Lawsuit 477: Slam Dunk 前四強 (The four winners of the preliminaries) 灌籃高手 | 政治聯姻

Date: Dec 7th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The Taiwan Situation on the several China TV story plot (Political Marriage Alliance) 

To do with the 400 millions lawsuit since the Lawsuit 400, you have this Slam Dunk on 

Lawsuit 443 Time Return Becoming the 2nd Best Team within the Line

Lawsuit 457

Lawsuit 477

Now this 443 are more personal. Me existing !!! To how you just adding another Ancient Chinese department I separate to add all other elements in the lawsuit 457 that day, I don't remember. I will tell you how popular they were on that lawsuit 457, because it was super big and we do have a situation where the Ancient Chinese words are incorperate inside the story plot. Enough for me for saying that as a separate lawsuit.

Now this 477 lawsuit in Ancient Chinese do exist: 政治聯姻

That was just a hunch I got enough things done, I input the 457 as the combination TV I just randomly insert there, that day, that lawsuit. 

Now you will have a separate insert of this entire brand new 477, on the local Taiwan here, the ROC were the China Top, for saying the preliminaries 4.  Because Slam Dunk were a huge in 90s and it is sign on the T name. Like Nikola Tesla. Similar to 溜冰天使, you see that you get things done. You don't ask why or how. You just make it.

I just gonna cite the TV in

The hospital included 松德醫院 starting this Annca things


李維的 Knock Knock, 還有他的黑暗帝國的開場有一隻兔子,knock knock, 跟著兔子叫做 follow the rabbit.


仙劍雲之凡的所有開場曲目跟主題曲  ( Alliance) 

仙劍雲之俠,跑來跑去的他們 (歌曲) (終於明白,動力火車)

蔣萬安跟吳儀農在國外不知道是做什麼的,在我出現 2014 的時候!

This will be saying this New Taipei Mayor his father be Knock Knock.

Getting the 2 girls with one guy there. That is what I think. oh ~ they have to pay that youngest princess 小妹 how much money she owes to my mother. Those Jao's family they did nothing but bankrupt everyone else money.

Those 2 looking like Eben, none of them have money, just by reading their wiki. My family money is at zero. And I anomaly, meaning American they eat a lot of my money. I don't even know how much gonna left if ET shows up to me before any of them.

I technically just tell thought ROC has money. Well....that is not how we end up growing to become the princess, I will tell you the true facts of that.

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