Lawsuit 297: Bio Research in Today's world, has a religion supporting groups behind saying certain things on God's Laws

Date:Sep 6th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I can tell you the religion groups a thing, for I am the Honorable Superior in Flower Thousand Bone (2015) 

I might just be a regent, but hey, you all using the TV for a reason?

Now, the bio worlds to that God's laws people whom debating will always surrounded on that humane reason. To the real time at or before BTX, in our Era near year 2000, you don't have any data on certain phenomenon if you losing your parents. You are not ready to lose your parents. 

Although we are saying this Biological laws, or biology law mostly known as the dogma, from the Hypothesis to speculating that one day to become a theory, then dogma, when that will become an eternal law. Long long time ago, someone already file something that the beginning of the life its RNA. It was on the news.

Today its on my paper, its a theoretical calculation. 

The Dogma stated the facts as this: DNA makes RNA makes Amino acid

(Makes protein, makes tissues, makes organs, makes the system, God put a soul in, you are no more just functional with a brain with a feeling) 

Did I just tell you what the news says? You cannot erase that, not today's science from any point on, its all suicidal. You have a point of reference, normally you will think its the most important things = DNA, from your parents.

BUT, there is a RNA primer. There are all situated points of Guards on mRNA, or tRNA.

If just one thing flips out, and you start seeing things unfolding.....that kinds of consequence, its not you say, its always present.

Its "When you feeling like", like how they feeling like, one case, becomes 2, become 4 becomes all. Someone will do on purpose, and that belief its manifest on the movies, in the real life, I am showing you on my roof. 

That kinds of the creation World by laws cannot be reversed. Therefore, there are some measurement of God laws, you must believe it, and better believe it, as the only laws you will ever get ahead of this things, 100 years from now 200 years from now, 500 years from now, 1000 years from now. 

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