
I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Harry Potter Chamber of the Secret, there is a roar, and Pixie, and Memory forgotton professor, and Spooky? Spotify or Spooky?

There is a new seeker from the Professor Snape, written letter? 

There is a mud blood "I don't even know what that is."  

There are a lot of things in the movies.

MD Comments: I finish the movies. The ending....

The human consciousness its that every 6 hours required a feed in, including the presentation of the food, display, or microwave in front of you. A lot of analysis are paper books, meaning within that 6 hours, you never get out of your house, keep reading on, or watching the movies on, or lay down the couch, and fallen sleep. But once you wake up, you need those food prepare and ready, to having all those justification 

Whom done this to you

Whom and what cause by to you

Why and how to becoming the validating story

The lesson of all that itchy and aches learn

All the say or done to be in the competitive arena

Whom to what that interests or stake on

To what whom as if their attention becoming your Ally, meaning mentoring you a comfer roof

That encouragement or the facts to that each line

All these its within the 6 hours, not in between the food, tea, soup, fruits plates, all that easy to access plates, so sitting down writing a book, a lawsuit, a statement, or some kind of the concern to overall the mass people, its not the destiny you ought to be, its where the jobs lay by, and those are not the Fallen Statues in the military certain rank, unless..

You insist to. You are not happy or capable that jobs, but surely you are prepared for.


They repeating on the Conan Last week. I finish 3 Words, 3 PDF. Its uploading. How does this Facebook having this new feature, that is not PDF image file?

First Official Statement

Public: The First Statement

Military/Militant/American Classify: The First Statement to the Military

American Congress Washington D.C: The First Statement to the American Congress



Video: Ancient Chinese Poem & Ancient Chinese Literacy 


Working Relationship & I Ching



its aggrevating 很煩

Conan will be on? Channel 12

I want to listen to some music, the CNN....I hate keep watching all these news, and more news....the Youtube its entire 24 hours news. Its 6 or 7 oclock? 

Its just 3 weeks until NASA has the testing.... I am not hurried going anywhere.

Maybe wait.... I have the first invitation out. That explaintion the American Congress go and explain better. Not the first video on the humanity fallen paper statue?

neh....On the guest invitation to what? Simon Iron Man? Its not just the comet, its the plaque, and how it used to the humanity fallen the telepathy statues, or flying without wing statues?

"God creates 4 Ages. To that ending of 2012, we heard of many myth saying, we are not part of it. By the 2012, the flood didn't drop yet, the humanity fallen plaque in 2020. Did I say we are not part of that 4 Age, from ALL says? There is no more Age after the 4th age. Its the Flood. According the Chinese legand and myth, it was 3000-4000 years ago. Time return from that 2021, if were validate to 2012, because that was a Dec? Not Sweet Nov...

Imagine Sand of Time in Prince of Persia, we have nothing but the Ancient Chinese saying "黃沙一片" 野地

"Yellow Sand All around" I Anna added "wildness barren land.


I think the modern law court room welcoming these debates, and lawsuits all the time, "indirect murder case". Well, it is not a crime case. Its a debate forum lawsuit type

You will never finish them those lawsuit....Its on the television. Wallace that guy open that book in the end, and there is an ending? I look at him when he coming in, I had a bracelet, or whom is that girl? 

I think for a moment...its to tell the whole story, with my photo on. How the fallen never stop...

No, that words of that TV Drama Chinese in the Tibetan Double Body Practice, in the Chinese Wiki.

I say that I am I am? Why don't I just put my name all things on it? 

Shut up, birds. I cannot think. Shut up!

What I can do .....I can show you a fallen paper statues sitaution in 2020. Its the hand-writing on them the I ching. Its exactly the same thing. Well, you think its exactly different things.

That is what the Educational Department supposes to make it an exercise.

Well....exercise written book, they go to TA for.

Its very fine details thing...I didn't die in 2013, see if I die in 2020? Fallen Paper statues? 

Is that how they process I Ching Book in the modern time? ! No.

I Ching its a Sutra saying, that is not the...very you saying the official literature. I know what the books store here in Asia looks like. What you see and hear on the American version, they are fine. But....what you really seeing the publishing materials, are nothing like the ENTIRE Asia filled up worse degree of every ....superstitious. 

Your I Ching hexgram interpreation its an interpretation. They copy and paste and translate. They didn't do anything else. That is the originally hexagrams meaning. The very rudimentary sutra format. But what the real a book of I Ching near by all literacy....its, not what you think. So I will tell you, that is not how today they processing that I Ching book. For sure, never becoming the textbook of yours.....imagine. 

Do you understand how a textbook comes to alive? Not just the University textbook you get it in the University on-Campus store like UB its next by that UB micro selling Apple?

They are all under the American Educational Department to that Congress, AND, when you get down the Secondary Educational institute, you mean the kingdom garden? Nothing will becoming any official....maybe in Ph.D program they might have one of those I think. 

There is a reason they burn down all that book, it was a tyranny. He burn down all the books including the scholars, there are a term on them. Becoming a very known Ancient Chinese saying. Once of those days when I file the lawsuit, I will put in there....




Babaji: Go

Maybe that is what you like


oh ~~~~~~~That's Mat? 4:54

A lot of people in this age, they writing all kinds of book, ebook doesn't need the ISBN number. They called the manuscript.

You can just sell an Ebook with a photo art. You collect enough the subscribers, like the mailing lists, those are Eben those human do in life. You show up your faces, or the facebook, instgram, twitter...having an official statement.

Every day I am writing the lawsuits, not the ASMR, not even post it, I can lose weight. 

I always have a feeling when someone says they are 40 years old, it means they are old. Like does your body has something? oh ~ I have, since that time they took it off.

Several Laser things. I looking at the hospital page, they also have that....and the private clinic, they becoming more expensive. A lot more expensive too. 

You don't need to talk to me 6+1, you can talk to your own perfect doctor, or talking to Jonathon, he has a Daddy Daddy Roswell. Your pain and aches.  And where is this Jonathon Kessler MD at ?




Babaji: Go

EDT = Eastern Daylight Time?

oh ! 

I am on the solar page, Facebook. Not the first page. The third page does not work on the Facebook.

You know, I don't actually looking at the Ice Skating, as much as you imagined ....I usually close off.



he says Crimoson Education? I told them on the facebook, about Crimonson love Letter Conan. 

Do you all know that Taiwan had this Medical Care, meaning, you all gonna be 40 years old, some kinda of the seeing the doctor in your own country, you left America yet? So I cannot afford in America, to see any human and I didn't have a need to see a doctor. In Taiwan, we have this plastic beauty doctors. I used to have a dot near my nose, yeah, my mother took me here, its a medical technology. Laser..... I think when I get any money, I go and working on this left side of my body. My ear middle, and this elbow, where this surgery took place.

Its the same hospital, they keep circulating the same profile. 

When I gone to the hospital, there are a lot of people going there. You are about to be 40 years old...America, you need to get a real job, to afford any of that right? Very very expensive. 

This hospital its near my house. Its a little more expensive than the rest of the others, but my entire profile are set up there. I just need to tell them I gone to where to where to where. Its easy. I do nothing but circulating in between the floors with my mother.

I don't necessary want to working in there, but I tell you, seeing their iodine, or those stick with the cotton in the new design, not my home small tiny....its luxury to seeing all those convenience.  I like certain things. Their bandage are transparent, and do not stain the water, he gives me one extra piece. Some human has an interest seeing what they got all this patches, glues, or white cloth....

I practically have every job, listed, as....cannot be done jobs. What can I do? I have no jobs.

You can have a book written sent to the Library Congress, just not published it. Meaning they keep it as a record. I keep it as a souvnior. So many problems.

Normally, you can send to the peer reviews. They go on to those Science for Tomorrow like the magazine Science, and people subscribe to them monthly. 

Is that librarian's job?

....if you are the scientists from the University, its the University librarian pays the database, and having those Science human print the magazine and sent it over to the department, and put it on the table. People still print the magazine.

Have you notice that every apparatus looks like that? So NASA and my book.....its inside, but you don't see it outside, it on other people's patent. I seen it.

Its all the flying apparatus, and in the ending of this, I flying in that Flower Thousand Bones. You don't have a human flying ~~~!! What do I gonna do with my book ...

No, you first have to go to the Classify. Classify its at the American Congress. There is some incident I know what it is. Probably just like that BTX to BTS, never talk about it anymore. Those things....just delete it kinda of. 

You know what people do in the real life for the money reason? They go and staring at some graphs and imagine things, they called it "visualization". The shape, the oval, the square....one of those including the candle light. To something might be....about your mind or something. 

I am a lot of things, but one thing I am not, I am not those tibetan beas, flowers, ceremonial, or candle lights, or buying more candle, they are label aldehyde, that is....not supposed to be breathing in. 

I actually hate a lot of those things in life. What the natural, or what the carpentry to make a wood statues, or what mud to mix, the pottery...I hate all those stuffs. I am not the majoring in the material science, but if I show you my interior design those materials on the Pinterest, I meant, that is more of the real life....everything else you can just drop it. 

Chinese History

Well....I am not sure your textbook input a Chinese map on their history 4000 years. That is the education department in the Congress. When I have to deal with my maps, its the same time I mentioning it....Where do they get that sequence? 

I tell you how the Chinese history works.

For as long as that every dynasty passing down, there are what you called the Palace Official transcription or Current Dating Books. Of that Dynasty Era. To that passing down the generation to another generation including the grave evacuation, I Anna just open that same Traditional Chinese book, and read it. You imagine its not the same words, its exactly the same.

Except, the Ancient Chinese, don't just have what you called the poetic align in the grammatical correct sense, it has to rythm, and in the layout of 5 or 7 words in one length, and in 4 or what in totall width or length.

That is called poem. They are deep. 

But other than the poems, there are official writing of those ancient past. Very very short in words, not a frank description lines like "Today's weather is sunny and bright, shining and rhythm", the real Chinese sentence, you dating back how many AD or BC, will look like, "Today, sunny of that dale, to that bright= one words, yes indeed."

In the middle school class, today, what we have to learn its to interpret each of this very short phrase, to learn the certain words, that keep tracking of.... How can be translate in the modern langauge. That subject is called "The Ancient Chinese."

In the Old Chinese Society

There are scholars. To at the one of those early dynasty, you know of that Great Wall Kings. He had enough, he burn down both the books and the scholars...and putting that I Ching under the medicinal, and that is how the famous story, I Ching survived.

In that one of the other dynasty, you see....what you actually saw the sequence, the most common on the internet to you heard of, its Fuxi and King Wen. I Anna done something else to find the other sequence, because practically no one using any of those sequences.

No one cares about it. 

So you keep seeing the diagram, just like 2 second you staring at it. I have one more done, not on the video yet. 

Back to that one of the other dynasty, I was going to tell you one things, this one guy or old guy scholar, leave only one diagram. Its a circle 360 degree of what that is I Ching align. And he says, don't bother it the rest, this graphs.

You gonna be kidding me.

Every dynasty has the scholar just like today filling up the sky heaven on the writing of everything, a loads of scholars. I Ching, its not the official education books, not really. In the past, I am not sure neither. But as we are, we know its a Book. Sutra, or a Book.

Because in the Ancient Chinese, that categorize the book, has Han Book, History Book, and I Ching Sutra.

Something like that.

💖💝🍤 What do I gonna do with the children dictionry? Its everyone's dictionary, not just the children's dictionary....how funny, its a page. Today's dictionary may not have that one page anymore. 💖💝🍤

Its one page, correct. How funny...

Have you realize your used to be general chem textbook, attached to a phone book inside rolling out? And addition to that textbook, its another full packages of explaining book, the reference books, so their test for the future better tomorrow, it would be always be an open book? Why don't you say, you change the Class number to Class material, to Whom teaching it, including What exam formats 1 2 and 3 as the final? See how that ending up a conversation what class is that?

Harry Potter?

The leadership means you know what you are doing with your life, included.

It doesn't matter what you coming from, when you define "exactly where, niches of that you wish to take that leadership, and be responsible over that."

Your attitudes its hand you things, so you become psycho on the television.

The outside science, human beside washing river stream, upper down below waste pollutant, those pay by hourly, there is a field called "Business worlds." They do excel sheet on your math basic level problem, how not to become deficit. In those world, there are the marketing department, there are mentor, there are the book publishing, there are Home Network Shopping, there are fitness, restaurant, outlet clothing, electronic.....sale sale sale worlds.

TV belongs to the classify materials, you even know what is a word called "Classify"? And your ruling worlds will exclude that out? The Classify world?

Business Worlds

They are very complicated, lies, tricks, and talking over, proven it, proposal....etc.  There is a reason I didn't do anything in life. I don't really know how to do those lies, tricks, talking over.....proven, and proposal. 

You do illegal things, you go to jail, you know that? 

The birds blowing their police whistle. 

💖 I tell you what I do now. 💖 You all coming towards me, as if, me, or what telling you that TV, you have a leadership issue or an authorotative voice.

Right now, under that Digital Era, it becomes easier and easier and easier what your potential are, if you show to the audience, and grab those seat. By your real strength okay? 

Some traditional values including being a stable person.


Do your math, and science

High Tech advocating

Technology oriented

New Age awareness

Open minded, social circle, be happy. Wish others be happy. 

Listening some more New Speakers what they coming out of the direction stuffs.


no...you all are very disoriented. Inside your mind, outside your faces. 


He escapes from Shanghai? You know by the thumbnail....he just recently made these several video. Taiwan is behind technology than Shanghai?

You know what happened in Shanghai? He says they seal the city in April, no one has the food. He is from Belgium, isn't Belgium those chocolate manufacture ....they have a Prince too?

He says Taiwan has a working visa. The foreigners. 

Mobile battery from Taiwan, that girls says...also from Shanghai. They all using the wallace electronic, like Apple Pays. They are talking about that TV concept, UPS, all these you called U-bert, Taiwan is...not like China or America. China has a sale website called 掏寶, Taiwan economic...of course not like China.

She says Taipei its high expense? So Shanghai is higher?

Taipei is half rent than Shanghai....So she says Taipei its NEVER NEVEr NEVER metropolian....uh...

By definition its by the population that dense to per square inches, Taiwan, not the city Taipei. The entire Taiwan with the flag its 1/4 of Kentucky State of America.

Literacy, laws, medical, IT, IT produce, IT gadgets, IT industry.

Those words are not a known term, it is for us. The Material Science. All those junks you ever buy....in the dollar store.

You know I got a new mouse? Last time, the keyboard + a mouse?

This mouse battery don't last, but its you click and they move.  Like you stay away for a long time, the mouse will close everything around you... one of those saying.




I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

You all just go to court. If the court file me anything, I will deal with it.

The court will find the ground. They are fair. 

You don't keep inept in your brain, you go as far as you ever imagine your brain capacity can reason, to debates, to side way....You could just get straight that one question you suppose to ask long ago.....and start making it a plan.

You want to take some time everyday, you write something down on the piece of paper, like what its the situation you are right now in. What happened, what favor you, what side, what hate....

Making it a lists of things, that you separate the upper hands advantage you have, the lower points of your life, and....decide if that life you going forward its or will be a next responsibility, whichever that you imagine in your head.

Not just a face card. What you ought to be doing initiatively. To improve your life, to vent out your paper life, to write write write write write.

You have to be very very organized.

The guys sometimes just do whatever they want....and they are in a network to supporting.

The girls don't achieve as well as the guys if you putting them together, but I tell you, I worry about my own finance....on the back of my mind. A lot of guys they plan their life very early on. My entire life, I drowsy all the way til now, I didn't do a thing in life. If I would have known....getting a parents talk, getting an advisor saying, how to get a real job. 

In 2020, I keep thinking that, and what happened if I have a facebook again? How strange....I have no idea what happened on the facebook, at all.

No one tells me, I need to get a real job.

My favorite things in my life

Its to sleep, since I got to UB. When the life becoming more settle, UB, its an excuse, I do what I want = I go home, cook, and sleep. Meaning I didn't imagine I have a career finding, to job resume, and finding a real job. 

I went to sleep on the weekend, like Friday night early. You imagine what you see on the TV or heard about. That was before the period cleaning up the liver stones.

That is different. 

But I went to the meditation mode, that methods...if you eating food, you will feeling drowsy, I yelling at them too loud, maybe you should check that. No eating, that is how strict that might be?

So, that would be 22 years pass. One day I woke up....

I try not to sound like I am screaming....Well, they distract me so much, so that my 24 hours, the attention are very occupied. Including those birds. If I focus again on the City life, where you seeing the girls walking, you all so superficiality, these are black hair human, not as tall as any of you, meaning you looking it down, sometimes. 

There are a lot of things the TV I explain to you...its dead all gone. 

I lock myself on the ceiling roof. I have no ideas what's next step at all. 

I was waiting Zawanna them to leave, they putting in a lot of stories, so I plan on it, after they leave, I breath. It never happened the 8 years since 2014, so I know it probably will never happen. 

I probably will dying out a lot of that myself, too....I don't know what to do.  Like a ship with water leaking in, you taken them out, the house has holes, so you put those wooden panel, keep knocking and nail on it, but....no matter how much works keep putting in, the things in front of me....

I look up, its the TV

I open the door, its the street.

I check the facebook, its ...time pass.

= I have only one balcony, and that sky never changes. How come no one waking me up before? And just telling me, people will dying out on the diet? Meaning you tell me whom I am, you telling me how to juicing on those microbiolgy, I will boss all of them, kneel, flat, bow, fix it?! 

Like here is how you do things A to Z, copy and paste it.

You technically asking me to read 100 magazine, to 100 second, and FIXIT

I am fixing it.

🥓🥓 Have I thought about Zawanna and Kail or Ancient Chasez future, or any sense....Romance, or Life potential? 🥓🥓 Never.

That is unfortunate. 

Would I looking forward talking to them in bed?

I fall asleep.

Do I try not to get all that exhausted, and be with them, talking to them?


And why is that?

Its already freaking out enough. My Youtube actually....I might need to tell you, sometimes the court meant, its a free life. They are not supposed to human make. So that becomes very very dreading my foot a while. The court meant, the human are not supposed to put their will in it, to everything I see, I hear, I feeling....it. 

Have I tried once yet, talking to them?

Not yet. The telepathy before....it was not open or clear. It takes so many years pass....when those power dawn on my body, I cannot get up, and fallen asleep, or you keep holding on to wake up....you have no ideas how they doing this thing. You all gonna die on your parents, not just....this things, never gonna happen to any of you. 

Do I ever want to ask them about the future?

Never. I don't have that belief, to that life philosophy....like you mean superstious? Fortune telling? So you like the psychi human by tradition?


Girls sometimes have certain feeling, and the guys seem would be more careless on it. They are more lean ways in life, feeling different, breathing different, hermone different. I see those things too.  I would be more hash on the girls, not that I wish them ill. Because that environment are not....all that easy.

I usually just leave. Including the in-book stories, you cannot see. But the guys meant, there are the sex parts. I will tell you, I am not a guy, I don't feeling that direction as much, and having the children would be the least thing they ever do, but the internet says, they care about it. 

I become so void, I don't even think about it. 💖💝🍤

You can say your brother gonna be the King, and you yourself gonna be the embassader.

"That's nice. Exhausted on the traveling, life turning all around, left right swinging?" 

Tina, one day, realize, all things fallen, she got 2 kids to the New York City, all by herself. You have your classmate, still gluing on your perfect life? You call them, you Zoom them? Sometimes?

The same ages classmate? 

Talking all seriously to all the important people are important, but you don't get in touch.....those like my brother does one of those.....how can his life to be that Party World. He wish everyone stay in together. They last about til last year.

Everyone move out from the works or getting married.

Irene got married, and its her kid, and a debts husband, and her own family...and going to work. You know what the faith til that last, one obligation never stop...people like them. People like the mortally...they cannot stand it. But they are living in the City, so if they open the door, they see the people right away. Right away. 

When I lost my facebook ....

That was UB 2020, or for a long time. I can feel the effect. They have a reason why the facebook exist. I was listening to Bob Dean and too many things happened, I feel caved in. 

And One day ...When I did return on it, things all passing away. Life stress its what hitting each other's life on it.

I sometimes wonder if Bob Dean meant it he says....Sometimes. Or a lot of things he says and why he saying it. Sometimes I really wish, just one thing, to be right.

One thing, because those people are not supposed to be....anything less.

I didn't have a lot of time spare, so I didn't think about it. 

🫐💝🫐💝 You want to talk about the same age people, we are the same age, you know that? In between. 🫐💝 About where you two staying on Earth, and I one day might keep going?

I don't really know all around I see....its all earthly born.

Michael Vartan has a movie. That is Within. So might be, there are evaluating people in it.  One day, that road from here, I don't really know where I gonna go next.

I am exactly your born age. Same. I am not from outside. Really born from zero. 

So you 2 or 4 gonna staying on Earth? Keep going this....various flower and flauna, every heard Bob Dean talks on SMTV? Meaning, life. 

Have you seen the ending of many movies, and those movies, has....an ending of all life depart?

Normally the stories are well wishing, not the ending, if all the girls discussing the hopeful future. Most TV, its the ending of the black and white, "becoming". So pretend 5 of us....

I telling you my life. Several people taken off with me. Might be in the end of this one life. I gonna keep going to somewhere, I don't really know what are all these about, really.  Right now, I cannot meditate really. Its not necessarily ilegal, but I abide to, I staying on the computer. But sometimes I am too tired. 

Repeating the same things over and over.

Today I am not feeling well, so I went to rest to meditate a bit. Sit up.

So I tell you certain things, I hope you reading it a few time since nap up.

Several posts, 2 or 3....the rest are the personal view....when I am being nice again. The situation its not, I know that.

I hope you will finding your own answer. 

The court room to me, its not a foreign things. Its a logical things, hope, that is not one day we see two walls parts several doors down.

💖💞 This would be 22 years I read about Princess Diana. oh ~ 💖💞 She had a bf. Both suicidal to each other.

That is an European welcoming all relationship keep playing back and forth?

That is the Roman Catholics beliefs? Unlimited plays? 

💖💞 In case you are not here, so I am talking to a wall....

A lot of people loving those cut and hang, cut and hang, and one day.....this becoming each other get on hard core, proven it, whom will make it to the end points. 

How come I remember was a Muslin....or a beach photo.  

It is a bf....she dies in another....

I seen her interview before. When people putting into one kind of environment....it becoming truly psycho that one.

💖💞 I don't really have a religion...anymore. 24 hours works on....where you cannot see, you gonna pay the rest of the eternity of it. Some human has the courage to hang me on the China Television....if ET does that, I tell you....keep going heart and hang, heart and hang? 


You can learn everything else other than the spirituality, and that several all things in life, I keep repeating it over and over and over and over.

Dr. Gabriel on his seminar, asking twice. First, its do you have any spiritual questions? None.

Second, do you have anything other than the spiritual question, there are many. He was a MD Doctor.

Your brother probably know what kinds of the character you are, might be you never can be talked to included.

The girls that assign by you, will always seem more lean towards you. They are. Most of the girls in this worlds are very very bad. They lean towards on, meaning you will feeling they needed you. That kinds of worlds are not bad.

They are not very capable, or one of them. And there are things crushing it down, until your back bent a little more each day age on. People wants to see you growing up. Not taken that, how faults each other is. 

What Oprah things you said, those things should never happen, let's say the child, or things between the girls. No....That is already improved, you just didn't know what happen, keep pushing that. 

Do you still have your room in the palace?

Were told?

Irene and Irene's brother has their room the same for 40 long years,....Its whenever you feeling to go back to. When I was growing up, it never comes to me realize, life has no hope. Meaning I never had a direction in life. 

I didn't know there are the reality of life, like some guys' IQ planning their entire life ahead, and they make it. In the money. If I were to be that functional. I have enough money to pass by, but i live in the transit, I...cannot see where I should be doing in life.

I learn everything in the school. I cannot understand what the Khan Academia says = all subjects. I only done one chemistry.


One day, I coming home.

One day, I turn on that television shows. For the longest time, there are nothing but frames to frame stories...I wear the eyes glasses to look at the TV on my living room sofa. Its per story, frames to frame, life per life. I didn't have time thinking about the family, but I had to run on....the World stuffs, becoming all this wall to wall lawsuit. 

And, each year, I holding on. I don't know what I am holding it on....but I have to hold on it.

Whatever it means to you about life.

Per day, passing. One day more passing....I finding out things, displaying in front of me. They are. Everything I wrote you, those are, the professional life. 

There are things in my own real life, those are personal. 

People transit passing by in the frames to eyes, eyes to eyes, each day....I wave that passing each day on. Did I tell you, that was the Tamang and Dean's song, I drift a wood on the black water floating it back....unlike the Penguin telling you. 

I have thought, what if I be later another 10 years...It frighten me every bones of it. No one in my life telling me a thing, all things. I fright of all the cold air, I have zero supports from all the things I used to see, hear, know, might be.

And looking back to UB, you would imagine things are tender to say, but American capitalism under, its a true reality, of that what you are doing the lawsuit seeing the Real Life Phrases.

Those girl never make it. Far away, these screen keeping sending in. Many times I close my eyes glasses cases. One day, not long ago, I found out....in this world when you cannot sustain yourself, you will have to live on the street. And...there are final chapters of that. 

Probably Last year, I found out, or this year. Because, that left year, may not be you saying it another 40 years. You cannot pay the rent, you gone. 

You both are hair thin....meaning starting early. Whatever that might say. 

So you learn any skills, or that is, how come so pressing? Both at the same time. Like intern outside the palace, no more room and board in the palace? 

Swimming pool towel with all the things so great...to a birthday card and the dog washing norm. That was a nice life. I never had those life. Its actually, I will tell you both now. Its very very dangerous. Very dangerous.

A lot of things, you are not told. 

Coming in the real living world, I will tell you....if you all IQ brain storm how to fight the lawsuit together, its best for you. Both family. 

If you hear me saying, that will not be possible, no matter how I lean out the way for you....the Real World, that Justice will tell you all No. Learn to grow up, learn that things, learn learn learn. Because....

Everyone has to. 

Its best you really learn, per line, per square, per sentence right things, what ought to be, not what or how convenience everything hope to be.

Do you have a question about your family you wish to ask me?

In the senior living home, one day....like 70 years bind couple, they even live together inside one assistant living home. For example, California. 

You can visit them now. Inquiring about the room.

One day....life getting really old, and those new faces become the popularity of the Brand New Worlds. Like you, right now. To their life stage, they will come to do the similar things like a book, or a strangle situation.

Wife its all the things you both brother can get rid of. In the end. But that brother how you used to grow up together, eating something close, shower, military, speech, going somewhere...something its only things you left with each other.

There are certain things in life are never there to hurt you. Never are. Never is and never will be. Not really. You taken that, so the world will suffer at that cause, but there is no one else left. Like I said, in the end, those wifes you can throw away, but not the brother. 

To that importance, no matter how far you apart, you wish, its not one remaining....including taken the rest of the others. Your sabotage didn't need to push that to the edge, one day you will realize what I say.

At all.

So its a Tabolid book? I remember I thought it was a deal you sign 20 millions, so...that is a free sell? Meaning as much sell, or present UK? They don't give you the money anymore, and someone sign those down, meaning there are popularity....oh !

Taiwan we have those, they made a new name, its strictly what you called them the Tabloid cover page story. Its called "One week Magazine."

And they feature all the story, to sell that magazine.

That was 20 years ago. 

Meaning with the online situation you never heard about. 15 years ago, the real Digital replace the Librarian jobs, to where the librarian becoming a new IT, or instructional librarian. No more cataloging cards. 

Its the Digital Library, every information putting online. Including Apple own Bookshelf. 

BYU, isn't that is Adam Hailey University dropping out?


And that URL ends at DNA? 


oh ~~~I see. You going to show off your friends your love story? Venting story? Why don't you sue them?

So Matt Demon are in Hollywood...

Their movie was just on the TV not long ago. This movie.

So you have the book on shelving 2023, and one year tour 2024? Meaning by the Christmas 2024, that is 2025, I toss behind me that one book, anymore books other than that one book?

Obama has one book, Hiliary has one book, your mother has one book....your brother?

I can tell you, I cannot understand what you wish to do.

Kryon and SMCH were UN Met. You go to Kryon's website, that is all the invitation there showing you. 95, or 98. One of those.

You two will never be invited anywhere....UN.

Bashar, to that entity he is so proud of, well...the most mediocre likes those Barns & Nobles books. Psychi. He...although trying to be a psychi, that entity really did to him was the scientific draggiing of the human collective.

Those are not really....what you meant it, the Barns & Noble Psychi.

However, Bashar itself, are similar to Dr. Gabriel Cousen.

The full packages, are the books, Spiritual Braclet, tapes, DVD like all kinds. Inclucing the Amazon books. Its the entire package they have.

One package its Dr. Gabriel, One package is Bashar, one packages its SMCH, one packages its her dad Dr. Steven Hairfield...

Normally its the entire package you put on the table, when you showing that on the Flower Thousand Bones.

Its the entire package of that evaluations to each of them groups, of junks. There are all kinds of them...you go to their seminar, its all display on sell. Dr. Will Turtle only sell one books. Its the World Diet, that time. Well....he is not on those shows, but the most competitive....market, you mean you getting in to do what?

I still don't understand what you trying to do. People holding up a book in the public eyes its to go on the tours, to advertising that book. You two hand hold tight, and interview by the several radio places to popularize those ....supposes for the selling purpose. 

Most writers they have to be on retreat for 6-8 months, to just sit quietly writiing their books. You probably all Royal Proven worth, you have a writer, ventilating all junks, to become another podcast, next show....you have to sell, or the money just naturally drop?

i think it might be right here... see

 Look straight. behind me.

Orange = Spiritual Jem, was their compliation of the Great Master Reply letters.

Next by, 123456. See it? Right next by.

On that left side, still those Great Master' junks....all the way to the wall.

SMCH book, behind me. That is the Birds of my Life. 23 birds....next to the clutch web things. Its a stretching...dollar store stuffs. 

That's her entire junks at.....


Want to see Masterson's junks? That nick's video, the entire video background, I catalog, the entire putting in, dragging out books, EVERY single book.

So Masterson, Craig's upper, that is where his book at.

Being a librarian, you will see loads of the books junks, that is where the eyes goes naturally see my entire life....

I can tell you what happened to that SMCH. She has more of the magazine, like Devil Wear Prada. Her exactly the same lineage are Light and Sound, they called them the Great Master, Sawan Sigh. Those are esoteric disciple more I think....Normally writers they go research. I guess you couple becoming the Money drop diva.

She doesn't know one day it will come to a day...

Beas this one Indian group (Symmatry that Perfect Disciple before Sawan Sigh, on the VS, Diamond in the Sky, that Perfect disciple 1950, or 3 years or something...)

Their entire magazine shelving are hard cover. Her was a junk free printed on the local printing shop....black or white, or before was a more 1994 glossy magazine front and back.  

She used to be very proud of those billing how charity works becoming the validate prove how great those distribution money goes. Its in that magazine. Well, those Indian Beas human are not like that....Its a real Hard Cover, like your textbook hard cover, on "Their Magazine."

Imagine Devil Wear Prada.

Its just a merely hard cover.

Flower Thousand Bone are Dr. Gabriel, Bashar....maybe Kryon.

Dr. Steven its I bought his book. 

Its at Tina's shopping list.

I think you should go and kidnap your father's credit cards, you call him for inche in a table of the lists book you wish him to pay for it, including 2 of his selected book, 2 of his reading books, 2 of his recommand books.

When you received them all on One Table like Meghan's photo.

You put a PC, open your excel sheet.

List down, what that intuitive mind you thought your suppose to see the data sheet, without the cover photo. You don't have to use Anna's this human are American author.

Normally human try to sell a book, on the marketing sense. That is everyone does in the conference ground. To publish that book, you have a reason other than the selling them purpose? 

Probably all the money just falls on the sky.  I will tell you what I have heard.... Eben he is very fast. But normally a girl like me, or some writers....

SMCH in her entire jailing life, has met some human. Truly miracle. One of them, its a ....swapping house author. Meaning.....unless he is self alone. If he found an energy dirty, he gets out, and he often moves. 

One of those super nature human. I heard so many kinds of writers, never heard of you doing a book in 6 months on the mediocre gossips? 

Is that for selling purpose? Yeah...those mediocre, Simon Cowell's book are in the public library cataloging system there are 13 books I wrote Steve Jobs memoir outside that very library. On the bench, next to the Bagel J.

Normally these writers, they...have to be set in an environment, what you called them very strange human. They go very far away and far extent situation or environment to write one thing. That is a norm thing I every day hearing that. It must be the publisher telling you to keep doing the hurry in the US UK ligation or something? 

Your priority it’s fighting against your brother on one book

That’s the priority of it. What can I do for you?

A lot of people have a publication. Your are memoir. You want a mirror to …having stand, no harm just stand by, you write. What’s the words memoir means? Walk across your dead body? American slang ?


Recall your full memory? Like recallation? In retrospect ?


Steve Jobs biography, that is CNN journalist wrote it. 

You can break down 10 weeks, per week one audio. Like a podcast, but on your own phone. You listen to yourself talk out, anything you feel unjustify. Then you copy your own tones of language, write it.

So you have about 10 manuscripts in the small session.

You combine, to edit those words, in phrases. Technically you want to have 10 chapters per book? So that is England says vent you heart ache and soul?

And Middleton has a photo book. SMCH has the amazon number 1 book. Are you getting that?

There is a way doing that. Correct.

She does those things. On 3 photo books. She doesn't really write books, she has audio, its all the transcription jobs, to record it down all her live microphone talk, and that becoming a book.

There is no real substance in it.

Since you cannot possible return to UK, that Amazon has every publication, not manuscript, you imagine....how you get in there. To becoming number 1. You go to buy them.

The comments. Its okay, legal. Those seminar internal public, they do those things. You finding the real testimony, in your own favor. I think....

I think its on the amazon. There might be a word on it. You wishing your brother seeing it first? You buy them. I don't know where, but there are.

You really writing that book, or you just land in the US for proven that book back to UK?

You want to get in the market, or you just want to revenge your brother?

The internet say you have time, so you hire the people writing for you, that serve you great purpose, you don't regret on it?

The memoir, like....Barbra Straisand, you know whom she was? She had a basement architecture book. Its a more of illustrate book, all the addition, or the house renovate, or how she put a stair in it. 

My mother put a stair in here....right at the middle of the Heart, how we all dead family piece for.

The bookstore, you can buy the books, or the Amazon, you can buy the books. In the classifcation where you walking in the bookstore, how people key-in the inventory, its a system. Under that system, you will see the Top, you walking in the Barns & Noble. 

Like Sci-fi, or on the kids playground= children literacy. Those are picture book, with a very simple English words below, as you reading them. 

Hiliary has a biography. Obama has a biography, when they selling them in the Barns & Nobles, its at the middle of the more noticable table.

I went to the Angel's books. Its American one of those radio or best seller, psychi book. Those time, we don't have Amazon yet. It was just Ebay or half.com. 

When I say "publication", well...your gear its more in the ending to becoming a full biography, I am sure, you doing all that memoir, was about you, or you later on how to ....what to...agenda to by those saying. 

Most writer's groups, they look at those table in the Barns & Noble. You can go to the University library shelf, you don't need the card, you can just stand there and read. Those are the academia proven books. Meaning....there is only one purpose only. Its to be cited reference. Its called academia reference. Never Google. You seeing their publisher as the New Jersey, Princeton, London...one of those. Textbook, I guess...

In the writer's book, well....you don't look like you meant its a venting faster sound like a great machine, just hire someone does the job. 

Slovenia President wrote a diary book called Life on Consciousness. It was her SMCH and him, set up with the Taiwanese legistrator on the SMTV camera, to show one day....then he was dead. That would be near those Greece human small tiny country on the map. He has many translation book, probably not the English would be his best saying. The original of his niches would be several language other than the English. Taiwan, squeeze him out of one book in English to Chinese. That would be that one book. 

What is a memoir means?

Like those Hilary book, or your mother's psychi book? It was a fortunate teller, seeing your mother wrote that book. Your mother used to bring certain people, or going somewhere, one of that person its a girl. She is not a writer. She is...more of the superstitious of things how most women related to. She was a psychi. At least that is what I remember. 

Do you mean you want to sell that book, or validate that book to UK with a Plan?

Selling the book meaning you explain to your radio show? oh ~You like listening or comparing the past?

We do meta tags. But we are not the Barns & Nobles key-in system. 

Long time ago, when Yahoo was the beginning, there are something those time called the META Search Engine, meaning the combination of AOL, Yahoo!, Google, ...no Youtube yet, no Meta Cafe yet....nor dailymotion....etc.

There are certain words, its on that definition why they exist there. 

There are a lot of those Eben human productivity Red hair Nadin looking girls, advertising a site, kinda of like, I think....those bookmark reading sites. I forget the name. A lot of the writers, or some people love reading, they go there. 

There are.

You can check the librarian, they help people writing the books. Just 5 mins talk, you know your overall direction. Or you can ask them one simple questions, "What is the Library Classification under, to put the writer digests at, novel, biography, memoir, illustrate book, children's literacy, ....meaning the photo books, are they the more illustrate book by sounding or more kid oriented, so they sell them? "

That is what your British Citizen did. SMCH.

The dog and my Life

The birds of my Life

And the Noble Wild.

Ming, the University of Toronto, was that Birds of Paradise, the last page. There is a name on it....

You tell the librarian, they usually seal their mouth.

You say, "I want this book for something...."

You tell her, what was your plan with that book. Its to sell??? Or??

Comparison of your jealousy to play, next by. That one. No. That one.


If you knew what you really asking, 



You can try again and again, time stretch at your age so long time to go.

What you really see, you sure, you meant it to ask. Look around you….

Selfishness at certain landmark it’s the witness stand - “What can I do for you?”

The spiritual quest at the linger to that death part 2 doors - “What can I do for you?”

Ever read Steve Jobs that Death part 2 door lines? Want to hear it? If I found it and uploaded …

The literal of your own legacy it’s front and ending extra 100 times you read or you imagine your Nazi together read itself commentary. “What can I do for you?”

The happiness unbound just in thinking the God, the prayer, the sense of your own Flag business chsrible acts, it’s “What can I do for you?”

One day you will get used to those every day you meant you knew, you meant you regret, you meant you cared that every words you say you think you sit, you thought…to become the hard cover binding of that carbon dating testimony…

“What can I do for you?”




Babaji: Go

I thought England, not just Canada on envrionmental....British has more of those animal protecting laws, to ensure....a lot of their more well beings development stage.

I think they by pass those stages K1 - K12. They need the eye glasses? Nutritions?

🍕🍕🥪🥭 CNN you are still on.....you see. The real editing part of my book, its to do with that Children Kindgom Garden toddler learning their Pronociation dictionary, how I begin, you imagine? I used to be a toddler. There is a page, nothing but starting Yellow King of King of King....nothing before. 🍕🍕🥪🥭

That process editing to one diagram, WILL NEVER CHANGED. Meaning the China / Taiwan official history its 4000 years. That's it. And it has to go through the publishing....I am not sure you understand, the children literacy....those dictionary to where the toddler's level at, it might be worse or harder to get to those level moving the laws under the Taiwan legistration and both to that Education Department under...one of those 5 Divisions. The American democracy has 3 Division. Taiwan its only small tiny.

China education, or the textbook, to when they say the children all uniform dictionary, starting "the pronociation", you know how Adam Hailey showing you.....the tricks and games, how they learn Chinese?

They WILL never use that book.

That is the proper way of...one day evolving to KK spelling to A, B, C, English proper official ways learning reading and sounding methods. They are Youtubers, not the lawful guidance to whichever...whatever they sell. I cannot see, and no human in Taiwan telling me, and how wrongful and becoming a fool they will ever be, if I just seeiing what they do.

But No one in Taiwan telling me. None. 

That must be very intriguing....

There is one universal book, that is not textbook. Its the Taiwanese Children Kingdom Garden dictionary including the adult use, for starting from the pronunciation the real Mandarin way.  

Its called the Official "Barns & Nobel", Chinese Dictionary. That book CAN NEVER BE CHANGED. 

You saying, what book you are writing on?


Lunch (CNN)

Its on 30 mins ago.

Babaji: Go

Flood has a history,...in all kinds of dating history. You should have known what was your own history, really. Written or rumor was be. 

伏羲氏王朝(傳16君歷1260年),距今6400年前。 第一代:庖犧氏(太昊羲皇)太昊羲皇:西元前4471年出生,4441年登基,4311年卒,在位131年,享壽161歲。 第二代女媧氏,西元前4310年登基,4181年去世,在位130年。2021年8月7日
Your own google saying what? 4000....
It is 6400 in Chinese.  

A lot of things might be earlier...

Do you want me to commerical my DNA Artarian, you can just go to Simon Cowell, and stream the keywords at? You want to guess it what words Google searching keywords becming the common wealth shared?

I have things written on the Internet, so they are!!! 

They are written in the Traditional Chinese, in case you don't know? Anything about why happened....between the Ancient Chinese ought to be? Called Tu shed? Your brother speakinig French.

Comma (Karma) stoi? 

They are not in the grammer Adam Hailey

They are not in the simplify character. Those are the historical official reading directly dynasty by dynasty that every Era, the real Royal Palace Chef or Royal Chef Guards have to ensure, no one lost them? 

Imagine whom bomb that China door about 100 years ago....Anna keep saying it? Ending up in your own museum, guess? 

The official Chinese history are 4000 years old.  NOT 5000 years old, those cannot be used, if I were you....But for some reason the sequence they have acquired, every Chinese knowing that. 

There are the Age defined....between those what you saying the Beginning of the Han race. Did you reading your own script? That is not Fuxi.

Its Yellow King of King. To that after him, its 炎黃子孫

Meaning the yellow race of that "fire fire" becoming the son and the grandson.

Thereafter, you have 2 more regime, however....those are one Flood King fix guy, before Simon. 

The real history its starting him, before Simon. The really what you called the Wiser or the Wiser of All Virteous Kingship existing anymore after that falls....

You cannot understand a thing at all, what its your major? Art History.

Sorry...wrong sequence here.

Fuxi (not traceble, its a legand myth in the Chinese folktale, not we knowing off the official textbook.)

Yellow King, The Lords of Ring (Fire of Fire Lords) - Telepathy falls.( they are 2 brothers)



Flood         Summer Dynasty (The beginning of all dynasty label)


                  Zo (I Ching begins)

Your best language to saying, it will be Zo.

Anything before that, however you trying to understand, never understand....its all controversial, unless you getting in the Archive Vault. Which to your standing of those hair? I hightly doubts it, you trying to be literate.

The ones before the Dynasty define, are the Wisers of all Virteous, those things are not....anything after certain time mark, in the heart of Chinese. Meaning...all fallen.

No one will related to you anything before.....about Summer. Not really. They know what it is, but they are not textbook says. Its a Moral Good story of something, as a child literacy will know, NEVER the validating stuffs, to say why they are....anything like a vapor.

The definition of the Dynasty before (Kingship)

The Wiser of the Righterous King of King Before

The Beginning before (King of king of King = Yellow Kingship)

There are "unheard last name", there are...groups.  These to the Chinese race, they have no hirarachy beliefs, for those words....are really meant the Last name. Its not relateble. Not at all. Not in the heart or the soul, or the mind, of anyone....because its just One Last name...becoming a legand or myth, or "A story", Folktale legands stated, "they exist".

You should re-write that.

From Top down.

You will get confused, if you do the other way around. The real history dictionary index page.



Why don't you go to you ....existing classmate crowd finding them register their ebook, or publishing data book, or publishing paper in their graduate school. Lee has many of those...how he got hired. I saw his paper. Funny guy.

Dr. Bing Shen publishing just unlimited the paper by now....10 years pass. They dealing directly at the D.C Human funding rates...not just the tenure rate, if City of Hope has one of those. 

You see...if you are more concern, and make in common, to those around you, to sound like a share the common goal, sharing the common subjects, you won't be so edgy, to targeting at me far away remote corner, I haven't touched my books for 10 long years? Not even editing one words, its the added on, "Drop on Paper statues" to the Archive human, where next by the Library Congress?

Wherever Riley and Nicolas at...that is called the National Archive. In case you didn't know, that I Ching sequence, its older,....older ....than you ever imagine, not just 4000 years old, not even 5000 years old even, when you saying that One Family Last name. Fu Shi. 

But no one dating those history in the righterous books to anyone, so you only hear about the King Wen sequence after Simon Cowell, the Business Dynasty.

Where am I going to find the human at more than 5000 years, to tell you, how American ending up those terms? Meaning someone did digging out....they are behind, except, those they are guessing at it. Its exactly using the same Internet you and I, on it. 

In case you didn't know how many works I actually do...and focus, can you go and pick up your own size human and beat up each other for?