Lawsuit 328: Anomaly

Date: Sep 12th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Items check list

My first language its not in English.

Abnormality 基因

anomaly 人群

迷信 = superstitious

Item Checklist, if I were to be the President, one of those your own slogan...

Replace all those neon night lights where the dawn dust(y) to meets that horizon at the furthest sight with flueoescene

There are Tesla paper on that "eye". Meaning Cornea.

Also, the Twilight movie, that scene keep repeating, "You wear contacts"


Eyes in Chinese old saying, its 靈魂之窗= Meaning the windows of the Soul

The natural karmic light, a sunlight, flip into the villian eye sight, their car wheel flip out. The birds sounds a sharp G notes, their psychi space clink....something will happen to them in the next few days.

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