
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

The Container home


Today is Sat


Life when really at the very very last....you have hope you did say to that person what words, not to me, but to those some human that exist in your life.

Whatever this departure means anything at any certain junction. 



This is the time, where things you can see clearly being sorted.

No one knows where this gonna go with the System, with the Court, with the existing condition, whom calling whom on the monitor, you saying all those stories, which means???

Its the other side, here I come.

I never stop saying 2014? Here I was?

I explain to you something, its for everyone. You thought about someone he is really really really not important.

And one day, truth be hold, it will become true, he will never be important enough and gone.

Just exactly like you wished. For me, I can live with that. They are not important to me, not really.

But for you, they did meant something for some strangest reason you don't know they exist in your life. 

You get jealous never provide a 4 stove meals.

You get jealous they get a flower

You jealous they get a gift bag

You get jealous they have a paycheck and you don't.

You jealous they have friends.

You jealous they have things, i don't even know a list down, whatever all these meant to me...its a listing down words after words after playing words to me. 

I meant it, very very seriously, something wrong inside your brain, they for some strangest reason to eat a BLT, you have to be angry staring at them, they cannot eat it, their heart going up and down, and they smile, its means??! If they talk to a friend, it means?!

🌟⭐ You say things are hostil to sound like, not just reading like 🌟⭐

To this world standard or the external world where they live in a different culture, you say you thought you did what is best for you in life. You thought about your life, you give a try in your life.That conclusion didn't start with the idea, there is any life outside, outside the Earth.

A guy can have a lot a lot girls around him, that you seeing those health aspect, each of you girls be happy, and he will be happy you all be happy.

And how is your reading, I don't read this language for a long time, I cannot understand anything they were saying, very frustrated. 

NBL its not NBA

Michael Vartan has the voice, and that Dean doesn't have the voice on Frozen, you remember that or I remember that?

You know that same line, you know what is a BLT? Its a menu sandwich in Loving Hut. 

And why that line L and B upside down?

God Original Response   NEPODA

God Original Resolute       BENO

That's original God Original resolute, I should say like that.

Ihos Ku resplendence    LEB

God Original Sceptor       BOMO

Ihos Ku Spiritual power     TUB

Ihos Ku Solution                QOB

We don't need all that.

You know, sometimes between a relationship that invovled a guy and a girl....its when the guys putting a tear inside their eyes, me Anna just meant it you will cry to the end of the hell, and slam the door.

Not in the darkness at the phone Line App, not even the women's supporting groups, you looking at where to putting a tear inside your eye frames?



You are not motivated by life, you stop everyone being motivated in life

Some people like design, and I will be telling you, there are those on the Pixie similar human, they all looking at the modern trend, of a better living, an alternative living, no matter what it sounds to you, everything i create, they acid at it, burn, and bury it.

You imagine......the younger face human, they got a better family that settle them into a more stable envrionment. 你們在幻想一個年輕的女孩子有一個家庭,把她擺著比較好的穩定環境

Guess which side of my brain just knowing that....

... This type of the girls crying inside their eyes on that bed you see, through that App on the phone, and you imagine at night, very dark room, she flip that her phone in a very very very quiet living surrounding. Meaning absolutely no noise outside. She close her eyes and put her phone on the side, and go to sleep alone.

Listen to what I say to you, not you imagine yourself to yourself. You want to create a living space. Ever hear those English words? 你聽過那種講法嗎 ? 你想要創建一個住的環境

You need to put your math skills in it. I will tell you, not just IRS, not just your inner core thought about business lasting forever....

When you creating a living space in America

You don't have a lot of options to those pre-existing city zoning district on the school zones, on the bus stop zone, to where the land tax or property tax, not the sale tax, those were the pre-existing factors. 

Do you girls wants to talk on the Internet, not Web 2.0, just input your comment box, to where this guy and you exchange your information or all these more established youngsters? You talking to them startinig at 2022 Winter, like me talking to you 2021 Oct ends up the National Archive those guard human Ms Congeniality....you will feel, not 20 years down the road, what if, you just opening your mouth on the first year the first day, you pushing yourself to the horizon, when in 5 years down the road,

You didn't even begin, and in 20 years, you have thought if you just done some homeworks, you won't be where you will be in 20 years?

I still think you should cultivate yourself a job that has more potential, there aren't a lot of female professor, those tenure to you its a big money really. 世界上很少教授是女的,尋找工作的基本 potential 那種美國的退休制度叫做 Tenure 其實對你們來說是很多的錢錢

I think you focus right on your career, than those sex talk from the internet. The guys will be more honest than the girls about the food. That percentage is false. You thinking about the food all day long, why I even telling you, after college, your become 3 meals a day human for?

我覺得你們認真你們的職業跟工作比那種,網路上講什麼性呀 ~男生會比女生誠實,關於食物~那種百分比是假的,你們一天到晚想的就是食物,我告訴妳們,在大學之後變成三餐一天的人類~我講那個是做什麼?


Real Love | Loving the Silent tear (真愛跟沈默的眼淚, 清海無上師)

I think … there are some ingredients on sex?! 

Cooking 4 stoves

Cleaning yourself period with seeing eye glasses and toilet

Keep a house indoor 

Not fallen on the floor inside your own home

Your body lasting …a long time including the skin tone


Never sent yourself to jail really

你們手上拿到『飢餓遊戲』的那種紙到底是長什麼樣子? | That piece of paper you all have in your hands says Hunger Games, what’s exactly written?







Is a Frozen started?  冰雪奇緣開始?什麼是冰雪奇緣開始?

Eben …

My mom and Nick conditioned 

Seth, Dean…Silas and raining ?

French fries Olivia SMTV, blinds? Vietsnese nun?

Shut up ! Birds.

Between here to America, its 🌭😏🥪

South Pole you made it to Mexico too hot?

North Pole, Canada me, America, Mexico, South Pole



I have to go to nap, Zawanna or Kail those universal human, when they were 30 years old....they won't be remembering how they used to be Prince William or Prince Harry to what degree Tro says, right?


Babaji: Go

In case you do invent something, for the name of that Flower Thousand Bones called Decent Heaven, to morality issues, I have to baby sitting you, in 20 years you might have forgotton how you get that invention going?

Isn't that your point?

When the whole world with that Tro showing up....in front of me Keanu and Simon, it was not supposed us to know what is our major, none of us.....

So I had a work, that is not in my major to gone through that ET Tro Lords of Rings Cave Tro Scene (2014)

To when the real mentor gone, its the selectee SMCH 2018-2019, I finish 

Flower Thousand Bone

and Pitch Perfect 1 2 3  (2012, 2015, 2017)

Now, in 2022 early this year, I have geography human started

2021, I started that Regent process for the Little Kids Little Monks as if that China were my obligation after I loosen a little bit, why don't you telling me I have another game after?

So in 2022 May or June, I fix up the IT department, to when you start hearing something a little more on my own major - Chemistry.

Recently you becoming that interests in the Material Science or the Mechanical Science

On the Leumrian, I will be telling you, what might be the real career on all Things Synthetical, not ALL THINGS on Digital Steve Jobs Conference with Bill Gates?

Do you hear what that Princess Diary 2? I didn't have a choice.

You have a choice, or you have a background you wishing to transpassing that chemistry to biology, or you imagine I cannot do 3 subjects line to knock you and the rest of you all down....what's your major again, on accounting? 

There will be a lot of inventors will NEVER show up in the public. Because they are, someone can fail them right under the comment area to answer a question they take 2 days to finish, and? They got fired. I am telling you.

You want to invent something.....you getting nervous, its before or after? You holding it dear? 

Let's start from the beginning, is this about your money, or about your Hunger Game, Catching Fire? You miss it 2018-2020? Simon Keanu starting in 2014? You cannot get anything later than all that?

From you understand me, I invented the biological life science periodic table, not just one chart, loads charted entire Biology dogma with it including Chinese I Ching. 

But my major was Chemistry, B.A and Minor, one class missing the Medicinal Chemistry.

I have that resume, you side by side. Keanu Reeves movies: Side by Side.

Now ....We have a comet situation, I didn't make that BTX cannot be open file episode number becoming the Hunger Game year 2018-2020, it was SMCH her lost years since 2014 on her own OU language. She has a game, she what? Went to Cancum Mexico on Cops 16 invitation lists, to when I flip out everyone eye sight, in 

2018 hinted, cannot tell her

2019, knock it down 10 years works. 

So which year the Hunger Game ended in front of her eye sight?


I put it in the System Talk on this page Navigation Bar, you reading it? on NASA, not on Google.

You have a thoroughly talk to your parents, or someone about, you having an interest in your future career goal, what is your major in the university? I keep asking you that? You wasting 4 years in college, you don't know what you dwell on, you like it?

What subjects that motivated you? And currently you are off your university, what is that you finding this interesting to go and inventing a periodic table, after me? On Life Science?

What is my major? So what in the world you assuming, I don't know a thing in the chemistry periodic table, I just go and fix it up?

In the current University all Life, you don't go by theory, you need to formulate a thesis that can be realized or manifest in front of everyone whom peer reviews your paper.

That is how you getting a funded grant, to doing all that starting like junior year or senior year, you prepare your PhD admission paper to completely the PhD with a thesis or after PhD, its a post doc, and those studies will further continue, in whichever whom you go and work with, or become part of the reason anyone hire you.

I told you, I cannot do that. I started at the junior year, but I cannot get on it anything ....I don't have time. Its too packed up. When things too in a hurry, I don't make those decision on my money, at all. 

If the life can be created from that Periodic chart......you want to go to which CADS lab equivalent to standing right, talking right, teaching right, conducts right to get a job? You dealing with all the students?

If you can create a life form solely from a chemistry periodic chart, you don't need any biology major to get on those stem cell. No biology dogma requires, you just synthesize from light, it happened ! No admission to the University required, any division of the life science studies.

Its like God says, "Its made of Light."

Ever seen a cotton candy?

🍠🥮 You been through college, tell me which page of that Periodic table can cut your finger thin paper, if not wirelessly? Think before you open your mouth in America 🍠🥮


🥪🌮 Finish that reading to the Chemistry Periodic tabel? 🥪🌮 Are they food? Salt = NaCl. I don't remember they were particular good if you intake too much of it.

You mean if you can bite on it. One Boy Jacket? You have a baby plastic toy?

Try on your teeth? Although those are not Life Science, meaning even if a kid swallow a what, you will be charged.....their hand size putting into their throat size, ever hear about it?

I am not the federal, but you making me doing things like the Federal....the more of those drama showing that one photo image on your main stream media....

Water pipe, all.

You still don't understand a word what I say fileing statues on statistics, to every mouthful vola.

I cannot hear you a word in CNN. I living with my mother. English is not my first language, its not intuitive, sounds like very blah going on. You were saying there is a setback.

And what Trump personel them team block the Federal what....

I can see the CNN few words....you are debating about something. I cannot understand a word, literally I cannot hear it. 

There was something about Jan 6. I remember that CNN on that Jan 6 what was it again? forrever.......remember my facebook?



I go to eat

Babaji: Go

You didn't care someone does a lot of works, and don't get paid, and everyone round, just going to hell with it?

You are one of them.

You don't care there is a student althelets situation, volleyball or hockey. There are a lot of things you never care about it. Not your jobs, just a photo art and the System indicator's light on. No one knows if you drop out of the programs, to when you pretend to be the program, or you drop out of the UB all together. None of us knows. 

Do your parents know you got detained, get jailed, none of us know. What is this underground fighting?

🥗🥗🫐 If you keep eating 3 meals.... 🥗🥗🫐 I told you, that situation between me or you are different.

These world their longest records are 41 days without food, some water, you won't die. 

You are literally eating 2 meals with a drink in the morning, or you adding something in between too, of those 3 meals? Your mouth?

Like what is a Star Bucks blueberry Muffin is a vegan, you know that or? It started later in UB, Tim Horton. After you all left UB ( University at Buffalo, SUNY Buffalo). I was still there all by myself, remember? 

I just told you about 20 years ago, nick's 250 dating women site, those human girls or women has ONE photo art, above the neck. I thought I say Pinterest with your waist line below?

Some guys might just believing it, its really puffy at the stomach or the abdomen area 2cm extra. You want to do the business real, or you still hide it anyway.

I say you write a book, those writer do put their faces now on the internet. You don't get in 2022? You mean I started in 2007? What is your transaction methods?

Loving Hut has one of this IPad, Credit card slot machine.

Kinda of like the Art Collector, you been to these portable gadgets everywhere? The Payment options? i cannot ship it my art, someone burn it, those military might know what is a standing outfit, swipe a card on a gadget. They acid at it, must be.

I just told you hate those guys, one of them, or all of them cared about copy paste html code from Paypal to that evidently photo art from that UB MD 6+1....

They will test it, over and over, that transaction Paypal does not fail on them.

I told you, you can use my APO IT human.... ( ( University at Buffalo, SUNY Buffalo) you paying them something?  You cannot breath on it! A Tiny home, you cannot breath.

A photo art on the Line App, to only these girls groups, you cannot breath.

A business glossy card, you breathing?

Don't you want to make your money online, you don't use PayPal button logo html?

Jonathon can just click to that.....Paypal they issue paycheck. I can buy things in America too.  Amazon they say they can do the International shipping. 

You cannot BREATH it, if you selling things online without your photo, its just a paypal button logo html copy paste.

Keanu house, I think he moved, but his 3 Art still there.

One box Hollywood

One box Jonathon

You are all set for junks, I am telling you. There are nothing here but loads of junks.  My mother does nothing but shipping junk when I was in UB ( ( University at Buffalo, SUNY Buffalo), I forgotten telling you that. She goes by the air shipping.

You want to try to see this 5 G phone, you from Taiwan, set your new facebook junk IP location, to where all these things you seeing it? I used to have that phone when I was in UB. It was 3G, not 5G. You need to ask the phone company.

Its outside my street. 

Once a year, you hearing about a box of junks coming, you will feel happy, I am telling you. Whatever its on your google calendar 365 days.

Do your entire UB ( University at Buffalo, SUNY Buffalo), can collect yourself, me Anna ship a cargo there? You pick up your own stuffs?

Distribute in America? Do you remember Sheridan Drive, next by Niagara Boulevard?  There is a road crack those Chinese Store? That one small tiny road other than the Indian buffet next, well Chinese buffet the tourist places, next to the Indian store, are all there?

The Sheridan, its where the current Wal-mart is, moved from Home Depot? That road has a Chinese store? (University at Buffalo, SUNY Buffalo)

You can cargo a W car to Taiwan. Because the import car its VERY SUPER expensive in Taiwan. If you buy in America and ship it, its cheaper, can you believe that?  Isn't Jonathon at Kenmore? That is on his way home....

Cinnomon Candle has the aldehyde in it, Lee he is not the chem lab with the hood. I AMTHEchem lab with the HOOD.

All candle from the dollar store has a label, don't you read everything you pick up on your hands?

I getting my house for every tiny little that I purchase will be the cheapest deal and the find the exactly branding supposes to be. Asia has nothing but garbage in those GPS location facebook.

You don't have to do it 10 purchase a month, you can do 1 purchase per month, so you knowing it right...every single junks out of my sight.

If you just do what I say, and display inside your small tiny kitchen, you will already feeling different everyday staring at it.

The lunch box, the bottle, the collection, the utensil.

You use it until when you will have a proper utensil.

Toddler Utensils 兒童湯匙和叉子組 18/8 不銹鋼銀器,不含雙酚 A 可愛豬兒童餐具,附旅行收納盒,適合 3 歲以上兒童。



Goryeo 嬰兒幼兒餐具 不銹鋼 兒童銀器組 帶兒童訓練筷子和嬰兒湯匙和叉子 用於自餵食學習附收納盒 (3 件組)(黃色)


In America, you have a lot of this shopping circle you can have a secure purchasing methods. Lunch Box

In that lunch box, for a guy, you adjusting his body, his weight, his entire situation.

I staying home working, and they are similar age, they are not bad people. You can have the hot water bottle (Taiwan have loads), you can have a napkin, utensil, very cute those utensil. Brighten up the mood.

I didn't have to build a home anymore, but I used to have those "case" order from Feel Right, next to UB. Coconut Organic water, its an ode happiness like Keanu's book. Its glass bottle, you tear down the wrapping, its a crystal clear, re-usable bottle. No more plastic at home.

That bottle you can store a lot of things, when you sorting them in the house or the kitchen, kinda like Ryoya those human does. You have hot dry chilly from the Chinese Sheridan drive store. You can have MH those caynne paper, do you read what degree hotness?

There are cinnamon for some reason some human America cannot stop eating them. I despite that smell or hating it. But you can put in there. You can store the Bay leave, those are for the soup. Here are all the culinary spice

按摩椅是日本的,有點像鋼鐵人的那一個! 好點!


左邊痛 pain 痛痛痛痛痛痛痛痛 轉過去側身,右邊,左邊臀高,如果水平看沒有衣服的高的部位


Pain pain pain pain 

Shut up! 🦅


Shut up!🦅










Its better you learning your cooking, same as cleaning the house, how to buy, or purchase, or keep a house, including all those troublesome utility, many people have to learn a thing all by themselves.

Meaning you maid your parents as you should.....

I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Cooking 3 meals, 7 days a week, to when your parents, your uncle, your aunty, your Thanksgiving gone gone gone.....your have no youngest to even call you that Era...

Do you want to imagine how you get in the senior assistant living? 

You want to bet anything, you really really care that face when you wrinkle, someone youngest smile at you, talking to you like normal....

Whatever you mean normal?


You want to sue your Lords, it might be the biggest investment before someone landed ~~~ however this looks to you, in 5 years in 10 years, in 50 year how you plot on.

It will be really worthwhile don't you think? Someone doesn't know he is the Lords!!!! 

Imagine....who will have a Will in the end.

Your Lords are coming back, you keep arguing with me your parents are garbage, your near by all junks, your facebook sour, you keep staring at.....

Your hydration statues are zero

Your filteratin water at zero

Your water intake are bad, that ruined by months, by years, 40 years gonna pass....

You are not going to watch your own Lords, you gonna miss all these Thousand years pass, or you used to praying that song, at the dusk....dawn, to what?

How you could tell the court, you have a bad influence of the movies or disturbance. Some you believing it this temple of God, or the Guardian of all, just meant it your human birth its a mistake, including how you got axe out you don't even know it yourself.

A glimps of the moonlight....a split second that sun too bright.

You imagine a lot of things because you don't need to Proven it! 

🍓💖 (Bathing clear water, just some tiny soup) Do you eating 3 meals, by...which weekend, or next day you have pimpo on your faces, and how do you go to work in the morning at the mirror? 🍓💖

You brush your teeth, and you wear the contacts, and you washing your faces?

And you put the make-up on? Starting on the foundation, or....you don't need to put the make-up on? I cannot tell a thing.

You eating the cheese, on the rice, and the fried that stuffs?

Meaning bread crumb categories, the ACE bread, with cheese ....I eat butter, I didn't say when was the last time on cheese?

Soup, What kinds of soup?

That would be when my mother and i separate, i imagine that, she makes white raddish. Chinese has some root vegetables that has skin on, like carrots, those I eat.

She buys outside vegan soup, I dilute about half water goes with it. Right now, I just do what I think its best? Not a lot of exercise, too busy, don't feel like going out....so I work on the diet parts. 

I eat snacks, those synthetical...long shelf life. Not a lot, but in life, sometimes you like those colorful things package. Its the Asian snacks.

Fruits, I eat fruits. She cuts it in the fridge, and salad. Same thing I told you before?

I think if how long those months pass? My weight not a huge difference, but if you eating 3 meals, I know what my 3 meals looks like, you are still gaining weight by weekly? You are not scared?

If you are very hungry, and someone doesn't give you 3 meal, poke you, and you really yell out, and curses inside

You fail. Per thought, per yell, per curse.

But that is not your religion.  You are very acidic, and parasites. Very. They have the stomach muscle within seeing very very horrific things I thought I seeing it. 

I told Lalla to eat something. She is not force to eat it....That path she doesn't need to insist to be on.

That story Sailor Moon, you ought to follow per thoughts...per second in life. 

Well...too much sugar you all love anyway.

Do you mean your bf are Lee kinds, diet on Lee? (Look at Zawanna....)

I would create some more heavy meal for Lee, but he will have one of those smoothie take to works, or some juicing bottle in the morning. One thin substance, one thick, like the fruit smoothie.

So he has one meal on the regular heavy meals, or you divide that into 3 containers, small portions. But prepare him snacks.

In that 6 months, because of the juicing and the smoothie, his entire body cells will start to received some nutritions. Like my mother. She done this juicing over 6 months? She asked me....I am not sure if that is your public health human tells her to do. But she has been on juicing ...well she used to be drinking outside juicing. 

You prepare water and several those Coconut water glasses bottle (ode to happiness) - Its in the organic store. Sometimes cookies, someitmes fruits plates, sometimes cheese. In 6 months, he will feel hungry, and then you do another 6 months, in 2 years, I don't cook anymore.

I am too busy. 

Some tea, some kids beverage....its that division, you calibrate his hunger, you don't really starving him, but sometimes more treats.  I eat soup. I am on a diet? 

It will save a lot of food costs, and preparation time, including buying, sorting, or cleaning.....I am telling you. I know how I am. 

I given up on talking about cooking anymore. They say you have to learn on cooking, cook for yourself?


You are in a world that are not supposed to die out in hunger, like 120 years ago. And you have an American military even stamp on one diet book, to fix up that entire GI track, that will never go poison your blood structure in acidity, you are very dehydrated.

On very bad water too.

You don't cover your mouth or breath through nose hair....or you don't care about the body temperature like keep warm, a scarf, a socks, a jacket, only keep warm, not tank....

You have a very very functional shower structure. This world has everything you need since that 1900, that is very very meritorious, as long as you just follow any book of some teaching including the fasting, or the meditation......you can achieve tiny somewhat on that understanding in your character building, introspection, self-independent, kindness forward in your religion.

When given you a tiny bit lifting on the technology, you suppose to just kneel on the floor as if that will be the only life you might get away that Samsara of yours so badly created as you are born....You didn't have to choose that cancer road, as long as you attending your body shape, your diet, and only listen to that all new trend of some saying.

This World Legal System are not the Heaven's Time Clock, where your body = temple of Gods, will run on its own course, to everything you think, you mumble, you plan, you plot, inside your own very head.

Its very rigid these karmic law, not I am rigid. 

You suppose to fear the Heaven and Hell as the only eternal law, not this modern society where you can just going all around be junks. To that you fallen inside your own room, or your own home, to how truly you will remember, even that thin air, or the sunlight that clock digits you open your computer to ink on your eyes, you will be reminded.....

You were never alone.....

Bio pathway, they are in English, or in abbreviation

They are.

They are the chemical structure, that is why the General chemistry was overall everyone has to take it. 

I didn't take the Physiology

Your Body are a enclosure structure. If you cut a wound, that air exposure, you gonna have an infection. To that internal structure, you have a skeleton (Anatomy) and physiology, practically speaking every semi-liquid, paste, liquids parts of your body, without the GI track which its the only Hollow or airy, or what do you define.....its a....compartment, beside when you define all the sucket to where all the major organs are, those are defined as the compartments.

Meaning ....

So called the bio-pathway, in the most righteous situation, a maintain body temperature including Ph Level, you are not supposed to get the cancer situation.

You are doing the bio-science, that is not about delivering a baby, are you?

And what is that delivering a Lee, as the baby?

I tell you, I used to tell them 2018-2020, I hate the most its outside those temple, its where the fights going on.....and inside temple, its where I tell you your entire premise wrong 1 to 1000.

But what might be worsen, its I am so occupied in fighting, its I turn around and telling someone 1 to 1000, things in the school format on that textbook.

🍓💖💫⭐💖🌟🫐 You all finish writing your big plan on how to be...one more time, they gonna kill themselves those scientists all around the world, so you all chance on inventing another periodic table is slim 🍓💖💫⭐💖🌟🫐

That will be what I tell you.

Do you know that NASA I told someone about 64 I Ching, on the satellite counts on that Nibiru Crop Circle things? I did that in 2015. Not just the Earthquake equation....

I like invention, I just don't have anything supportive, that time I lived in their rental houses on the floor. And one day, I see that Pluto has no more existence anymore....And they used to called Planet X = Nibiru, it is another Planet  X ?!

Do you dwell on anything I Anna telling you yesterday?

Any clarification ? You are all big shot on pre-med, what bio science its your major? 

Do you know what is City of Hope, or Roswell Park? Meaning talking to those human makes you nervous? They are outside the University compassionate human in their lab offices.

Let me see what is UB major index....I never look at it.

oh ~~~~!!!

I don't think that was the reason I made the food, but if Dr. T, its very very near Dennis that is in Washington D.C, whichever their reports if were dwell on????!!!!!! The Story plots....


How to approach a problem solving?

Dennis is younger, he will demand you have an organization structure, Dr. T he is too old, he given up his class on anything being organized at all. He is the chemistry professor, not me the chemistry major, meaning what I keep saying the 4 stove, he might require your Chemistry Lab situation what was your lab did?

I have no idea what it says.

Someone is coming back ..... 

Well, for sure, you all should making a lot of money, some guys they might be very very wealthy, you need 4 Stoves, and a professional language, attitude, dress, accessory, laundry, cleaningness, go to your car maintainese all by yourself. Take care of the house.

Go to the mail office yourself, go to tax yourself, go to everything yourself.



I think as a girl, like me, making a lot a lot of money, or envision how to, get things done, and organize. And when people have a money, they find an affordable house, to learn how to take care of that house.

Near me would be my mother or nick, for the lawsuit, or the old age things. 

When you seeing a lot of people having their home re-mode, its because they like that, and in this world, you don't say everyone ran out of the money, and saying what the interior design they ever do?

I actually like those things on the Pinterest, so I put it them there. 

The singing skills its to mock the world, well....you don't have a high tech yet, for really what could be one day you really knowing it what that is, but I finish all that because....show off some skills to get rid of junks, some human just contempt you all the way, really.

You should just get over that. You never make it! 

I have a page re-organize these words: Physical fitness, under its D. What is D?

Ihos Ku.

A is the Karma Clearance

I surely don't know what a heck she was saying that time.

Under D

Information council, Inpiration, Miracle, Optimism, Psychi power, physical fitness, 

There is another set of the words 

Deep Love is D

You alphabetical those, there will be separation line

Deep love


Maybe if you just admit to God or Gods above, your only life goal its the money, that will be the only things you ever left down, right?

I won't even think about it.

If just saying in the lab, their same age guys....probably Vy.

The Be Attitude, she is a Vietanese girl.

She doesn't have a bank, she save her money in the vault, her brain is somewhere only her own money spell. The guys attention is more on her. She has this SONY pink PC she bought herself.

In life....in general Vy will go and do something in life.

For example, asking me my Ipod Wheel.

Less dignity at it. 

What is Veda? SMTV 2015 Jan, that is Be Forgiving and Merciful? Their Office outfit looking, which is there is an Orange behind Olivia, that is called Veda. Something Indian.

Her best friend is an Indian called Jasime. I don't think she is the CADS? They lived in the dorm. I don't remember how these people we met, but that should be the orange position, behind that Green, Olivia, French guys in SMTV.

I highly doubt you girls will EVER, forever having anymore relationship statues other than finding your money, to last.....til the very end, okay?!

Whatever this Simon stuffs, PE, Dr. T.....Ve she makes money with the nail salon, later she gone to the pharmacy school. (Vy)

I think your money is more important, where I told you America capitalism are meaner....to the guys and to the girls. You suppose to see clearly what America meant to become an American. People like me suppose to get help, not the other way around. 

Where is this....jumping all around.

To getting alone, like amicable idea, you sound like a happy person, mild person, not Romance idea, town boy....

Pearl she is actually not my students. Vy she is. I will tell you I have no idea what happened here at all.

Not saying that is a OPT? The Visa staying in America.

No, I have a citizen Passport.

3 or 4th time DE, PE?

4th DE

5th BE

6th DE or CE







Babaji: Go

That moment will not be today....may not be this year....okay? What is internal you, that no God sees you.

The outside guys to their System Design, its way way way over head, okay?

You don't even live passing this Earthly existence, no matter its the Black Water, the Heart Magic, you imagine things over the cloud, not the sky....above, to where all this

1) Lower orbits debris,

2) Satellites communication

Airline, will ever cease this legal problem, one problem all from the television?

To saying you will never access the external, or the outsider, those guys, are not Earthly. The Earthly cannot hear, cannot know, just happened in front of their faces.

The Final Verdict of the Final Judgement, you really sure....you passing it through like a breeze wind?

If the external factors are too....fakey, you want to starting talking about Dr. T Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear? ! This world doesn't really require a girl to be that staying with the guys, if she prefers not to.

You motivate by love.

Do you really really introspect, you like the guy, or you just hate the guys all the way, including kisses or hugs? In writing, or in real life? 

Do you sitting down in your own University dorm, doing nothing, over the weekend, that College 4 years, I got a plenty of time, alone, me Anna, keep thinking thinking thinking.

Contemplating what things in my mind, Anna's mind? About life? 

You like the guys, or you hate them?

You needs your parents, but you hate them.

You needs the jobs, but you hate the jobs.

Your heart going up and down, but you saying you are fine. 

All your life are more smooth than me, Anna....you getting any job as you wanted....Do you ever sit down, quietly, inside your head, sleep good, sleep nice, sleep alone, to really really really thinking through that your life priority, not about getting another family, your own finance, your own parents, your own assign things no matter its outside the System or not, it happened? 

Blaming things on the TV, its really really easy, okay?

Your life has no direction, and you knowing it. That facebook of yourself, its every 11 o'clock at night, from all over your proven each other on weekend. The baby shower, the baby news, the new wedding feature? My entire facebook? UB, most of them didn't get marry showing me has a kid. Erin on the Line App, yeah....

If I am a guy, a new person to saying Sex, it will be very very scary to me.

I have no idea what those Internet ever says...but its very very stressful to imagine, that accidental things might becoming the legal problem, and the kids growing up problems. Something its real, okay? I never say some of that not real, but which part of which, including the religious parts...I have heard people going to the prostitute....

You are facing a problem right now on the TV, tell me, which part of this TV becoming your future lying to produce issues, the outsider telling, you will be jail, whatever inside your brain, mind, soul?

Or do you want to ask some Jury, Judges all together, this ET makes someone a Name on the TV, does she getting those money for really....Who she was, or she had a background, so when SMCH saysing meditate to...a schedule, whichever she says, she Anna did what.....to become a TV?

And if you all striving to be morally right and fit, and pass that High Tech, this world Earth can give you money? So in case you going home, for any reason, you feeling to be righterous sounds like a Bible to start? 

You surpassing this world technology, you want to bet on that One Thing, external factors, to all that might be never Earthly bothering you talk, everyone its your enemy?

We do not know whom given that saying on Flower Thousand Bone, you go by ET, or Nodic, or some higher civilization to the Earthly condition.....you make it that standard? 






2014 One whole year....whom would be there? Knowing that?


You want me to search it for you? That is what you can ask the Librarian do?

Or that is not the librarian do that in front of you?

"How to research online?" 

Keyword: How to write a book (Youtube)

You are going to use the System scale to see things? Because I didn't EVER showing you, and you gonna be disappointed?








You doing your web design? That would be the entire Sitesell forum or Joomla, whichever formating not Wordpress are all your enemy, when you visit, and me Google blogger, has zero style, nothing with the floating points, what is that....or image glossy buttom look? The Navigation its more than one bar.

How shameful I Anna ever look to anyone, at all...its EVERY website looking these ugly and trying out Google Blogger template.