Lawsuit 294: The rudimentary knowledge (National Emergecy Driver, aviation and 1+1 will always equal to 2 to that University Back up National Emergency idea Professor Level)

Date: Sep 6th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Vitro and the Vivo are not the context when you saying the Pharmecutical on Human Clinical Trial

In American Congress, they are known as the bio giant. The Pharmaceutical. They are not the pharmacy board, or the Pharm D License board.  

In the 90s, there will be the debates of to that against the God's laws to how you cloney for profits on several movies saying you harvest a human, and you extracting those organs cells.

I will tell you those are ilegal. That is forbidden, those movies are false. 

The saying of ilegal means, if you imagine you can run a lab to going out of the Vitro or Vivo, you will be jailed, not just against the God's laws, those debates or the lawsuit will be already written in the 90s. No need me to keep mentioning. 

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