
You should see MD Psychatry, yeah! You tell the court, its near the One Eye, shadow government, that is the ocean, melt to die, in the buttom of the sea = curse forever, the End

That is how the Quan Yin Methods starting on the delivering sentient being at 0 to this Steve Jobs saying the distortion field. You have no glorious past saying merits in holding on human brain saying human mortal feeling.

So you go to hell. You can just go jumping in the ocean and die, sink to the buttom of the sea, that is the eternity. 

Its on the TV. Steve jobs young face sign.

Mental hospital. Small heaven are in the higher astral plane. The first World. The hell are also the astral worlds.

Black Hole and Super Black hole I think they are hell. That is what SMCH says. I forget which exactly number she says. 

The small heaven means a temporary til when your merits finish, you go to hell, then you re-birth. You will be punished in your life.

As the White race

Its those astral emotion games, your merits, don't need to learn meditation, its not your system design, just love, and warring, and defensing.

Asian, they are esoteric disciple, not exoteric disciple. But technically they are not doing any of that neither. So all of your after life....its when you imagine you are. At Earth.

TV Drama

When someone telling you this is how the story ends, exactly per frame. They have no karma entering your reality, called Matrix. Its exactly by book. Rehersal like the Romance Journey says. 

You don't need to meditate, or searching for God. You are the white race, eternal love, tearing games, those....what love spell to cuddle and communion that Bench Church sounds like a bell?

Those are your real destiny. 

Love and deliver 4 stoves. What it worth for Love eternity. As long as your age and faces lasting....Some people won't even wishing you well. I always wishing you well, cannot tell the difference, pity....

The System

It will be the money talks if you have a long trajectory on life. This world has a religion, meaning you can beg your life on the street for food even...wa hahahahahahaah.....

Someone give you a dime, you make a coke to lasting a few day on sugar.

Best Jobs

Probably are science incline. But Bank...its not the finance world. Not really. Bank is Bank. The children encyclopeida. No matter how the birds say they are rich and wealthy, it has nothing to do with the regular civilian. Those human...its in your children's encyclopedia. If you just read it the book. I don't think the birds or Zawanna meant the Wall street.

But technically all the science jobs are bench, about 30,000 yearly to 45,000. To what or why science has money, unless you really have a brain IQ those. They are higher University, not like your suburban human, domestic relation not even the international affairs? You have no IQ.

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