Lawsuit 243: Moivie Mummy (1999) | The Bermuda Lines from Stephen Tamang down to Dean Wieczorek

Date:June 8th 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I found out a Native American English speaking terms:  Mommy's boy.

My mother just told me its also in Chinese. 媽寶

Is that China some kinda of 掏寶? Buying stuffs websites? From what I know it might be the entire UB assignment only to me, I guess. I would say it is the right time for me to leave them the comments in their Medical Board reviews sites such as Vita, one of those Health Grade reports.

If you have any concern why I cannot leave those comments, you use the court phone called me. I didn't leave the comment, because I didn't know what happened. That is W Two worlds means. The Day you will Find out when someone got married together like that.

Forgot the keys, the passport, the traveler checks, the car keys, the sex after forgotton pillow case change to that perfume left over....A lot of things.

Also I gonna added to that line Adam is not as much as the mother's pep boys, to every choice of them, if their resumes are false, he is not as bad choice. Adam Davis.

But he has several issues, so I will cite it here. I did tell Eben Pagan some stuffs, but its when we will get together if I remember, probably not now.

Adam he has a best friend name John, he is a neighbor with a girl, filled up the entire house with the smoke, and sex...tonic Ebay business at those early times of IT PC fix gadgets stuffs. I think they deal with the printers, IT, PC. That is what Adam did. But he told me a few things.

He did gone to some friends, not sure which friends, they use the drugs. No. I didn't even show up his gathering one time Christmas, to Sammy staying with Rebecca. As for his brother David, also has the issue. He did relate to me. Adam might be a mommy's boy, every guys must be. But...if you were asking me if he is not damaged by that far of anything....I encounter with Tamang or saying 4 guys choosing... If Adam didn't take the drugs, and gone to the university finished his worlds supposed to be spelling right in life, he is not a bad choice, other than that 3 choice especially they are right at the line. 

They are worse than the Bemuda Triangle, whatever that are saying, dirty. Very very very dirty. Adam he is not. And he usually listens to what I tell him. I say clean up, he will clean everything up. Adam's character and them are different.

Adam and me used to be always good friends, we didn't date it yet, the year before. We talked every day after school, we wait in the lobby. We will probably still be good friends, not anything particular grudge to each other. Not really. I don't really know what happened to him after that.

Everyone needs money, correct. I agree with that kinds of every worlds. But to the laundry, and tidiness, and cooked yourself a breakfast. He cooked me a breakfast that time....I wasn't College University eat anything outside home at all, beyond any cafeteria. far you say you needed the movies validate? These are not from ET, or it is from ET?  Sometimes I think you just lying all the way, really. I am the only things real, everything else are a lie? I wave at the air.....disappear, smoke. Vola

That is my plan!

Can I actually say something, if a man has to be with a women = meaning a guy with a girl, kisses, hugs, or sleep in the same bed, or a car, or holding hands.....laundry. I know I am on the program of brainwashing all my girls friends in UB only just start washing and cooking....don't talk about a guy to me. There is a reason.

There is every reason why. FDA saying, you don't get a cold to each other, and be dead later overweight issues as you putting more weights on the foot growing old together.

The song here says "Going back to the real Worlds".

Birds, Shut up !!! Can you court has a power doing this migrant them all? The Entire City, they knowing each other, I cannot breath ! Today they have a show! Twice, or 3 times?

My real worlds are always these ~~~ Not the bad guys characters when I first learning the Sailor Moon. No, not that youth times. But for the cleanliness, I pass a lot of things, you know?

I actually believe Heaven its the only lawful ideas to practice in life. No matter what. Not that I contempt your court, if you just ignore every crime human let them wander on the street.

If the passage ways of the final destination. oh ~ I will do that jump, flip, bounce, just like your Bible saying in the every first statement of the Jobs Session, towards the end.

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