Lawsuit 448: Buddhism ( 5 Major Religions are shift between 2014 -2018 )

Date: Dec 1st, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: They have 400 millions dollars for me

Its that Purna to if she was the First life in the King of King = me to become

2500 years ago, that Chest beating Purna to Shakymuni Buddha

That she was a story teller, public speakers in accordance to the Tim Cook Sailor Moon the Political Spirituality = 政治靈修

One person spiritual merits can be earn. By One person's job by definition like in the politics. He is not the politician, correct. She was keeping writing the letter in the magazine to the Presidents, even to the Dr. Janez. I say to everyone, you are looking on the wrong target.

It's Tim Cook, whatever that assignment supposes to be. 

So the Lawsuit here with a title written on this Buddhism didn't get shift away within the Harry Potter by their name to the real online people google it, what is the 5 Major religion on the planet. There is Sariputra materials all over the planet in China, that is his face = my brother 楊洋 and 張彬彬

Supreme Master Ching Hai's lineage is church base the Tax situation in America database, like one of those library can be found in UB.

Her lineage according to her interview with the Taiwan jounalist, when she wearing the yellow and saying she is that king coming to pacify the Taiwan 康熙. She speaks of her master would be an Indian 500 years old. She didn't say he was in the movie, nor eating fishes.

They are vegan vegan, ending up blind in the TV, eternal love (2017).

I personally are always very very very very strict since grade 4, on my diet. To how I become so obsess to the food science, to almost every ingredient I explaining to you, it was a habit I must read the label since grade 4 (not grade 3) 

This lawsuit are related to Buddhism, to that Harry Potter 4 tables full of the food merits, that Buddhism me becoming regent from the Ella Enchanted, or all the Military just happened I step in, just by the way, all together in the future, its how easy slip in slip out of the American military including the black ops.

"Welcome next time."

That is what the future will tell you, this is the present I remind you.

Meaning there is a librarian next by Snape, to all the sequence I give out in different lawsuit this far related to 花冠安琪兒 Ancient Chasez One Photo.

You will be categorized her Supreme Master Ching Hai, better at the Hinduism. Most of them are angry how that 5 Lords Review after between 2018-2020, they are forever leaving the Buddhism. But they probably never met their Indian 500 years old Master.

He is a patriah of that Hinduism. If he becomes alive again, to where he was ordain, or he has a memory, he will have a certain very strange things in between, that no one knows its the Buddhism or the Hindusim, or the mystic, or the roaming, or ascetic, or ....etc. That will be a Harry Potter tiny wisdom I leave you. You suppose to reverence his preference and he has a particular trait of personality and liking. And remember that song = One eyes seeing, its 10,000 years your evolution you been seen. By me.  To THAT 5 Lords Reviews. He will or was, or is part of it, no matter what. 

Not your master important, I keep saying that very loudly. That game should cease to continue, no matter what. 

And that future you will be seeing....him alone. Not her. Esoteric teaching disciple.

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