Lawsuit 348: Judgement Time (System Data and Flower Thousand Bone (2015))

Date: Sep 22th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: This planet evolvement are at the place where they have a Happiness define by the System Data (somewhat has some religion doctrine in it)

This world has some religion left over to that incorperate in their data define Happiness within. The Ancient Past down religion Buddhism like the Flower Thousand Bone (2015) entails a spiritual practice. On this planet, that is not mandatory, most people lies.

I asking to borrowing some of this System Data existing man made, to define the ending of a person's trajectory in life. Meaning internal serenity like Sailor Moon (1992) name the daughter as the Princess Serenity.

In the bio map I invented to almost distribute public worldwide, many people will get to see what the mutation upgrade or downgrading process within this entire Cosmo, whom using this ladder of 13 division or Hunger Game (2012,2013,2014,2015) 12+1 saying. 

The self realization internal will build up your own temple of God, meaning the Bible words says, they don't follow. The cell theory, every part of the body cells, are made of per cell nucleus distance to the cell wall. The Brain cell, the eye cells, the nose cells, the hand cells, the toes cells, including the blood vessel walls.

To that division, you could just ask me as if we exchange both data in the end, I will upload in my own time "System upload, I cannot hear you."

Its that until my book published, either through the public sector or the private sector, meaning a textbook format, its given them the exact every words, or they have to read it and brain at it......

The body physiology aspect are your internal body structural chemistry

    Bad blood, acid blood, sour....

    Bad mood, aggression, sad, negative thoughts...

    Parasitic nature my facebook shown data, how that becomes will be rejected or proceessed. Rejecting meaning you do not allow go on fasting, no matter what.

    The cellular memory in this one life time, didn't get touched, to either modified by a simple will on diet. The ET might really doing you all one of the biggest favor, as simple as one diet your whole life time, they give you or grant you a lot of things in the end, because you efforts in. I believe that.

One diet issue, one body thin or thick....

In the future to a lot of lawsuit will coming back to Flower Thousand Bone (2015), including this lawsuit, so that they do not know anymore what else coming from me other than this, official file-ing or none-official filing against the First Amendment Constitution laws in America, that currently are the investigation time right onto the England Queen Funeral Investigation time to 3 or 4 generation included, that will including the International Laws being asked to forward their existence, including the International Police force, if the world didn't just spell America has a FBI or CIA, so there is not such things all I ever see its Tina Jojo on airplane when she feeling like to drive into the house key, to hit, or kill, when she planning to.

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