Lawsuit 400: 400 Millions dollars categories (Lists of the Items)

Date: Nov 16th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Devil Wears Prada + Tiny 4.0 小世代 + Sailor Moon (combine efforts Past, Present, Future)

1. Comet 1908, or Asteroid. (Physics department and Math. I am on Math currently. I didn't really start the Physics, because that is technically at Elon Musk Tesla Department that way. I just recently started to say things little bit. My major are in Chemistry, that categories I speaking a lot of it.


2. I fix this Flower Thousand Bone issues with the Bible Flood, Supreme Master Ching Hai online public data from 2018-2021, missing year 2020 (COVID 19 hits) in both English and Chinese language

2a Pitch Perfect (2012, 2015, 2017, I started it right at Jan 2018) 

3. Hunger Games all relevant science studies facts from



Physiology/Anatomy/Medical Board/ Period Washing CIA credit cards

Math / Time Stop (I didn't tell you 2018 Jan I came up on-line, you saying 1943 Jan, or May or ....) = The invitation never arrives, so the Flower Thousand Bone 2015 June says its 3 years? It supposes to be June 2018.

4. My Organic Chemistry Tutoring Channel (They using it behind the military worldwide, or?)

5. Google Client Demo on my using blogger template, I create every year those Imagie or style issue on the easy-touch-and-feel? I do that per yearly since 2018.  (IT)

6. System Talk (Informative, Digital Era)

7. Criminal Justice + Laws

8. Librarian Science to a) National Archive (My intern) is next by b) Library of Congress (My book), (c) 5 Star Hotel on the Invitation letter never arrive, (d) liquidarian format Kitchen Washington Stuffs. Its on the table, not on the examiner how I written them letters?! I didn't do that for that reasons. Its the movie: (e) National Treasure 1 and 2, you want to calculate? Its say 1% on the movie on the movie 1 (e2) ?! 

That is an assistant.

I don't have an individual business, the physical store, if that is what this lawsuit ought to be? There is no billing on electricity, water, or heating, other than the residential. I live with my mother.  She has a condition. 

There is an IRS human next by Nick since Tribe of Color Started....around 2010?!

That is Baby Looney Boom, his last name is Looney.

2018 -2020 I use Twitter

9. Victoria Secret says Porsilin Doll. God cannot be measure the money at.....I just not hang to die by saying these listing video.

a.  霹靂謎城之《九輪異譜》片頭曲【叱吒風雲】

That is ET Reptilian and Grey. You shouldn't be inside the classify to imagine American classify says whom they are?! 

b. 霹靂魔封第二片頭曲【末世蒼穹】

That is my invention Art works I put in the Library of Congress. Cubicals. Riley in the National Treasure saying he lives in the cubical.  

Supreme Master is an idiot, prayer in Christian or Catholic, to which Babaji?! So that Shiva idea of the Destroyer means. It will be in the lawsuit to that I input on the 4 point frames of all lawsuit, to Shiva, Mahavatar Babaji, not Hankidhan Babaji. 

Calculate how many swords to point d.  (including the last darkness Jesus 2nd Buddhism disciple, magic, white or black magician story, that is Jesus Bible one Sword)

c. 霹靂英雄戰紀之《刀說異數》 台語片頭曲【紅塵笑】演唱:李千那/ 曲:丁天牧 /詞:蕭昱峋

Quan Yin Methods are near the Ocean, zero, next by Shadow government to One Eye Ideal Eye Foundation, similar to Victoria Secret CBS an eye signature on every TV frames, meaning they exist. So that saying how there is a BAZZAR magazine, the 6 eyes governmental structure you will never break in, the Chemistry MO theory, the P Orbital, not just the Lords of Rings on the Chemistry Textbook, the first chapters of all name, I used to photographs my notebooks? Not just all System Domino effect (1997 Movie Contact), its the textbook chapter name to how you drawing them per line, 

Lords of Rings

There is a dragon saying My Way, My Road, in Local Taiwanese slang. To that Mu Continent Map, its a Pet, not a dragon looking? Dinasour.  Taiwan has the material science to date back some of those book so glorifying to Atlantis Civilization, I say songs on Auld Lang Syne (Smallville, Lana Lang, How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, Lana)  - The sinking of the Atlantis from Bashar, are saying its the Holloween Oct 31. That is how Dean got hex with the rest of them in UB Honor Class.  Too many things ending up on the movie screen. I didn't open all the details, I cannot open the Bible Revelation Lamb Blood, they make the money free.

X Man (Past to Future, First Class, Last Stand. )

Loving the Silent Tear has a reptilian or 蛇女 that is Greek myth legends.  4x4= 16 country, my birthday is April 16th. There is a young Babaji, I say separate them on the red carpet. 

I am left hand on certain things. Like Iphone.

d. 霹靂天命之《仙魔鏖鋒》片頭曲【人中之龍】

These are the sword you ever need!!!! I have no idea what is the sword thing to do with this Western World, everyone cared about a sword. The guy's crown, Authur? 石中劍 ( a sword inside the stone)

Authur like Friend Waitor Rachel's boss?! The Coffee shop, don't trap the spider under beneath the coffee mug (Victoria Secret - Holiday Black Tie last entry, spider)

Double Body Practice (Chi, Tibetan, I say only Lineage Holder Life after Life having those 累世修)


e. 霹靂天命之《戰禍邪神II破邪傳》第二片尾曲【神話】 

These are Idol Gods.  These will be the Beauty Pageant, how the Grey on the 9a, whom destroyed the Movie industry Google Plus 2014 !  Your system data are on the Christian better, but then again, if you do more chi exercise, eating juicing, water, no more fried, oil food, all that why some of you might study the Buddhism without the egoistic least the face will look so much better smooth, and clean, and curved right without the fat ?! This video is about a lot of things, but I say Beauty Pageant. 

Hair and the Eye, and the faces.

商鞅 has a 妲己 

Washington D.C has a Cleopatra. 埃及豔后

10  Rudimentary Subjects - You put everything else 10 subject GPA reports from Taiwan other than the above mix in science other subjects all under this categories, for the NSYNC Obama shows up in the video. The Music of My Heart. (Obama is the America 44th President and his background is law)

That is my middle school entry examination for the Music Academia. ( From elementary school to Middle School. Tina was Middle School to High School)

Music Theory 樂理, Piano, Cello, Singing (

Tina would be Piano + Flute (She cannot sing, Simon has a show format: I cannot sing)

I think nick and my mother are both mute, language disability. 

10 Subjects

1. Ancient Chinese / Chinese

2. Math

3. English

4. Chemistry

5. Physics

6. Biology

7. History / Chinese history (my hobby, not hobbit Lords of Rings)

8. Geography 

9. Music

10. Gym

We do have a kitchen class, similar to the In-Home, Paper flower made, or paper folding those art since elementary school. Or knife cutting arts. Its a different paper arts for kids. That is not a subject. But Chemistry they do food lab, yes.

Photo below:



400 millions x 10 = 4 billion dollars, if saying the combination or what the exact number has to added somewhere else. That is the billionaire world, on the Hollywood Movies, you want to start on that investigation? I remember I reading that. I never thought it would be me.


11. Britney Spear 42 on the Door

She says 15 millions, I heard 50 millions

Listen to her laugh = middle school, someone fat looks like Melinda, a very strange laugh, how the Flower Thousand Bone ends. There is a sister, between that one girl and her sister was my sister Music High School family. We were invited to....whom's house, that looking like Melinda's girl also came. Its she the one playing the music or part of us? 

She is chulby. Both her and Melinda, just they eat without her Supreme Master Ching Hai's tear, she eats cake and sweet.

My middle School year book, I have it, its Class 37. Taipei Yen-Ping Private School (Middle School 延平). We only have 2 Class, each of 50 students in it. We don't change the classroom like America. Her name is : 黃鈺雯

The girl above her, looks like Simon this Taiwan Dentist.....her name is 趙佳燕

You are not going to ask me, what I think, she, Eben and Simon loves to eat? Like her very first life those secrecy? You are in jailed, don't bother chew, those are what the wellfare human ends in....Concentration camp, thin, and skeleton bones to look like the Hunger Game. The Spice Girl - Wanna be.

帝王之說 :

Tesla Portrait, that is not Obama human says about First Lady Pluto on ....these?!

The newspaper talk about the luck. Supreme Master has a lucky collection jewelry.


錦衣之下 (2019)『心牆』= The Wall of Heart, like the Music of my Heart by NSYNC

Its One look,10,000 years. You put that under the 10. Similar stuffs, she used to air kind of like that girl. But long time ago, its 半仙, when she was a baby to start, that is at my hands with the Wallace Type of human, she grew up with the calibration of the body structure, how those formula engineer to how she grew up not that height, impaired, somewhere she hits her head, and I was the Thranduil. Those Era don't require that much of food or the water intake.

She started at the baby. Very very small. 

This TV Drama Name: 錦衣之下 (Under the Power 2019)

The Song: 心牆

I did seen somewhat. They have a dining outdoor situation.


I talked about her none stop 2018-2020. I think her favorite food is those Taiwan human prepare for her at those festivity - Cake. Toronto Center has people making cakes. The Vegan cake. I personally don't understand why would anyone thinking that sponge texture are good to eat it down even, but I can tell you, all their recipe are none sweet, I don't understand a thing she eating it down "vegan", including the cheesecake, the younger girl they use the real refine sugar. There are Beet sugar, brown sugar, they are doing the business, so they use the refined sugar. The Tofutti creme stuffs. I already told everyone that.

The Loving Hut itself are a Franchise, there is nothing but Vietanese her own home, missing home food. There are Northern Vietnamese food dishes, middle and south part of the Vietanese dishes. These Loving Hut Franchise are the individual private investor their will to what coming out of the menu themselves. She does not tell them what to put on there, or taste food. But in Thailand Retreat, to that Simon Cowell Farewell Kerry Underwood American Idol, that is what the beginning of the Buddha Hut (Not Loving Hut) to be the food tasting all retreat along. They putting people together that time. Later the name are changed, its called the Loving Hut. No more Buddha Hut. 

American idol farewell, that girl before Calvin, was my aunt Fanny, I saw her in the Main Ashram, Taiwan. Its a BBQ event. She didn't see me. I saw her. No, not BBQ. Sweet....ABC Sweet.

Just find her one of those Koshi menu from UB. Those things she eats as these biggest name I tell you just hang on the wall like 45 fonts big, those Upper Top, SEEN the glorious moment of her entire Life Name: ABC Vietanese Refugee Human transpassing EU without the passport pixie, what do I used to call her? 越南小尼姑 ABC 貴婦? There is a video.

Koshi place in Western New York in UB, everyone knows what that is. Lee Solomon and Keegan Dyle. Jewish Diets. That is what they called the Koshi. The pastry, Muffin, Veggie burger omit that Mayo.

Those are vegan? Yeah! Lee and Keegan are not the vegan, but that place is a vegan. Its called Koshi underground UB. Just get those menu, anything pastry, cake, incluidng Tim Horton they have blue berry muffin, or Star Bucks, those ABC human Vietanese upper class is her solely money looking fashion. German, French...what was her original home? England. One of those ABC putting together, and make an accent sounds like Europe are her happiest time ever. Not Thousand Ambush different knife coming to you, open your eyes?

You cannot see.

Its all very sugery.....refined su ~gar ! Yeah, they are vegan.  Might be Star Buck Blue berry bagel, that is a vegan, the other Tim Horton has to check, I forget what was the vegan stuffs. They came out new that time when I was still in UB. I think its the blue berry muffin in both the Tim Horton and Star Bucks.

Devil Wear Prada has a birthday cake for her bf, that is a muffin. I know what is a muffin. I hate those things, especially those wrapper all around, shivering all around me. wave in wave out those cup paper? I hate those things.

Her Love things in Life

1. Sugar 

2. Singing things she talks about her grown up in Hungary Retreat Tape. She wants to be a Opera Singer, one of those stories if she meant true. Like a star in the video here. A singing star.

3. She probably lives in the trailer for those money becoming the ghosty sickness she inhale in, she is very short legs and lazy to clean. She evolve to become the short legs, so that included never clean. Not that TV mobile. Also the money, or the jail, whatever behind, she only lives in those Tiny 4.0 Houses.....Trailer. If you design something she can abolsutely just sit there like you all seen SMTV, how she snuggle in, fury Winter American rabbit hair shoes, rabbit hair tie, fury those are all rabbit fur from China. She gets old, she needs warmth. She cannot return to Vietnam.

4. Loving Hut 忠孝店 they have a chip bag they buy, unlike American Chip. Its less oily. They have a menu + chips +drinks. The photo I was in and at? 

    a. Taiwan Traditional those vegan shrimp chips, is she vegan still? There is a real shrimp chips.

    b. There is American Bake Chips

    c. Mexican or what are those Jelopenio. Manuel becoming your near by assistant, he gains like 60 pounds, his family are center only Mexican human near the border, the bakery sale, they starting your movement. He was in my photo there, Love of Century. 

    d. What is those New York Piers, high class those white sauce dumpling, is that Italian gnocchi made of Potato?   That is Starch...sugar! 

    e. Did she ever try the American corn bread, the southern diet? Not grand mom fruit cake in the song Christmas seasons? Get her that Tops dry onion top alumniun opening can, that put on the green beans casserole. She can just eat that.

    f. Nominji has a playlist song.....let me see. You love to put tear inside your eyes, rythm on your heart since 90s, every song I seen you tear on heart trying to Seeing Out Loud Vain Song, how to lose a guy in 10 days banquet.  Her entire photo are only Photoshop effect, and Audio production singing its the production team behind, echo at DVD/CD production in SMbooks, beside that SM celestial, or

    g. Sour creme. What does that eat with? 

    h. California has this Veggie Grill, Native Cafe, and Mother's market. She loves this gold at state, whatever it sounds like American local eat vegetarian/ vegan crown dining experience.

Most people tell you Cro Shen Do ~~~ your chest larger exhale and inhale, like you screaming like a psych, louder !!! You lost everything from every life how to "cro shen do"...any exercise but your Quan Yin Family, those martial art human man at. 

Regulating chi in and out.  You don't know where is your brain, your chest, your body, your back, your abdomen at....any parts of your body, consciously to understand what is the nerve system up or down, nothing but yelling out loud !!  That is what you do best, really.

I told you hundred time, you are short legs...where your eye frames at??!

If anyone reading that Ice Skating Book to imagine you are just like that, and then stab someone behind every single time, and hit the brain head on the cabin, you cannot be that shorty, really....Zootopia.

This things I keep saying it too many times.

That is how you sing, you putting YOUR story in it. UR, greatest possible life experience, nothing but UR, greatest glory how those unforgetable every living feeling you pulling in and out of the heart, did you read things how Babaji supposes to know about you?

Whenever he just lightly asked? He didn't really care about it?

(That is in both Chinese and in English, you need to print from the Top to the buttom.)

Make the eyes bigger are so used to with your eye glasses inside the trailer, how the book inside your don't' require to get up and your feet itchy.

In a few century how these re-write writers, just side by side you and your dad, and these MD greatest big mouth jobs for that eternity ends up back inside the TV.

How you all looking at your own photo, face, mouth, talking, experty without the Rudimentary Subjects, Eternity.....not half eternity how deep the ocean goes.

These 3 movies of this real Lawsuit came to this final verdict....

If you are Devil Wear Prada, 4 Princess Diary, you will be relocated as the Judge sign by High Tech immediately. No matter what I say starting the first second of this lawsuit.

Devil Wears Prada 

Tiny 4.0 小世代 

Sailor Moon (combine efforts Past, Present, Future)

🥭 OU Language (PUSU Language, 2014 from Supreme Master Ching Hai ) 🥭

Master re-discovery of Original Universe, the Joy of Homecoming. Jan 26th 2014

You, You are, You Love God, I love God

Zero, Zillion, Zillion of Zillion, Many Zillion

Cob waz X = 1/26/2014

Zuv waz 9 = 5/29/2014  From Original Universe to Our Home, True Love never change

9 Koyu zuv = 9/15/2014 Be Noble, Think Noble, Want Only God.

Cob waz = 1/20/2015 Be Forgiving and Merciful

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