
🍕Can you AMerican classify a min? V morning look women ghost = Seth

All the near death experience it’s not accurate.


Half side hair down 

猙獰之 look, 不是 Halloween. I cannot see clear. Not anything better.

Halloween might be worse because that’s a…known person. It’s a girl ghost.

No, no bang. 


I am not feeling well. I need to go to sleep

Babaji: Go

They try to make looks like Flower thousand bone, that guy standing in the middle, that scene.

I have a feeling. But that is not how it happened! You can hardly know which year if you reading different things, its very confusing. They just know themselves they got bump at. Everyone going forward.....that is what happened.

Can you imagine, eternity, that is how you all will end up.

Watching the Chinese history, they found a 2 coffin

Explaining the history a bit. More recent.

There is a watch at....10: 6

你們有沒有覺得你們長的非常混亂? Have you feel your entire......gorups looks very chaotics?


Bath bath...

Soaking wet to end up in the ball room. 

We used to imagine the ball room, but it was grand hotel, in that small tiny Transit human at for SA or UB south campus, and nothing special.

But if you coming here, we have a 5 Star hotel ball room. Guess where I am?

Why would anyone be wet all over, and show up there? That is air-con? Your car seat is not wet? Many

Exactly cute and funny!











I knew the basic things! And you can die on it....

Right now you are what? 20+, by the time that day 40 years old come, you will see the photo being validated by your own 20 years younger.

See how you will believe it, that Smallville, and I am still around. Same things where you been that time on. Right now you are shining future bright star....or those 30+ Youtuber, it was 5 years ago, the Google has this new things on the 1000 subscribers right? They were on 5 years? 

Yet to be realized....

How true, how true.

Imagine its every 20 years, young bloods. What I am were be.....and still be. Its every 20 years so easy jobs, every single time, when my bracket human will be exactly extinct like they plan on, and this world,....will ever be that Age, whom has the solely right, by the mentality. 

"They suppose to know anyway. You are all too busy in front of your occupancy.....til that near death experience at the final day. Judgement."

Physics laws, are all the mathmetics laws bring it out, how can you get it wrong, or you never take Math or Physics?

I had a UK basic physics, same like my high school, just repeating in English, that was it. 

Every science department will require a validating proven, like an experiment to proven it. Its all the 1920 on, how they done it. You have to equip a scientific standard procedure, I didn't see it change. Its....across every academia field. 

I didn't take anything beyond that, so I don't know much more physics at all.

UK is the class, UB is the lab. Where Ola, Wing, and Jonahon, Hira they were all in. Dean was not in it. I had only needed one credit I think physics lab. Just finish it. 

Or do I remember the Einstein department, I went to a TA session, other than the lab. I forget it all. 

Mexico Gulf coastline those dead zone after the oil spit inside the water....at least you knowing it all that. Everything die.


Like I say, when the times comes......what you imagine all this Hollywood, you saying how great it was....some remembered.

Its will never be, at your belief system, to when someone walking it out, it has to be....Keanu Reeves' faces, isn't it?

You should get used to it. All this Hollywood has a story tale.

No matter what it is. Its a story, inside a book written, a plot told you long ago.



You looking forward your telephone, on the gala. So just enjoy!

I am telling you, the modern human using a phone, a cell phone. I didn't arrive to California to know what is an IPhone.


You are from where again? Oregon? They are eco air-conditioning, tax, delaware?

Every telelphone line ends, has a reason, there is a recipient....you know SMCH charity always have the award winning recipient? English words?  



Sexy ...


Remember, every fine existing seen beauty gem stone.....you see....how marvelous, this will become eternal law, how precious each and every scene, understand?

Clap all together a great Gala begins, it will soon to become every beauty things ought to be, and becoming.

Its a cheerful spirits, to make the face cards will eternally, looking perfect every single term, and while you behind having a secret to hold on.....there is no reason to believing it, how I becoming Today, its nothing anything to do with any of you, anyway.

LinkedIn its a profile, if someone cannot deliver a thing, why I even bother to becoming 2015? I forget to tell you, it was not the honorable superior, it was just.....close enough.  

2014 -World Peace.