Lawsuit 303: Hollywood to this One NSYNC case that evolved to my UB Facebook human per frame to frame faces

Date: Sep 6th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: When I file a claim, you might listen clearly Eternal time since year 2000

When you try to claim a thing on that Hollywood, I might tell you, there are gays not limited issues, they might be a girl. If you are so confidently to claim them, maybe you should check clearly their information like their production works, they are a guy or a girl.

That is a basic things when you perceive that views from the audience.

Second, none of you telling me you meeting the duplicate from the UB Facebook, that has the UB Common Dining cards, or the works cards or the UB Spectrum edition validate all their image issues. I delete my facebook I have no more issues, but I adding some back.

Now, when you again, trying to claiming your territory in your jurisdiction to that Lords you meant its a fish tale to be eaten, or the 5 monsters Head like the Greek mythology folktale children's book, its best you make sure that is not a high tech interface. They are the real human, or they are the head wrapper to a green screen behind.

I seen that in the kararoke and the Hallo Kitty kararoke booth. They have your favorite listening to you songs, listening to them songs, we have an issue, they might be all Getty Image logo marking on that screen when they process the materials.

There are the stunt also people with the movie star, or the collaboration to run a world wide tour. 

I technically saying that loud before long time ago, your entire life, being one with a human you saying a vow to, not 5. And no matter which 5, you can also just being with one human, not 5. 

I don't understand why my brain circuit are short wired. 

Now, I will be telling you about my family, they are the conditioned people, for all my life, I believing the life I used to live in, to that when the UB Medical does this 6+1 situation, a lot of the reality front and the back shatter, to where I stand to last, its the only I say I count, I meant I will be countable no matter what.

If you are pretending you will be a Medical Profession, or trying to be an International Medical School, to how short cut never working out on that US MLE 1 and 2 and 3, and from this side end, me Anna without telling them 5+5 (x2) makes 20, to become a fully aware of anything I say, they add-on to their own views, and circulating those rumors all by themselves....

Its best you working out your brain IQ, before you really mindfully believing it, what you claim, what you wish, what you cannot validate a prove, to how you will end that conversation to your past degree as the Pre-med student, in your eternal time, not just the next 16 years, you might be fired from that any entrance of that Digital Era Culture, on the Hollywood Pop World.

Understand? The Medical Boards only process things to make a sounding stands you walk like, you talk like, you becoming like a real professional, not all this review boards of what they made you writing to uncare to the patients, to spell your paycheck, you trying in at the Local Court yet? 

You will go to jail or they will go to jail if they putting you through all deteriorate the patient's health while the only prove on that Television was how severe situation has went or gone.

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