Lawsuit 357: Freeze all Commerical and Independent movie, production, music, books, since 1984, Macontashi is born. Money, and jail all

Date: Oct 6th 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Hurts, Better than Love

194 country

Through All the Water Tape factory

Through All the City Hall Underground water Pipe processing (BURNT 2015, No Reservation 2007)

Through all Lending Bank Morgage since AIG collaps 2008 from Solar Year 24/25 1933 Great Depression

Seizing all the classify materials to today, Queen Investigation 3 months groups after the funeral, or re-opening that date on 3 months, for National Archive reason First Hand Reference tape will never show when that Bramha Day or Night happened....on Middleton

No Matter What Boy Band, Andrew Webber Frozen Disney Backdoor, middle seat back wall? (Lords of the Rings, Money Breast feed? Are you a girl?)

Remember me. From behind your wall.

I thought I meant more on the Screen Shot.

Calculate the Total number, exactly on the digits, first digit methods to second digit methods, to third digit method. To the opening of the next bracket define the bracket of 10, 50, or 10 to 200, 15 to 300 Lawsuit exceeding the academia credential on file-ing. 


Repeat Medical Board America on 6+1, 4+1 MD Indicator's light on, to the Movie Mummy (1999).

That is not the number correct.

Apparently Hailey's dad had a Chicago, whom's kid? I thought he has only 2 kids. One on the Westlife boy band.

You cannot just putting a MD on the Vita Health Report website, to indicate their practice location with and address and reviews. I already email them, behind. to all the situation I observe and file this far, I have a reason to delay....if that is what you mean. 

All the MD name to that Hira movie would be Big Hero 6. Ends at Justin Timberlake In Time or Runner and Runner's jobs on 2015. I had to run by that Tina Jojo assault case, 2015

1) There is an AI in Iron Man, might be Universe per sector, he talks to the next by AI. Which AI?

2) Its all the military computer, or whom has a Name and Title, practice an English comprehensive writing since 2014. Me PCAT score both on the English and Comprehensive percentile. Whole year.....ending at a Big Brand head, not very human looking highly stern commander military uniform, their computer, they read, not their AI read. The previous point AI, that....I don't even want to talk about it. These might be on the ship, window, seeing Earth, or on the ground base, still big window directly at the Earth, on their computer typing would be Dos format, like Matrix 1 Ending, amonely failed. The earth would be on the left of their not too far away, those nice moon photo New Age, of the Galaxy, I can draw it.  Those are Big window exactly similar to airport windows format, there is a horizontal bar. Not one piece.

These 2 indicators if in the future to be found validating with the Truth through the movie, and other means, I ask you to re-open this lawsuit 357.

I have an IQ and an Ability since 2014 (or prior, only on the dreams)

PCAT Score 97 percentile.

Photo stream 2018, and 2022 Oct the Newest photo.

2018, 2019 
Oct 1 2022

You shut it down by setting a clause

"There is no such thing, its once you receive, its I told you so. No Matter What.  OU Language 2014 and 2015. As if all the jailing human has a reason to set free, and 2 police got killed cruelly, right in the zone."

You have no permission from my part, to do anything like this, but I understand there are always the money involved on the Day 1.  

Cinderella (2021), its when and whom receiving money money money for Camilla and External factors, Baby One more Time.

Lynn looks like Laura. Very old women from New Jersey center.  

From today on forward, I order no more 4 Points frame stories, other than the Biography, and the National Geography. 

Disney is castle on the Mahavatar Babaji photo to that Castle Lahari, the grand master of Yogananda, and that Shiva power only saying the Destroyer means, its not just limited to the Mountain Fold, or Rise, I am still be here, Kerry Underwood American Idol winning moment. With whom next by faces you recgonize? Keanu Reeves or Patrick or Ancient Chasez.

Condition 1: Sealing someone inside the book, like the Classic Disney Stories since 1928 Mickey Mouse were born its not ethical, no matter what sins were spelled at. Its in the Beauty & the Beast, right now, there is a funeral.

Condition 2: Sealing someone through the 4 point frames, meaning the Earth technology its right not Setting a Tone (Victoria Secrets), TV, Monitor, Iphone Ipad, are all 4 points frames. The Hunger Game, or the Catching Fire, are not advisable, meaning you cannot really be on my map not open book, saying video showing you a 1 to 13. Da Vinci Notebook on Keanu Reeves Birthday or Tamang, 920, its Chapter 1 to Chapter 15. You growing on ears or on the wings? Those are false in our world.

Condition 3: The Gods will always present in this world when you say, the land or the water never be cursed upon, so that Shiva was designed in this sense, its not ethical too. Their concept has a Mountain rise of falls. Its not annihilation, but you taken that Shiva will always destroying the wheel, Big Wheel or the Small Wheel, those arguments are not sustainable. a) Its a constantly that might happened, and b) that variable its a constantly change. c) The forever constant values its change. My book page on the Lung cancer.

Condition 4: Mahavatar Babaji is in the Astral, coming to the Earth its the traditional Mermaid story, 1000 knifes on walking, we cannot have a lawsuit between me or him or them. Its called the Tibetan Double Body Practices, in the drama 小龍女 (你我、16 years)

Condition 5: He has a bad account with his mother, die in the hunger? That is still a hurtful things on the wiki.

Condition 6:  I am not sure anyone has his consent to create a Disney, now becoming a Gluten Free nickname starting birth, Square Square

Condition 7: All Disney Karma or merits are subjects to him Mahavatar Babaji, you sure what you are doing?

Condition 8: This Worlds can only operate under the Constitutional laws with the Gods to kidnaps through the 4 Points frames will be the only legal means, you sustain 4 point frames device to continue to be use, and run on the Digital Era, the first opening of the 2000. the Millennium. 

Condition 9: You kinda using me story with or without, imply that. I got that part.  My original name on the America passport before the name change at the citizen prior to the Green Cards statues, now you have a breach of the First Commandment, Page 27 on Dean's UB email address. We were the lab Partner in the Prince and Me. Payton its Nick's daughter-in-law almost bankrupt in the 90s, first marriage, first daughter from West Virginia, to that Denmark or the Menton Ablert II royal human at....its the Cinderella Real Human format before 2021.

Condition 10: The final Verdict of the Final Judgement or the silence to that continuation of the next forever eternal life to TV monitor on what story to be air didn't meant its a forever verdict without you knowing, your story its side by side, the moment you are born? Aren't you? That is not your Constitutional laws measurement will set. I know that. Well, I guess it.

Condition 11: This one first video alone in this lawsuit, I have talked about before, not sure if I put in the lawsuit. Ancient Chinese, and I say set the educational value tones K1 - K12, to all invaders or the transpassing groups. 1+1 will always =2. You borrow the borders data to that current the strongest defense will always be at 194 borders, they are aware the incoming? 


Condition 12: I file it in 2018-2020, to inform UB they have a UB 2020. I have to tear everything down until 2021, right now its 2022. There are 7 years dungeon stories on 商鞅妲己, bad.

Condition 13: People are really deluded there is a legal statues after 1911, even China declare no more Royal statues, and they die in the floor mat business on the night market similar. This is a democracy worlds, which has always been the educational propel to your IQ doesn't lose it, in your EQ statues.

Condition 14: In the real Royal Statues to that Regent Statues in this End Time Biblical story, I demonstrate a lot of things you suppose to do. No matter its at the victims minds to the Movies. I still can warning you, if your IQ or EQ does not arrive, before I arrive....whichever Future, you will just be caste somewhere other than the 4 points frames, books, booklet, TV, monitor, IPhone, IPad, Big Wheel, Small Wheel, ....for whom I was, whom I am, and Whom I will EVER be.

Condition 15: To When the Laws becoming a paper dating history, starting in which the civilization including the Police Forces, its by a piece of paper, you go to jail, they might not just start it in the French Revolution 1789, and that Steam Engine 16th century to 18th Industrial revolution comes....they may not even come back in life, for all the lawsuit pile-ing up in the Rockefeller or Tesla, were evident in the America Supreme Court Statues. Meaning if one death, you will be sue, including the Westinghouse. Those reference of the borrowing the name, the money, the statues to claim other than the possible same equal amount of the crime AC contracts tear apart....its one of this Comet 1900 starting the W Towers, in todays 2 Towers in Lords of Rings, or the W Two Worlds (Korean Drama, starting my brother Ruthschild movie Hunger Game Ruth)

Things being spinning into the sequence of the picture, of the formation to the numbers, 1 to 10, you suppose to have a head running your own religion, for example, the Christian in my time 2022, still believing it the same, there are 12 apostle, If Juda Book were found, I have read it how it ended, correct. But those account are very dangerous, you imagine its the God saying the birth right, or the ET always meant it the Earth, the Flower, the Plants, the Birds, the Animal Kingdom does not run on the telepathy, including that Mahavatar Babaji. 

Try not to imagine the evil things, I will always kindly suggesting you....things in life you borrow, you deliver 1000% as if the fame or the name lending you one small time frames, you should just be grateful to God none stop, every single day. To when the road ends that day on....its everyday real in your own time and space, alone.

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