
You are uniform human, you can just apply to Taiwan, most people probably gone to Japan.

Its hot here, when getting into the summer, you will faint if you are outside standing jobs.

We called them the 憲兵 That is Liu Champion's wife's father is. He is the Chef of that 憲兵 Department.

Both are military relate.

What is the recreation you do?

    There the island you go on the tourist, right on the news. They have a speical, because those are the domestic flight. You didn't see it? Its an island. Taiwan has a satelite, its called 澎湖

    There are musement park, the water park or the land park.

    There are some sight seeing where Hailey they take you, its a lake in the middle of Taiwan called 日月潭  Sun and the Moon "Talk" or Lake

Its an older word saying Lake.

Is there anything in Japan other than the contact lens?

There are nothing but junks those? Where you get your money to buy from? Japan are still expensive so is Hong Kong. Japan will be the fashion place in Asia, 


    Hair thing

    Clothing, or Entertainment they portrait out

Korea are coming out 20 years probably. But Japan was always having standard long before Korea taken over Taiwan certain market.

What do you do in Australia?

Labor works for a high paying money, there are. That is your vegan ice cream, those owner+the worker knew about. There are ranch jobs in Australia. Labor work force.

Not Pane Andov?

That is a funny guy, you mean the classify? Why you so cared about those astral projection human? If you mean casino, next by Hong Kong satelite island, its called 澳門. All the Hong Kong big movies of the last 40 years, are Hong Kong, and 澳門 on ocean 11, 12, 13 or 8.

"Gambling its forbidden on Campus (Justin Timberlake) or else you won't have a tuition be paid. 60,000 tuition grant due."

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