National Emergency Housing

I keep forgetting every time I migrant the sites, we were on the cooking.....I think the most important pages right now:

On the right column down, we separate the UB Class years, when I was in the Fraternity, the Clubs (using the same offices), and my Honor Class, its part of the same chemistry class we taken, we have the friends the guys or the girls in there.

16 years ago.

I proposal the ideas how we run a National Emergency house, not the interior design in Pinterest: YourFormulaSheet. I mean the situation like there is a warring ideas, so the girls have to cook, clean the house, keep the fitness. Hoping, one of my guys, they say yes, for you both moving out. I get one more extra room, really............ ever. True love sounds like one lifetimes, 10 pillows cases washing.

But apparently, that was so so so so so so desparate, I give up, so I forgotton that.....whom would the guys go really collect themselves in a bundle, I already know they say no. UB I am not sure if the girls do not fit in any of this category, the guys just leave there to die, I am telling you.

May 31th 2022:

Girls resistance on the weight and diet:

Traveling bags:

The military color:

Losing weight that day:


Ola ex Mat:

Next day

China market:

Weight & Washing:

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