
Vince is black, Andrew is....hair gone looking Prince William. I don't know if he is a blonde or not. And these books are 4?

Evolutionary biology? 

I personally don't remember a thing in my life 20 years ago.  I just told you None of us know whom Dean is? They are freshman. I am first year in UB, Dr. T's class?

I know Dean when? He told me there is a facebook. Get on.

So I didn't met Vince or Andrew anymore, that is why they are not on my facebook? Haven't you hear enough, I do not know English, I cannot tell what is a Facebook, you have a My Space, and when the semester end, you all vaporize human away from UB? 

I didn't grow 20 years, you want them figure it out how come I didn't grow a bit since 20 years ago? Not I have the Lords 5 to 9....? x 2?  That court is in America, might even be UB local, I took the law class, their Law Librarian its the one I sent them too? When they gonna get the case to the Supreme Court America? that is in D.C? 

You mean National Archive Human walking over my book Library Congress, then just happened walking by Hotel Kitchen, when my invitation never arrives, but then last stop is Supreme Court America? Are they in Washington.DC? How small the world we are?!!!

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