Lawsuit 338: A deck of cards - scientific high IQ all women’s population often chosen bio 3rd categories for some strangest reason

Date: Sep 16th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Killing order, you keep killing women life after life (future)

You will always just so happen to kill it off one of them, it will be related bio, most women incline brain in America always away from my major, whatever those words means to their brain not on their resume. 

Medicinal Chemistry

They are not Chinese herbs, they are.....the American real Pharmaceutical style world. Meaning its a stocking chemistry those looks. 

Not Chinese Herbs.

Medicinal are equal a word Medicine, exactly the modern label "drugs". Its the adj. 
Its not liquid formats. Like all the chemistry traditional white robes 1900 stories on pouring each other test tubes, you become a great scientists, in case you didn't read all my Chemistry paper, on everything I dump out from my brain.

Liquid, synthetical, fabric cloth, coloring agent, food agent.
I meant that was my major. 
I didn't know that was not the word means "Medicinal". I never seen this word before.

It means the medicine, those tablet format, capsule, objective universe, not dumping back and forth, back and forth back and forth those stuffs. You make a real solid and sale on statistic. oh no, not that.

I think bio chem its their division. oh no, not bio ! 
I meant ....whatever I meant. Medicinal, meaning flowing down, pouring on, off, the motion of this word called "Medicinal". They mean its a physiology structure of a human, living to do what the modern FDA label those drugs store selling. Meaning the pharmaceutical. 

I thought I meant "Chemistry". Chemistry its everything synthetical. No bio agent in it, never a touch of skin will be on it. 

The moment you open your eyes inside your waking hour morning room, there is nothing bio you seen in it. The hair crown those ribbons, or clutch, the wall paint, the water you drink, to the kids beverage +straw, to the keyboard, to the monitor, books, book shelf, lamp, kitchen, all appliance, all windows, all floor, all bed sheet, bed, pillow, if no feather in it. Photograph, frame, 
If you raise a tank of a fish, that gold fish will be the only bio substance with you in it, standing in the same room.
You never input a bio one tiny drop of sell in your living, drinking, bathing water, water tower, or mechanical equipment, not speakers, not cabins, not daily use stuffs. Never kitchen, never oven, never metalic science.

Your entire waking living day life facing God, you and that gold fish its the only alive things in that one room, everything else are all synthetical.

FDA would be food adminstration, you put that in someone's mouth. Food is not human, but the other intaker, that is a human?

Usually Dennis, those looking guys become the inspector. 

It will be more better of its something 1+1 = always equal 2. Kinda of like those white robes human pouring back and forth stuff, more like analytical chemistry. You have a paper you say you are, and I deliver that, no human cell involved, or intake inside you, involve.

Clothing, or table cloth, even Taiwan entire factory lines gone to China. America, you have to go oversea, to take the airplane. I ...cannot do that. I born hate traveling, hate airplane. I just didn't tell you I hate cars too.

If you jail me inside a room, like a legally blonde, that will probably state the cases. I tend to stay indoor breathing fine. Many many days I don't come out of it....

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