Lawsuit 371: Prince Harry Entering the book (Investigation) 哈利王子進入書中赤河魅影

Date: Nov 10th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The story begins (Red River Manga)  赤河魅影

You never heard of Hittite, and Egypt are still very far away.

Opening investigation.

TV: The Day When You Found Out (Extraordinary You) 偶然發現的一天

TV: W Two Worlds (W 兩個世界)

You need those Barbie Doll on those skirt coming down, the wing bigger as the Time growth

Romance Journey -Victoria Secret from the last Lawsuit 370

Sunk it.....UK. 

Alexandro that 45 second left, 

Hitler Tony's position it will be in the Sailor Moon brother and sister, in the Japanese those Original 90s Booklet Colorful book. I never seen that from the comic books.


and his sister. That will be my Twin, in Full House

You just note it down these what I told you before and now. 

Is this ending song also used in that China 2017 Roller Blade Champinion, I say the girl was my brother those gf lists, to end in that Chinese Drama 微微一笑很傾城

You mean Da Vinci Painting, and his bald guy Michael Angelo's painting. I never seen his painting. The very ending of it. 

That roller teams from 湖南 ! They are a club or somewhat organization training !

That province from China did a lot of the Today's lawsuit cases TV drama? 

Meaning "Lake South". = 湖南

Do you preserve this Choreography? That was 2017, we are about to 2023. I am resting.....?! You don't have a commander nor a commander-in-chef ever does those things?

Are they a different shoe? Not my shoes right? I need a custom made. I am one of those don't have money commanders, you have many those human at? 

I never talk about the details of those? Roller Blades.....Street Dance.

Its the weight you add to jump would be your customized shoes, but those will be probably much lighter, than mine, you seeing it in the video. Those are not the street dance shoe. They are customized.

But its still the same spinning, and jump (adding the shoes weight)

I gain a lot of weight since 2014. I am losing it off, you have time. When you have no more fat on or around the skeleton bones. They are shooting off the comet, not me shooting off the comet, but I saying about those math in 2018-2020. I did saying that on the camera. The calculation of 1908-1943, to us time 1983-2019 (2 years from Britney Spear, Holding it Against me 2011)

And 1856 Tesla time to John Astor this age

1893 he Astor has an award, to Astro 1234....the years of those are 37. (This on video are written it down) 

I have a 5 Lords Reviews, things cannot be put on the paper. All are Oral instruction out. Its in the brain. So....It later on the paper once. I don't really dare to write it down? You can just ask me, you can write it down. I put a Commander-in-Chef title on 194 UN Map seats, to each has a National Flag, I have a lot of limitation, that will be one of that.

Taiwan we are not in UN seat, but we have a National Anthem, a National Flag, and a National Flower looks like May flower idea? We were the original Top of that called ROC on the mail box address Republic of China. We carry cargo 5000 years China Art works, before the communism taken over the mainland. You called that China as the Mainland China.

So that 40 years break away, between the family, are real. Its the China and Taiwan policy, ending up in 1983 math, from 1943. ( The Comet situation ) 

Instruction from the 194 Commander-in-Chef

You can get a sand bag to jump or dance on the regular floor, you cannot roller bladder whichever you all big name. Those sand bags are marine green in my high school time, on your ankle, fallen on your sneaker type. My time.

The Ice skator like the figure skate or the Ice Hockey, can do the ground works. But I used to see that Hockey human to that figure skate comparison video. I am not sure exactly the skills are the same.

The roller blades on dancing performance, those are knock, dot, meaning 點 and 敲.

I was using the roller blades on traveling.....not on dot or knock?!

We have a boy school next by us, the third all boy school, they are better in Taipei, me clubs to clubs in high school time? We have social go to the camping site, there is a girl name 叮噹 I say a ghost story on Ankeheseamen? 

I know their school guy's name Mosquito. 蚊子 we end up in the mountain that has no electricity.

叮噹 she would be our roller blade clubs public relation. I substitute for the performance? I was not part of the clubs? Their captain asked me.

(It should be on my Iphone browser records on the Google Image, it just happened to jump out in 2018-2020)

Roller Blader Me Traveling ?

UK, University of Kentucky, from the International dorm to the 1 billion dollar William Young library. In the Sailor Moon blue sailor. Moon will be Madrical UK, Mucreary High School. (I have a trophy, I had a real name on it, I told them to donate to the high school glass panel. Your Harry Potter Glass panel?! )

Taiwan, just the Daan Park back to my home, the quiet street?! About 4 blocks bus stop.

I do on the red old carving floor tiles, those were the older time on ROC style. Its an ink mark on the tile, every single tile, small. Red square. Rain or shine, in lane (meaning under the floor sheltering from the rain) or outside still walkway pavement road. We have a structure here to avoiding rain. 


Its probably better you don't do those. Its forbidden now in the City Law.

My roller blades

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