Lawsuit 507: 台北松德醫院可能不存在 ( This Taipei that women's MD that hospital might not exist)

Date: Dec 10th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I will tell you what happened in 2017 one year later 2018.

I gone back to see the doctor in Oct. Then there are some going back and forth from the Police Station next by next by....whichever that Taipei First University might be across, its the Children's vaccination place

They talked me to go and painting.

Then one day in the summer 2018, they sent me to an activity near Taipei Metro Station 凌光站

So I gone there first time, feeling very strange. I came out, I talked to the Taipei Station the staff inside that window, she told me this place where I show here the paper, a pamphlet ink their Project Title or what content, she says "That does not exist". I came back next time, I did something.

I never went back again, forever. 

This is the scandle vice Female Doctor to 陳時中 how the BNT early batch does not exist, so a lot of people die over it. Then he competes for the Taipei Mayor Candidate to target 16 years later this Presidential Election, he got the COVID 19 smartly late. Our Current Taipei Major told us Feb 2022 is ready to move away the mask, we are moving away the mask Dec 1sth 2022. 

The current major are in the W Two world.

This 陳時中 look liks Simon Cowell are in the OU Language and Pinterest 毛玻璃

and later that scandle girl has a husbnad to the police recrods, and then this girl ends up with Annca (both 16 years, or 笑傲江湖 36 or 陸真傳奇) 

I will tell you however long I am writing this movie or TV or what. The guys will tell you straight, die. Whatever they understand or see, or realize from the television to everything else I say about or analyze about. They are the extremely no patience human, at all. They don't talk a lot, I think they meant it you die, 

AI or more Personal

On the Keanu's birthday = 0902, or 092. Whichever "The One" like the Matrix Movies 黑暗帝國,whichever evolve that one time I called the hospital, that telephone are never picked up but my mother came back with the medicine. My entire family are conditioned, but might be entire them also have the ability too. One of those dream talk or the color blind type or the ghost included in their Chinese Astrology 8 words 生辰八字

and therefore, I do know they exist. They didn't become ash. I have seen them faces, they have their voice, sound like a real human.

No, I didn't send them to the hospital, but I did say everything someone else telling me, and I did relate to someone somewhere. I cannot understand a thing why they saying all that. No, I didn't come out a lot of the stuffs.

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