Lawsuit 397: Taiwan President are traditionally starting from Taipei Metropolitan Mayor to start, that will be 2 terms in the mayor, then the President 2 years (16 years)

Date: Nov 16th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear ( Supreme Master Ching Hai, SMCH 512) - I Ching Local Effect, Eben Pagan cases earlier (125).

陳時中 (牙醫 looks like Simon Cowell)

李雅玲 (松德醫院牙醫)


赤河魅影 4th book, my mother's birthday 118

If were seeing from those small girls + a hidden Usury guy = High Interest

Then Kail = Me = Kali, the Honorable Superior

Then Zawanna is Kail\s brother.

But he and me are on the CNN. 


Let me introducing you a person Thor,Han 我給你們介紹一個人!他的名字叫做 托爾、漢

Taiwan City Mayor Election (9 merging 1), This will be the Taipei City Jurisdiction, meaning with every other elections the same time as well. The Traditional Taipei are City mayor 8 years = 2 terms, to run next 4 years the President + another 4 years, most time that is the System by far everyone knows. You have to be the Taipei Mayor before joining in the Taiwan Presidential Election

Earlier the birds cannot stop quacking....Shut up! When? 2 time. 2 time 1..aerae 1. Someone is retired like nick? They don't have a job? That is the Left side bird. The right side bird...?!

Earlier he is at the green corner net? 蔣萬安? Greeting like 請安? 還在追的意思?

That is where the hospital scandle to that Simon Cowell looking like human at. Did I tell you where that was? Of course there are breakfast place, that is where the Mountain Top them are, the entrance are the Police station?

He is on the news, and television, and he didn't quit with that lady?

.... Did you know I said...Loving Hut its right there?! There are several breakfast morning like now, for the Police Station and the Bus Station and that up in the Mountain Me and Annca at? This is so exaggerating you mean he didn't quit since that news break out? That women is the Vice, and none of you did anything? Like forcefully separate?

He lost his poll like left 20%, the other one looks like Eben Republic he is at 36%.

Red River Manga says "You have 5 days to??!" The Book 4.

Our election will be at 11/26/2022, I had a photo album where I was yesterday last night. I have to be this early in the morning? How far? Pass 101 same bus that direction.


Did I ever tell you .... Taiwan especially Taipei are small tiny worlds? Taipei has outskirts, but those are not what you say the Capital where the governments are? We are not like the United States, where you go by planes and cars? Its the public transportation from East to West, that small tiny? Meaning anyone can come to sit right there including the journalists. 

They are right in front of the Police Station? That is where the Police they go and buying their own breakfast? 

Because we are not like the America, and we are the political free democratic worlds, its chaos, in fight, in the physical fights, that the entire world are nothing but freedom here. So the entire political structure are nothing but chaos....

CHAOS!!! We are not the China? Those are military regulate or the are nothing but garbage everyone freedom to do exactly what they wish to do to End up on the Television and the news !!!!

 小鳥說他們在吵架 ! 兩隻飛走~有一隻在 Hailey fake 旁邊很小隻


白雲說 Micky Mouse 米奇? 迪士尼的那隻老鼠 (The white cloud says)

不是米其林? Michelin in Taiwan are famous, its a restaurant rating. 

沒有,松德的那間愛家 2010 年就存在,我寫的書面我不知道? 一直都存在因為那一間...是給動物去的! 清海她有的所有愛家都倒了,只剩下幾間,所以那間是所有同修可以去那邊給狗吃東西的地方! 動物....

No, that branch of loving hut in 2010 already exists, I written the Paper works, I don't know? Its always existing because that one...its for the animal to go ! For all this Ching Hai Loving Hut all gone, only few left, that will be one of those left over that allows the initiated to take their dogs to go there and eat food ! The animal....

我應該跟你們說嗎 ? 那邊 ....是靠近山,對 ! Should I tell you? That way ...its near the Moutain

My father lives there = Youngest sister, to that husband whom owns it, its the Pilot That 烈火如歌

我爸爸住在那邊是= 姑姑是丈夫方方的那個飛機駕駛,拥有者= 烈火如歌!

醫院那邊你們不能過去 The hospital there you cannot go there, that area

她們查  They are investigate whom goes there.

你們不是病人  You are not the patience.

你們不知道路,那邊是山上走上去,你們以為那裡是台北? 坐公車還是奇摩特車? You don't now the road, that is the Mountain Top, you walk up. You imagine where is Taipei. Sitting bus, or riding the motocycle.

你們要走上去 You need to walking up. 

從早餐店開始走上去,往上爬 From the breakfast place walking up, climbing up

那是一座山脈 That is a mountain top. 

有,有轉彎, Yes, there is a curve, turn, around

爬上去會比較好 Climbing up will be better of

如果你奇摩特車,你可能會摔死 If you riding the motocycle, you might be fallen to die

我說了是山,一座山脈 I say that is a mountain, Its A Mountain!

抱歉,其實不是走上去,是爬的上去,爬 !!! Sorry, its not walking out. Its Climbing up. Climb

想像我有多疲累 Imagine how tired I ever be....

Its where you imagine Altitude, how you cannot breath breathing issues, when I say Mountain you climb up


我的醫生哪個是 The One? 你們是說李維生日跟 Stpehen Tamang? 是

Which mine Doctor MD are the One? You saying Keanu Reeven's birthday or Stephen Tamang? Yes!


Which one is the Sandle - 0405 The Right side below buttom, she is the dentist?

哪一個是誹聞的? 0405 又下面,非常清楚是牙醫? 


Looking like Simon Cowell he is the Dentist too!


My Homey Dean is also a dentist


滿慈子的前丈夫『大頭』,是德國牙醫! 『真愛』跟『沉默的眼淚』

Purna's ex husband are that third disciple Buddha, The German Teeth Doctor, Dentist

Real Love and Loving the Silent Tear


That is not the river bank, that is....the Police Station

那其實不是 river bank, 是警察局 !



I have a dentist here. Looks like Obama

我有一個牙醫,長的像歐巴馬 !

Pulling my teeth nerves that one.



Seth 西斯

From UFO dropping it down, that is better!

從 UFO 上面掉下去,那是比較好,對!

也許他是男孩子,有一天離開那種情況就是一種非常年輕的,不再是醫生的一種 ...青少女。

但是其實做醫生應該是要知道男孩子,來說,那種世界是非常 suffering

Maybe he is a kind of guy, one day will leave the situation and going with a very young, no more MD Doctor, but some teenage. But in fact, being a MD doctor should know about a guy, to a guy, that kinds of worlds are very very suffering.


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