Lawsuit 257: I am a girl ( TV: I am not a shopping freak 我不是購物狂 )

Date: June 11th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: After COVID 19 period of time, I have research on how many weight people gain, like the Harvard paper saying 15 15 15, by the end of Feb 2021.

I start to scream like yesterday internal for that the guys seeing the girls on the street, just about every eyes I could tell, that is what they are looking at. So when the COVID 19 news aired in Feb, and truly tragic pandemic situation happens, the guys, the entire guys worlds knew that the girls get fat? Shorty, big blah lobe of dirty feet, fat round muscles balls?

I technically screaming none stop. I see every one of them now on the street starting yesterday. They could tell if you have vitality in your life, you lose your conscious, you lost your memory, you bend your back, you are so short ...a lot of this guys are moving trucks, drivers, or moving life on the street to run errand, I could tell what they are looking at or despite at.

I really scream just about every 2 blocks road I walk upon. They may not be on the internet, I knew that as a fact. There are groups of people they live by their space on the street. So I shopping a lot, with the bag public display, "I buy stuffs". 

Meaning I have some commercial interests to some other groups. Its seen and visible. I try to teach the girls they need to generate other incomes or revenues, not this you save you imagine the money will ever be enough. Not good for the system, not good the "on street people", they don't take the internet data, those are fluppy words.

You capable to earn something, that is how you could afford to keep buying it or showing off to buy something, at where, or appear at where.

You dare to put the things you buy on your mouth, or on your body.

You have the fitness plans, as people could see it.

There are many things, its currently present on the streets. I could see all that. Yes.

獨家記憶 (我不是購物狂)

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