
I go to sleep....all these donuts!

Babaji: Go

There are so many things you can choose to do in life. Ancient Chinese, Chinese, Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, History, Geography, Geology, Arts, Music, Gyms


Remember the Plot


Me and Zawanna talked. Do I think of Seth, the UFO Seth?

When I met Seth, I don't remember he told me he is the UFO Seth?

And when the TV shows there is a UFO Seth looks like that, and he hangs himself on the outside space, I Anna hangs on myself on the roof, so we have the Precious Moment? oh my God. I do not know that person. However that looks to me.

I will tell you what I think of this....

Disney keep making Zombie.

Whichever these higher sphere of human with the brain, or wise console in their own space and time, to be honest, most of them are the University Professor levels to the Military (Militant) Idea. They have a liberal society formation.

You can just ask me, what I think about a lot of things really.

1. Diet / a proper walking if you get up from your chair anymore

2. Fresh sunlight, breathing exercise

3. Your Brain IQ at works, if you even using your brain anymore.

4. Your eye sight, your focus internal structure, balance, love games, fallen-in fallen-out.

5. There are so much more Space and Time of some future is coming, you are choice of current, its the things in front of you. How you demonstrate yourself.

Is that T G Y Friday, one of those restaurant they have? You know where they are in Taipei road map? Near the ABC tutor!!! I had a job interview!


Do you remember this y2K things I was saying before? "There is a street corner, you see this person walking by, he says he saw....."

These ASMR are like the pop culture, those regular human shows up a GPS store buying 7-11 convenience food. Do you notice each one of them, their eating arts are all different? The Special design. 

The dining options, the utensil, the kitchen appliance, all kinds of stuffs they had in their kitchen.

Adam & Hailey

You know what you should all do? If your dad, like my dad, not just a garbage human, I told him never bothers showing up.

You can just borrow that W Two worlds, saying if he is a Classify, forever goodbye, I am telling you.


Hong Kong


Look at this.... Sailor Moon, if your guys got stabbed, and your tear to him, becoming a salty crystalization.....ball. Its you becoming the Princess.

This kinds of the story, never fail!

If you doing enough those 194 border line human jobs, I will tell you, my mood never good, really. Not born with it. 

You all used to be on my UB facebook, you seen my doing the Joomla? The later parts of the Organic Chemistry site?!

In there, its the Joomla Developer community, you never need to see a human, you just keep key-in key-in key-in, key key key key .....the crap of those codes, to make a sense, that supposes to functional on that website. 

I was not joking on this interior design when I leave it on the Pinterests. I hardly saying how many country lines human must be present here....on high tech, or whichever Sky, birds says....but you looking into my screen, then there are different ages groups included.

If you knew what you are doing, you can live your life like a proper momentum. People want to see clean things. People wants to see the boys talk, the guys talk, the family talk. The kids talk.

The school project, the star, the galaxy, like the movies ideas.

Or sometimes comic books, the dress, the color, the presentation.

The notebooks, the arts, the decoration. You know what I mean? The overall when you saying which quiet groups, on whom else, beside these groups.

Whom else can present? 

Then I talk about the rudimentary subjects one by one. There are math, there were hunger game, there is a present Asteroid impact. You don't needs a lot of the topics, but concise, why you need to talk about it?

Ancient Chinese, not so verse, what can you present? The middle school complmentary books. Like Kplan.

Music, what does people want to see, is that the lyrics makes sense, there are 4 seasons?

Geology, or geography, little piece and bites information, not the whole day classroom?

I tell you what you all can capitalize yourself on....these comic book (Last Time) - the happy girls worlds, dragging your luggage

I told you a situation about 194 country on the map, where UN seated actually. The total country among, that Taiwan its not one of the UN seats, but its on the map probably. The national flag country.

Now, when the movies turns real, we have a lot of this the strongest defense line will always be???? 

The border Pixies human. I say that over and over. Unless they saying that 100 years quarantine on the human backward evolution its 190, meaning only China and America active, I highly doubts that, then the strongest defense human, has to be this line line line line human at.

 These are what they live on, garbage gossip, on trash human life!

Sailor Moon - The man's version


When my brother was young? He is a gay




I think every girls, or women, like you age, still believing a lot of this.

Not VVVVV whatever that supposes to be, or on the street, I show you all that on the Pinterests. The reality that puts in front of you, not inside your head.

Its as long as you open your eyes and see. Right in front of you. 

1) Do you know how to cook, when you need the food?

2) Do you do laundry, without your mother?

3) Do you clean up your own blood, if with the guy's blood,...your periods bloods, you training yourself starting 12 years old, and you washing it? Cold water, warm water, how you hydration, you seeing your period blood, you hide? Or how is the underwear or the bed sheet, wait a week to wash? Your mother knows you well, or I imagine I know you too? 

4) The guys needs the clean water, or the medical supply? What if they are absolutely just as useless as those UB 5, drawing upon a W two worlds line?

You mean, if UB them, any of the guys imagine they living on the Top of my roof, and that UFO speeds....were not airplane, you mean?

Taiwan to Buffalo NY....

I almost thought that Westlife has something to do with that Simon Cowell .... not UB Seth human, where the fields are green, we have a pineacle roof, but side by neighbor, that is....W Two Worlds roof. Its probably flat more, but they have a water towel in whichever.....side. We are all roof around here. You seen the photo


What was it .... the OU edition used at VVVVVV....heart ache human?




Finish washing up. Go to bed

Babaji: Go

So Math has laws and theory? Right. The physics has the laws and theory? Right. So the math adding in the physics, can be a theory? Right. So its the math into the chem to become a theory? Right.

oh ....you can combine all kinds of the theory to becomes one big lobe theory?


... ... being a tutor, not that I want to cold water icy on you, to feeling you inventing dream, to that monopoly money drop like the rain water sounds invalid. Most people whom cannot do the physics or the chemistry, its becasue their math has the problems, not the physics laws or the chemistry formula, they might get a symbol wrong anyway. 

If I keep failing on inventing stuffs.....they say if I finding out another periodic table or the law nature, I can keep doing that....that is what you mean?

I already told you, this things that happened in the bio field, every other field will kill themselves, if that keep repeating that textbook, they don't read.





11x11=121  12x12=144

So when you seeing this 121, that is 1+2=3. 2+1=3, a lot of this love match makers, saying the birthday number ending numbers. 

Why is that I Ching Local Effect can be studies at, like Gregg Braden written or talk in his seminar. He has a lot of those proven theory, from the mathematics.  

The Fibonacci sequence begins with the following 14 integers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233 ... Each number, starting with the third, adheres to the prescribed formula.



Demi Levato

She was a judge next by Simon +2 girls I think.

She becomes an artists, probably its aim to sell her house as the art collection.

You know whom invent the bubble tea?

It was from a Taiwan human. 

In every field, if you are not in my science field. Nurising, finance, business, urban planning, communication, accounting, marine biology. In that fields of something, you bring out some very very crucial points, to be a contribution, and you become very very very good at it, you can just keep going on making that money, in that fields you love, as your university major. 

You like that works, you love that works, you care about that works, you see something in that work. Understand?

Talk about me. I Anna have to do this Math. Then there are the birds, then there is a sky.

You don't think that jobs are important, to things that is happening to the world itself? I cannot leave my seat, and I am too lonely inside my room?

Some jobs don't have any options, saying the leisure time? Money number 1? 

I can hear from here. I know what these comic books for you. Loud and Clear. You need a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of money.

I don't know if every human being successful, all gone to jails. But if they have to stay right, those money, don't just disappear by itself, meaning someone else has to pay their leisure time, or they just have to keep their money, and never bother any other lonely life, other than the seen front life. = Money number 1.

Isn't that would be the road no matter what??!!

The news say the American goods are going up, like a box of eggs or toilet paper, its from the Japanese journalists, they find out.

If you are by yourself, there are many ways you can save money. Formost in America, its the eating out the dining options pays out. Like you have many friends. 

Or you are tired of the alone life.

Or you want to bring your guy to some social events.

Or simply between you and the guy on the outting purpose. You are too lonely, 2 people looking at the IPhone Apps.

That is Tina's friends came over us, one time, and telling her that is the life they becoming. In California.

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Babaji: Go

When you don't sit on weight to your belly, if you bent, to floor wipe the dust,.....not everyone has a IRobot Cleaning machine. But let's say, that situation its temporarily.

You cleaning up your room, the wall, the door, the closet doors, the knob, get the trash can, the toilet, washing,....the floor, the floor mat, you cannot possibly say, you don't do those things, so how you feeling by setting up that kinds of the schedule, called the regular cleaning?

You out of your breath.

You dizzy

You feeling you bend down, you cannot get up?

You don't want to have a big load fat sits on your stomach, that is what I mean.

I will tell you, the most scary things, its your photo, does not entails your waist line below. Your numbers I see on-line, its in English, I assuming that is my height saying Feet or inches.

Do you know that numbers, to what you seeing my Pinterest Photo, I show you top to the buttom, that was not your waist line when you hide it?

Mine already exceeding that number a bit to my height.

I don't feel much better, I can eat what I want since I change my diet to meat diet?

The Truth would be 2015. I was led to Cheesecake Factory, sitting at their bench about 10 times, I have no ideas I was told to sit there. And I did. 

So you really asking me when I change my diet? That would be starting one day.....something I drop my entire practices, the whole life on waste, for one meat. Yeah, someone does those things. 

That will be 2015 spring/summer when I was in the Valley. It would be since that day on, its per bites Babaji says so. You pick up a food, and a bite, you order wasteful money, like Loving the Silent Tear Desserts all those fork lines, to cut it. He says eats, you eat.

You like those kinds of life? 

He says drives, you move on and drive?

This weight lose programs book, I ate about 3 days extra in Taipei station + breakfast about a week before the Asteroid impact, that is why it goes up.

There was none of that my decision. The cloud, the birds, the Babaji he that all he is?

How would I know I get to this part like 1000 coughing? Its very very bad, I am telling you.

When you gain weight, you have no reservation to how much you can decrease immediately that weight. Mine situation are different.

I have a very bad situation, so I am adjusting it right now.  But from a couple weeks, I slowly decrease that weight number, I also feeling different. That trajectory its keep going down. 

Its not a whole lot of the weight, but it constantly losing it. You feeling different, your body feeling different, you feeling that is on track, that schedule are on tracks.

They guys they also love to eat, so they do redudant things. The girls traditional values, if for the guys, you decide you doing the redudant things? What if.....you cannot keep on doing the liver flush, you still eating those.....very ungirly diet?

They used to say the girls represent like the Venus ideas?

No more soy sauce

No more BBQ sauce

No more ketchup

No more fried food

No more Spicy liquid sauce

No more Spicy chilly sauce Tasbco

No more Spicy Chilly paste

No more Big Chulky Fat Meats, not dice. Your teeth bite on it.

No more 3 cook meat, 7 done Fat?

No more coke, diet coke, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, 7-up, Pop Drinks.

No more Cereal

No more Rice, pasta, gravy.....Thanksgiving per yearly waiting homey homey foods? What do you eat in Thanksgiving and Christmas?

Yeah, I live on the synthetic snack, keep my teeth biting, or else.....like it was.

💖🍓 The guys will never find outs, or if I teach them, they help you, any kinds of guys, you already fallen anyway? 💖🍓 You sure, they don't hate every bites of it? You getting better? 💖🍓 Those are temporary

Your entire nerves system are 5 days might be 2 or 3 days screaming? Per month?

Your period loads are per pads? How long you change that even? Often?

You want to start by changing the diet, the walking more on the sneaker, meaning 2 pelvic legs, are moving, circulating?

Learn about your circulation, the bloods, where it goes, where it comes from, doing what?

Breathing exercise a bit? Stretching, aerobic?

I will tell you I almost forgotton a lot of this things......but 2 years ago, before last year, I still getting those blood clots looking stuffs, so everyone knew my showering quota 2018-2020

Its I soak in the water bath tubes. Your periods are not like mine now, okay?

You will have things running down, to those blood clots, you drink whole day water, you run to the bathroon 5 or 7 times at least, to washing out all those blood clots dark color, and you have a pain whole day, if you clump your back, to your abdomen. 

Right now, even those, my sensation are disappeared. I know lightly what those are, but those forgotton feeling are very very quick.

Meaning I straight my back a lot more, including when I lay on my bed.

I have heard, you might even have migrant, you cannot possibly, doing whole day, but screaming and cursing whole day long within you, if someone possess your body, and knowing your every sensation.

I will tell you, the average guys, even they don't do those melancholy sad songs, sunk it mood. Most time, they don't do these internal screaming, yelling, cursing, without a cause.

Averagely day and night, 30 days a months.

The body flunctuation by mood rate, by heart rate, by internal blood, or the mood, to propelling this entire body forward, swallen sensation to screaming day or night, you just didn't tear on your eyes to tell me, that is a pain in hell, cramp in bed. 

You wish someone did something behind your pelvic area, you suddenly head clear, like a regular day, you woke up from a nap, and nothing happened, right?

We talked about the period, remember last year? Not I am tired of hearing myself....everyone tired of hearing about it?

Taiwan is a very liberal society, so I tell you, they air a public this legistrator house representative, a girl. You know what her real living quarter looks like? Clothing everywhere, you have no road to walk on, no seat to sit in it. You know how horrific that looks to you?

You use tampon, right? The boys or the guys don't know where the smells come from?

Have you seen my Japanese tubes? Not the regular bath tube, you walking in, meaning step up in, when you are in, you raise up your knee up up up up, because those bucket, its height?!

You got a taller bath tube? Mine is a glass door, so this setting, no matter what I step up, your bathtube are shower curtain right? Can you find a position to step your knee up?

Can you see, can you smell, or do you smell yourself while you sitting down at your PC, you don't wear a underwear??? Skirts? 

Washing Procedure

You have hot water, cold water, or lukewarm water. Can you see where the washer device, or you seeing the facet, or your shower head? That is a long holding, or they just coming out from the top?

Mine are the long holding, AND a brand new those....rain dropping New Facet on the Top.

You can see in the hot steam warm shower? You wear eye glasses or you guess you touching your everywhere, you hate touching yourself, everywhere, or you know where you are not suppose to touch, including the down parts? 

If you don't dare to touch yourself down parts, there are hair, you gonna assume which guy ever look at it, or imagine they touch or they imagine you are scared yourself, the hair parts?

Long holding shower device

Its better you have one of those long holding, you got too fat, you can knee down from behind, and use the lower facet just keep rinse from behind. But too fat people, those bath tubes are way too small for you to bend down knee, and crawl? 

When you have a long holding shower facet, you have 2 thigh, one up on the buckets, its almost 90 degree angle. My karma looks different from you. 

There is a thigh, on the left, thigh on the right.

There are 2 joint line, its your abdomen to the thigh, there is a line, that two lines goes to your hair places, you washing that one left legs internal with the soap, to that pelvic line, to the abdomen, where is your descending colon, to the baldder, to the right side ascending colon, to that line, to the thigh internal with soup. Including then, you rub those bathing soap liquid, or gel, to the hair area, not yet down.

The really down parts, you have to open all the skins, or muscle, in what kinds of the layers, open it up, like you paper folding UP,  OUT

OUT Squeeze outwards, every parts of the skins, all the way to the hairy parts.

So that would be from internal Anal

Internal Uterus

Internal Pee those side by muscle

To you squeeze push forward to your hairy near your bladder, you squeeze up, so you seeing it red, when you squeeze? You are the white color race?

You squeeze, to every soup on it every poles, stays there like 1 mins, standings, don't wash it. You will start to feel these soupy solution are very ......itchy. True. They are made to rinse it immediately. Just stay 30 seconds at least.

Then you wash with the warm water.

Or cold water if your showering quota per days its not once.

The guy in their life, maybe never touch or seen, anything red fluid, or sticky things ever in their life, those hygenic concepts does not run a lot in them.

As a girl.....per monthly, meaning at least if you stain your sheet, its a whole day wash up, the bed, pillow case, the comferder sheet....trash can dump out. Change another trash bag.

To most man, just to hear about the period blood, to if they ever seen it, someone else' smell, or a blah of bloods, clot dark red Red bloods, and yours pad must be so full up, if you turn upside down, the back, you seen the color just by staring at it.

Mine already gone gone gone. Somewhat exist, not like any of you. But I still feel, the blood if you heard the ancient saying? Not the guys saying?

They say women are dirty, those things? You have to wipe alcohol, like the modern invention, your hands, your feet, your table, your mouse, your door knob, help your mother, the expensive tiles, those are marble, every year, you do an extra 5 to 10 times wipe, just the alcohol, those are different feeling, if one day you starting to owning a home?

Not Pang or Tina, running in running out, friends number 1? 

With your mother, she understood everything you gone through, you make it clear everything, telling her from the first day on, what you find out, she will always lean on you. She is your mother. 

You cook, you learn some hot soup methods, you learn medicine. Even I needs these medicine, she learn now, there are a flu medicine, and the coughing medicine.

I need to clean up, all these alcohol wipe, outside, inside....a bit.

I have a period come, the trash. Here we use a different bags, I had the trash made last night, and this morning, already a lot. Yeah, like my second day and the third day, it will be the most situation like used to be period. Except, right now, my period pad, just a drop here there.

Not like you girls, having the whole pad, like a straight line. Mine its like Top, or all the way below, outside the pad, on my pants, I wash it.

Yeah, they do on purpose....all kinds of stuffs on purpose. 

Yesterday I have to wash the sheet, today I don't need to, but I have to prepare hot water, like 4 bottle, one are juicing.

Washing it up all the bottle alcohol wipe, keyboard, monitor, mouse, floor, bathroom trash can....

You wipe wipe wipe wipe. 

She got sick, so I wipe some door knob, fridge, massage chair. I have to air dry this door, my room air all that. We are raining here.

You know it s a long time, I never got sick?

That day when I say 1000 cough, it was literally very very very bad.

You do know that coughing medicine and the flu medicine are two different ingredient box? I cannot read in English, right? The dosage its different. 

When you say flu, you mean you have a throat hurt, not coughing none stop, like the Flower Thousand Bones. The coughing medicine does work.

What happened was I took one flu medicine, she bought wrong.

oh....Thank God, I switch to the coughing medicine. It actually works.

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I shower and go to sleep

Babaji: Go

They are not your style, but that doesn't mean, they can be burn? Those are porsalin


Japanese and Taiwan guy at Taiwan fix bones


What are these so funny? The eating art has so many kinds.....really.


I am telling you, when you want to Party World 194 country.....show them ASMR, they somehow manage to find out what they suppose to eat in lunch or dinner. 

Isn't that marvelous?

194 country on the map? That will be 194 country flags!!!!! Inside, they have tasted it what it is called 帝王蟹 !!!  King of King Crab

How sweet. 

Have you wonder, how they get this huge seafood, in pot? Whatever materials, cannot fail in the temperature, just in the sun, at night, in the cold, or mild weather, or too warm, or too hot, no matter what mateiral, cannot fail any of that, just by exposing to the "Earth Air", not the moon doesn't have an air.


Wa hahahaha :) :) :) Do you gone to the library I say, you get a reference book, on the bar code? See how many bar codes? And? Each of them.....a development center / department....that is enough to say 10?

If I would be that useful, I won't be sitting here watching this, would I?

🌟🌟🌟 You go to Fire department, at least 40 years now.....🌟🌟🌟

What is hazard, caught on fire, caught on paint, caught on.....liquidish.....on their System Warning sign, and being recall.

How about that? They won't lie to you, the junk yards all sale?

Let me guess what is your brillliant minds next big things of the millenium....figure it out that Simon Cowell..no Westinghouse before would be Rockefeller those Steel railroad. Rockfeller's friends...to Tesla Era, the electrocity comes with GE, but Westinghouse Fold, to becoming today......Voice those shows including AGT.

How these.....industry money wise you want to cease controls before their next born?

How the train motion, that is physics.

How the steel today are made, not to be rusty, or these high speed train, what do they use methods? float?

Is anything that is not created by the chemical process? ....yeah! Anything has the mechanical forces, dynamic ideas, those are the physics department.

How you swirl, how you turn, how you bounce, how you hit a wall, how you do a trambolin? 

Leverage....lifting. Those are a word. Ladder, level? 軸~重量

Your American fouding father and I on those Medical Boards stuffs, the scale. But there are a rolling feature of many teeth. By weight. Kinda of like the well.

Those are your physics department. Those are the mechanical basic 101.

Something wrong with the military.....no, AMERICAN military.

You ever play Lego? The kid's those toys stacking it up? You seeing it melt, to where the children pick it up and chew? Let's say Taiwan summer too hot, you bring a logo outside in the day time, you see it melt?

That is the melting points, to see if the toy and the paint will coming out of that things, to become a hazard to the children's age between 3 to 5? 

You understand that Lego has to have an engineering department, or somewhere they acquire that "Material" it will be forever durable, you throw it, it will not break apart, you draw it, it doesn't color? The things you touch it, that is a type of the material.

Either the Lego bought that patent, or the made those patent themselves to...the Lawful department, so they can sale all over the worlds, with a label clearly indicator, that was for the children 3 to 5.

Same its to the hair spray, you walking in the salon of America, when I used to be 20 years ago, they have a branding, that has different number on top, 6 or 8. They spray your hair to fix there, but you don't breath that things in. In Chemistry, that is versatile. 

oh, you never do those things, why a thing its versatile?

So the quality of any kind of "material", you always know about its melting point, boiling point, the durable, if they are a membrane, like ....plastic, if you put the salt water in the bag, and in the pot that has a different liquid, they leaking back and forth? 

That is one of the things called osmosis.....

Like in America high school, people wear a fashion of the leather jacket, you seeing that Hailey does those One Boy polyester jacket? Its thin, not good for America, but the same material, has a very heavy coat on the man's fashion in the ski outfit? Those are the same polyester idea, meaning if you pour some dew water, or some water, it goes straight down. That type of the fiber does not absorb the water.

These are the material, that you stretch, you see it break apart? 

You use to using silk doing that.

Food Lab

No....the bottle are. You seeing the glasses bottle more expensive, or the plastic bottle.  The actually edible parts of the ingredients, no...those are not material science. Those are the food eating down. You divide that to the recipes session, saying the flavors, saying the pleasing, the decoration, the wedding receptionist, or one of those England if they invite the guests for PETA, they have those vegan things made buffets. There is nothing material science about it. Its the ratio, to how people like the taste, they buy the products.

The rudimentary subjects, will be less to be that judgemental, its as long as you keep a brain, I think....inside what you write, what you invent....what you thesis at.

Some people take a long time to write a book, or coming out a Play. A theater play. I have heard those things. The inventor....well, I always like that field, I wouldn't be that egoistic, I didn't come out a "item", saying I invent something would I? But that was running a lot inside my blood, I know that. The human creative spirits.

The inventor sometimes its kinda like the book writers, they are seclude, so yeah, many them are not close to the internet, or the TV monitors, to say quiet down, they finding their inspirational sources, and takes a long year to "concentrating that energy", to find an inspiration, a creative sources, a drawing, an item outlet distribution on  "What stuffs", in today' commodity selling so fast trend. 

If you becoming in one of those, these are the entire market research going out on the street, just looking at those ...junks. 

American Millitary: These are what you called the materials science?

尊上 me: ...Yeah!

Eben he becomes so much older. Same Craig, and other people....

Like an inventor, or a book writer, or like the University professor if they got the pension, its as old as they can ever be, and they still have the money, without seeing the human.

The religious people, they ought to be old....I guess.

Or the Honorable Superior, supposes to be old, I think.

You have heard the Asia economic situation probably longer than I was told until I got back here. That development power, one of that is China.

You are learning some alternative, not that you all UB were just State own school's....graduation paper folders. People in Asia, they gone to Ivy League, and came back in Taiwan, they go to those elementary school, or somewhere starting exactly the same salary that Taiwan gives to them. 

But for the teachers, there are packages, that is why or how many people are looking for a job. You might imagine in America, those Ivy League are higher ends of pays, not....when you return in Taiwan, and those saturate jobs markets, are yearly being replaced.

We don't speak the same English, as you America does on your grammars. I never good at it too much neither. 

Most Asian people are getting fatter and fatter, but your American styles are just more than Giants I can describe you.

You won't fit in the bus door, or the Metro door? You know you stand in it?

Debts, I think you finishing off paying at it in America, then you imagine what that alternative stories might be. Some mentality of how to get rich quick, it may just always end it up in the jail, at the end.

Your Hollywood gossip, there is an old man. Cinderella....Lively Blake


My sister does those her chasing dreams of....outfit, woredrobe. You know how much she boughts, she throws, she keeps buying, stock up, and never dry cleaning? 

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I wash up and go to nap

Babaji: Go

So if you want to calculate my future...Time, they suppose to be doing, that will start at 1983

456789 10 = 7 years at 1990 April

Like you hating your own birthday?

Or you can always do this

1908 Jan to 1910 Jan = 2 years, right? So you can literally say 1910-1908=2 years 

This 1910 whole year does not count.

Now 1943-1908=35

35-6 month +1 week....

You will know that is the right way to do, too.

You know who this guy is?

The guy mail me a braclet. In Middle school? 


"When the sun is on the noon time, very hot, above, right in the middle." "Yeah?!"

"Til the sun disappear from the world."   "The Horizon"

"Do we really move away from the sun?"  "Earth rotate to the back where there is no sun...."

"Like the moon, the back of the moon?"  "True, except the Earth will rotate where the sun will rise again."

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Babaji: Go

There is a pack of birds on my roof (NASA) 9 and 1

You seen that looking?

They were like a pack of them, so 3 going left down leave.

Remains 1 on 9 oclock, 2 cluster side by side at the ending of the 1 oclock.

That is how they left.

That is not I see.

When you becoming ghost....you mean, you listen to me talking to my classmate?

I tell you what I used to hear those supersiticious human having a dream about that 911, in SMTV stuffs.

People whom suddenly die, they were all not prepared to die, like instantly. They are shocked to die, not prepared to die. Let's say, you know in the morning you wake up every morning, lunch, its where you go and grab a lunch?!

Everything was planning that in the end of the day, you gonna go home, and be on the phone?

So that one day their schedule was disrupted, they die. No more regular life. 

I am actually waiting my lawsuit, to when this Goverment or whom gonna shut down this SMCH saying, she saying real, or she saying true, so I don't bother telling you anything she used to say....whatever the process that entailing about this "Meditation she require all human does 2 and half hour, by dying daily."

My classmate, I highly doubts they will die together, and be label as "911 victim", that is what you called the group soul, some label. 

Most people die, they wish its their family member next by them, their sibling, their what next by them. Some die in illness, cancer, or surgery, or some die in the sleep when they becoming too old.

But they cannot just all die together, at the same time, on the same day.....

Don't look at the Calendar, look at those Sailor Saturn Solar System, where the Earth is where, there is a Sun.

What is 365 day means?

24 hours means?

When I say 3 oclock in the afternoon, is the day time, or night time? 

When I say 20:00, what does that means? Day time, night time?

You are on the ground, you seeing the sun from one side of the horizon, landing on the other side of horizon, in this scientific module you make, whom revolve around whom? Are you sure?

There is something about you "memorize" 1908, but you freeze out 1856

One full year meaning

Jan 1st the morning 12:00am started, to Dec 31th of that same year 11 at night 59 min 59 second + 1 second.

You need that +1 second, that is called one full year.

I used to thought that these film, when they created, meaning the producer, or the writers, has a story lesson in the end......about Life

You know how many writers, they leave something trace, for the next film, one of those?

How do we all becoming the Fate?

My mom got sick too. She sits right at the windows. One winter, because my brother came back, I switch to her side of TV, I got sick immediately.

You should ask her go back to her room.

Right now she is sleeping now. Not feeling well. 

We wash this morning, my bed sheet stuffs. It still happened very oftenly, this period blood first day. 2 people makes the sheets are better. We are raining and cold here.

Its not just your math issues, its you real Life Performance issues. You mean you looking at the musical video, to act, from your left side monitor to be like me, those kinds? I watched those video before. Listen a few time, every time I told you on the internet, I watch occasionally.

Plus those were my classmates....




I clean up and go to sleep

Babaji: Go

When you hydrate enough, you don't tend to eat SUPER big things all at once, you know that?

Hydration meaning, you watching your intake of the fluid, by per hour daily. I guess, I didn't do this you all saying the resume and CV things because that is the only way in life, so I keep doing pouring down the water through my body.

As a girl, that pain, you are not scared? 

I want to find out a reason, to my life. Not necessarily anyone telling me in the middle age, at that time, I might have a problem, because the guy they don't really hear about this things.

I had a hobby, but up to now, if I observe all this health nutrition things I did, and you all becoming more painful daily on the period cycle, you do know your body screaming has a reason? You have to fix it?

If you taken more right food.

Right amount of the good water

Some supplements.

You apply heating pad, or hot water bottle. learn it well. You gonna get very scared when you really aged old? That body will not be like younger years, you can stretch the pain and find out?

Does Taiwan use the paper bill, or the coins? ... Right now so expensive, they use all the paper bills. I eat in the 7-11, buying milk, those are the expensive coins, 3 of 10 dollar coins, its 30 dollars per bottle small milk. About 1 dollar US dollar.


Anyone use coin?

Homeless people.



Its because you done so much math, the moment you seeing 50 cents to 35 cents minus, it will forever be 15 cents.

100-75=25 that is a quarter

75= 25x3 all the time.

8x8=64, but that can be divided by 4, you seeing 8 and 8 half. 

17x3= 51 that is often also in your tests questions. It will always fix at 17 or 3. Because they are all...well, how do you define those number words says. 17 and 3 are 質數 and 51 will never be 2 divided. No matter what.

16x4= 64, we already talked about it. There are things you done that by the 5th time, you already it repeated about thousands times.

I think you blank out, it doesn't matter its a multiplication table, add, or subtract. If asking you any other kinds of geometry and linear algebra, I highly doubts you even know what is the application why those things exist in the real life formats, how or exactly why we learning the math for, starting so young? 

You don't hate yourself, you didn't learn a thing in life? That is entire tuition money disappeared.

Your America money, has nothing but quarter! Similar like the Canadian.....

Make-up, did you imagine what I say, "what if", you just do once, those Babaji meant it "simplify" your life. Just one word?

Wal-mart foundation its a bottle, I remember. Not the powder form. I mean the creme.

You apparently require a lot more than that.

I Anna told you, because my skin base color, its not possible to finding a match color, I can only does the eye make-up, the rest its wasting my money. First, the make-up are too much money to me, I remember I was born without the faces, I didn't remember I born to buying a make-up in my money.

You want to improve your diet, so that a perfect health indicator included, you do the double saving. Someone like me is very Higher Up, meaning, if you know your math skills, to do double, triple, quadriple saving, you will demonstrate me your brain capability how you are.

What things to be appreciated about. 

I need my every penny, to be exactly place where I want them to be. 

Structure your life means ....

At least you met my bathroom, that I assuming you have seen that... You didn't see the make-up powder everything in front of the mirror, or any counter space. Maybe I didn't show you, some knows that. 
You have a limited space for your bathroom, in your room, on your mirror table. You have a bed, you are limited in every room.

You have a set of paper works, right now I leave school, so I don't use the textbook, or the studying materials for as long as I live....but let's say, printing a material, if you file a structural folder, you buy from Muji, or less expensive places, you understand, you don't get a headache, just by imagining it.

You have a set of the kitchen dirty dishes, you and your mom, or your dad.

You have a set of situation, how you say, how you re-word, how you professional prepare yourself, when you being asked a question.

You have a need to buy a stationary to organize your pretty desk, what do you do.

These are very very small tiny things, they are not your GPA related, but it is highly logical, its related to your tiny detailed orientation, you are not very good at it. 

You all seem to be in a culture, where dating, or knowing someone are so easily accessed. You don't focus too well, if you replaced yourself upon those games all the time. Meaning, you wish someone to be your dad, watching you over eating, cleaning, house keeping, car driving, jacket picking, picking you up included.

SMCH used to say, you write it down the list you wish the guys to be, and you go and find it.

Those TV guys inside the movie plots will never happen, okay?! Just drop it, and saving your money, for some reasons you will have to find a better paid jobs, for whichever the life you set on too. I will personallity tell you, all the problems starting when you accumulated your debts. The car debts, the house debts, the mortgage payment, the credit cards debts included.

Because I don't have those things, meaning included the junk yard sale those, I can tell you, what is inside your mind, and my mind is different. And therefore, other people like the banker, the banking industry will know you fake it all the way. Your dress, your walking routine, your gym membership, or somewhat they might have a whole list, you are lying from the Day 1 to Day 1000.

It might look like the bank never knew you have a debts, as if they never personally knocking it on your door. I still hope you will listen. Don't play fool, on those a really really important on your money accounting idea, how you structure your life.

Because these things I tell you, they do exist.

I didn't really watch anything, skim through.... ate something. Too many things happened in this one week. So...

Kinda off balance a bit.

Yeah, I remember 10 years ago. They are all the same things, trans-gender stuffs. Except.....there is an add-on, its all the stories formats say, after you acquire the perfect everything. That is the story format, and this Movie, are telling the stories one chapter after another. 

I am a reserved human, meaning.....we have a different tempament, or a character. Human doing things on purpose, normally I will tell you, they paying it on the first day when they started. You believe that? So to that every mercy under God's watch....someone has a heart knows all that. It does not need to wait when I Anna have a mood. Because some human is really born, never really meant it, you should place yourself upon the karmic situation where you feeling hurt by all that you doing to make a point, but they are. 

太好笑了~ 紅矮星的太陽風叫做爆炸每多久就爆炸一次~~ lolololololololol too funny. There is this short red Sun explode every so often on their solar wind

Its not just the liquid water or the atmosphere disappear....your entire electric grill will never be functioned if too near whatever they say. 

他們說霞咪? SETI 計畫? 

NASA has a SETI 計畫,尋找生命的意義,那這個電影 1997 年是那邊的東西嗎 ? 

哇哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 (10:50) 他們在說製作一個星球,怎麼那個男生後面有一個什麼? 狗嗎 ?


我看這種東西也覺得很煩,全部都是重複一堆石頭! 星球叫做行星就是石頭嘛~~怎麼一直在講這種東西沒停過,全部都長一樣的東西,不是適居帶就是離太陽多遠,太陽大小,一堆名字長一樣.... 

這些石頭上面只有可能有水的狀況,你們也不覺得聽到很煩 ...

行星就是說所謂有大氣層適合人居住,類似聖經講的情況,古代很多這種故事的 ! 我聽到都很煩因為通常講說...兒童百科說一個孕育生命的系統是很久很久很久很久....

這有可能嗎? 全部都是 barren land. 

很煩 ...

我的...this side, that AI says, or whichever screening your 9 years....There are a let's say, we fix a point, I forget what I see, they are in the same domain.

Probably not important. One if at 9 oclock, the other its at 1oclock, that kind of height to each other. What for I don't know. 

One of those garbage.....what this use for.

If I sleep all the way through, tonight I dont' sleep anymore.

But I am tired yeah.

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Babaji: Go

Does the Plagisim in Taiwan, they go to jail? We are democracy worlds, its ilegal.

That girl youtubers, the music formatting, I am not sure how it process....to be honest, I don't know Justin Timberlake. Dean he is not Justin, he knows that. 

Both academia and the music field are ilegal. One female she was the Second Capital in Taiwan, a mayor candidate. Before the electron, she was found out she plagiarism her Master degree in Taiwan University. She is tall. 

A lot of people for some strange reasons, don't believing it they are doing a crime, and will be caught? What's the big deal? Those people are very very bad. 

我知道妳們經融很有天賦,你們什麼人都談過,叫做銀行經理 ! 那個位置走進銀行,坐在那邊等...跟誰講話的那些人!


你們想怎麼開始?  要不要先從銀行的基層人員開始試試看? 饒邦的媽就是以前常常被別人騙...她是因為沒有辦法,現在我存在,包括這尼克,用錢是要看我眼色的 ...他們也因為變老,被騙太多次,至少叫做基本常識,我存在,問一下 就在旁邊

以前很多這種銀行人會找呀 ~需要一的單子沈小姐可不可以幫忙?



你們是在想電影的事情? 哥倫比亞海盜跟銀行的錢的事情 ...銀行在中小事業是貸款,但是在兒童百科,那些有一些介紹 ! 是說你們很在乎錢? 尊上沒有去做那種很高檔的事情所以上億的那種錢沒有 ... ...

我好像常常看電視沒有,comment 的那一種。

經融業,真正有點啟發的那種,穩定的收入,+理財方案的某種特質,假設是銀行裡面的人員,那是因為他們有一邊的天份,所以去做那種職業,這會是你們去忌妒的嗎 ? 你們人生沒有自己喜歡的事情做嗎 ? 就是直覺性,喜歡去的哪個領域?

當警察有時候這種地檢署、或是檢察官、法官,立法職員講正統事情,不是上億誰 14 人被帶補,你們很相信他們 14 人在真實生活裡面,那其實是錯的! 

有些所謂銀行倒閉自己公司中文叫做什麼...破產,然後你們說這種億萬富翁的故事啟發,一次一次中華民國革命那種 ...

第一 我訓練人不是拿去給你們倒會的...

第二 那種人生很多是走捷徑的

第三 經融業很多都是突然沒有錢,那就是叫做走捷徑! 

第四 你們最糟糕的啟發是從小,你們真的會去買一種很昂貴的吹風機 ! 我在電視上可以看得到,一個人的人生從小你們學會不是每一分錢拿去幹嘛 ? 賭博自己的人生,基礎教育叫做智商! 

你們因為那種從小的習慣,那種情況你們真正在這個整個事情下的唯一問題,都是你們從小的經容概念,是銀行問題對,是赤字問題 ! 而且是你們人生真正的問題。

如果妳會整理你們自己的思緒,不再買垃圾的東西的上面,學點自己的醫藥學,你們大概不知道尊上是中毒的那一個,前幾天最嚴重。可是尊上我 23 就開始走這一條路叫做買自己需要的東西給身體,你們現在要講到基督教這本書

這本書在四大宗教下,只有你們是有基督徒有那本時間到的書! 懂嗎 ~?!

世界上我認為你們政府不會真的去餓死你們,但是你們其實沒有在做正確的事情,是銀行,對! 但是,我沒有覺得你們在以為  和  自然不知道的情況之下,去幹嘛 ~~這個電影,叫做哥倫比亞海盜 ! 



聖經叫做 temple of God 就是你們的人身 !


1) 尊上在你們的年紀的時候,在很早以前,大約在大學剛畢業的瞬間開始,所以改變飲食


2) 尊上跟你們一樣拿的都是沒有錢錢的小工作,尊上還完所有學貸


3) 尊上小小的錢從來就是朋友在零,幫一點男朋友錢叫做我住他家 + 花在我自己的藥錢


從那個一樣的時間分期,你們其實根本沒有開始,懂嗎 ?

你們是不是沒有聽懂尊上想跟妳們講什麼?? 你們的人身在一個很誇張的情況之下,因為你們很喜歡這種甜食,甜的飲料。


學點、聽點、記得點 !




Babaji: Go

Yeah, I can tell you what Kail telling me. I don't really believing it...that much. But there are people whom taken my stuffs to go, their own house whatever ghosty situation.

... ... they play the tapes on, like those they use SMCH.

Except, there is no video I was talking to the Ghosty.

It becomes worsen. 

You have to know, these people whom are normal human, like you and I. They hate the ghosty, but they probably will use the ghost if they can control them. But they are happy more if the ghost response to them, for there is something about back and forth exchange interests.

I will tell you....that is the worsen situation I ever heard. Because when you are in a human form, you have certain will power, to say humanity. You didn't lose it all. You, really imagine a lot of wrong things whichever ways I seeing it. Kail didn't say this part, he says things got worsen.

My part was I seen them happy, the ghost response to them. 

That is wrong wrong wrong. But all right, you all love keeping doing that.

We usually just file the paper works, not that we are a real ghost expert knowing where or when the ghosty spirits, they were, they stay, they will be, those things....you have no records of those appearance anyway.

But the phenomenon I have heard, its been studying at. 

In SMCH, that will be more like a typical worlds, where some people going in, saying they are the astrology people, or fortune telling people, or you cannot predict, or that hours or time will be changed. Yes, I have heard those. 

Asia they have plenty those. 

In the Typical Bible, it will be your doctrine, ideal to similar to an Enlighten Master if were not jailed ideal....those are supposed to be Indian Buddhism, I never heard those in Chinese Buddhism, you have a Master? We don't have a religion here.

Now "God's will to be done." Meaning if God says you go and liberate the sentient beings, on your missionary, you never go and becoming the jail human, like we seen here.

So to accordance to my map here, most people by now, knowing what are the planes of all consciousness those basic lay out, including the SMCH UN those 5 Worlds sayings. Astral in the Yogananda Master telling him, some glimps of the possibility, lower astral, and the higher astral. 

"The Day When You Found Out."

I can tell you most SMCH groups people, are nothing but complaining she was 5th, not 9th, they all going with her.....one of those power never enough or too great to all swallowing down for the popularity 2 seconds on that SMTV talking like they know something about it. They are all like that. 

Its best you always adhere that rules "Gods' will to be Done." No matter whichever that will suppose to be.  That will be my best advice to you when the times comes. You know what you are inside, you know what shortcut, and great way all this numbers, explaination, wants, desire, targeting, being calculative.....

It will be your own fault. 

🍠🍠🍠🥨💖🍠🍠🍠🥨💖 We continue on the ghost study

🍠🍠🍠🥨💖🍠🍠🍠🥨💖  To when the veil becoming thinner, I heard there are the ghost situation right now, even shows up on my TV news channel here, saying after COVID 19, someone receiving a lot of phone calls.

If you slim down, you meeting the fat people like your own classmate, you gonna say they do on purpose, every term, every corner of your eyes?


Those hourglass doesn't come very near yet. You want to find some professional advice people, whatever your own yellow page paper near your whichever State you are located in? I pick a several yellow book before, not too bad. I live by myself in UB around.

If you doing the right things in life, including finding the help, the right direction of talking, experty at, not imagine things, people don't make to become a professional so the whole humanity fallen right in front of my eyes.

I am pretty sure that is what you wish me to know, or you yourself represented at, with your parents.

I am pretty sure, some of you are so determined to die before your parents, that will be way before me.

You can calculate those earthly years? The same things you didn't do now, to when you still have to do it alone?! Then your parents will die. You always assuming, your entire one life, starting your birth, to that damn school, every information to shape you up as a human walking righterous path are false in every degree of.... teaching methods to you, including the reading a literal sense to comprehend a simple protocol. Following the steps. You imagine everyone does this things to you, were your worse nightmare, you never cool down to think


THINK....why or how it will ever related to your life, so you make a blame to the court, and they make a justice to you right now, I am sure.

(Head faint) You were my UB past known friends, you met me, seeing me, incluidng right now the photo album, its exactly the same thing.....

You heard, Kail, Zawanna.....you imagine they are Jems & the Hologram, Anna keep saying that is a real? Contact skin to skin just like the VS says Passion.

Now you are dead, you wish your body back. 

Where do you go, to possess a body?

You want to stimulate, what might happen....how you toss a book to start, its a fun games to, trash the religion, worship the politics, on...young girls skins, in melodious words saying psychologically control.....every one of them.

When you die.....that book appears, and starts open. 

Tell me, when this book gonna close?

You are my facebook friend, so I will tell you this.

You are a Christian worlds….
You might run out money and die by suicides or debts. Your government are not going to give you another body from the ghost realm they cannot see, so you keep doing this, let’s die together we get another limbs back. America doesn’t have a law like that. I know that, but I will do those trivial things behinds for this….Book of Life.
They never think, because it’s forever impossible…..

But because there are the movies, and there is a me. I know it’s very frightening ….you are not evolved to endow a spirituality to this book Bible, so you have a consequence in your own religion. It might be Lords of Rings. In there, they describe you of certain things included. 3000 years …you remember ? 
Kail did tell me several things that doesn’t mean I truly believing it, it’s that way or what way. But I can conclude to tell you, the real Ghosty world are not pretty skin tone, nor attitude, nor scream, nor cursing …understand? You didn’t follow any ancient teaching and you never help me in, and this will be 10 years pass, 20 years sin last.
For your own religion, you should grow up to know that book inside out. And for one day, you hope they lead you out of this book, if that’s what it meant. You always contempt your own government running things. You shouldn’t have. Meaning you contempt this church book because it’s too easy to acquire. Too easy to hear about one word any human meant it well to you.
You taken it’s everyone’s faults, and one day, you seeing that in the mirror.
“God made man in his own image”.

Excaution order : Eternal, every generation, every Era, every Kalpa, every Eon on this planets as long as the presidency stood, all leadership prosecution folder

1. popularity

2. Young girl skin tone, hospital door records

3. SMCH those “Sir, you did a great job” talking tone

4. Sent in real love like those Ola type, sex, touch, cuddle, kisses, they will open their mouth bragging every terms west they did.

Prosecution all presidency and spirituality leadership

This will be your eternity laws, no exception. 

Guys are taller, in order to train them, the girls are the garbage disposal, true. They cannot see from their eye sight down, too tall. Too many blames. 

Those nobility in the movies do not exist in this world, for your age reaching a limit the cancer becomes the slayer. This law will not be surpass.

Ego define in this SMCH or BEAS book may never be your only goal in life, therefore, you find out when you die. You go to mirror and see.

Surpassing 3rd.

Meaning if you feeling hurt by me says I do on purpose, it’s every faults starting your own sins. I have no ego doing this. But you have.

Per thought, per dust, no curse in or out. Per second eyelash, per body expression emission from you its expose outside. The sun, the moon, the air and the birds know. All them know. They are very gentle, when you running inside what you are like Tina, you frighten them and me, so you might really go to hell for keeping them near. With a baby. 

They will be the only baby, not a born human sin lasting forever.

You should lose 20-40-60-pounds. Hailey’s father they fail their missionary but I taken their original intention did put some thought into it. He is the point, the rest does not have a point. But you kill MD too. 

I have severs, hospital doctors I see, in one month I return …like my eyes, he gains his weight on his huge jaw.

You are a girl, so I talk sense to you. Be with your parents for you are more soften suppose for them. They have nothing else to lean on. So they will always lean on you. For that emotional need, you really cared about it. If you are a type don’t need that, fine.

You are mortal. 

One day, you have to die….if you have to enter the ghost realm, it’s not the future invent a machine to identify you as the movie faces, so process your book or seeing. 

One day, you have to enter…this world where, you are not prepared. Right now it’s the money, so I know that. 

This case, I ask someone….I sign this. Eben’s parents go to hell.

You have no money, you do not have a mocking face one muscle or tiled at you lip to spell first day pregnancy or first month.


Many souls will continue in this format coming down.

There are formula, mathmetically.

You ruin one soul it’s because you can, not because you want to, very funny. 

First born, second born …..




I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

OU Language, last line


Similar words are like 立法 = establish a laws, but when you say the real chinese words

立 it sounds like Lee yeah, but that is standing.

V is upside down.

You pushing AF husband, he is a gay, I say that in the Da Vinci Codes already.

You 擁立、擁戴 someone or something to becoming .....

It will be AF's husbands as the number 1 =A

AF= Hitler

李維好像是販毒的殘障人士,有一個電影叫做 Lake House, 我玩了非常多次版本!公車最後叫做 number 10

 十九八七六五 …..一 零= crown 

Wing 就是坐在他自己的 subway, crown in 無印良品『傷心的地鐵』

他頭上的皇冠也是無印良品因為, Wing 他長得就是那個樣子?!

Wing, which song was that, from Muji

西門的 Night Change 是換場景


Never change me and you = 你跟我永遠不會改變






Carried on 在國外講行李箱但是,在美國軍事有一個 Kerry and Bill classify 我其實不知道怎麼翻,是軍事


賽斯(西斯)他其實是水牛城靠近主城市的, 喝酒的地方,守衛
我跟塞斯在 UB 演化學生物認識的,我是 UB CADS 教有機化學,我會不知道怎麼燒東西的意思?


From 賈斯丁

台灣抄襲事件滴妹 on 賈斯丁 (Justin Timberlake ) - Gone, plagiarized / plagirism

這個此案講加入那前面 number : 一堆東西裡面


我跟尼克知道安東尼,Mimmo and Connie and Carla 故事

我的 UB 5 教主

我 Hollywood 5 教主 就是 NSYNC

我跟 台灣 2 MD Jason, Eric and Henry 知道那是什麼故事

我們 We all know exactly what the story about 

Not self flame included on mosdash - this case will be put under the safety not involved one human self burnt scenarios 


Lawsuit 360:  https://194002e.blogspot.com/p/lawsuit-360.html






Babaji: Go

OU Language (You were saying?! !! ) .... You mean the Pinterest that those 2 photo OU?

What about it.....

Like Star War 像星際大戰一樣?!

I know what you want to ask me. What do I used to be doing, that kinds? You mean the website, the hearing words, the seeing, you visit the Pinterest, Youtube, those Video Linkedin, that is not the first day on my jobs, sounds like. 

I waiting every day here in Taiwan for Victoria Secrets to take this things down, I know Seth would never do those things. 

What can you possible be done?!!! Seth.