Lawsuit 488: The World Trend is to propel a democracy world that eliminating hunger and poverty included.

Date: Dec 8th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: This will apply to China current temporary situation (I will tell you what I would like to see)

There is a reason how that system were differed in the past. I don't really know all the details, but I assuming, a lot of human life are spending to that cause starting 1911. 

I will just tell you what I wish to see, and prefer to see.

Its about this Korea W 2 worlds, how you having a domestic law and the family law, between the girl and the guys. I submit my tiny points of views online, including the lawsuit to help elevating the girl's power, because under the real democracy, not the communism, they might find it their freedom can heighten, and the entire male population move out of the China. 

Now, I might be joking, you sort that out before any casualty. 

I mean the life doesn't need to be lost, between "a domestic law and the family law" = the girl and the guys, to the degree of my lawsuit saying it in lawsuit 472 - Facebook and the Girl's power.

The proceeding case are fighting to the moonlight in the American Congress. As long as it doesn't go and tangle the China internal law structure, not the politics oriented, its the girl and the guy don't kill each other the basic basic domestic law + the family law, I think the China does not reject any idea, just because we are 2 system apart. 

You stop the people dying first. Or get killed. You need the guys for a lot of things. I keep saying that.

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