Lawsuit 517: The incident to all Country Map regime (Freeze to Death, The Day after Tomorrow was Simon’s faces | Westlife Home)

Date: Dec 12th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The human population and the animals kingdom are dying because of the freezing condition everywhere, not limited to China or Russia or Canada.

You cannot have one person dead in the company, in front of an MD, or an airline. Not to say millions die. Therefore that regime is at broke statues. Or the facts can be found in the case of 1911 China regime we ROC Taiwan migration to our current Taiwan’s line. 

There are the economic terms known as the 4 little dragon, Korea or Japan cannot come to Taiwan.

All these movies are set in the points it’s temperature related, therefore you find a brand new movies staffs on only temperature case to decode my 516 lawsuits ahead movies mentioned. That will include the Prince of Persian - Sand in Time. The movie material often are the classify nature, you are not sure it’s human says or the ET just tell you long time situation. Edison were the New Jersey starting this Hollywood business. They moved. Across the entire America to land in the Hollywood current, you have other news how it was what or whom don’t pay. 

We have a 5000 years China artifacts and collection, its temperature and water related. The pure fresh water. China water has to be purchased. The pollution.

Game of Throne - a Song of Ice and Fire 

UB you all need to pack up and ready to move, including your parents to migrant to California. The warmer weather as the map illustrates to you.

UB president, Google, England Prime Minster those are set up Indian, they will be monitor. It’s the freezing issues, so move it.

Taiwan don’t have the ability to solve all these. You all 193 country called America. They can fix all that.

The pure water resource, the drink water must be the fresh water.
The electricity by the nuclear chemistry methods
We Taiwan are lacking both. We acquire that advice from the America in the 90s so the entire island culture will be high tech oriented. It was from the American advices. You country can all just sought all out advices from the America, they will help. 

I can tell you what happen among these 4 small dragon + Japan.

Around in the 90s time, Japan their banking industry collapse as the bubble. Ever since that incident, their interest in the bank always at zero. Meaning your money inside the bank is as is, not as any interest to pile up. 

You all need to favor what the American telling you, that evaluation reports might be still in Taiwan since 1911 those regime migrants and we all south moving. My family are the military related. We know that facts very clearly. Both grandparents. 

As a women, I will tell you everything in the cold hand in the cold feet are the worsen nature in life. But the guys will die if lacking the fresh water or the temperature like the freezing to death. 

On the Taiwan news here will say Korea, or what others developed the fashion business or entertainment but Taiwan remain only on selling chips. It’s best upon this time fractures, and the time junction, you need to align a high grades of the civilization, you only need the high tech to settle a better living condition to the overall the Earth condition including the elimination to the poverty and disease. You acquire the high tech first, not the spirituality. Once the basic living conditions are met, you construct the education since after WWII is the only methods once your living condition proven.

Align to everything I told you. You don’t want the people keep dying on the monitors every winter.

All the water below surface, turn on your light if that resources are provided. All illuminate the space with some warm and heat feeling. 

See the mass animal die out can have a turn. 

You need the fresh water resource and heat for the winter. 

1. Your 4 limbs accidental insurance are too high. As long as your house becoming huge including the bathroom statues, the car, the public transportation are these categories saying. You fallen inside your own home. You need to bind to your chair to do this Digital Era and staying indoor.  

2. We have too many treasure like that’s ET or human American says. 烈火如歌 it’s right in front of the President Xi.

3. The Asian we here are the paper made, therefore my birth I will tell you how I survive, and that will be one point not your paper stacks 1983 on. They don’t use Africa Penis like your Woka Woka dance like that. You will tear down that TV yourself one day. Your killing programs use the penis and the wild race beard methods. You look barbarian. 

4. We have 5 division since 1911 grand the Hauwaii chapters. Your American democracy only have 3 division. 
You want to re-write your 1983 paper? It’s an add-on.

5. It’s the material science on the invention more gear, patent holder, unless you AMerica want to give up that thinking outside the box as you claiming. They may not be all that Digital Era related to. 

6. Hollywood business - thin jaw
I have a last name and a jaw. I did tell you, didn’t I ? That China was a jaw?! Our hospital MD photo you want to look? I did. That time after I leave the hospital I trying to find a job? I went back to the hospital system, way before the COVID 19 in 2017. They have a volunteering program in the music room at 三軍總醫院

7. You know my bank? I did acquire a thing because the birds say that way. I didn’t do that, I just made an excuse to go in. They sponsor long time on the music facilitation. 

8. Nick did say 2010 all our commercial board here are paper made = music, cultural, dance faciliate in the human personality and tempament reinforce.

9. You did occupy this WWII line, and you didn’t back off so Korea it’s in half statues. I can tell you why we Taiwan has an airline going to Japan they purchase the entire luggage case eye contacts. I mean the airline by the traveling hour, or including to go to the Korea. The nature of the Japanese are very very different than us so their entire comic book telling you, they had a street car in the 90s were my growing imagination - their transportation system. Until now we kaput. That feeling growing up seeing all that built up are different. They have also unlimited the comic books or your porn business in the cartoon format.

10. In the guys worlds. I will tell you I live next by the expo next to 101. It’s PC gaming like Apple telling you. But until you walk in Taipei Y area. The end of the half, that’s the guys world, 1 to million. The girls walking pace and physical are not going to make it. I can and…you don’t need to do that if I were a guy too. The guys probably find the way how to get to the end of half Y.

11. In that 5 division under Taiwan’s democracy, one of that its where you making laws. In American that’s called the Congress place, we called it 立法院 meaning establish law yard. They fought every morning on the TV. The Pirates of Caribeans the island on the first Pirates of Caribeans. 

Tortuga. They do that never stop !! The physical pushing, and hitting, the guys worlds you do that. Once you acquire the security of that 4 limbs safety measurement - that’s what they end up doing here. I didn’t say every Congress wish to turn into that. You want to improve that or you intend to copy? Just don’t hit the head.

Their entire crowd pushing the microphone guy.
They are all the real legislators? Yeah ! The real lawyers you mean? Yeah !

12. We have 7 floors still not build up. You want my channel Wei Jao. It’s your animal voice right if those count.

13. We have a night market culture. Your CNN those they Wall Street in your Time Zone. You go to My twitter that time. I did that. Not for you, but it’s on the records. They do exists. They Timezone living culture once you acquire the security in the city or your living quarter. That wavelength collective band do exist. Our night time, turn on the CNN. I bought the night market and 7-11, currently, you have a underwear strips for your dinner microwave rice boxes. How you carry that.

14. Our Wall Street will be Maggie - 志豪 his mother gone to meet his step dad from Cambodia, his sister currently are at Cambodia jobs manager. We have a 8 dollar range or 7 you don’t ruin the Taiwan market. Japan is like you, they collaps that time. I heard or we heard it was from one of those Corperate they did that. Your Victoria Secrets Hands off Yourself.

15. You want to go where I live. Your Wall Street Money never runs? (Off)
Hong Kong what I did tell Ola or Karen were very very real and genuine to Wing. That time. Luggage get drag in the airport it’s their happiest time like “Miss you Already”, Leo’s mother to Iseral. That’s her life.
Carlie’sAngel Blonde and Victoria Secrets Black Tie Holiday, first Hiep position. She Nancy looks like that model a little more lighter highlight. Lanh is the pharmacist in Toronto Downtown. 

And the Sailor Moon one time I specify their commercial ads on the every fire department regulation junk yards sell. You are breathing on my commercial here…every junk yard sale to 194 countries toy. I just don’t go out buying right now. When I have the money … 

16. Our Intern housing water pipe are not your FDA standards but to the 黑暗帝國 Matrix means Darkness Kingdom Oracles, the birds the bugs the sky wants the FDA. The Taipei real estate can be invest. I heard 50 years, that values is zero. But the lands it’s us. You have an oracle. Real. They tell you everything, I personally don’t know any police other than Wallace’s brother. 
I clean a lot of the water pipe here. I had a very bad situation since 2016 the day I land. I told you was Mahavatar Babaji. I had a lot of incident I almost thought it’s from him, it’s through all the bugs. There is a roach in the chip I place in the big cup white bowl. The black black big roach on the top of the layer golden chips.

Do you want to come here for real just checking the little things I say? I think they say more than all THAT. My mother used to seen 2 human face spider. I think a lot of them have a decision making because of them. Austin’s dad is nickname “Sky”. The paper thin doesn’t mean the brain thin. 

17. When I did facebook 2015, those food. It’s Asian chocolate words Google Image better. 
Movie: Burnt (2015), “I seen better”. 巧克力蛋糕
They use a lot of Europe style. They are. I wishing more they going to America but that policy moves to Europe after 1984. To our school system adding 3rd language like French or German. You seeing these Youtuber from. 
I would personally tell you, including the girls “Really, stop eating” but I will tell you what we have they have. It’s on my facebook. It is 20+ days they seeing that food. 
The food, the outfit and the backpacks.

18. We use thr Australian cheese, our casserole don’t require a huge oven on the electricity your cheese never melt that color. Maybe that’s why not in America. But when they do comes, I will show them. That’s every meal I grown up. My mother only knows things, that and their French Onion soup.

19. 30 years ago, Japan already had the vegetarian/ vegan technology in mock meats. SMCH they had nothing but the food reason how they maintain to stay open I think. It’s the food vendor 30 years ago. Japan they sell might be at 迪化街 my mother used to go to. Disappeared now. It’s at Japan. Like I say stop eating. 

20. My hospital currently I shown you. It’s high tech starting, you move here or you stay your technology overall. It’s incorperate into one card we pay monthly on the medical insurance. I can just live off on my money alone here without any of you really. 

21. We sell the international edition your textbook. The student buys here and ship it to UB their home.

22. We had that UB 2010 time frames Motorola phone in the 90s - it’s T-mobile. I use that ! V-66

23. The birds say its the rain, the air quality control. True. I used to hear that. The air dusty that kinds.

We junk yard sale, one you that black thing ?

We can only afford one. That’s what everyone else did? We can just buy 1 and try? The Star War 3 lawsuit. 

Everyone I means 193 country in UN. Those are youth says. Not I say. 

How much that costs? I buy a land, they go on touring that aircraft money, touch-and-feel, how many years I get my money back?

I think also, I am not going to do that and that …they have to make it. You as an American, that classify material may not talking to me. 
I have a life here. I am. It’s not a lot of hours to you. 
Me and others life, that’s private, my life.
You give up your advantage it’s entirely your own doing. I don’t really like any of them, they will tell you also, we never really talk or know each other, that’s the Truth.
That’s why I think that facebook is not necessary those times. Most people don’t use the Facebook anymore. Why you staying in it when no conversation happens. My Pinterest have more reaction than that.

It’s better you imagine the money correctly to the jobs you ought to be doing including forcing them life to the degree to your own American Classify. It’s not my first day I am telling you, they are sissy sassy girls. The guys. They are.

Not to say ilegal. 

When your court paper coming down, my leaving dates or options to the banking information when those coming it down. Me alone. Or with whom they referred me to. You collaps the world finance you will deliver my own benefits. For every movies material including Apples and 台積電 Biden New chatting hot topics. That bankcrupt suppose to be 30 years ago and prison, your prison it’s kids growing up inside the jail, not Princess Diary - 螢火蟲之墓

I don’t want to see, hear, know Hank and Aria, Tina side forever. This is sign, if you dare forced I will sunk your entire America land on map next second immediately after your court paper arrive in Taiwan. I do not move my location, you will all move by your own classify no negotiation table, you move or you will force them all dead without resources. Say that to them.
All land.

It’s called Dr Gabriel 卜元鼎 = I win all lawsuit. Flower Thousand Bones (2015)

Sign. Today. Don’t make a fool yourself one more daring time with this clever games, any funny business I say no more.
That’s the spirituality leadership perimeter. Your only resides ground including on the sea. It’s a circle.

Final note: til the day I move, to when you arrive. I myself telling you, you are purely in luck so you had the Today. How long that last, you imagine I have a brain or you all combine having a brain.
You don’t get all paper done today Congress, don’t bother calling me my name
All UB forces out. Only destination today in Taiwan. All Mormom die immediately to hell. That’s the final verdict.

Dare playing a fool. I mean I tale you exactly end. My way.

Your AMerica one paper with my crown - on here chinese letter word
Immediate execution entire Mormon, hang their head on the their public television Taiwan as one last warning both times them and to you. Deliver all things inside TV, eternity bow, kneel, flat
Or else …I will sign eternity hell every single one of you.
It’s every word I say, you kneel. Every words tell you, you pay and you kneel. Understand ?

Every baby program like ETR like French Youtuber
Every baby starting hell. Understands?

It’s called baby …oops, sperm shoot one more time.

Excuation, Eben, ETR 3+1
They didn’t deliver anything close to TV, their service is no longer needed.
Biden next, one more funny thing on the TV.

Crime - your age fallen and your faces no longer youth, and the TV says stress you die young. You kiddnap my every resource so you live in 4 bubble teas, every youth in degree 1000 human kneel and sign this paper, you all will go to hell. Forever. It’s in the System data.
This is your final warning. 
Try to kidnap every piece of me, it’s your entire humanity pays dearly. You imagine I pretend to know…

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