Lawsuit 472: Facebook and the girls Power. America is not the Censor country.

Date: Dec 6th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: Everything puts in here. (The continuation of that Facebook crime)

2 days the birds don't talk anymore ! 

Funny? Facebook no more threaten message behind my back!!!! 

Fighting spirits its when the memory last pass 35, or else that public image, someone else has to pay for it. You stay in the jail to get clear, and the longevity, or you still running around like the chicken without the head.

That paper data will suggest you anyone didn't graduate from the University, you cannot handle a reality other than that gambling table or else your tuition won't be paid? 


Girl's Power to that TV hurting You

When you finish running your IQ to how far down you wish to reject, to sound like, to be found on the court system including that UB library database. Eric teaching you all? If any court case are pass, it will be running legally in all America every Law library, their purchase computer inside that database from the vendor. It will never be my lawsuit number 1 to 1000. They will file the correct everything exactly meant it, that is how we doing things.

They might just give me another separate Law Database all by themselves...really. Including the subcription fees. I, the UB librarian has to purchase that from the vendor with your UB tuition money, sounds right to you?

When you finishing your IQ batteling, you seeing yourself short, you want to get up to find some professional human, how can you turn around things to the exactly the right terms inside the American Laws Local Court to start, before anything will ever be at the Supreme Court America?

You want to write down this lawsuit, to when you coming back and putting down your points, and copy and paste?

1. Constitutional laws are???

Including violating the personal image if were implied or hinted, or slander in a way to almost identical to imply you are the criminal. You feeling inside agitate, true. But you wish you are not going to become that routes. Getting help, or getting evaluated, if you are really a psycho. Because at this point, you are not too sure the fine line. 


2. I prefer one life term evolution, meaning its more of the Roman Catholic, or Christian side, no matter how strange I am feeling about these jump, flip, bounce, evil race, or opposite to that Kindness society, TED saying Small prosperity or Small Kindness. I am doctrinate into that must be the behavior to sound more polishing to myself overall life. I cannot think other people thinking me bad ass looking like how Anna did ruin herself 1 to zillion to her UB facebook the entire guys front. I think so. But I personally never asking them.

I personally think She Anna didn't even care that they exist or not existing....but I think my facebook the guys on my facebook, that is existing to my points of view.

3. I have some troubles friends and family on my facebook. Its pressure on. I wish a day off, to go outside, I may not need the security, its just 10 months, I have 3 months prepared, one or 2 days off. Here are the dates I file you on my website publicly.  A meal with my mother.


4.  I personally don't like the guys' violating every right Anna says so those methods. You are a male lawyer or a Judge, if you won't sue me for my judgement to this points are very very blurs and impared, what is right or wrong. I wish to asking you as the personal notes, not to file on the paper so I can get sue, can I ask you? 

I made a list of 100. If those are wrong as the freedom, or might just lose the guys NOW. That is not ilegal right? No, I do not wish to see blood. I want my right. 

5. I trying to do my jobs, but I hate my jobs just about thousand entry of that one door someone says Day Light, let God has a light in the morning. It never drain me other than that jobs. Anna saying about the System. I did hear.

Can I just make a note here directly on this point, to you, you hear. "I hear that every word." 

I didn't change yet. Time too chaos, I cannot focus. I need some times myself,.....but do you have a word to me, in case it will be next day I break the laws and sent to the jail?


6. I don't really understand certain things Anna pointing out. But I am not her. I know that very well. WE are not the same types of the girls. Not even looks alike. So that personally feeling is at the stake, if you will ask me. Not just the tear is the most autoresponder to my tear glands. 

I wish to get my way. What options do I have? I don't have any way.


7. I look at the TV and the movies to that almost every lines are so bad ...anyone can coming out that stuffs, all of it. Its all of it. I cannot handle that, how to verse to you, but I can tell you in English, that is listening to my ears, to finding out how Anna sabottage them from the back. There is a reason, but I cannot fix hers or me, or anyone. And her points are so strange to the buttom of the pitt. If ET relent. What options and Time length I can take, to rest.

I need time with this. Too much


8. I prefer a life, true. If there is the money coming in, to what things I can benefits and capable to write, if you have one thing to tell me. One thing, 2 things, I will bribe you just if you tell me how to start it right. Not blank guessing I will be committing crime.  Which direction, if you handle all the cases already.


9. I have certain values = not to keep my family. Not like Anna says, she moves things all very selfishly right to the guys, like move it, that kind of the attitude. They will kill her.

So I prefer to do my ways, if I acquire the compensation, I wiish you to know, to my capacity small voice and small being, I don't care about anyone in my life, other than I survive. That is the America world, not the Asian world to live on philosophy like Tamang all quotes.


10. Anna says this is the last.....I don't need to follow the System like Eben Pagan. As long as he didn't break the laws, and plagism is breaking the laws. So if by pass the system, or can live as what you really don't need to bath, or wash like 3 times a day to get on a date with any guys. Some guys just set a date to the dinner table. I wish to do what I wish to hear inside my soul. Not what she says. 

Can you ask her, to say which parts more of what I wish to hear? Not the guys will kill her too.


11. I will tell you personally everyone in our Honor Class knows what that X Man says by now. Inside everyone's heart, soul and mind, to every line. I think the guys will kill Anna for keep saying all this bow, kneel, flat. Like my points did say when you hearing the english how the stories and the reality clash, we have the democracy right, the way I understand the guys. They don't bow, kneel, flat....Anna meant ET or China or America? Why she is so obssess to this American classify, I am not in the classify.


12. I still think the guys will kill her, for saying leave their parents for the money, and ready to land. I feel very very bad about this. I have that feeling the way how I understand her langauge to how other guys I met them, what they ever did, say, or look....they are bad ass. She talking like that, they will kill her. Does she say there is no gun in Taiwan. She gonna paying them on the System money?


13. I really think I wish to tell the guys are not those....she says ...nothing but bad ass. Bad people, they are, because she did all that. That is not appreciated, even to the girls views, no matter how she verbalize that in the English part. The guys the way I really need to tell you, how I understand them, she saying about 4 stove cooking, those words are not the typical American life human talks about, she saying metropolitan are stronger and better to us?

We are less populated here. She says dress up, or all those needie greedie sounds like very snubblish like Dean and Brush that Sugar Adam Levine. I think they will kill her.

My personal feeling don't think that violating to me as much as to the guys. For many many issues, one if bow, kneel, flat, another is jump, flip, bounce.

Or what that T sign is the Bible just kneel. She earlier when she push that, true, that Machinary Cartoon didn't show up. But she that time were very very very insist just follow it, shut up, that attitude, I really think the guys will kill her. They are not the friendly person.


14. No, I mean it. The guys have a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot attitude, if they are set free on the money, they will gear to happy their attitude including the barbarian when they dont shave too.

She talks about it.


15. Her language pointing out certain attributes.

4 Stoves, Math, eating home, using liquidarian? In this Era? Her cult religion didn't say meditation and fastinig put together, that is Tibetan? We our modern age eating Mc Donald, even she saying that too. She sure she saying that to the guys and the girls?


16. My personal feeling will keep telling you the guys will kill her, not just the first time telling you, if you allow me to really telling you. If I can write 1000 times how I really udnerstand the guys, she was in the girls school all her life? The guys don't use those 4 stoves language in America. I don't know if she made it up, or she just saying for seeing the design of that stoive? She files that in the lawsuit is that the professional term?


17. I did say, if my face didn't get stain, I can keep telling you why I think the guys will kill her, if she set them free on the money behind, including whatever, just puppy them " Move over", and to be with the psycho Asian girls on the 100 dates, is she serious? 

The guys I used to date, or knowing them its startiing from my middle school up...their name are ABCDE, what they make me feel are they like a particular thing. Like a girl has a virtue is to uptight, and somewhat mortal standard. Is anyway she sounds like she is moral person at all? Especialy from the Asian? Or that is the Porsilin race doll culture, and that is exactly how she becoming? We don't have that culture, I am not sure how the guys sees that Porslin Doll, those are darkn spirits, I don't like those things. They are not taught any of us that character to be that emballishing portrait those personality. I wish you to know if I can vent 1000 things, my own takes on the guys, including the short guys like Wing or Jonathon. 

Did she talk to them?


18. Speaking of the short guys like Wing or Jonathon.

I have some guys are shorter too. You know why I keep saying I think they will kill her or damage her? Its not the money issue they being paid. They have a pride like us. They live very arrogent and do you say, the face. The face to that dignitiy, someone tells them. "Kneel" and she really using the money to bribe them, all those money? They don't have the dignitiy once the money be paid, she will be target, because the guys are not what you think they are.

That dignitiy part she has none, she just meant it, she rules All with the a phone, not even a ring. She saying all those English, she knows how she sounds like to me as a girl, or to the guys? We speaking the same English.


19. If you allow me for venting more about this certain categories terms she label on the girls

a. 4 Stove

b.  Period and just be the mermaid soaking in the water never get up.

The guys never knew what we have the period issue, they never stain on their face talking about it, to us, not the details on the sex, just kissing and touching. Or holding hand. They nave too polites to say the period issues, or I will know that?

c. Making a money to that Educational Sector only, becasue the envrionment are mean the business owner can all go to bankcrupt? I don't think she talks professionally to lower herself. That is every business gone? She so sure saying all that to th guys listening. Does her UB guys have a busienss with the money, if they are the family business, he or they will kill her? 

d. She has a lot of the strange and strong points on the guys to saying the girls. We do get hurt, but from that side the guys hear....I personally don't think she knows what she is saying. She repeat even like 100 times or more, literally 100 times or more. The guys will kill her, saying the money or the profession to only limited to what pixie, to what strongest defense, that leaking through, she threaten every human being race on the land, or to the sea, for some kinds of the girls talking methods...she says we are traditional or quiet? 

Uptight girl ?Or Uptown girls? We are too good to be true, that is what we say, or what she says? Or what the guys saying she is too good to be true?


20. If these above are all legal, and you say okay, I will tell you my personal feeling with all that. I mean real. The guys have all this air, and strong feeling to kill someone. They are not what you even say "humility running deep"? You mean the virtue, or the reality?

I give you this sample case.

Go and make it.


Do you girls want to get together and file that 20 points? You can have all the girls same points.

That power is strong in the UB. You really feeling that. 

That is true. The guys you name them. You saying you might have a personal threat or being attacked. Anna didn't care about her life, I do feeling very very strange if I do that on my faceobok.

You just do what I tell you, you see if the court relent. I go to Lunch 

Because the court will tell you, this will be more you approach the right points and individually or the group together. These are the points what the democracy under wants to hear. Not your what analysis you got reject every single time, they don't understand why??!

21. One thing Anna was right that I am quiet, just like them the guys are quiet half race on the Earth, is that her language? She saying the entire male race are better than the girls? Their survival rate to propel the civilization are higher. Is that her language? I have a lot of things I thought about her saying, not I personally will blow up my chest, but I think the guys did.

The guys like....the ones I know. They are like that. 

22.  One of the language she says or she intend to say were about the public display affection like that Middleton wave off that Prince William's hand right on the camera shooting. Something what did she do? 

Or what did I do, or the personal thought that is what it should be?

My guys like me for the things I think are ABCDEF, we used to date together for some what the time length about 5 years?  We have a difference view, but that view, or Anna's language? Did I repeating telling you, we girls don't react on the guys langauge to that chest blowing, but the guys are like that? The money bribe even? She meant you calculative yourself up to the System and becoming the God, if that is pardon me, for saying that.

She says per spoonful restaurant strategic cooking, or per gram, well....If she meant that per thought, per act, per deed on high tech? On which high tech?

23. She saying a lot of about the System things. You mean you agree with her, that the life be calculative, and the guys don't kill her for the freedom democracy right? They are worse than us, the girls. She is saying be calculative, or she didn't frankly saying that, but she did a lot of things making me, she is bossinig them to that every needie greedie to lose every personal feeling, personal career, personal what and that, to end up...only attune to that System without Internet research, for what reason of everything are High Tech knowing, and we will all be dead, if we doing that? Including the debts or the location or the lines? What is she saying sound like to me as as girl, or to the guys?


24. Did she know Matrix were 20 years ago movie, no one cared about. She is saying Keanu Reeves are the Drug biography dealer to end up jailed and end up a career for saying he only understand a System says, not explaining it. So it means the way she saying that Zawanna or 亞斯 stop that lawsuit, it was Keanu be found he was manipulative, or what degree, to what things, everyone stopped? Is there such things like that, someone does something be found, and why Anna stopped on that lawsuit ?

He is an Aisan, the guys will kill her, not just the girls or the fan clubs.

Be calculative all the way onto outside the Earth? You mean internal Earth are already doing all that System Domino Things. I don't like a lot of things that is too complicated, for saying finding your true love with a location and address you becoming the True bind love, or dead on the street, she says only goes back to UB, NOW.

Did she know what she is saying?

25. I don't remember all the terms when I first hearing it. But I think the guys are the killing machine if that is what the end those movies meant it. They already look like that, exactly like the TV. We just never sitting down able to quiet out our soul on the personal thought. It will hurt her and hurt them. They might really hurting her, if we saying that out loud?

26. Going back to this 4 stoves, or on what the food costs, like the per meal, for not eatiing the out restaurant. I need a break. I like the restaurant. Did she hear what she saying all that? She meant per penny, like per week, we don't relax outside, where we gonna relax and eat? Home? Friday meaning going out. She threaten that MD Board, do they file to against her on every Friday, the DAY she saying so? She gonna do what, if we keep insisting she right we right? She saying that to the medical board, is she in jail ?

Every Friday night? What did the law society in Taiwan or in America, that we cannot go out to dinner and having a one night relax?

27. She told Jonathon a what? we have about 2 years to becoming that 27 to 37 age bracket in our country? What did she say? She calculate her mind wrong, or just imagine all the money drop on her foot step, really like that, or she is so confident everything she meant she is God and right? The guys will kill her. Because one things she is right. They think they are God. She shouldn't use that kinds of the tones, or the language, or the words, to almost every English native speakers if as a girl I tell you what she sounds like....not exactly our english modern way saying....and that sounds to directly threaten you to the guys as they are.

the guys what they are. 

sabbotage the guys exaclty whom they are.

I mean it everything I say, you let me telling you, I will go back to certain movies and re-sort that and telling you per line that is what I think.

She agrees we can do that? Meaning she willing to putting the money down, or you mean if we have a saying, we what, getting the words hear or compensate?

28. There are many English expresssion not saying she typed out the Chinese words no one seeing the real words or the real chaos numerial things. She is doing what to herself facebook human like they left her the 20 years whenever she saying that climate change factors, and now she just telling them. "Screw you up, move over."

She technically change the entire arguments in 5 mins, and tell them, kneel, Shut up.

She didn't have that attitude, she becoming that attitude with the eyeliner, she even laugh so loud herself on the video to all her facebook UB guys? She did that to her Master? She says she is a what? They guys prefer a girl talking like that?

"Here is your argument I supporting you 8 years. Today my mood is no more good, I am in the Time rush, running in Time, On Time. Without you, you have 5 mins, this is your evolution ends."

And she vola, that is all she did was correct. She is so confident she is doing all this corrrectly every step the way? 

And she boss the UB facebook she used to be friends guys, Kneel, Copy and Paste, exactly? Is that the Dean's copy machines?

29. I have a lot of this personal thoughts on terms, not just the terms and condition what I think the guys like about a girl, not just mean...its when you propel a movement like a climate change, and then that personal completely vanish from all the TV panel, because that is shameful, or that is hurting her, or that is right or wrong.  From what I research, I am not sure what it is. You mean...someone get up....

For finding out certain things, she just rebel her minds up, flip the table in front of everyone, and turn around like the Mr. and Mrs Smith, you have 5 mins. And everything collaps, that really happened, or that really right on the things what we ought to be doing copy paste every Hunger Game?

Its to in front of all the guys, not that dear UB her facebook guys. HER facebook friends she work hard for them stayingn on her facebook 20 years. Her Hard works. Her hard finding the guys in the school, talking to them to end on the facebook.

Her every last words are "You have 5 mins, fix this things exactly copy and paste?"

She means that her Master was wrong in the public sight, or the words she saying the UN wrong, or she means the scientific congression people didn't come to her. You know what she later says in every of that climate change, she using certain words like Climate Module, or Climate Pattern design system, like what did she saying certain words? She even saying something.....very very weird. She one time analyze this report on the UN.

To the real cause of that law degree its to barring down the entire business to that 2 degree COPS 16 says, you only abide to that rules, so meaning they don't care about the methane or the cow? So what they are saying all this?

Anna is talking about CO2 or Methane? Did she get the sense this will be heard, she changes her mood exactly what argument all those UB facebook guys listen and hear? She literally flip the table, or done worse to what degree even if she is right, if later the day the guys finding it out, no one telling us. They are not going to be happy a girl will do that in front of everyone's faces, to her Master? Did she ever care whom she is? Do you know what she calling her? Female Jail inmate? She speaks English words, in what degree? and she puts those photo on...she read them out loud somewhere, or she just going with mood, those words are not the native English speaker saying that.

You see her photo. What you think when you seeing her photo and those words?

4 Stove

Female Jail Inmate

Bow, kneel, flip

You have 5 mins

"You don't fix the things exactly the way I telling you so, you will be seeing every term in every ends of every World, every degree burn." 

30. The way how Dr. T are. He gets 20 years pass, he never seen Anna? I hardly see Dr. T, but he is an Asian ABC professor. Here are the thoughts on Life and Consciousness I think.....Did he even remember her? That is what she will ever do in front of his face? He contacts him on what? 

She never told me, but I think she does the same things in front of everyone just as all that behind, to every guy. 

You ever talked to a guy in that sense if you ask every girl, they will tell you, the guys they have a super huge ego, you don't change certain things, and everyone got ruined. Did she do that on purpose, 5 mins, you will be dragging off the stage, exaclty I meant you will,...

So now its the Middleton Term, she didn't do anything? In the Kitchen? 

She says the hair is the proteins, she meant that is Dr. T teaching her? We never got taught, that.....and burn on smell.

And she shows the link and file the lawsuit to that every movie name HAS a meaning? You mean the producers they have a choice or they are all classify materials to what degree everything sounds so fit by her explaination and so bad so bad....she made that happened or the movies supporting her that happened? There are a lot of the speculation I will tell you.

31. You know how she sounds like to us the Native English speakers, were her argument she is always right to her facebook UB firends guys or the girls, meaning this is the right answer do not rebel, copy and paste, don't ruin these theory only this theory A to Z or 1+1 =2 will always forever be right. She is so sure that is what UN did? You mean EU playing the words on the report behind, they doing something else on all the factory emitting the CO2, so the targeting component is not the animal factory? So why they doing that?

She saying that to the UB facebook guys?

32. She keep saying the girls and the guys, that is I leave like this argument, you folding everything because of this one statement. She is separating between the girls and the girls. Now I give you all the example below to this one points...



33. Lalla didn't laugh out loud, got barring down from the Youtube. You mean Google Page, knows that is wrong, laughing out loud, that looks better what Lalla did, were to sterm, and harsh, and righterous. We are all very serious girls trying to getting things right. Anna she plays.....charimastic charm games? That is what she labels herself at? Laughing right on the Television on the youtube? 

She talking to the guys like they should be laughing? There are sterm rules, I don't even laugh myself that much. She thinks those are funny she meant EU or UN or what did this, and that she flip over. If she is right, that is good for her. She meant she is wrong, and still laugh? The UB facebook guys I think they kill her. That stain their facebook, not just she is wrong, they forgiving her?


34. She almost identify the life is very trickery in calculative that American classify are, what???? Black Ops. WE never hear those words. I don't think Dean grew up those words, but seeiing himself on the TV like Anna sees? She knows or he knows, or she really knows know? 

Like she really really really knows about the Republic of China as she grew up, like that Da Vinci Code?


35. I personally thinks if you wish the guys to know you are a serious human. A serious professional person, not just that porsilin dollor is Idol Gods? In Chinese even?

Asian and the Western world terminology or on Gods?   She means that is her map? All is One?

36. Here belows are the points what I think the guys believe a girl should be, should behave, should look, should present, should sound like, should having a freedom they appareciate, including the sex talk, nothing but the sex talk, ....but having a decent family unit, that kinds of like Adam and Hailey's father.


37. The guys don't hate children or they won't have the kids to grow up 18 years old and set them free.


38. The guys always helping in the kitchen will sound like a good guy outside, we are both professional workers, and he keeps the profession, I burn down the houses?


39. The guys have a book how they should be more like the novel, thoughtful, not aggression, the way how Anna changes her eyes sight, to how she describes a guy's nature. The guy didn't know they are the guy, or the girls we don't know we think the guys are the guys?


40. I think or we think....I might get back to you on this one, once I collecting the girls, or around. I think the guys are nice, and kind, until you become like Anna, not like Lalla. That is probably what Eben appreciate things exactly like that, how it happened. Not laughing or dressing all those flowers including old fashion flower clothing like her even label and be franktly telling every GUYS in every WOrld that is old fashion flowers. And she dress that on it, to the photo? And make everyone bow, kneel, flat to that methodity?

41. If you don't be sterm showing yourself in front of the guys, laughing, or adorable like 5 years old you know what she did? or you mean that is not evidently enough, if you know I can write....I will tell you. What I think the guys think. 

That is not psychological, she is stupid. Doing all that. She ruins her entire facebook guys, and you saying the 5 Lords true? 


42. The guys have the diginity like us, even more so, after the money are given and told, and even commanding them move to the warm weather that is not our Flag, she meant what she sent them to the war zone? She saying they have the food, including the Karorake high class, and where you think the military goes? To the War Zone?


43. There are a lot of things I will personally telling you ever single lists of it. The guys if you training them, you seriously to laugh, and joking, and making fun of someone to put them to shoot themselves so dreadfully, you mean you kill that person without raising a gun.

 That morality is wrong, no matter how wrong that person did were not in her interest. Why she so insist her interests. I think the UB facebook guys from the UB my class if I remember them by faces or by hearing....I think those are not appreciative, more than that singing, dancing, or joking, or English language even on threatening someone in hell or you dearly every single term. Like Adam & Hailey, just because they don't make it in the College. You know what she did?


44. I don't even know how I can say all this to you, but I am making a slow long list to tell you. What I think she collects the UB facebook on the guys amount...she dating them to become the friends. She says she never talks to Karen. So how does she know Chris, Billy, or whom else? The UB 5 Lords, meaning they Judgement her? I will tell you as the girl doesn't go the chest blow up, but the guys will? On the money, and to kneel, flat, bow, you will? 

or You got paid, then you then? So paying first, then kneel, not kneeling and then pay? One of those know what she makes herself sounds like? "You imagine you getting yourself free"? 

On the Victoria Secrets? What one Eye seal? Why she has nothing going on and going on, on the Classify, and has to be the American Classify, not the European, and she blow up that Bob Dean in pieces? That is what she telling Dean she will, she then, she always will be, if she is Lord, not God? Do you know what she makes herself sounds like in the real English sense. 


45. I have certain things I copy from her.

46. I have some photo I download from her.

47. I have certain connection the words she says in a different website she changes their pattern or the background or the design to yell at the IT department. 

48. She boss the guys you don't breath, or else I cannot breath? She laughs on the TV, that is how she make sure the guys they breath? 

You don't make the guys thinking you joking on the Television and laugh so loud so loud so loud so loud....

Is that serious? Are they serious to handle this cases at all? Flip the table on the Hunger Game will be your eternal Lords wishes? 

49. Why don't you say prayers? The way how I seeing her on line, she ever pray or church, or reading a book yet? Like a Bible? 

50. Did you really have some copy what she says, and how things happens? Really? Not the money she legally can acquire, its the guy they just lose all out those feeling. She meant she doesn't care if they have the feeling, move over, once the money are given to them?!

You mean she bribe

She threaten

She command

She declare

She legalize certain procedure only this A to Z or else you will be?  Like System All Things Domino, I don't understand what that is.

She has a certain tunes of the language, she ever talking to the ET, I cannot hear a word ET says, She was saying the online protocol means there are laws on-line? If no one stopping her, its all correct like 100% correct? every word and statement? You sure about that? You telling the guys that? On-line protocol? To every degree she is right, on the words the guys don't kill her. Female Jail inmate, or Male Jail inmate, or over 35 or 40 years, or shampoo...she even put a shampoo in front of the guys. She just didn't go and laughing at that Prince Wiliam and Harry, she sent them to jail without the shampoo?

She did worse than that, I am telling you. What On-line protocol, meaning if America classify has to be lawful for saying they are the Black Ops behind, that is legal lawful in the Congress, and if the on-line protocol those black ops things don't exist, she will be taken out of the internet and be warned? Did she get warned, that Black Ops did exist in that format, the Congress agree, even the Michael Vartan acting on that? That is a drama, that is real?

Do you know what she really did?

You move all these facts for supporting that American Classify they go first on the Open Galaxy, not Elon musk, its Legal Law Firm Congress America says so, they move. She publicly display or claiming she will be at the war to that Elon Musk, all the State and Federal must abide to only American Congress Agree, to that Librarian web 2.0 coffee shop style, how that ending money to social welfare to that Google Plastic cards, if are the unviersal credit cards on traveling air shuttle? She publicly telling those UB human facebook, she will be right, over that Way which direction right at Elon Musk Faces?

She saying the South Africa military are looking for him? Did she knows she claim things without a phone to me first, or them first, and just saying that online, saying there is an online protocol ?

You finish the rest of it. I write enough for you. These things you can write, correct! 

These things I told you so. Exactly Copy and Paste. 

You claim: She claims no one requires to think anymore, only copy and paste that any Classify information to the most right way to open galaxy, only the classify world ways. She didn't test the guys, she directly given the guys all the answer, here you go and doing things A to Z, Z to A, she doesn't make them use the brain, and testing them 1 to 1 millions. Those are the answer must be? 


Harry Potter this is more than 50 points.

51. When you getting a job, you saying that modeling, or related the face card, if the guys told you so at the first front time. You can state it to the court, "When I first acquire the jobs, I thought I can really manage that jobs. I have a different background to work in the other field, so getting a certain jobs, its not always my first intuitive."

Then you go on your arguments, you say. "As the times go on to several time indicate or start from the beginning, I was not very aware or clear of certain thing until later on. And the most things I am not sure whom Eben or that person making friends or associates, or this or that, as Anna starting telling everyone's fact. I heard all that. I just didn't think human we judgemental people that much, every human are bad people for saying the client background are all questionable. She seems like very stern and insist that facts. If I may, I want to cite that if that is true. I will personally telling you, I cannot handle any of that. I wish Eben will compensate that, he was a high school. I didn't know that difference. "

You argument are purely on the educational background. I personally don't know if those are real on your resume Eben says on your website.

"I didn't think life itself has any value in the education for saying that one resume what I did get or acquire the schooling, but I did work hard with my school label. Anna is not sure those are my real degree. Here are my real situation how I have filling in my resume.  If that is some truth what she says or she almost just insist her entire offices are a copy machine? She getting a lot of money, and she still insist she be at where? I want to cite that reason for any given behind supports for me on the women's side to get things right. I wish to hear form the Judge."

If you just cite your every background in the education you saying so. You can just win every case cited your educational background to start. Whatever you make yourself claim, or feel, or analyze, or what. Or you can go and get a degree and still file-ing back these lawsuit, if someone sponsor you.

52. The women's education to that feeling you didn't wish to sound like that judgemental to every career fail, every indoor statues does not meet, and the female jailing inmate situation and NEVER religious China or Taiwan, neither cases on money re-possess will be send to the court paper, legally process and documented, you want the facts, and the right things to do. You say you are imagining the TV, because most norm in the culture, the schooling doesn't offer me a winning ground. I really wish I will win. 

53. I didn't agree to UB just censor our height in right, and in our foreign the Parents ground to must abide to the spiritual nature as the Christian country missionary direction, not for the parents, not for me as the career if full life I can change the career for my height reasons too included. Your American Constitution are not limited to the people must be abide to the Spiritual, and you never say American has nothing but mud blood issue are forever out. You will be short in longevity showing up on Anna's TV. That is Senior Bush, Eternal Love to Olympia Gracie Gold 

54. You personally wish to be educated, but not that education if the world fails in the money are the PhD having a no jobs. I want to ask, if one day I getting more Master degree of Ph.D if the sponsor showing up or related to the Future Open Galaxy statues, whichever whom on the negotiation table. If getting the educational degree will facilitate my growth, I wish to know, if that will.

55. You can say you forfeit to be label your Sailor Moon, once you acquire a different Schooling if you further you own evolution somewhere else in that Education insittution, everyone grown fallen apart, if it was 20 years ago and be told, at least you can do something about it. Not 16 years later, therefore, you give up the girls, you give up the guy's obligation.

You cite SMCH, did she forfiect the entire TV every story. She thinks that is personal. She acquires the money its her. I say she and them are in the bankcrupcy edge.

56. You say you wish the court to check if someone break the laws. On the moon to return the Earth if they are set in that like the One Direction, that is ilegal, you wish he will be taken to the jail no matter what, if those Earth Prince story are worsen than how it really initially look on the TV trailer, those kinds. You stated what you see, TV or comic books. Or the plots.

57. You say Canada has this common-in-laws laws, you say unfortunately that nick's 3 generation has nothing but ill intended, how she ended suffered. But Anna says its upper world will have the worsen situation to that common-in-laws, it will set for as to living in the same house. You technically didn't get that kinds of the jobs, to per yearly spent in-door, you want to know if that laws will change once the women's law will increase its benefits and the future outlook, if like Anna's every other cases proven Zawanna, or Kail or 亞斯 worlds might exist. I want to know my current options to plan my future.

My jobs, my income, my career. My benefits....not to becoming the homeless guys as the beggar and he ends up on the Television right next by. Its in the TV 金玉良緣 !

58. Eben didn't make the entire things more at ease. I wish at least to acquire some meal money ilke 5 -10 eating food with someone I might plan.  This will be the agreement outside, I feeling my life its being at least planned or somewhat clear out some of the internal upset scenario, that is before Anna's shows up 2014/2015.

59. Eben didn't literally training me. He wish this he wishes that, I personally didn't know a thing about him. But He suppose to provide me 5 to 10 coaching whom else, other people to increase some of my public presentation. I am feeling very internally nervous, upset, uneasy, agitate, fatigue as soon as I breathing that air in the cold cloudy, or crown situation .I didn't determine to become like him. But I wish to ask some of those training back becasue it might be used for the future - he pays for it now 20 if he pays at to the more future Anna says things.

Dr. Steven Hairfield were 12 years ago were 75 dollar per hour Sky Session. I will much I want it.


60. I want some stationary like Home Depot, these baggage or some official document, if this Eben again, for speaking this future Open Galaxy has you in it, these official proper what things, I wish to get paid before, now and the future. I want to know how much he is buying or just showing me which things he meants he says to buy, with a lists of all things be seen in the public, behind, and he saying the future might look like.

The profession in his brain can comprehend. 

(Not Anna's stuffs)

61. Eben he is not cheap, but he never saying the 2 cents how to watch the movie together, now having another Jack ass near Anna name Zawanna as his existence with the rest of the mankind, meaning man are being validate might exist. I cannot breath. I am a girl Some might think I am a guy. In that Twlight, my head are so blurry to my future, I didn't even have time to sort anything in my right thinking. I wish Eben will pay at some expense for MD psychatry seeing + the money can buy me the things I say I wish to buy on this movie, he gonna take advantage to me, at me, off me....when that future comes. I have conclude these to be purchase, and in case, I am so run down, I cannot think, what else your court can think. That future....I am so mix up internal, panic inside my brain just about several years by now. 

Eben, Anna says has becoming very harsh. Meaning I didn't prepare, I didn't research. I wish just to hear that paper works he meant what is not prepared, in which direction and where his money at, for which direction I must buy, purchase, say, think, act, look....if that is his agenda at that time, he can just tell me now. 

Every degree of his control style freak. 

62. I am planning on going back to the school, when that future wonderous world might just immediately manifest or all together we are told, what else the guys and the girls have achieve in their life time, including their book writing, or anything Anna's says authorship. I personally can tell you, i didn't do any of that while Eben is in that agreement with me. I didn't even know I am capable to return the school, or why Anna keep glueing on the UB walls until the money drops. But I taken that she means real, she means true, and she did nothing but saying this every case of the future as if the girls will be in their happiest time ever in life, FOREVER. I wish to be happy. I just didn't get teach that way, and for sure not the future I can see called the Looking Glass / Michael Vartan Sydney.

I wish I have more time and resource what Anna says. Currently I cannot think anything. I didn't do that while I thought in the past its .....ABCDEFG but I did listen to what she says. I did see she is very insisting that language and something, I am not too easy if I becoming wrong again and lost every opportunity. I can lose Eben but not that grandest future if that is now, and becoming so Super Giant Future. I wish to clear that now in the court. I need to plan, but I am too panic, to even have a thinking inside my brain right now.

I cannot handle the public, I cannot handle the crowd, I don't have certain capacity for the background check, and to my nature I hate even most, when things becoming the problematic. I wish an easy way out, but none of these are anything I am capapble or train, or wish to be deal upon in the future. If that one road to my happiest future including reading a book in my own happy couch and the book clubs, I taken all that. The happiest of the future Grand.

63. I had a little different background than Middleton, from I heard, I almost thought Anna meant they all gone out, meaning forever out. Or they have a choice to a brand new love, including the career or something as a girl I will personally tell you, I always think the Corperate world if I stay in that jobs, that is great for the resume. But I gonna plan both. If that Middleton wish to be place upon that Corperate world, one day...just like me now. And if Anna were setting that tone exactly true, and I find out. If she asked me that time, I will tell her, its all true. it may not mean a thing to anyone. But if I find out if something behind are true and even right in front of my faces, I will tell if their entire England ask me. 

Authorship to one day speaker, or worldwide, one of those.  Kinda of like how they set up SMCH. It may not be appealing to the guys, but there will be the audience happy for her. She just didn't really like that kind of life right now. But there are the Current External World, how things are set up, some girls are in that happy world. You can tell SMCH has a perfect life. You yourself did wish somewhat that happy from her, but she will tell you its all fake. 

Anna says, that is Karma. She used to First life starting to End, its exactly the same Poker Cards ending....Chinese says. 都是同一張牌!

64. Anna might lost that one last message to Dennis and what she says to him and everyone. I want to know her plans on that, kind of like that Slam Dunk, and if Eben is doing that too.

You write what you write. 

I reply you: VS cannot have a problem. They meant I starting High school like Twlight. That so ashame of them. But I remember most things if that is what they say. I just didn't go and invent every details I think so stuffs. They can just give me the textbook, not limited to invention that will be the money never stop dropping and nothing can be open, always. Worse, I will never get to the Harvard Laws. That will be a degree first. I think....The science world goes first.

65. I want to know one things, when Anna says to Eben one person he brings in from the high school back to college. One person?

True. He may not just take one high school. They might go as a crowd, that is more than one credits. So I suggest him do it. With his fame and name, and the future he plans. 




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