Lawsuit 308: Concerning the Shakymuni Buddha

Date: Sep 7th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I will make some statement.

His education and the background are too elevated, might be.

My brain hurt a lot to that Anan, whenever he just say "I cannot understand it". To everything I do, I show him. His only responsible words as if were as long as he ever say "I don't understand it." Its the end of every worlds, and that is how I feeling to destroy every worlds.

He probably has a conditioned. As long as you cut off his tongue, and stop him social media, doing his own jobs, will be better.

Or, you digged out all his 5 sense, sit there, enjoy your magic wonder land. No more talking. 

Now, this world will never be.

But one things you can written up. You cut off everything else through that trajectory at me side. It will be me, Sariputra, Anan (mimmo), Tony.

Cut off every name after. Its not in the trajectory, not at the movie, not the bloodlines. Too far away, get rid of the others profile. You return to as far as that after the UB. System does not supporting to that, but I open one door to that one tolerance, that is he is disable. His youth photo I have seen.

There are many other things connected. I leave it that profile opens. 

So the trajectory should be me high school, EF, UK, UB.

Let's it. Don't need that SMCH, we don't know each other, we will ever be. You cut off there. 

You need a recent, a girl movie, I think that is the adopting parents? No, you leave Eben, ETR, they are in the similar demographic location included. He has a lot of junks, I cannot process now. I hate those jail human. Go to hell with it.

Its on the TV recently. That is horrific.

oh, no...that shouldn't be the reality, that is more than hostility, to thriller, those kinds. Some girls really have those mentality, the girls reading those bloody novels, including the high intellects. There are.

Nick doesn't look like that. No. But he was trained, or he trained himself through those year, 80/90, including running, and audio tape on his own English, that factors he becomes very very normal, way too normal, I think he is just like the regular human.


You taken that everyone speaking English. His black hair with Grace those time photo. He changed a lot after he got initiated. I don't know if he wants that life, or he believes that life, but most time unless he is not verbal abusing me at it, he is careful at his words, what he thinks its true. Those parts are real. 

He and my mother does something a little bit kind of similar. Words...they do hurt me a lot. They are very very careless to say, but for their condition, I guessing it, I don't know what they are, they probably didn't mean it to hurt you, they really are like that. They can be cultivated it, I know what are those other people's jobs, they are trained, and I seen their both youth photo. My mother too.

Schooling time. She has some photo. 

Right now, both literacy very very good developed. I mean very very very good.  Yeah, I wishing they well. A lot of normal people they sunk it their life, to waste every aweful day that God grant them a human body for. For that, its every second I count, they missing per Friday to Weekend end.

No one will have a holiday, that is most ADD or other conditioned human are made to do too. For that saying God given you a human body, you don't listen, you will be cast to any realm, its WHEN I feel like. The society responsibility, its when you hear a word from the Upper, to improve all sentient being opportunity, and your life its for the run around, to proven your worth, not on the humanity causes to say....why you exist.

There will be day you know what my name is meant exactly every words I say to you.

You can grocery shopping one lifting to someone's life, you can make a comment to help someone, in spirits, you can cook a meal, a physical labor works, all this conditioned human often just stand there looking like a robots, for their every life, they have a natural inclination to fight on.

Those are the society to say, you must help in. Its I believing in it, what you can offer them tiny tiny tiny something, for that God has given to you so much so much so much more. You can just go along that System design path, to where you will end up greatly, to whatever comfer, to that the Police jobs are the killing methods or jailing to secure your own very perfect life.

But while I am here, doing that one person job alone, to that expectation to what is conflicts to the lawful, you will have one life remaining time on tolken, what made of your human body worth, to all things you enjoy.

Great moment, easy life. Its your physical merits lasting you long. 

I meant exactly what I mean it.

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