Lawsuit 405: To the public (women girls groups) This will be the 400 millions dollar on the 1800-1950 (John Rockfeller and Nikola Tesla, which jailed to the asset re-born to the military Lieutanent Bloodline Merits)

Date: Nov 17th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: This Lawsuit will be encouraging all the women eternity, to acquire this merits deed for this current life, and next. Your re-born statue under the military bloodline. No matter how rough the road to be. 

This will be the books of the following

To that tiny merits how the book was followed before the Day of Pirates of Caribeans from their England Father, the current England King Charles III, if both Prince are jailed, Prince William + Prince Harry (Nibiru to when landing), both wifes are exactly the ending of the first book 白色圓舞曲 ( 亞斯、William = Indian guy)

Both positions are the lieutanent, but my grandpa those, are one ranking below the Lower bracket of General (in Asia = Upper General, Middle General, Lower General) 上校

To that I say if I am the Honorable Superior how the infinite merits if you just follow my direction 4 stoves cooking, being virtues, cleaning, not impaired, following these through. Its your greatest wonder of the Past merits you had to that saying 400 millions dollar freely distribute to every generation every Era, Eon and Kalpha on this planet, to every girls if they deliver everything I say.

Both Prince they are not the lieutanent rank. No. They didn't understand why they end up like that to follow that situation to go through the military, their objective views its everyone hurting them.

Books lists

Movie: Princess Diary 1 and 2  (the grand daughter situation, that was my grandpa, my father's father. )

To this open galaxy scenario also, you will be supporting the ET Reptilian and Grey's cause for the American Classify, not the 4 bubble teas on the Table like the Sailor Moon. However, the grey relent for saying that is okay. 

4 Stove

Never hand made clothing, fashion

Independent making money

Stable, to pension scenario

Best its the female University Professor.

Appearance and figure

Ice Skating a bit.

There are a lot of things I used to say, don't cut yourself thousand knife all by your own hands every single time, the guys just meant it they finding a new girlfriend all the time, to that Eternal Love Game. (TV Drama 三生三世十里桃花)

Money will be their language no matter what.

More submissive, capable to go to the car dealer, manage your own living quarter, cleaniingness. (The Edge of Tomorrow, if were, their recommandation to deliver to me + Police Head Captain, Fireman Captain, as my lawsuit goes to both department on how many why or how you going home to secure your parents housing options, most this big mouth human they lost their entire home, like Hank's rental property scenario. He pays more)

If you just following me Honorable Superior decree of guidelines to be less liberate women to the guys subcomb attitude, not to talk back. Listen and paying attention. Trying to be a decent human at all. There is no reason to that every soul you meant how you end up no matter what. 

You knowing it or not, whichever whom.

That merits will be the physical meritorious decree yourself, you taken upon your every life Here after. At the Beginning.

Be Aware, all you ever really dream, its how the life turning out the physical merits to sheild you a little bit from the thick and thin, that after all, it is your own hand and destiny how that independent spirits what you ought to be and becoming.

16 Lifes.

All this freedom of the Constitution Laws meant.  The democracy world and love games facilitation freely. Meaning encouraged society format - free will choices, 2012.

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