people are paper written. Not just copy paste from the external world.
Therefore, what I suggest you the first points, are the most genuine thing you should do for yourself. You vow, you never provide anyone's comfer, or supports, at least I only say first point. Because that might be your future you regret, you think you should, or you thought you were.
Like Fang, CAC.
That is your another 15 points - Lawsuit 472: Facebook and the Girls Power
W two worlds, You say, at the time junction we were all in the Boston initial amusement Park Groups. Anna was not in us, she was with the Elizabeth and Monica, later Big Henry.
We have a fall off, and we continue our life to a new marriage we all settle in a different land, its best we never look back, to continue that new land. I cannot afford coming back Taiwan, that will be the policy included and favor to the English continution learning. I was not picked, so I will be decompose to where never end back Taiwan, I want to know if that is forever true.
Because what we did in High school, or its that one guy like the TV - W Two worlds say, and the rest of every other TV? I just want to know. I will improve my life, if I know that is true. For my character, for whom I am, where I was, and all that.
Is Michael Vartan has anything to do with anyone?
Smash hits Award, Best Hair Won.
Guess what is the next sentence? Pain like Hell!
You know what I heard yesterday? You need that lawsuit 472 points from 50 up to? Harry Potter is 50 points on that !
Westlife - Amazing
Want to try again?
Gravity is not g. Its a force you coming right down, or two planets hits each other, oh ~ you don't want that ! You have an Earth and the moon, so you think that is normal!
There is a reason why a Satellite are drawn to the planet itself, its the gravity, that is a Force field. Force.
Force by definition = F= ma.
a = aceleration.
on Earth will always be a= 9.8m/s2, so they give that points a as g. When you seeing g, that is an acceleration, except most a, when you define the horizontal, you have a vector going down, and going horizontal parallel to the ground "Up." - you will never go below the ground. You land before you going under the ground, so that horizontal factor will always be on the ground. Never below going down further than the vertical vector can drawn upon.
In that sense, you have this force mechanism, you must understand, if you drop, things will forever fallen. Like the Newton Law on the Apple.
You can have a theory, you can have seen facts, but you yourself cannot becomining. if you are not born to believe the fact in 9 generation every birds fly? You want to now just go to the birds and do a fact check if 9 generation they are forever flying? If you want to make yourself a point, that is a forever flying creature called the birds, but you will have a validate proven that 9 generation the birds are? Still flying.
So when saying mg
it is ma.
W is Force, your own Weight.
a on Earth is forever 9.8m/s2 =g
You relabel that a as g, and when you speaking of any g to any physicist will always tell you that value is forever 9.8m/s2.
Those are the most basic definition. At least I have that!!
對! 你們說清海無上師現在可以自己下來,連尼姑都不要了,花千骨也不要了? 對~業障通通不要了!
對~ 打官司是成立的 ! 因為電視告訴她,我的條件也開出來,她出家是假的,不是生生世世,斂財是一件真的事情台灣 ! 但是在基本人權,美國是民主,她可以說不是生生世世,她不想! 她改變她之前的誓言。
1. 她不會真的生生世世做尼姑,當初紐約跑到台灣是台灣出家的尼姑有五百塊一個月,她那時候什麼錢都沒有。
2. 她真的相信你們愛上她了~不出家也沒有關係,男的徒弟+女的徒弟,她相信自己的眼睛
3. 她老了 ! 想要做她想要做的事情根據那個金錢呀 !
4. 她沒有覺得斂財是錯的,台灣是錯誤的! 中國也是~
5. 有人就是去 copy 她的法門+她做出來的事情整個亞洲亂串,在中國名單之上
6. 她會告訴你們她從來沒有要去中國
7. 她真的真的相信你們通通愛上她了,我之前寫的法案 472 她會告訴你們,你們男孩子很痛恨我這種女孩子叫做直接上網、跟 Ola 金牛座認知的男孩子就侷限於在 a 她之前德國醫生丈夫叫做一年半載、b. 越南的1997 那個男孩子
8. 我會告訴你們你們現在是處於破產狀態,只是什麼時間下來,瞬間!
9. 她真的相信跟賭博,智商低的關係,當人在沒有後路就會開始賭博,女賭客 ! 她相信你們真的很愛她到掏金掏肺,只要她開口跟你們說,意思她真的覺得她是你們眼中的上帝 !
10. 她已經給她自己吹眠叫做 40 年過去了~她有非常高的自尊 ! 一直從來沒有消失叫做沒有語言的溝通 ! 她是一個很矮小很矮小的老女人 ! 那種人會有年輕男孩子的幻想叫做自己非常的有錢! 有~~~
German and Austria - Adrian.
Austria has this SMCH = Supreme Master Ching Hai = 清海無上師 her cult Vegan Hotel, one of the Kind. She has this Dr. Janez Slovenia President book in the SMCHbook Taiwan publishing business, herself. Taiwan has some vegetarian / vegan options. You will see less fat, and built some more genuine to that religious nature - ought to be goodness to continue your own evolution.... if that is what you understand the brain inside, literacy in both English and in Chinese, it will seem to be more a developing skill rather than saying "a talent". Capish?
他應該去看看柯南 (世紀末的魔法師)
Why is that?
This? Michael Vartan is the PETA in Virginia, he went to the wrong side? of the spectrum? He doesn't speak English. He speaks German.
He looks alike
Animal Mass die out Beach 沙灘那些巨型很多動物死亡的地方
You put a big big sign, very simple words "Money".
你們寫一個巨大的板子 "錢"
You leave that entire big giant board right there.
Do you have my Pinterest those photo interior design, the Material?
你們有看到我的 Pinterests 那個室內設計的材料?
Can you just get one piece of the stone, not pebble hanging next by it. (Loving the Silent Tear Lyrics)
你們可不可以拿一個大理石的石頭不是那種 (沉默的眼淚裡的 Pebble 歌詞)
You say: You starting talking in the human language so I can understand you.
你們說: 你們開始講人話我才可以了解你們在講什麼!
America can go about this legal court things - just by the way. I used to have a University of Kentucky Federal Credit Union
I want to ask them something.
My bank in UB around, cannot stop disappearing, so that is one reason I am coming back.
I did a 5 Lords reviews, and later American heard me keep calling the Africa for one recrods, because their black showing up. That method.
I have a situation to my entire family all conditioned human. Seriously.They were the Upper New York Elite 1900. Human, not ET. My mother would be John Rockefeller and Tina will be Katherine.
I have about 500 lawsuits and many are the TV content to today's the world evovle. I wish to diposite in your Bank, some money, and you can give me a check book, this check book has a memo on the line below to your right side corner down.
Tina owes totally how much money to my mother (This data will not reflect to the coastline bank)
Its right in the middle of America. Can you do that for me? That is before she told Hank, or Hank asked her if she was in debts, she lies to him, but her mother put that money through and I return the money to her mother check.
In UB, we had this 3 banks I used all collaps, to show up Tiny 4.0 400 millions dollar gone.
Unless you are telling me why University of Kentucky will be gone, I remember you exist before.
台灣 Youtuber
COVID 19 之後的審思 ! 大家一起死 ~ (人身篇)
你們本身是共產,意思就是無人權,低頭過日子,跟越南一樣 ! 你們的身體,人的身體,這是在聖經裡面一個字叫做 The Temple of God. 這一件事情是你自己身體會變成那種情況,是哪種情況呢?
1. 你們非常非常非常想要去買你們自己認為的所有物質東西 (男女生都一樣|),是一種癡與狂,那一種購買的非常需要物質買東西,的那種非常傲慢神經病的狀態
2. 你們人生,我說是共產,在第一項裡面,之後的每一項是關於你們人生的窘境,意思我之前講過邊界的錯誤 一到一千 ! 只需要寫那些,所以有第三項
3. 你們只要跟爸媽拗不到東西的下一步? 就是自己去死+所有人一起去死 ! 這種百分比~會不一樣 ! 男女生,有些有點信仰到乾脆整個世界為你而亡,而你真的在思想之外,真的往外面走跟做到,有些叫做生不如死,因為病毒是一種流感~ 你脖子上面這 throat, 就是劉沛那種人生再也沒有路! 這是叫做邊境有一千的列項,你們的人生再也沒有後路 !
4. 從你們低學歷的開始,每一個學校就是最嚴格的那種開始,你們以為出社會的開始,錯 ! 是學校之前的選篩 ! 很多人並不會真的認為人為什麼非常惡劣跟這些 Youtuber 一樣! 為了錢做出非常非常瘋狂之事情! 是第一項! 因為大部分審核之人是知書達禮,認為,人要為了為雨籌謀,做一點自己在學校曾經認為的人生,做一丁點的責任,絕對不是第一項 ! 這一點就是中國電視講的非常大聲!
5. 你們的人體在這種 1-4 的之後,食物、飲食,你們會發現你們做的任何減肥都是非常非常非常傷害你們的裡面 ! 你們非常的痛苦,是吃東西必須,我曾經說那種非常瘦的人,吃點東西 ! 這是你們身體知道你們每一的思想 "敢錯"。
6. 現代社會並沒有靈修,你們想要思想什麼,是隨便可以,但是很多人會告訴你們,叫做思想一絲絲會有,真的要走出那個門叫做現在馬上,他們通常是『拖再地板上』『等一下!』
7. 有些人叫做在無後路的很多!我已經告訴過你們一到一千在邊境永遠不可能過,包括台灣~但是只要你認為你可以成功,為何不多相信一點呢? 這是一種列項,每一種東西的錯! 一到一千,不想思想自己的未來,那就繼續大家一起死下去~~
8. 在美國叫做街上的流民~我跟 UB所有女的講過一張紙,自己去警察局,就在右邊 ! 叫做『剛剛在我之前走出去的那一個』,你們沒有那種窘境? 是嗎?
人的身體 (篇)
人身是你的大腦很多感覺跟感受,你會有一種『很想很想很想很想很想』,你們跟妳們爸媽拗東西的時候那種,坳著 ! 女生對男孩子,也會做出非常誇張的現象 ~ 叫做坳東西 ! 而且就真的張開嘴巴跟你說,這是你們想要的什麼 ABCDEFG 非常誇張的言詞 !
這一件事情,是所有人都不會知道,也沒有人真的做什麼研究報告,但是這一件事情,是你們大腦的思想,在非常非常非常非常極端之下,包括那個 ADD Austin 他通常就是跟他媽的說 ! 他會說,但是都要不到 ~有一天,這種思想會抵達一種殺人魔式,叫做完全受不了 ~
但是他是一種 ADD
不知道尊上怎麼觀天下的嗎 ? 不是很多理論嗎 ? 那你們這麼想說中共講立法 ~ 必須開始,你們的大腦思考模式,讓我來猜猜~就是我不是嗎 ?
哈利王子 275 !
+ 所有邊界之人的一到 一千的列項,你們只需要在那種名單裡面,你們永遠不會有翻身的機會! 而我曾經在 275 裡面講過的那一些事情,叫做只有法官會知道,的存在 ! 這只需要在這種名單之中,就是這邊境跟妳們的名單,是這民主世界,有一天你們往美國多一點資本、跟民主之下的風俗,就是永恆的痛!
記得沒有人知道你的內在 ....噓!!!!!!!
而尊上都是知道的那個人,你們只需要脅迫中國民主畢竟是,金錢講跟美國,開庭叫做誰必須出面呢? 這種叫做瞬間羞汝,記得,在正統範圍之下的民主立法,還有一件事情,不是你想怎麼耍嘴皮子,說法案,叫做指告他人,叫做每一件都沒有過,而我尊上有 500 件,你們如果先做好自己的準備動作,叫做一年之下,萬年之上,至少做一點叫做錢,跟營運之後的大公司,會友的基本投資,叫做甩了一的大巴掌的每一個公司,在某年某月某日的瞬間之後...就遙遙無期了!
任何運動 Movment, 集會的意思,不可以有一人昏倒 (大型演唱會)、不可以有一人死亡
尤其是那種陳時中的疫苗,不可以有一的老年人死亡叫做 BNT 不能進入~旁邊黏貼貼的小姐,死亡的業障是一、罪名是二!
任何大公司旁邊不可以有 Standford 叫做旅館住宿,每一個周末叫做大公司的旁邊有人不停的死亡。
不是要揮嗎 ?
小資小本的所有營運只要拿到微小利潤,叫做自由體面之下,會早死,也會早收,永遠不會有大公司 merging 叫做購買,永遠不會,因為早死原因,每一個廠牌必須是永生永世,假設蘋果+台積電是 abusing 這滿慈子 + 我的任何法門叫做綁架,這種綁架也不可以去早死~~叫做我家人可以在我有生之年通通去死,我一直活著!
你們這麼想要民主,講話尖叫,簡直就是無法無天,蒼海茫茫,聽說你們想要走歐美是嗎 ? 這多的事情叫做許多人許多事情,只需要一直有那種民主精神,那我直接告訴你們,只需要一科基本科門,不需要十科中學的每一個課本,只是發回來課本的瞬間,叫做我的每一頁! 你們不需要知道那是一個什麼過程,只是生疏了 ...這一件事情可以永恆存在,不是只是我人身是一種美國民主保障的生命個體,才會是民主風氣! 講廢話的意思~不是要運用中國人命不值錢? 兩邊一個巴掌,叫做印幣摔不響,我尊上不是第一天摔人叫做我下山之後的每一天。
衣服 (閃耀暖暖), 永遠不可以自己做的,要不要跟誰訴說是一針一線,這邊境叫做一個火場的先例絕對存在,這一個家一個火場,是所有碎碎的基本科目會知道的什麼? 瞬間燃燒~我其實 2018-2020 的一些影片叫做我唱出來 ! 燃燒~這全世界,這美國發生過 ...叫做燒掉的一間整個民主時間的那一個案例就是女的呀 ~做針線!
這一件案子,就算只有一件,不會只有一件意外 ...但是只需要一件案文,我已經說了是邊界名單你們永遠不應該自己一針一線 ...要嚴苛的考察,叫做你們絕對是瘋子的關係!
楊過跟小龍女是一種對拆 !
你們沒有聽得非常清楚,尊上怎麼會變成尊上呢? 不是嗎 ? 那是 2014 總司令開始,不是今天開始呀 ! 花千骨過了一些年...才會有的今天 ! 叫做每一個基本動作看清楚,才會有法官認知,我為什麼不需要一開場就是一堆紙,不是嗎 ? 通常要有人張開嘴巴跟我說我在電視上是真的! 不是你們說電視法院是這樣對你們用嗎 ? 那就不是對我呀! 不是嗎 ?
這法院還沒有要我直對你們的真正寫出來的本案叫做直接對拆~不是嗎 ?
想不想真正的看好電視呢? 真正對拆的哪一天的某天某月某日呢?
笑傲江湖是 2013 年開始的『左盟主』,你們本來就不需要知道,這全天下會怎麼知道呢?
有海盜,有美國總統,或是軍人的 Dr. Steven Hairfield,這美國有基本人權,那誰會是海盜呢?我不是畫給妳們看了嗎 ? 當年侯友宜是現任台北縣縣長,你們一定是說只要做有職位的任何東西都是不需要的是嗎 ? 這三件事情他哪一件不知道
1. 清大交大的材料系叫做現在的新光三越~台北車站! 溶金子的水 (我帶我爸去看得,他是國民黨)
2. 白冰冰事件
3. 台灣中國大陸的海盜事件 !
你們出生了嗎 ?
我不能引述這直轄市的提申,跟他個人是存在什麼意義嗎 ? 叫做這一這二這三!
You don't understand that copy machine my copy right papers on the ground, I have to pick it up, last time I say? You all looking at this video?
Its the same direction of the left side =their first floor door. My entire garbage on the ground to pick up my paper, and here you come? How big is your foot, you want to tell the guys, to that imagination how tall you are standing there? Your foot....
Chinese we used to have a tradition grandmom's mother.
When someone has to do something, there is a situation where things got done first, to last. Meaning by every day efforts, you planning your life gradually to meet your goal. Sometimes you don't even know what that life ahead of you is what. You wish the God be your guide, in your quiet time.
And what did you all do on the television, nothing but psycho. Its just ET says granting your 4 bubble tea, you could just marching yourself to the Washington D.C and see the American really do to you. That China you mean their Top didn't do anything, the American are worsen.
Your attitude are nothing mild, behave manner, how can I even describe you....violence, shouting, like a blacken women, cursing words, just didn't chew a bubble gum, and pop!
Let me guess, I imagine Justin T did that, Dean or that near by Justin did that.
💝 In here, we have a Tom's world. Its a machine table, similar to you all having this soccer, that pulling in, left or right, like one of those NSYNC has this Florida compound places. 💝
And in Tom's world, there is a table, that floating that air things, two people play. hitting back and forth, kinda of like hockey on the ground things, except on the Table.
Some girls, or Square's height including her....
You know what you cannot be with the guys, you beat the guys on winning? Something wrong all your psycho mind, people cannot 2 standing like having a conversation on the gaming. Nice and soft, and talk with the mouth open, you have to hit so hard...this thing right through someone's faces, throat, or nose, or eyes.
That is what you girls define perfect on winning. Psycho, what you love to do, to proven it you winning. So psycho.
The guys are 4 limbs longer, they got the height.
The first moment I turning into the guys, you all girls will be reports as "Abusive, hitting, threatening, subconscious manipulating, or what....violence, unstable to when you wave your hands its = hitting. "
You girls cannot stand there 2 mins, not in the competition moods. I waiting the ET or someone come and save me, til when I lock my door, to when all these paper on the floor has to re-design, re-define. Frustration not amazing....
And seeing you all doing this? Nothing but psycho. You cannot sit there per line per word per definition, I need to so I have a living to make. A normal human does a human table paper jobs.
You girls didn't hear a word I say about guys did you? Some guys are timid, and refine, or mild, meaning gentle. You girls are nothing but so violence, if there are high tech showing you what exactly you are.
A girl hit a guy's back right on the television, you know what the eyes looking like?
When you doing all that?
You think the guys accepting the way you are. Nothing but psycho, running in front of a guy, slap that guy's face, and a kiss, forward? He understands what happened in 1 second, or whom is this so psycho has no mind inside her brain were a story?
What is that story becoming a TV plots?
Really? That is a real story? Tell me about it.
Those are you called it the Independent artists, everyone of those wishing the Apple are their calligraphy class like Tina Jojo, she doesn't even know she was advertised....what calligraphy? Its you love to do, effortless to just imagine the money here you come.
You want that Try Everything Lady, what is her Shiraka name? You see those girls around that same lines? All just like square, repeat after me.
"You agree? c~~~~That'n no brainy."
"Oh~ I didn't know. Tell me."
"C~si....I see. I didn't know that. You have the information on that, I want to learn more."
"I always thought those are gimmy's tricks! "
"uh ~ I never gone that far. Its too dangerous however those going down the pitt butt, ton."
Life is unsure, so you always going back to the center to de-fine your psycho minds how to be happy, no one restrain you. These youtubers are 52 weeks a year. They didn't start with a plan, when the subscriber pouring in. They finding it out when they getting there. Everyone of them are those similar mind.
Whom remind you like that?
52 weeks a year show in SMTV.
That is not what I say, that is not what I volunteer, that is not you humility running deep to find out, you short of the paper when you getting there? They humbly thank you, or congratulation you. They end up?
Back seat of the Ella Enchanted, someone open the door, was an ugly. They never never never expected they are all poor humility running deep ugly.
Their expectation was fake by those whom sending in a comment, were all very very very selfish inside your heart, outside their mind.
When you dealing a school environment those are polish standard to foster a learning curve, people's mind are different, the parents whom wishing their kids well, a basic attitude, sent them to college, sent them to graduate school.
You all people finding those are wrong wrong wrong, you love you pop culture how you truly feeling it those youtube, then find a niche, sabbtage yourself that 52 weeks a year, how you rise up to the Top.
And humbly bow.
See where all that ending up in the end....they are escaping and trying to staying on the line on breathing ! You could just shut down your entire youtube channel, and becoming one of the drawing board, I myself vola behind to all these System they cannot see me.
I seeing them looking at me every now and them.
Eben groups are nothing but those theory makes the dreams coming true....defining your essence, what you love the most. These entire junk TV, fill up nothing but you all wish for. Not Lee wishing for. You yourself wishing it for.
Do you want to go to your parents, when you were a toddler, did they do those Chinese Grabbing a tool to start?
You hate this you hate this, you hate this 1 to 1000.
Give me a definition what is your zealous moment?
Giggling with a gang, to speed up on the highway with Keanu Reeves back end seat, like Adam & Hailey? Why don't you go and find the guy?
You have to feel inspired that life motivating you. Not keep doing the opposite. You keep going to where the social standing everyone expecting you to be someone you are not.
This society means as long as you know your basic line is, how you be dead when you be dead, its your entirely freedom as long as you didn't do that on purpose.
Finding your freedom to be happiness?
Brat Pitt hate certain furniture to becoming all metalic glasses types just like that Sweet Nov the beginning, the plot = they separate. Check Ellen Degenerate?
You hate you hate you hate every degree of something, why don't you make a list and admit to it, no one knows that piece of paper, til when you fullfill your destiny, to finding that most vola zealous every eye sight, someone paying you keep doing it those psycho move.
Define happiness? You don't know what that basic definition is? No one forcing you, having your 4 limbs freely moving, its just a part of life?
How come a guy didn't think that is a super lazy things to sound like a fun thing to do?
You want a money coming in happy life. You don't even know what you are happy with ? Go to the game zone, hit it your safety measurement that racing cars. All these TV showing you. how exciting this will ever be.
Tina does, she does.....
Humility running deep means humble, humblish, admit, admiting, lower, lowering, sadden, sad.
You do not know your objective view in life. This is a freedom all FREE zone. Want to steall a thing or thing in the grocery store, it will super exciting you, you succeed. How that TV define 1000% psycho, what sickness you all really are ending up, and forever be.
These guys don't fly...they are on the ground. You know Yoda !! Green things?
You do not have a value to exist, you just trying to sound tiny happy a court grant you a freedom to be the psycho all the way. You wish everyone paying dearly with one you existence. You don't know there is God, you meant its they bossing sacking your face (glue) on your tears that is silent.
You haven't know what the God really is....yet, baby.
What kinds of the jobs a guy did, coming into a room, full of the people, ready to eat? You want to pretend you are one of the guys, standing, lusty for that food on the table?
What jobs did the guys ever do, you imagine?
What's a difference him or you all girls anyway?
What jobs exactly by that speed of his 4 limbs, or brain?
You are lazy, psycho, snail, whine, broke, imagine princess, argumentative, no one can breath in life, just because you ever exist. What Godses.....that Kail says?
Lazy, lazy, lousy, bad breath, bad attitude, Vola, want to tell someone you love love love love speeding?Exactly like the TV? Its the wind you feeling the momentarily....NEVER LET GO, remember what I told you when that day comes, see whom is around that true love, NEVER let go. did, then?!
Kidnapping God must repriment every being including you? You never seen the real thing in life, called Truth.
You all just need to break piece of that ceremic material science plates or bowl forcefully right in the middle of Sink....why 亞斯 would ever know about it.
Go and dress up the high heel, kick high, and let go, drop yourself inside the couch.
Hit the head, immediately take a shower...oops, my headache.
Next morning drop dead.
Its really fun, whom you are, what you are...imagine you have a kid like that, 24 hours....untold new story every tale past or present.
You love doing that, feeling it? Zealous...zizzling...speed, fast....VOLA, everyone is watching, exactly like every TV told you so material Every Single One of the information.
See how scare one day, just ONE speed and fast, you holding on? Don't let go?!
Its time never let go, right? Love is untold.....darkness, its where you all going ! You cannot see you cannot see.
Any value in you? Why don't you buy a gun and finish yourself, that is immediately hell anyway. Never stopping vola, its untold Truth, ....
🍓🥭🍇🫐 How come you girls suddenly be this virtue on trying to make food? 🍓🥭🍇🫐
Normal military guys don't just put those food inside their mouth,...really not to say these kinds. You hate doing all that. That is not your destiny. This modern world, what you really want to do its to race your car inside that Sailor Moon fast fast fast, hit and run. Never pays.
Or jumping very high from the Top, vola on the attention people talking to you, "That is what you did on the weekend?"
You want to express your zealous mood, including just accidental make everyone pay that, and you end up in hell.
That is whom you are. Like eating super spicy food on the TV, vola
Like super hot, chip, on the competition you can eat it down, so hot so hot, vola
You are a 1000% psycho all the way, for loving the exactly things if no one pressing you, or the guys encouraging you. You are a piece of junk, a piece of waste, a piece of life doesn't have one value to anyone's eye. But you tend to define your happiness its by supressing your inner desire 1) Super hot Spicy stuffs 2) Super Vola other people's eyes sight by girls or by guys, saying WOW you did ALL THAT! 3) Racing super fast car inside the game zone, yeah YEAH YEAH, vola sound. 4) You like those hitting and run idea, steal, or get away.
That is exactly whom you define the happiness moment, exactly what you are, whom you are, as long as no one suppressing you or taught you right or wrong. Don't you know, you only need other to agree with you, that is the World Freedom go, motivation 1000% psycho. But you are happy by stealing an item in the grocery, touch a chocolate, a something and go.
🍓🥭🍇🫐🍓🥭🍇🫐 🍓🥭🍇🫐 🍓🥭🍇🫐
If you gonna tell me that relativity, that NASA guy on the moon, is outside his body, not feeling his hands, so that he doesn't know the initial.....values. (Sailor Saturn)
I can tell you, you usually doing a physics lab on the delta has a reason, how you recording has to have a value. When you starting at a "value or definitilon" has to be true, no matter which position the things drop at. From the tall Earth, or the middle length of that tall, height.
Normally you remember the formula, that formula I don't remember, that definition its written, I will tell you that is what it defined, so that set value has to be equal to the initial value.
That will be what they are told the value at.
Zawanna say if his hand holding on my butt on my bed?
The butt doesn't fall off when his hand let go. The bed is rise higher, it is the ground point, but saying you have a potential to my marble floor, or all the way to the buttom of the ground floor, so here its the hoovering on the 8th floor potential + the bed height.
But my butt is glue on my body, it cannot be fallen, no matter his hand is there or not there.
Unless my butt just fallen, the bed is still there I am on it.
The way I know you all military human at....
You have no brain, not to say the basic definition no matter how it changed.
You have a very very very rudimentary basic lab runs style....that has to be remembered, why you doing it. Its every interval time measurement difference equal delta.
You have the ending timer, so that is usually V2, but if you slice that distance fallen 3/4,1/2, 1/4
You die on the basic definition, those formula never changes. Never changes. You use your pen records in the UB that physics lab.
We, me Jonathon, Wing, Ola, Hira. Fatima.
Dean is not in it.
Jonathon or Wing they recording it. That value has to be greater than...."You beginning at?"
Anastasia, At the Beginning...if Jonathon rise up from his chair bench, to go and use a pen to write a lab sheet down value. Its = "There is a value so you write."
If any given point, didn't start, or didn't pen at, you don't have a lab sheet to fill in. There is no value, no matter what.
So saying you measure a distance height like 5 Km Earth altitude height. kilermeter.
You stack up those gym Sakura Card, you jumping gym tradition in Japan. What do they called it, you use your hand hold it, and jump over. The gym boxes.
So that is a solid height.
You place at 3/4,1/2, 1/4 ....those solid material made foam. You put an object on top of that mounting texture cotton?!
That value does not start no matter what. No matter how you look at it, your senior officer just ladder high to reach that point, and place an object on top. It will FOREVER never move.
But if you remove the structure, you just invisible looking at that space and time, right now 3 points are all airy.
Your commander, ladder the same height, put that object to the air, it will start dropping.
The moment he let go.
Got it?
I can tell you the basic things....
X =X0+V0t+1/2 at2
I don't remember this, I will tell you. I remember the V = V.....+ 1/2at2
Now....The way I read that first line, the value when you saying the moon, that is destination at zero. So that formula has to re-write.
But when you saying you drop from the very tall Earth or tall Moon, still...when they fallen in the middle of that path...these formula has to stand true no matter what.
That is why you have most basic definition starting on delta time, or delta distance.
t o r, you put a triangle in front of them.
When they given you any formula, you gone to this physics lab, they always measure at the initial to every internal dropping down time. That is how the Simon those behind tower experiment supposes to be. Your entire physics can only measure by t
t= Time. That is the physical human labor effort, you see, you record, your timer at. Those are very very basic, how you running an experiment, as far as you can see, and as far as you can record.
So that formula given you, in any physics side, it will stand true even in the middle of the path.
Earth Tall, or the Moon Tall
Before the reaching it the ground, there is a middle point, or you slice 3 times. Meaning per quarter, that time, delta time, delta d = distance difference
Every part of that component has to forever = that formula they find you, they tell you that is true. If you telling me your initial value is not at zero, you meant you are bind to that object right in the middle never stop fallen, you are still fallen, so you have a speed and acceleration.
When NASA that guy holding it in his hand.
That is Zero, zero on both feather and a hammer. It is not moving. There is no initial number on distance, not on time. You are not even starting it yet.
But it looks a very short eye seeing experiment. You panic.
You just look at the formula....I gonna tell you, there is no component in that formula, that is zero.
X =X0+V0t+1/2 at2
"zero, zero" (NASA supposes to know what I say, exactly)
![]() |
Why I am so sure that is "Zero" "Zero"?
They are holding it. No. He is holding it?! Its inside his hand, nothing is moving. You haven't dropped it yet, where is the initial value? At zero to start.
No, I mean the formula inside, that is 2 zero.
Not just if not the formula, of course that Feather and the Hammer?
Zero, Zero, Zero, Zero.
NASA will know what that means.
You all have a blind spot too, when they teaching you the physics on the horizontal, or the vertical. You dropping it down, you turn around like the X man in the sky, that is the initial value coming down. You got this whole things wrong....your entire 3D vision, you don't shift yourself.
You define what is the initial value. You never start, you never have a value!!!!
How true, how true. (Dr. Steven Hairfield Concur that...idiot! Shut up ! )
You are not asking me about a feather and a hammer on the moon that? Because your definition to that V2= V1........ has a formula. This formula does not limited to the horizontal or the vertical.
But when you saying you are on the moon. That is Vertical down.
Does that happen on Earth too?
Every time you saying a "acceleration value=a" or gravity g
g is a, but a is not necessary to be g.
g on Earth is 9.8m/s2
Don't write G. That is a different stuffs. Between 2 planets. You want the Earth to tell you, you got your formula wrong? The physics department has nothing but those basic definition never ends stuffs.
You looking at X =X0+V0t+1/2 at2
That means you are dropping on the same height, to reach the same end. That is the Moon experiment telling you that. Funny things are....they gone to Moon to do that. Is there a value that Earth is not about the same?
That will be g, you gonna tell me, you testing the a? That value on the moon is different, but the rest of the things are the same?
When they say "displacement" it means the height, means the dropping down distance how far it travels. That will be your very very very basic definition, you shouldn't be saying height. It is the traveling straight down.
The ending, the beginning always be at zero saying.
Maybe try this one.
The basic definition, because...
Except my theory, everyone can see. When you are doing the regular Physics definition, its per definition will end up on your physics lab, or experiment procedure layout.
Meaning you know the reason why you design that experiment. The beginning of the velocity will zero, if you holding it on your hand.
I can say, or NASA gonna finish their exams?
That distance when you hold, will always saying that is at Zero. But...when you one day to talk about or discussing on the potential.....There is a physic side when you labeling "A Potential", that might be sometimes you really need to know your per symbol basic definition.
Per word clearly.
That is the essence in the physic. They have nothing but math, but in order for you to even run an one experimental, you are not going to pass through them, if you don't get your basic word definition right.
That a = g, that is when you saying on Earth. On Earth g will always forever be 9.8m/s2 they label g on the moon as the g too??? The Moon's g will not be 9.8m/s2,
Do you even know why that unit standing for that m/s2?
The basic definition when the things fallen, it will accelerate on and on vertically. On the any planet, they doing exactly all the same, right to the ground, so it will always have an acceleration.
Your door on the left, I am on the right picking up my your door. You bend to pick up the ground those.
Do this help?
They are on the ground, I can see throw it, you know it landing. You "decompose" at the ground level. I am on my height level to down, picking up my junks? What do I suppose to look like?
How does this my paper becoming flying on the wind, building up?
Those 4 are below it?
The copy machines its inverted again. Why don't you make a wall, its everything I see from your reality, its all inverted mirror image (Organic Chemistry)
That is bad ~~~ L or D. You cannot have any of that.
You don't even know this people, why don't you just feed them like they know of whichever food label looks like Mc Donald, Pasta, Italian microwave?
One of those combined.
Are those Westlife scanning....the Copy machine paper on the grounds, its what I supposed to pick up last time you acid my every....item? Not the Material science those?!
Every time....
I am outside the door pick up my junks those days bag, made of the internal plastic bag which go soaking wet first to permeate. Its the cloth, not the plastic, you never been to where you pick up every junks on the ground yourself? Right outside your door? ME!
Simon has a permeate AGT I says to him a poem.... those are on my facebook?
You see those ASMR the whole oily those deep fryer so convinence, if I have one of those, they will get 5 container for everything dump in it. No more this cooking pan.
I don't eat those things. But technically those are not good for their health. As if they have gifts for other people, really.
小籠包? Dim sum? I don't think the Western world human they like those things. The TV they make themselves look like eating that stuffs with the soy sauce, or the girls did. The guys next by....I think the girls just show they eat everything down. Not really if that is a taste for their guys? Soy sauce?
Not even I particularly eating that stuffs.
I thought White world eating Ranch, Thousand Island Ranch, Honey Mustard......salt and black pepper, or those Mexico strange chilly sauce, Tabsco.
I didn't give them the dumpling, because I am not sure if they really eating those stuffs. Boiled, or...those color pan fried on 2 side.
The indian Flea market in Toronto Northern part before the Woodbridge those. Still very far from woodbridge.
Those Samosa, and there is a name to that round thick things. You need more flours for that....they crumble off, when they fried. Your entire aluminum foil container, its half that half that. You know what they called that the appetizer if were in the restaurant? That is why there is a Toronto those Flea Market. They sell everything your future needs.....
They eat spicy, so I don't have those spice. But if you paying attention, you might just tell your classmate before they coming in, they finish those decoration when their money be free bundle you all....some appetizer the full or half container each.
Toronto Indian flea market Mississauga
Is that Brampton, or that? Its not in that flea market, right next by its the grocery store, all the way in the end of it. You need certain spice. Those things even its not warm, you can still eat them, its just flour and potato = Samosa. The other one you can put some Chinese spicy red pepper. That is why they like them.
But practically, you just do it because they have no food. No preference.
You trying to create more homey - like those finger food. I show you American Electric small pan like 9 small finger food? You stack them up in the alumnium foil. Its a finger food. You can create a different texture.
You cannot have too many eggs things in one day intake.
So let's say you coming out some flour recipe to reduce those egg using methods. You have cheese, but you have a mixture, that more fluppy, you try all that to coming out one-time recipe?
What is that so important, they don't like those things, they go and buying something else.
You know what those fan clubs meant doing? As long as a ribbon on the Top, they say they receive, you say you eat it or leave it on the Top of the shelve as if that is ribbon made ! Pretty !
How fan clubs meant the tear in my eyes next second. That is all you ever do things in life.
I forget I have a home made bread type. Like you insert the olives, or red oily peper, those Can Jar American selling them Artichoke. You insert inside the bread when they rise, or they can just eat it the Rasin too...
You know how big is one alumnium foil? Its per 15 mins each side. You dump 5 trays in, at my current home. Its full. Maybe cut them in strips like those Wheat Germ Recipe, for your Hunger Game. I don't have a wheat germ.
You want to keep talking about the food? I am so tired of writing.....all these stuffs. Never end.
So your alumnium containers, those are like the wildness BBQ, how people go on camping. But usually they do these burn wood, trying to fry a burger patty.
You can here in the City Life, they can buy Mc Donald, or Burger King, we have a Mose Burger too. They all looking about the same. Something about the Western world, they require a burger morning, noon and evening, they will feel better. So those you buy a dozen, throw at them, at homey, you leisure time to eat.
They can eat that any time.
I gonna do this Sariputra's friend in University of Michigan and University of Chicago. I think its UM. What they known as the Russ school
Whenever these white guys get a call. They need to do certain things when they come in. Lawsuit 498.
Slam Dunk 是灌籃高手~講所謂 Regional 或是 National
在兄弟會有 Regional 在 Rochester 水牛城上去
還有 National
這張紙你們大師兄舍利弗也有 !
但是講化學在 UK 肯德基大學 (University of Kentucky)
That is National = Chemistry, 那個也是 National
因為 PCAT 講藥學系,那是大家知道的 National
National 就是美國裡面整個比的意思! 通常會知道是 PCAT, 我剛剛寫的是 UK 肯德基 (University of Kentucky)
這張紙有沒有很重要 ? 是說以後誰要進來,你們查的?! 哪種人要進來~要不要先問一下尊上,尊上沒有太老 !
學校,這是州立,叫做永遠不可能不見 !
在繳稅的當前,你們可以有職業,但是那 ID是講私人還是公家機關,我上班的地方
肯德基大學 (UK)
整個美國的鑑定化學,是一個考試就不用拿課程! 化學不用拿 ! 我去 UB 在拿資優班的,可能是黑色的關係。 在 JC Always 那個影片
水牛城大學 (UB)
CADS 一般化學,有三個紐約州的基本 program, 他們名稱叫做 EOP, ACS, SSS, 有點類似第一次家長沒有大學,自己先上大學,或是那種黑人 ~在美國叫做 minority 少數民族
VA 醫院 (就是戰爭之後的人! 叫做 veteran )部門在 Nuclear Medicine 自願的,在 UB 南校去的正隔壁~ 直線過馬路就是那個 VA hospital.
CADS 有機化學
UB Alumni 運動員的數學 +化學
UB 圖書館,把書疊回去 Shelving Department
Intern 這沒有錢,是 UB 裡面地震圖書館 ! 有錢的是前面三個
大學 = Undergraduate
研究所 = Graduate School.
肯德基大學 = University of Kentcuky (UK)
是 Erin 那隻猴子在 UB南校區其實就是 VA 醫院旁邊的南校去就是,她 Ph.D 的 program
那個政治靈修的 Tim Cook 美少女戰士有兩個泰國 Ph.D 就是同一間辦公室,這是給錢的 ! 是 Erin 給我的,但是我忘了這是什麼狀態 ~是 UB 南校去
以前尊上先住在 UB 南校去最後去北校區,我所有東西都在 UB ,你們去 UB 現在就應該都好了~一整袋的東西!
以後想辦法出國留學在美國,美國只有國際學生只能在學校裡面工作,其實我的很多工作都是在學校裡面 ~ UB,所以當你們工作開始會有一張美國繳稅的那個州,紐約州,都哪個 ID 號碼,這一個叫做納稅人的一個號碼,在國外你們要填寫一種報稅在 4/15 號之前,台灣是五月開始 !
! 但是因為是雙重國籍,因此是兩邊繳稅應該是長那樣~~我還沒有真的問 ! 因為以前尊上是剛去綠卡~我第一次繳稅是 Wing
在我家上網教我的,我每一年都要填寫,我現在因為錢要真的繳稅,我那時候沒有想過台灣也要繳稅 !
學生學校的錢很少,但是那種紙很多,因為尊上的工作是以小時來計算,有點像~~算數,排好 ! 送進去 ~我那時候怎麼會知道是現在這種場面 !!!
Lawsuit 497 你們清海無上師越南小尼姑的印度五百歲要分開,這個 400 millions dollars 的法案,因為都是她自己做出來的
很多事情我已經講過了,我在講一次 (在法案寫英文自己看過去)
1. 她時間過去 65 歲 (不是電影講的 ) 是我尊上大人看電視想出來~包括那個蒙古小孩,我打電話給她的時候再上班那種,前面接電話的 ! 因次她是有那張美國 ID,我說我的 ID 美國繳稅的 Tax 是在 UB A and B and C
我有好幾個美國開出來的工作 ID 跟 TAX 是紐約州有關,你們的清海無上師越南小尼姑過了 65
我講了每一次 !
2. 她在花千骨這黑頭髮就是要殺了你們整個 90 年代的黑色頭髮 ( + 80 年代) 因為這 2002佛州以後的填海叫做什麼來著法國~~炫的名稱在報紙上...要殺的是,Menton 王那種美輪美奐的灰姑娘 Vola 故事地所有前面。
3. 你們是有一個聖經的總結~但是這一件事情是關於: 第一生她是滿慈子的講故事 The story teller,我說的 "帝王之說"的所有中文寫出來的故事,在這個故事裡面,有一個皇宮狀態 ! 因此就是皇家仕衛長,那個位置叫做霍建華的今天,意思你們他們十個通通滾去死了就好,是那第一生開始 ! 這皇家那個人,叫做頭的,你們找一個比較好聽的詞,禁衛軍的隊長?!
那個人就是說皇家公事是全天下之事,這 19 集講夏紫勳講仙界定海神針,是一樣的事情,因為那個霍建華應該是說每生每世,你們住在地獄永恆就可以了!
你們是可以 quote 聖經叫做申訴仔細,但是我先告訴你們全部的故事,叫做生生世世!
有一個情況叫做你們站在法院上面那一天~ 因為這是每一生,並不是聖經結尾,但是我說妳們可以做 abcd....就一條一條寫吧 !
You never make food, or you never imagine how many eggs boxes to buy, with the Taiwan Breakfast sheet to purchase, so you generate just the plastic zip bags, because those are not the real food? 10? That is the classify like the TV. That is not their real Breakfast?
In your Facebook, they have these Maple syrup soaking 12 hours boiling eggs.
In Taiwan, they doing that with the tea leaf. Its in every 7-11, that is 10 NT each. Its a jar I buy them, carrying in, carrying out? When you are on running, and doing nothing inside a hotel, its you see food, you swallowing it down. That is what the normal guys just sitting there sitting whole day waiting....
So the plastic zip bags can be the mix nuts. It can be some rasin, some jackfruits, that is American Can food. We do have them here, but I have to wash them wash them wash them. These are not the real food. But they are much healtheir in the afternoon or the press conference they keep chewing inside their mouth?
So these zip bags, are stack up in one container, just to try, not the real food.
The decoration veggie, like the spring roll, are small, you mean one leaf, 2 spring roll, so you create a presentation in case they coming in, not going? with the container? I don't know what they suppose to be doing.
I bring the cooked and finish the food presentation in the offices, until they come, I won't know what it is. Its best just leave it there, they take away or I dump it in the trash can.
Then you have the real container of the food, you start with the 5 boxes Eggs purchase, 1st containers its gone, with their trying that 101 公主小妹 breakfast for the castle reason.
So you have this Korean breakfast just like the TV in my channel I show them. They don't know what that is? Its a little bit presentation similar to their omelets. That is also a tradition, so I make them, not a lot just divide the bags, so that entire things its one full alumnim foil.
One decoration aluminon foil
Spring roll + Samosa + Potato Hash brown, or some outside fried chicken. Why I even saying that is 2 oven? You put the aluminum foil inside, that is heating it up, the entire things. You can eat there, eat in the taxi, or eat it a bit warm inside the hotel lobby.
Its just a heating up device with the microwave. 7-11 has a microwave, and the small pizza.
They go there by the classify, by what I tell them why they show up there?
Its one next by Family Mart, near my house that entire street 7-11.
You have a classify food, I make them a bundle, or they waiting inline at your breakfast places?
The real food means what the Western world culture ever seen. Burger, Sandwitch, ACE bread, Calirazo bread. Sough dough those kinds. Cake, pastry, Sweet, pudding. Nice presentation. But those are not the food?!
White long grain rice with peas and carrot chop? So no peas, its green veggie, you don't wash, you don't soak, you don't lightly boil, how they end up mix in the alumnium foil?
Pasta, has Italian seasoning to assort meats. But you can mix some shredded carrots, cheese, artichoke. For their nutrition, putting some veggie inside their mouth.
Sushi, in the fridge next day, I have try
Those are fine. So the Egg strips you prepare before hands, same with the carrots, cucumber, or avocado. Avocado turn color, so I just hand them the whole piece, they open themselves and put in their mouth?!
Its the things they have seen in their life, beside the classify materials and little things, they distribute around there, someone else go and find out things, what it is that bags says? ITS the whole aluminum foil?
Pizza, ACE bread Sandwitch, casserole, correct that is what I said yesterday.
How many things they rotate their 3 meals a day?
⭐️ Container 1 ⭐️⭐️ Container 2 .....Oven and microwave its where the heating things up inside the office. I don't even have a divider ....⭐️ Technically they move my building yesterday I just didn't say. Not the brand new one. It is the Palo Alto one. Today I leave!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Happy ?!
Those human called Westlife💰🇺🇸 has some classify materials💰🇺🇸 , so that is why I making the food? They can just get the 10 alumnium foil, there are decoration veggie, wash, cut, sort. with the plastic bags that assort more veggie and washed olives? Your can olives need to be washed, soaked, washed, soaked, washed....about 3 times. Those salt will come out. They have a security issue, and plus they getting 10 container, they can eat in their grand hotel lobby, with their happy security teams, or all around. 10 container food, that is you have 5 people each carry 2 in the taxi to imagine how you transport food back.
Everything you supposed to get, i already told you, write you, photo you, Pinterest you. That is all I know. Unless you have any particular diet order, I won't be knowing what you allergic until you open your mouth. That is Square Square at the Gluten Free restaurant.