

Babaji: Go

Love games its what you demand, make it!

Like you all promise it.

That Bible of Yours....suppose to be a book you cherish and holding it very very dearly it every single words in it. To that not every Worlds having a book, or a pen, to even hear one Word from God.

To that God's made Man to that later there is a women, you ought to bowl, kneel, flat to every second you show up on that Television screen. To that I ever seen, its none.

To that Eon, Kalpha, you going on your life after life, you will remember.....to that every human guys, you wishing to deliver...that one piece of paper, they don't end up saying no, Long long long time pass.....

You can start your first day tomorrow, how to walking into those Police station or the Fire man...department, or the Border.

Having their Captain scales.....walking out, meeting your future husband, how that standard they stand, they talk, they look at you, when you present all this however you sound like you talking right.

Or simply asking your dad.....one meeting. 

Before this Forever life cycle, you wish....you just starting it right, someone mocking you, never ending tale.

Your eternal life, once you get out of this life, The Edge of Tomorrow (Movie) by Tom Cruise.

You might have a memory, you might have not. One day....you will only deliver exactly everything I say so, to these guys. And one day, you will open your mouth telling these guys how you get there to having one recommandation for them knowing me as the 尊上 not just the English words honorable superior. 

These guys as long as they don't send themselves in jail, at this positions, some will rise higher. As long as everything legal, not jail. Meaning they doing their jobs correctly....you must make them so in love to fallen out of their jobs, as if they choosen you, when you having a career, that lasting them the full life. Whatever you finance yourself at.

Never kidnapping business....nor the children producing kidnapping business.

When you returning that eternity, you will remember what you are Today. Its called the Past, Present and the Future 3 Esteem Reviews. That recommandation....you must earn it. Its just a piece of paper.

When I passing by UB, I know exactly whom you are, what you are, what you ever done...understand? I don't' need the guy telling me. One glimps 10,000 years. 

When you seeing me, you address me my title as 尊上 bow, kneel, on the floor with the full body down. Starting with that. Don't bother showing it up, you don't know how frighten the hell road yet.....

You only jobs only made it with certain guys.

These Collective consciousness One Life Occupation. Meaning their responsibility are the mankind basic welfare, to ensure the inside land, to their honor and security and that Nation they believing in their Flag, not necessary they ever need to know I exist. As long as their brain not dead on their jobs, how to....secure in-line.

1. Police man, 2. Fire man, and now that TV 3. Military

The higher ranking guys not necessary they are anything good. They might be all very bad, out of the system talk. They end up in jails too....but among these bracket, how I as the proper Title 尊上 I can have my demand, how you make it with these 3 bracket human.

Pixie usually just minimum wage they saying you ever seeing them.

These position of the jobs, these guys will have their takes on... everything you ought to be, so they might gf you, or wife you.

Meaning sex you. To how long you last....you just praying that every day jobs, you walking on needie not to fallen in hell. Not bad words, not bad attitude, not disrespectful, not sneaky imagine things, not wrongful accusation, not less professional language, speaking a proper correct tone of voice, Never Tear, never sweat, never swear....

Until that someone willing to shelter you.....you will remember I have a title as if you make it, how that person recommendation knowing I am 尊上 in the exactly words how Chinese label means.

That will sound so much different than just a honorable superior.

So I expecting you will go to court....find one thing good for you on this entire Monitor Worlds Movie, domination facts. Its will be forever Anna right, you forever lost.

1. Fire department, on cases, burning down your house when you don't return to your parents home. They die, you lost your jobs, you cannot cope your life, on the entire System Talk.

2. Water sink, you running in running out those big shot human, Eben, Simon, Craig, Inelia Benz. Your jobs will be deliver she and SMCH are jailed records since 1986. With 2 more additnional girls recent Taiwan psycho Youtuber. 

Losing the house.

These 2 basic facts are the only thing Anna will tell you, it will forever exist, don't bother argue with me. And when one day you do realize, its that 2 cases no matter what number 1 and number 2.

You chop off your two legs, never bother getting up, for one words you argue daring in front of me, you will not just have this eternal sit on the chair like you pray, this one life end, you wish not end in hell forever and ever.


Collective, its an English words in a different....New Age term. Resonance sounds more scientific. Most guys are mediocre, selfish human, cannot laudry their bed sheet like a maid.

Changing a water filter, or whatever you need to lean on.

Some guys will belong to a collective efforting circle. Like SMTV, you finding 30 captions working efforts, everyone input a piece of news into an infrastructure website, similar to Joomla. Then you have 30 countries participate to that wavelength. You just being there. feeling, growing, participating a little bit different ideas.

Those guys are a little better or balance. Some guys are blue jezz. They love commodity, they love fashion, meaning every piece of the outfit, they prefer to put on themselves.

Some guys smoke, doing drugs.

Some guys never cleaning their foot, very very dirty on their penis.

Some guys pee.

Some guys also lose their memory.

Some guys love money so much, they create crime, or violence to get their points across. Stealing, rubbery, getting away crime.

To finding your true love, or maid really....other than your parents.

Collective Occupation - Those guys not necessarily they have a spirituality

They evolve to be more responsible at the social overall picture. They learn to build on their IQ, they learn to lean on some statistic, facts, data, and by books.

When you getting into certain situation, it will always go by book. Nothing too complicated anymore.

You didn't aim at the spirituality, you wish the money and kissing romance, never stop ending arguing, those....flipping up your eye sight, the guys agree kissing you and hugging you. Next again, he always agreeing you like Trump's those son-in-laws.

You wish to having image, facebook update, fake things.

At this End of Worlds how Bible meant it....End.

Pretty much, I look at you the cold eyes when you will kneel really. But it seems like for some....this TV, I have to keep talking like you all exist, breathing til when you be dead, out of my sight. 

Its everyone needs this talk, not really targeting you, in case that is really personal....you hell, I heaven always will be.


You girls don't have any values to me.....I don't know when you will get fired or get jailed. To me, its best you go back to UB, like an University System where you learning the right way to talk, to articulate, to write a formating thesis like your Brain IQ doesn't degenerate

At the same time you shifting your attention to all the on-line tools, how to creating a wealth.

You imagine, not you really go doing a thing. You suppose to plan it out, most time you get nervous just having a photo on your waist line below. Everyone has to input that energy onto that front page, how everyone will directly perceive you.

The public are absolutely mediocre, that is how those psycho content becoming....the ASMR

But at the same time, you losing all the industrial, or the Educational sector, to where the only proper things will ever take place, no matter what you imagine.

It will never be that Elon Musk human. 

1. Police

2. Fireman

3. A normal military

See what you get out of it. 

Most people in that 4 points frame, has no real strength inside them, when you seeing them in person

That collective power never be in them, they running in running out, shattering their every loving attention wane and gain, affecting pleasing each other fake words to sound like.....shattering their every eye sight,

That is what they are, what they were, what they always becoming.


See the high school first audition, how that sister brother "doing those mouth jobs" behind the curtain.

Do it.

Stand up, talk 5 mins with your voice volumn up! 




Most those human has nothing but hellish quality inside outside them.

That eternity always have a very beginning reason, how someone never thinking outside the box, to that every thread mill, ought to be, exactly where every footprint, exactly places....every dusty sand spot.

"Yeah, you see that, you see that."

"Good, that is what it sounds like a plan."

"It is what it is. How it takes to be here. Happy to see you."

"i never know one sound voice, to make a million woo, its when the first bell ring, its when the last sound ever....emiting lights! This is candle, remember to light it up. when it is over, just like a life of memory, fade it soon."

While you girls self improve, everything on yourself....you are taking some times thinking about this Digital Era, on everything that lay on the table including the borrowing books

That most YouTuber creating an exaggerating content, to draw the audience attention.

Content creation.

Getting flashy, getting noise, getting their saying out loud. Everyone does something different. You are from UB, I expect you doing more in the brain idea, how you approach this task, not psycho behavior.

Again on the Content Creation

Have you thought what I say yesterday? What was the main points I was saying that you understand per words, on that 52 weekly schedule =1 year?

In 2 years, you have no more content, if you don't plan even if you getting the audience. You will be dragging your feet on the ground that day on, you working a job 9 to 5, but you don't have a next video by next week. If you input your captions, you writing in English, or you yourself will edit the video on effects?

You doing a Day in Life video?

In retrospect that tiny Window Media that allowing you to video editing? Ever try? From Iphone or Ipad?

WWW World

These are the content creation worlds, like an article, an article directory. Yahoo! news ever read? What is a directory to you?

So Joomla is = Content Management Software.

That is the basic language someone will know exactly what was being said, or done, or required to do. An article its where your piece of content that you deliver on certain dates so you leave a trace on the internet you wish someone will find it good to read, so they keep coming back to your website, your blog, your whatever New Age Prophecy included.

Ebook, audio, podcast, on-line article directory.

You only wish a 3 meals a day human, what was being retrospect?

No, not from the movies. I just told you as I do things. I thought about that. Tina has a very good Chinese writing clear to me.

At least that is pleasing.

As a girl, in any occasion whether in Asia or in America, especially in the Western World, your manner, your tempament, your parents never train you what a girl ought to be sitting there, capable to deliver a bit IQ brain, not less than the manual desk top jobs?

Most girls are on those organizing jobs, so are some particular guys. When you being organized, that is what everyone wants to see.

You are creating a value on yourself

You take a year, 2 years, 3 years....no one needs to know you are efforting yourself. Those love romance are not real. Most time you girls are nothing but arguing with the guys to fight on. People are working together to have a particular views and sort that out with the IQ. You saying they hurting you most of time. You saying, they comment on your clothing, outfit in the meeting.

They saying the mins per secs are not on the agenda.

They saying so on so forth things, you don't seem to given a value in, at this entire UB crisis flip up at this Harry Potter. Not you all love movies and all that? 

💝🍝 You UB girls decide you will hate each other, or you trash each other, or you just never gonna work this out together 💝🍝


A lot of guys are not good. Not that I forbidden you go on the dating games. Its not worth it. I can tell you. They are mortal human, meaning only limited Earth time. This one life. One Life.

Before your parents dead, you girls need to open your mouth to talk to someone, they always there talking like they are still your parents. About your career, you always feel more needed seeing them around. You panic you have no money. Its everyone panic they don't settle their finance, not just you are. You will freak it out more, if your parents stretching situation are not affordable, and if they are dead, you absolutely have no one leaning on, including all these you imagine they are your bf, husband human. They leave, they leave. You feel the air cold.

This World illusion - its the collective feeling how this one guy bringing it out.

Its best you looking for those guys. Not One guy.

1. Cops.

2. Fireman

3. Military

The military I met around me in UB, they aren't that psycho as the newspaper air out. But Adam had a brother, not necessarily he has anything good saying about him. He gone to the military. 

And practically I am the one.....freeing them the tutoring service. They are not necessarily having a brain, saying self sufficient. They trying to.

You want a hobby, like a calligraphy on the notebook. You seeing my Pinterest Weight Losing program that album? Where I have my notes, or the Birds on another website I putting the photo with the hand writing?

Tina Jojo if she is a psycho, she can flute, piano, and calligraphy, I told Apple that.

That is before I have the birds crisis, so I don't know what they did with that. Those photo I stream on another website. Let me find it.

When you having a notebook taken notes to make things organize, pleasing to read, you could have so many plans to look right. In America, if you can deliver a lot of those details format, of the hand writing legible, to helping those around to start. Meaning 500 times literally writing things per day, to that per alphabet clearly read, and organize.

On your note, on your thought, on your self- improvement planning. On your task set up

On your wall poster set up, meaning drawing, meaning planning.

Because.....a lot of guys cannot write, cannot be legible, cannot poster with the arts to seeing a very very very clear plan. You may not be able to excuate the plans, but you give them a talent will facilitate them.

Like I say, you all have a very very very bad writing notes, no matter where inside your mind, outside your paper, down at your scribble.



🥭🍓💖 Its weekend, you all girls finished your plan, how to lose weight, or how to earn a living, or a future career goal, if were, if were not will, ever be? 🥭🍓💖

Any written concrete if not the mute or the damf human ought to be reading at?

Wait.... Microphone Broad casting system


You really think?


Asteroid 52768



DART 講中文 !! 



台灣 Youtuber never ending tale


Tom Cruise 在最近有一的電影,這電影講了一個故事 ! 這個故事是述說『他』被其他探員追捕,有一個女的他希望她相信他做事情的能力,而這中間有一個探員,老的~在那個女的出現穿成這樣叫做胸溝,這個老的探員跟她說『我愛你』,因為那個 Tom Cruise 可能是壞蛋,而她卻選擇於,事情故事就是電影不知道到底在講呷咪,這種選擇... 

Can you imagine?! 

You girls have this things, without a date, or a loving relationship, your entire life why you keep a fitness body, its a waste. Some very very selfish guys will tell you, they only care about one single human living to that bank account.

Do you ever go to one of those girls room, first door open, its the entire closet clothes on the floor?

I did, when I gone to UK. Its even manifest right on our Taiwan small tiny worlds the Representative from the legistration, one of those, what is her room looks like. Do you ever seen that in A Day in Life?

The most horrific things...

Look !


there is a video




What you really wished a life, its a settlement you feeling it with your envrionment. Not every 5 years, imagine a brand new venture, somewhere else.

Losing all the furniture and the moving fees.


Babaji: Go

A day in Life



Pinterest - I gonna separate me and my mother living quarter, once of this day. So she has a lot of stove, or I made her something for the emergency.

I boil stuffs?! I juicing? 

What kind of the Kitchen that supposed to be?

I technically bind to my chair, this chair height different, so the photo looks different angle not like used to. I am so lazy....one of those saying. Taiwan, those elaborating meat stuffs, how many per day I eat that in 365 days? That is one year. So I purchasing from outside. What do I use for a kitchen for? 


You don't live on raw food.

You don't live on juicing

You don't live in the metropolitan

You don't do whole sale ideas? Do you know what is a household one juicing boxes of the full orange?

I have no more money to paper bill I am telling you? Not everyone started to have a money concept? 

Give me a basic definition what the raw food means? The camera light too big?

Uncooked, enzymatic reaction that is alive? Green?

The preparation of the raw food? Meaning your hands are clean. You do juicing? You peel fruits and vegetable? But required washing procedure? 

My kitchen definition its what I eat.

台灣在講旅行~台灣的幾個 Youtuber 轉轉轉,講日本國內飛機有一種頭等艙的...一大堆食物,從上去開始到內部的飛機開始飛,這人是呼吸多久就要進食一次的日本國內旅遊?

講日文的 ...

聽說只要加 兩千元台幣 ( 2000 NT dollar = Japan First Class domestic Flight, all food starting you walking up your elevator)

我最近看的~網路不是你們電視,但是聽說有旅遊展跟,飯店買食物的什麼訂單的 3000 萬晶華飯店,還有什麼 250 萬的呷咪 ....台灣的大飯店 ! 

我知道在你們地圖上面,有一個兄弟飯店在捷運上面,是以前素食產業還沒有不見之前的,那種 吃到飽 ! 反正其實妳們什麼都吃,我自己去過兄弟飯店附近走過,我好像在地圖上面找過關於這一個晶華飯店,還是我看到什麼大飯店靠近台北火車站,車站其實是往北一點的情況,你們真正的地圖講紅線,那是要轉彎的大概~ 講一個實質的情況,類似信義路公車是要右轉北上


我以為是叫做晶華酒店 ! 但是你們新聞我看了~~~



牙齒終於不痛了~乖小鳥 ! 吃飯,中餐 (快死了!) The Teeth finally not hurting~ Good, Birdie ! Lunch, Eat (Almost dead)

Babaji: Go

Another Taiwan Elizabeth Youtuber

She made this Asian husband to cook 5 dishes in front of her gf, or...America?


You are from Taiwan right, meaning you lady, studying here from Taiwan, friends from Taiwan, you have absolutely no human in America guys you ever know right? 妳是台灣來的對吧 ? 小姐從台灣、朋友在台灣、你完全沒有美國那種誰的男孩子妳認識? (Birds shut up! My teeth hurts,.....小鳥閉嘴,我牙齒很痛)
Are you sure you doing this on the television, its to show off to the girl friends you have, a perfect sweet heart guys? I have a very older guy, no more life.妳小姐確定你要做這種事情在電視上面,秀給你的女孩子朋友妳有一個貼心的男孩子? 我的是一個很老的老人,已經快沒有生命了 ....
American guys don't like any Asian "guys." 美國男生很討厭亞洲亞裔男孩子,You are a girl? 妳是一個女的?
Church, 教會?
Sometimes there are certain things that has nothing to do with one's religion, but your Bible saying on the first page, before the second page turn....that will be Eden Fallen, not Eben Pagan exists.....有時候有些事情不是跟一個人的宗教有關係,但是你們的聖經叫做第一頁的之後翻頁是第二頁...那是聖殿之後 不是埃本存在?

我的牙齒真的好痛喔! 小鳥~~閉嘴 Shut up, shut up, shut up~~~~!!!!!!!

不要再叫了~好痛啦!!!  Shut up!  Shut up! Shut up!!!!!!!!!

If you want to use my Pinterest interior design? Where? In Taiwan or in US?

Why cannot you design on your own?

Taiwan I think, I will stay where these police station at,...that is how Austin their entire 3 generation family business....one of those looks like Fox.conn human, their Feng Shui telling them extremely bad, to facing right at the police station.

But normally, for your Urban planning, you go the mountain, Leo's dad are Jewish, they buying these 4 stair floor, outside on the mountain, they drive it down and take Metro or Bus.

Not like the US. But its near the mountain, you breath better. Bigger space.

To stay in here....Taipei I told you are very expensive, only certain professional human can stay here.

Those are material? Yes! 

Material Science? ! Its the architecture material. The texture touch-and-feel. You probably meant Taiwan itself if that is the Florida or Southern California weather. Then you have a winter and summer needed you understand those are not just you look and straight thinking.

You will need air-con for the next 20-40 years. These climate change don't get mild.

Medical Board, 可以講中文嗎? Can I speak in Chinese?

I used to fasting those year 2008-2010, I have vision, 

Communication to certain places, that Heart, liver and stomach.

Stomach 他們很喜歡咬東西,我其實清身體不是因為我想去亂咬、跟吃東西,那是身體的一部分! 他們喜歡!



不是在下體的毛,或是神經,中樞後面的毛毛下面!! 背脊

是腳~ 不是他們說,我自己覺得!


就是我牙齒痛~其實泡在水裡面 ! 女孩子大概男孩子也不會在乎你在水裡面泡多久, 我其實講的很認真 ~是我講女孩子就在水裡面活著就好了! 



Stomach is mix all together and eat it down, those Blueish those things....


Stomach enzyme

我在講那些藍色小精靈的東西 I am talking about those blueish pixie stuffs.

Like now, my teeth are hurting, still hurting. Chinese pear has loads of water!!! those teeth rudimentary, down, are roots right?

那個牙齒痛~但是現在吃水梨~水分! 就是牙齒的下面是神經的那種碰水的~吸收水分

跟我的頭髮照片一樣! 我現在就不痛了!

Right eating that pear, not hurting.

Chinese pears.

How can life to be that difficult? Just following an order?!



Love to arrive one day......just like the White Buffalo Women Legand before 2012......Shaman. What the oufit looks to the guys anyway, love it, truly.....new places in life.

Remember near distance photo

Far away distance photo

Its just the eye normal range, you don't even know you squeeze your eyes all your life....

Did you telling Jonas to find Brian? Yeah?~~~

You wonder if that is really a military prefer ASMR None stop Sea Food.

Japan, Korea, Taiwan...let me guess, which choices of just doing nothing sitting there, looking at ASMR paying at the American currency, its just boring Monday - Friday on military uniform, and weekend 2 days on? Leisure cloth, that is the Chinese words.


While all you so pine, vine, vent to those court waiting years.....someone from behind, just copy and paste exactly everything Anna says so...in all these countries, including the military, not to lose? The Opportunities.

And while, guessing it so....you are all so victimized, to how long years these court judgemental will show up and ruling, there are so many Time pass....

Where you should have been, done, and say, and kneel


A mortal has a liking,

A mortal has a judgemental heart, a mortal like you have prejudice, have an opinion, have a view, have a saying, have a 2 cent venting....

Seeing it down the road in years

You will find out what it meant it, truly....the difference between you and me, never change a word ever since that Pharm Board ruling, and if they just passing it through, they themsleves requires no lobbyist. 

It was never got it wrong on the IQ issues and starting on the First Day. It was O U wrong all the way. And that years lost of time, money, human resource.....

To the photo appearance your 3 meals time down....you wondered, life! 

In the end road never stopped since the day 1 on.


I didn't know you have a vision issues, your eyes wearing an eye glasses? So if without an eye glasses, you cannot see? PC monitor or TV?

oh ~~ So you wearing those alkaline water washing your contact lens, 2 circle round, portable, carry to move to the hotel?

You found it the hotel sink comfortable not the Tiny 4.0? 

So that is the pharmacy America selling those contact lens washing solution and the contact lens soaking it carrier? Meaning portable ~! ~~ oh ~ in case you buying a portable Judgemental Photo next to Eben while traveling, you lost your luggage, you need the pharmacy store? Near by?

Those are necessary right?

Life suffering starting on the human merits, so the hairy shaman speaking a word on the camera, does not start on yelling like SMCH, she using Apple those big front Camera Light on those SMTV. You know her background paper, scissor, art works, butterfly? The decoration team is called the Art Team. They show up before she shows up on the TV to talk?

Seeinig the photo art? Those are preparation makes the perfect jail female inmate ending up eternity on the paper book - called the police reports! Find out? MD?

Doing business starting on the photo art, how true how true, you are judgemental on all that first seen, acting class?

Anna prepare an actor on the acting zone? You care about it?  Its 5 years on that general chemistry textbook?

"Do you want to play a snowman?"

"Something given to me long ago?


Do you know that there are human like Tina knows how to open your eyes in front of the camera, I was too busy those time 2018-2020 for one comet, I forgotton I have a photo art including 2021, 2022, will be 2023.

You care your photo art your eyes are bigger? You mean you squeeze your eyes when you seeing far away all your life? Without an eye glasses on driving like Tony? DMV knowing that?

You have a habitual to squeeze your eyes ? Anyone around you know, and suddenly your eye muscle becoming wider on the photo screen? I guess, no one can see that 2 polarity looking, how nature you will all look anyway.

You never arrive to certain position to really seeing....what money meant it, what kinds of the higher scale of girls or women putting into the exactly places meaning....what kinds of the characters are there.


You cannot tell what that story were saying.

You don't believe the guys can be just surrounded to those collected women to look right.  These each and perfect women will look what right to you?

You have no security other than your family background, and you yourself making it on the Top while this liberate society allow you to be just one person alone, on that infinite internet Era, www, doing whatever you wanted, to make it! 

That money you making it, its solely freedom given to you, when you capable to deliver a content that drawn the audience to your crowd.

And this game of love doesn't involve the personal feeling, for that any judgemental you are, you are just a mortal that has no spiritual seed or soul particle, or background for you to even withstand any tribulation your Lords, your God hint you. No matter what it is a garbage book saying so, you do not hint one word, one saying....for that hell Hirm dealt you or not, I don't even need to know.

You have a mood, you have a liking and disliking, you have this will you imagine you are God. You believing you sway your games with your moutful jobs, that 2 cents lives on that Television, you are the victims, someone do all these to you, so on so forth.....

You are a mortal, how many time I saying that.

To every life here after, you cannot see it.....how that failure of this one lifetime, you meant it, its always your will anyway.

Your mistakes

You imagine by seeing Anna me having a what attitude and being safe measurement to even using her photo looks like your character being shine forward, your inner core, your inner values, your inner voice, your inner attitude, without a human knowing....it was Anna's judgemental character.

But one mistake you didn't know, just like that Wallace telling you.

Time will tell. You grow old every year living on. That is your mistake. 

You so wishing people knowing you, what kind of character you could truly are, and worship you as whom you are. You wishing wishing wishing that attitude will shine to your parents, your friends, your sibling, at that crucial moment when they needed the help. 

Like Dean, like Silas.....what could I ever say, to sound right? "Well, by that standard laws, its really just the matter the credibility saying the legal, but yet, its probably a no."

You want a check, or a photo, or seen, a real look....how is your hair? 

And the guys will tell you, each day you living on my words, on my photo, to living that freedom as if you are free, but you cannot see your mirror mirror hanging on the wall, to that 10 years down, you becoming each day just right on how the libertiy statues will sound like your every inner core becoming....

10 years later.

Organize Pinterest


今天變天氣 (加衣服)

秋天叫做秋老虎 ! 

這有用嗎 ? 我的鍵盤非常爛 !!!!





 我現在在裡面~ 有很多程式,非常誇張,是這全部的更新?!

Medical board - I fix the both sole, the top are weight issues


Sandle, sneaker, but I added alcohol wipe. Not the floor bare foot nor Taiwan dirty outside road.

Alcohol wipe often often often. Every mail, toe cleaning it up.

She cannot stop cooking ?




Wash up and go to sleep. Stupid human....

You do not have IQ, just wishing 3 meals a day human, you want to write it down in front of you?

Babaji: Go

Is UB library, or some kinda of library, you borrow something....about the whole scope, what Anna saying things. One book, changing your online landscape you, what you supposed to be doing and thinkiing, and uttering words in your mouth to imagine the future?

Just a niche?

You are not uttering the right words, you are not thinking the right term, you never even write it down, thinking about, repeating those words inside your mouth to lecture someone like you?

You repeat those words like 50 mins, what you get it yourself what exactly you are short of? In front of the mirror.

Some human doesn't need to repeat those words, so the reading its one time, you want to read the second time, and starting to make an outline, what exactly you are reading that book, starting on the chapter outline?


Nerve system - 1) Voluntary Nerve System 2) involuntary Nerve System  ( CNS, Central Nerve System)

Circulation system - Blood works, oxygen, lungs. Blood pressure, artary, veins, and 微血管

Digestion system / GI track - Anna never repeated it like thousand times the same things in different writing of it.

Lymph system - points, massage at....

Biology dogma ending its to create a human body. Its not legal. Its in progression. 

Not God is full of light, if not the laser of I Ching Anna number 1 to 64, or 64 to 1?  You are not clear any term, any description, any describing, words, name, title,......

Say something?

Its solely your low IQ problems, I say that too many times, too often. Low IQ Women population ready to losen memory, after 35. Exactly every words I am saying to you. Lost square and lines.


Silas, on my facebook...he is the UB edictor, you used to read his column remember, every single day free content, on his desk, on Dean's hands, every Monday, Wedn, and Friday....you care to explain what exactly you are doing to both of them, and ....asking Silas....

Because you all from the UB background, Anna's facebook. "Do you care to share me some interests how those journalism parts related to your major, and later how you actually did your jobs every night time before next morning the deadline. Is there a deadline schedule 3 times a week, and pretty much not Anna did once per week show, she says too many things, that is 52 weeks a year, what does that mean her deadline, like 52 submission?" 

Do you remember I just comment on the Taiwan Youtuber comment right here? What did I say to them in Chinese, typing in Traditional Chinese?

I say about their content?! That is a gala, or just a new award ceremony, to what degree of the conversation you will show up in front of a bunch guys their IQ its every day generating content, with the rapidly growth of this new Domain. Or you meant its they fold when Youtube say?  

You using Youtube comment session like Web 2.0? That is called Social media response.

Whom generate content?

What are the content definition?

You mean the product description with no story telling on your website, a little bit about your own company?

The writer, whom are the writers? Devil Wear Prada?

There are many basic definition words I used to say. You are not listening?

⭐🍤🍤🌟 You want to copy the content to duplicate exactly or....making money as long as everyone does the same? ⭐🍤🍤🌟

That is what you mean the collaboration on the authorship, or your mean your competitor?

You are pretty much the human about hate every other existence of anyone....really.

Telling you to act for 2 mins, your parents ever comment on your acting skills with them, or with a receptionist jobs?

okay, how about this SMTV needs 52 weeks one same show once per week. That usually are the animal worlds. The flying news are every single day. They rotate 3 time slot with that satellite schedule.

I generate exactly the same content for them on the research parts.

You suppose to imagine you are the youtubers, starting or planning, or popular later on....you gonna put the transcription on below the captions, or that is once per week content must generate from your brain, to last one full year. You wait til that day you figure it out, or you just meant it you go along with whatever, if the content got popular with the audience, meaning the subscription become rapidly increase, you figure it out the rest of it?

🍓🥭💞 You don't want the customers seeing you.....when you purchasing a thing, you want to read their statement? Where? Youtube? 🍓🥭💞

What do you want to read before you paying them with your cards?

Amazon seller? 

🥪 What do you wish to read? Or you just buying anything you ever wanted on Youtube, or ebay? 

🥪 Do you define what your customers wish to see?

🥪 Your own website userbility tests?

🥪 Meaning how the visitor coming into your site, they enter the first page on which page you index your URL exactly like the keyword being pick up from the Google?

🥪 Right now I have none. I used to have.

🥪 Do you remember my UB facebook, what was my URL name, to which page, you seeing a formula, called Percent Error? You read that story?

🥪 That is the Google index. I didn't do that Sitesell things with that page, it was just a story. So I cannot tell you if the keyword ever works with the Google like the Sitesell says, but their company meant it supposes to work.

🥪 oh ~ if Google meant it supposes to be very human relevant to my site = student is the formula, I had so many stories format, I didn't do that for that reason. My entire site has no one coming in from the main URL link. I wonder why....so I given up?

How do you tell the military to order your stuffs? Buying your stuffs, you mean?

... they are so used to this Jewish Divide and Conquer schematic whatever written on their conspiracy theory, plus directly stealing from me were both those in-land military and on-line border line Pixie merits. I don't really know how you just telling them, they just take it?

You start with a helicopter, you rent it and made into a video.

Cooking / Hair style, shampoo, make-up

Cooking Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, so England Kitchen its your competitor, Food Networks?

Hair style, fashion you mean, so ...Victoria Secrets it your competitor.

Do you define they have the warehouse to store these never out of the expiration date goods storage methods, inventory?

If you are going to or have a connection to a different language country, you still have their local or the international people coming in as the competitor? 

Sport arena are not limited to the ice skating? Volleyball, tennis, pingpong, skateboard?

Roll skate you mean.

A niche means you have the competitor in ASMR, all these video you seen. In Me case, that will be Organic Chemistry, so the competitor would be Khan form Havard

So you define that niche, you meaning the categories of

Education - instructional






You could have business / accountant / CPA / coaches / Small business owners

I am not anywhere outside certain niches? Most are academia? I won't be even headed inside my brain to think of what else exist on the market, you probably meant you making money with.  


Weight losing program coaches

Fasting and meditation

Religion seminar

Shaman you becoming New Age 2012 money money here you go?

A lot of people eating seafood? Are they fat?

Are they more healthier choices than those 4 legs, or 2 legs?

⭐⭐⭐⭐ Isn't America and England are both very very important democracy world 2 foremost Constitutional Country on the World Maps? Everyone knows? Your hunger game and the catching fire, has not been stopping clashing each other, none stop.⭐⭐⭐⭐

Did you do anything you supposed to be, no matter what? 

I didn't know Whom is Joe Biden, your current American president since 2021? I was somewhere else 2018? He will be 79 years old.

You will not have a problem right now, but you will be in the future? Which future is that? And this has anything to do with the Harvard, not that would be anything on Harvard Laws? 

⭐⭐ In 2020 ⭐⭐

Its Taiwan Public Cable airing time on "The Day When you Found out" (Extraordinary you), "That Man's Memory Methods" (radio), and several other things? "Sakura Clear Cards" and "Sakura Cards" (90s)

Is this Trump saying he is going to run again the??! Presidential Candidate?  I was listening to this SMTV around last year, 2021.

⭐⭐ And, how old is this Joe Biden and Trump? ⭐⭐

They go to jail, they will be, no matter what? Did you go to a real situation lawyer on what is this Hunger Game, Catching Fire to my map, before the World Domination Power like Disclosure open and wide, all you waiting for 2012? Reptilian and Greys?

All those you dream of????

I am telling you....there is a thing called the time acceleration by few people doing nothing but bind to chair on the paper works....

You didn't get the local guys? Local means Earth. 

There are these big announcement all coming out, no matter how you seeing it or perceiving that stories how maid you will ever be, and getting worsen each day living on, those Truth.

💖 I only need my brain to think what is my hobby, or I know myself. My mother used to telling me.....💖 Do you have a parent, you always talk about nothing but your parents. Can you talk to them, get a mentor, talking to your all around? What they think you are good at? 💖

I know myself....or I hear enough from my own mother?

I don't actually eat. Did I tell you where I used to live? Watermarke, Irvine California

I re-sort this Pinterest.

When I settle more clear, I ask some human prepare their outline, with these profile. I have zero time or mood for this. 

Like My home here has this 5 Start hotel farmer's market. Smaller farmer

在遠企那邊他們可能一直都有,這種小農夫近來賣東西! 你們好像從來沒有生活過人群~叫做張開嘴巴說話的意思~重點不說,說一堆有的沒的! 

These smaller farmer from traveling here. So they for some reason always few places I keep hearing including expo Taipei, near the City Hall, next by 101. Its all there.

So if you open your mouth to talk just like 16 years ago......you might just know how life suppose to be with Oliva oil in Buffalo New York?



Is your gasoline oil ? Oil for plastic 99 cent dollar store US and Canada?

Its every manufacture made in China, yes! 

Same to your car using its. The automobile or diesel, or airplane oil.

I think if you all stop eating, and using your 2 legs, on....car driving to that DMV. You can see a lot of miracle happened, without Friday, without weekend on debts, or friends.

Especially all this so precious to you friends. In Taiwan, we have this medical system, similar to your America, you have this co-pay? You know how you have a co-pay?

You pay yearly. Here they bankrupt before or?

In Taipei Metropolitan are so crowd, if you just walking in the hospital, its full packs of the human, but does the hospital still capable not to bankrupt, to be honest, I have no ideas. You are eating your way off that balance sheet. No matter what.

UN those saying on the transportation cost on the meat itself, still very very true. Anything those claim, data. Still true.

In America, if you have no money, you can just tell the world, there are donors a lot of those making your dream coming true.

Its on the Internet, often.

Some people they just donate those money to make that dream coming true. You still have to work as the girl.

💞💞🍤💖 💞💞🍤💖💞💞🍤💖 💞💞🍤💖

 💞💞🍤💖 💞💞🍤💖💞💞🍤💖 💞💞🍤💖

You trying to learn, you can living forever inside the jail, and trying to use that eraser to learn. That is the only job offers really. If I were you. Nap

Babaji: Go

You have to have a concept on a niche definition means inside your brain before you starting your own products and service. You don't want to see human, there are those ebook format UB 16 years ago seen? On my website.

Those are paypal cart enable. Do you get a paypal, how you doing that? That was Elon Musk, or he still owning it? 

Doing a business its very very trickery, so I never done those things. But propeling an idea, you wishing to step into some zones, you can start participating those days called "Internet". There was one Youtube that time, right now its 20 years pass? You ever think, how far everyone else learning some language, you eating your 3 meals away?

Your technical Manuel jobs?

You cannot see human, talking publicly, or certificate proven you don't get sent to jail by the consumer bureau or the Medical State Liscence? 

What is real what is fake? How long keep hiding? 

You don't just copy paste everything I say, its me you never "reference" every line every sentence, every grammatical saying, starting Anna J? AJ? 

You have a conscious to keep living the wrong. See how far down hell I sent the humantiy with you in it, together all to abyss. That is the only thing I ever good at.

Open your mouth to talk like a human will never go away. Silicon Valley, they will not go away.

There are a lot of kinds of jobs fields are going away, yeah! I know that. 

Did I tell you the librarian cataloging cards were one of them? 

UB for 20 years, they did nothing but my own facebook says.

You didn't start to define a niche, or not participating, right now, I am still using what I used to create before? There is a reason how it started, if you get yourself clear, the very very very first road map? 

You don't get your formula wrong!