Lawsuit 427: Sailor Moon North Pole

Date: Nov 26th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The first color comic book they print the TV 10th book

The entire situation of the Past and then Present.
The memory present the Past= Orgo, Art, Sitesell, Bio DNA before Usagi and Dr JaneZ Slovenia debut and he was dead. The inner Senshi did the attack when the 4 Kings arrives.
+Queen Serenity the last draw. To send them to the future without any memory of the Past.

The present story how the Sailor Moon will continue on her own. 4 Inner Senshi dead.
2006 on to UB 2020

That will be the comic book 10, the color print directly copy and paste from the TV. It’s a drawing black and white comic books.

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