Lawsuit 407: Supreme Master 5 names issues (400 millions dollars)

Date: Nov 17th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Journey Of Flower 花千骨 MV


Total min: 3:08

『五句怎麼唸』1:01, 2:05, 2:18 (eyes 眼睛), 2:44 (eyes 眼睛)
Her cheese cooking book has 101 page to that 2 vegan eggs?
2 planets theory. 
Eyes 眼睛

Her teaching was as long as sincere you forgotton or Vicky messenger mess up like that Vicky in W 2 worlds lost an arm. She taught certain words to associate an image with the imagination of how to pronounce. You cannot do that.
The mind has to see no those Sanskrit words no matter what. 
That gift her video were saying inspiration in written down in English, those are not the same from Beas. Wherever she got it from ( Bible revelation, 2 witness )

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