Lawsuit 240: With certain lawsuits to side by side SMCH, to validate that the movies have entailed some parts of the Truth, either the past, present or the future.

Date: May 29th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: In the general context of every movies, TV, music of every opening to the ending, similar to that W Two Worlds, of the case since we started my lawsuit "Side by Side", the Lawsuit number 1, to that every Family First degree murder inclination or the Beginning to the Ending of the movies, the summary we cannot spend time in the middle of the story plots.

I ask the court immediately taken actions, since I have heard that Shilanka just bankrupt from my mother side news in Taiwan.

To the degree of that between the female inmate, meaning the prison females inmate of the past, present to the future, of every crimes other than the mental instability, are the true crimes of lettting it free walking in the society, to where they always say, the heights to the prayers, were not adjcent to the Lords of spoken to its own races skin of the colors, leads the consequences of this following.....brick of the bankruptcy...that is indeed calamity. 

I would open to the public defender, the public accusation lawyers, to where those past yet to becomes the omen of the present - I have a dream. Its always that the same color race of the skin tones for some reasons, why don't you just put the last 20 years data, unsemble to between male and female of the immigration first generation to the second generation of all those faces, Male prinson inmate, and the Female prison inmate, these basic stories of W Two Worlds, American willing to against the international laws, to leave a line under the ideas of...its just a clause, after all.


               Henry Hsu (Japan, MD)           Vicky (Seattle),

Jason Kuo (Taiwan, MD)                                      Stephen Tamang (Indian South Dakoda)

                                                                                              Wing Liu ( Vanderbelt, TN)

                                                                                                            Dean Wieczorek, OD. FL

To the equal strength of some faithful human, you called the religious sectors to validate that the beginning to the end, one statement, if some parts of the Bible are already validated to the Truth be Hold, or be Told. Any trial of the already inclined public crimes, to that intended of the last 20 years public aware on the YouTube, should shall you say, justified. Its right on the Internet.

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