Lawsuit 476: UB Annex (Fresh Water 5 Lakes will have unlimited water sources for any emergency situation ) | Economics & Finance

Date: Dec 6th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: They have a problem as the swamp land. Building permit in UB itself where that Annex at.


India is a 3rd world country


UB Dean

This lawsuit while being filed will be FOREVER, you always using where the things are having a fresh water, so that 5 Lake will always be American, No Matter what if the Canada dead, gone, becoming the 3rd world country by infesting the diseases. 

Your geography human like Prince William might really end up in jail, keep insist we live in the salt water and try to see Tiger and Me Movies? That a basic world map to that resources relocated, to how the dominating power if you study for real, to Make the World collaborate to your military to imagine which sense, you need to have shelter, food, electricity, and Fresh WATER.

I don't care how you input this lawsuit, make it somewhere 400 millions dollars, if you were, if not, you losing it, or you gain, including that entire Geography human bound to the military together similar to Prince William and if they daring to open the mouth to becoming the biggest mouth of the universe, by all means, when I say fresh water you can live without, off the sea you forever go. Understand?

1) 烈火如歌 There is a certain treasure, to how I born here?! Your American have nothing but every other kinds of "Lawsuit", not special collection. "The Special Lawsuit" when they feeling up to become the American.

2) Flower Thousand Bones also have a very well known treasure here when I was young born here watching TV. They called the Night Shining Ball. You want the toy included shipment containers? That is in Eben's hand. In the Drama (2015)

3) Niagara Falls are the 7 wonder in the world. Its in your children encyclopedia. Or just a regular encyclopedia. I think I might have the normal picture looking encyclopedia, I keep saying the children's encyclopedia. When you have a basic definition, you hear that loud and sound, just like those Pane Andov Human doing nothing but traveling around the world by collecting what stuffs they saying Sites, Location, Seeing things and being investigated.

I will quote this this video below the second time - the location in Taiwan, that 5th avenue, we having a building built for me to rent? It will soon be all done. I have 2 years. I never study economic ever since? You don't just make people becoming by being literate.  Why don't you say you going to the Casino, here money you go?  That might even legal, if you just turn on the slut machine and the money flow out of you.

Westlife - Amazing 

 (The first time its for the above your lawsuit nature. I just publicly telling you.)

I have a third scenario. Why is this Biden becoming here again? So that is not my location anymore? I written that on the blogger few days ago as soon as I get up. I take a few day to re-wind inside my brain. I cannot understand what it says.

If he?! You mean the real Joe Biden current American President God knows where I sent him off his own Eastern Military human at? Why don't you saying he coming here to receive them when they will show up their first visit, to sound like that is his real job, commanding power?

You might need to add some clause every time I add the word "Human"? I know your English does not talk like that. Its the Military,the military staff, the military family. I just happen really needed to use that word for me becoming God eternity says we are the human. It must redundant why I will insist that is in the clause as the daily conversation inside the lawsuit, at all.

That is what the commanding power exactly for, I am telling you. Reinforce the statement over and over. Because you will hear funny things when someone starting doing that as if that ear off the ringing its bothering people unsemble, witchcraft~! 


Westlife - Amazing 

That guy's hair looks like Zawanna. He will be in the ending of his Wiki saying the "Smash hit Award, Best Hair Won."

My skeleton hurts when you and them doing that none stop including that Mahavatar Babaji. This background are the plastic steel, next by are the real Wall made of Concrete. The Concrete are more hurting. In the real guy's world, if you doing that to them, in between the guys themselves, they will tell you, "You should be dead". 

That is how the guys usually really react, not I don't react on it.





I will tell you what I do with this. Because this is so publicly heard. I am a type of person believing certain things in my life now. I tell you what it is. My life didn't get a plan, or getting an advisor, or someone I was so sure about my future on the go, to become exactly if I were have planned. I just told you the story I cannot plan any life every since 2004, and the same 2014, because I did tell everyone the Sailor Moon + BTX. I did. On the Google Plus I think.

And then because I just jump in without anyone agree or don't agree, asking or don't ask, I decide on my own, how the last 10 years becoming this new Movie, how the President Snow has a 10 years 2023 New Hunger Game Franchise. 

You cannot do everything in one go, in one time.

I gonna rent an office for whatever they can offer or saying. Right now. I stay in that office space to sit there for weeks, and I tell you what I think that is. Normally that is how you doing things by slowly pushing yourself. You may say everyone come out a plan, you go by that plan, or you seeing the place, you hearing people in person humblely request their teaching.

All of those garbage.

There are a lot of things I make my own decision, I will decide what I think I like to do when I get every stage up like that.

My philosophy was I am the Boss. My parents and sibling including nick they are all disable useless human, means exactly I am the Boss. I don't get myself too stressful, or philosophy all this book meant harsh on others or on myself. This is one of those stupid things I never do to myself, its critic myself so I will feel better I becoming the Top of the World. That shows exactly like my faces. I never change. 

You are a type of person driven to win or to lose. Sometimes people didn't expect you to become anything important. That is what I say to those UB human. Life you driven no one can breath, so were you, so were me. And everyone on the stage on holding each other's neck, so that saying the money in the end will flow. 

Why don't you formulate the right Universal Equation means exactly the money will flow no matter what? 

Here are the Sketch within 400 millions starting the lawsuit 400.

One lawsuit I say by theory (Economic)

One lawsuit by that theory of application (Economic or Finance)

This will be the third lawsuit when I finding out this Westlife has a UB Annex potential problems, that is why you have 3 separate sheet, but I add-on my progress. I didn't decide what to do. But you streaming the keyword or tag words, I might find it better.

That lawsuit are Lawsuit 465 小龍女楊過 my brother 10 years later since 2014, and Lawsuit 466 Economic & Finance

You should have a lawsuit I say by Theory

Then Lawsuit 466 by Application to that Theory

And why I even make a note on the Westlife - Amazing for a copy machine. I thought was the Medical. Not Annex, not Finance. So saying 400x3, that is 1.2 billions saying. 

My planning would be sitting there having my desk, or ordering the wall those window desk. With one copy machine right there. That is how you all doing that Victoria Secret none Stop since the day I was the Commander-in-Chef. I forget to tell you that. They had a good German song to how to flying out of the skateboard right to those VS stage, you ever seen them having a different stages?

That is how you running a underwear materials, to all these science back.

We don't have any other way doing that. Let me draw to you what I think it will look like. The rest of space I just wheeling my chair? Yeah! 

To the lawsuit 465, that is not by theory I say, that is what exactly happened. So I need to added 2 other links reference to that story, might just near enough to the lawsuit 466, and this lawsuit 476

This is a song I sing in the past as well (2018-2020, I called that UB 2020)


1. 浩瀚


2. Competing this 武林盟主之位

You know how it sounds in Chinese, worse than anything else you ever heard those Venus, next by those Left Arm Milkway or what Left Arm, or Left Alliance What.

Its the Martial Artists Crown - King.

These are the martial arts novels circulating even in my parents time too. Those are not real, those are just the novel versions stories people wrote them. And that author die after Bob Dean. I even made you a map that time. 2018-2020.

You all no shames keep doing this. I already spitting blood on the television. (2015). You have the England Middleton them getting on their assignment 

No Reservation (2007)

Burnt (2015)

Maybe you should tell them, there are different date, time, on the same Earth, having the same identical standard to the similar age human to the similar material, they used to be told in 2014.

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