Lawsuit 478: OU language the Meditation Mins to Money Conversion ( Star War Series )

Date: Dec 2nd, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Your Solar System, your Star War 1 and 2 and 3. Galaxy Milkway starting.....



x4 .....

You are saying within this one Milkyway. Not that console thing you are saying where the Bob Dean says he ends up, and end up in that 笑傲江湖

What is the money you wish to buy from me. Its I sit there now, or you stolen my past between 2006-2011, or 2006-2015. Do you have any reason you need the invisible merits, no values can be measure on?

She...I listen to her material. That is beyond numerical, once you pass that 9th Tim Qo Tu. Or the Victoria Secret Passion.

They directly draw a ceiling, that is all of it, after the darkness.

You have 4th, on the literacy, its blacken.

Same is that above the 9th. You have one band at 8th, or after that no more number. 

( That is 3 Black Band at least. I add the 8th, correct. I just define that no more numerical. you want to get a wheel and a rubber tier, how the guys usually metalic design and add money to that 4 wheels under one car. Those extra adding shining stuffs? Those are the rubber outside the flat tier? That is black )

But in her materials, you are saying she saying more than that those 9th idea, it went to this Cosmo Express what things on and on.....and I don't know how high she ever gone to, never get back down this calculation. You want to get near one of those traffic that ET didn't put it here. You need a traffic road standing over there, wave at it for the mail to delivery, Andy.

Where is that Traffic junction suppose to be, at this Milkyway? 

You want to distribute a chocolate branding Mikyway, your own land American doesn't even know where we are at? Its called the Milkyway. 

Do I believe that stuffs?

I actually don't believe a lot of stuffs. But what I can tell you what I should believe. There are 2 kinds of merits. One is the spiritual merits, one is physical merits. According to her, that is very different definition 功德 and 福報

You cannot transfer that Spiritual Merits, or other than meditation to that spirituality, I think that is what it is.

But your physical merits, you can donate money, or charity act, or the service to humanity, to somewhat compile. You know what is the physical merits by definition? Money, power, IQ, cleaningness....

Those are manual works, you becoming? 

You get a surgeon its done. You don't need merits, you just get a MD, that will work out your entire physical body merits. You get a trainer, you will have eloquent, how to present yourself.

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